Javafx change color on sliding the slider - javafx

I'm trying to create an application where the theme or background color of the application changes on changing the slider position. The color changes within specific range of hex color codes.
For example: In Dark mode of an application, if I move the slider then background color changes to different shades of dark mode either brighter shades or darker shades of dark mode

use the valueProperty() method of the slider call .addListener(observable->{}) and in the {} set the background color according to the getValue() value of the slider. How you convert value to background color is left for u to figure out.


Change focus outline color based on background color

I'm currently working on a navbar (with a dark red background color) where the subsequent submenus have a light grey background color.
I'm using Scss and have managed to get the focus to work with the code bellow:
%focus {
#include focus-style(map-get($colors, "muted"), $focus-offset);
The color muted is connected to list of globally defined colors (in this case #636466) and focus-offset pulls the outline in by -2px.
The problem that arises is that there isn't enough contrast between the "muted" outline and the dark red background on the main navbar. I'm wondering how I'd go about adding a white outline when focus is on the main navbar and the "muted" color when it's on the grey submenus?

Apply opacity to theme color keeeping the tie to the original color

In Google Slide, I would like to use a theme color and apply opacity to it.
I know I can do this by adding a new color and setting the transparency, the problem is that when I change the theme color, the new transparent color will not change.
Up until today, I thought this was just a missing feature in Google Slides, but a template I bought from a marketplace, has this exact feature, i.e. there is a shape which has a theme color and is also transparent, the problem is that I cannot change the transparency without incurring in the above mentioned problem.
My question is, is there a way to change the transparency and also keep the color tied to the theme color?
As an example, what I want to achieve is: create shape_1 and give it theme_color_1 (let's say it is #0029FFFF). Set transparency of shape_1 to 50% (so the color is #0029FF80). Change theme_color_1 (say to #44FF32FF). I want shape_1 to have new color #44FF3280.

Apple Watch - how to change the background color in navigation

Can we change the color in navigation from black to the color white?
You can't do that. And Apple recommend developers to use black background color.
I answered some days ago here How can I edit top status bar at AppleWatch?
It is impossible to edit the status bar appearance. There are some strong restrictions:
Status bar cannot be hidden
There are not ability to modify the black background
You cannot add or modify the back button or another image
The only thing you can do is to change the title color using tint color in your storyboard and the text both of through storyboard and source code.
There's no API to change the navigation bar's background colour right now. Ideally, your app's background colour would also be black. Check out the HIG for details:

Highstock: Change color of date input box border if active

There seems to be an default blue color for the active state border color of the date input box. Do I need to control this color through CSS? I couldn't find the option under rangeSelector
The inputs are rendered as shapes in SVG, not input forms. So yoo need to wrap highcharts function and define it.

Changing background color and text

In the webform1 by using a color picker i have choosing a color.In the webform2 the color should be appeared as background color and if there is any letters or text in the webform2 it have to change as an opposite color.
for example:
background is black text is white.
background is blue text is red.
in a gmail settings themes are there if we change a theme background is different
color and text is another color.but in that themes colors are already fixed for background and text.but we using color picker
please advise me.
This stack overflow question might have some answers for you.
Given a background color, how to get a foreground color that makes it readable on that background color?
Possible other solutions include:
Add picker for foreground color.
Create preset foreground colors for each available background color.
