Removing path from urls in Nginx - nginx

My site works correctly as
I would like to remove the /website/page part so that end users would see etc.
I read on Nginx website that rewrites are not preferred so I tried:
Location / {
try_files $uri /website/page$uri;
I get an internal serval error. What is the right way?

Consider using a rewrite like:
# rewrite to
rewrite ^(/.*) /website/page$1 break;
This should work similarly:
rewrite ^/(.*) /website/page/$1 break;


nginx - Redirect to urls without extension and add slash at the end

Using nginx, I would like to redirect all my static html URLs(;; ) to the same urls without extension but with a slash at the end.
The end urls should be like that:
How can I achieve that? Thanks.
There are two parts to this question. The first is how to make the server return contact.html in response to the URI /contact/.
There are a number of ways to achieve this. For example:
location / {
try_files $uri #rewrite;
location #rewrite {
rewrite ^(/.+)/$ $1.html last;
return 404;
Any URI ending with a / will be internally mapped to the same URI with the / replaced by .html.
The second part is if people are still accessing the .html URIs using the old scheme, you may want to externally redirect them to the new scheme.
The best way to achieve this without creating a redirection loop, is to check the original request stored in $request_uri. For example:
if ($request_uri ~* "\.html(?|$)") {
rewrite ^(.*)\.html $1/ permanent;

Nginx URL rewrite

I have a website that has laravel setup to run under
So, most Laravel pages have URLs of type OR etc.
Nginx is the underlying server and it has the following configuration to handle these requests:
location /lara/ {
try_files $uri $uri/ /lara/index.php?$query_string;
Everything works ok.
Now, I need to setup a special page with the URL which actually is handled by
To get this working I added the following rewrite right below location /lara/, that is:
rewrite ^/mystuff/(.*)$ /lara/category/29/$1 last;
Unfortunately, I get a page not found error. Any insights?
Further investigation & research:
location /mystuff/ {
return 301 /lara/index.php/category/29;
worked although that's not (browser address bar changes to) what I actually want.
2) Looks like Laravel is not seeing the updated REQUEST_URI.
Try this
server {
rewrite ^/lara/(.*)\..*$ $1/mystuff last;
return 403;

Silly nginx rewrite issue - infinate loop

I'm totally baffled with this one. Its probably something silly, and I'm missing it after along day! Anyway, I have this rewrite rule setup in my nginx config for the site:
location / {
root /srv/www/;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
rewrite ^/(.*)/index.html$$1/ permanent;
rewrite ^/index.html$ permanent;
When I go to:
..then it correctly sends to:
If I comment those 2 rewrite rules out, restart nginx, then retry... the page loads fine!
Can anyone see where I'm going wrong? Maybe I'm just being blind!
You have constructed a rewrite loop.
The index directive effectively generates an internal rewrite to /index.html whenever a URL with a trailing / is presented.
One way to break the loop is to only apply your rewrite rules when the external URL contains index.html. The variable $request_uri contains the external URL and can be tested using an if directive. See this caution regarding if.
if ($request_uri ~* "/index\.html(?|$)") {
rewrite ^(.*/)index\.html$ $scheme://$server_name$1 permanent;
location / {
root /srv/www/;
index index.html index.htm index.php;

Please help me understand simple nginx rewrite issue for subdomain robots.txt

For my subdomain I wanted to point to a different robots.txt file. I had hoped the following code would work:
if ($host ~ subdomain) {
rewrite ^/favicon.ico$ /favicon.ico break;
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /robots.subdomain.txt break;
rewrite ^/([^\/]*)?/?(.*)?$ /index.php?in1=$1&in2=$2&$query_string last;
favicon.ico works fine, all other extensions are rewritten to index.php just fine, but so is robots.txt.
I spent [wasted] a lot of time trying to solve it, which I did by adding the following line after the robots.txt rewrite.
rewrite ^/robots.subdomain.txt$ /robots.subdomain.txt break;
Can someone please help me why it only works when I add this line, also any improvements to my config would be welcomed if you see any obvious inefficiencies! Thank you.
This should be what you're looking for:
location / {
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /robots.$host.txt; # rewrites robots.txt
try_files $uri $uri/ #php; # try_files serves statics and sends everything else
# to your front controller (index.php)
# files such as favicon.ico get served normally
location #php {
rewrite ^/([^\/]*)?/?(.*)?$ /index.php?in1=$1&in2=$2 last;
The only caveat is that your robots.txt needs to be named after the full host, so in the example above your needs to have a file in the document root. This seems a bit ugly, so I'd do it this way instead:
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /$host.robots.txt;
and then you name your file

rewrite rule nginx

Can someone help me for my nginx rewrite rule. I have the problem like this
if file not found in* it will redirect to .
for example :
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
not found in* redirect to
the problem i have thousand of name_dir. I have nginx.conf like this
if (-f $request_filename) {
if (-d $request_filename) {
rewrite (^.+$) $1/
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/xxx/(.*)$ /xxx/index.php?$1 last;
rewrite ^.+?(/.*\.php)$ $1 last;
In configuration above only redirect name_dir xxx. How rewrite rule to redirect all directory ?
Thank for your help
You want to use try_files to check for the existence of files instead of if statements here (because If's are Evil in Nginx).
To to a single directory, it would be like:
location /xxx/{
try_files $uri $uri/ /xxx/index.php;
index index.php
What this does is try the uri as a file first. If that doesn't work, it'll try as a directory. If neither work, it'll default to index.php of /xxx/. The extra index line is to keep it from showing a blank page if you go directly to
Using regex, we can expand this rule to work with more than one directory:
location ~* ^(/.*)/{
try_files $uri $uri/ $1/index.php?$uri&$args;
index index.php
This should grab the full directory structure and rout it to the appropriate index. ==> ==>
If you only wanted the second example to go to yyy/index.php, use this regex in the location instead:
