Google Cloud Functions Cron Job Not Working - firebase

I am trying to set up a scheduled function in Firebase Cloud Functions. As a simple test, I have tried to recreate the sample shown on the documentation page:
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
exports.scheduledFunction = functions.pubsub
.schedule('every 5 minutes')
.onRun(context => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!')
return null
However, when I run firebase serve --only functions, I get the following error:
function ignored because the pubsub emulator does not exist or is not running.
Any idea why I get this message and how I can fix it?

From the documentation on Firebase's local emulator:
The Firebase CLI includes a Cloud Functions emulator which can emulate the following function types:
HTTPS functions
Callable functions
Cloud Firestore functions
So the local Firebase emulators don't currently support pubsub, and the error message seems to confirm that. So for the moment, you can't run pubsub triggered Cloud Functions locally.
A feature request for adding PubSub support to the emulator was filed. You might want to read up (and possibly comment) there, as the direction taken may or may not match with your needs.
The local shell does support invoking pubsub functions. That is of course quite different, but might be useful as a workaround for the moment.

For what it is worth, you need to enable the pubsub emulator in firebase. Add this to your emulators block:
"emulators": {
"pubsub": {
"port": 8085
Even then, it only creates the definition. The emulator doesn't support running the function on a schedule.
To simulate that behavior, I define a HTTP trigger, in which I manually send a message to the topic. For a schedule topic, it is firebase-schedule-<functionName>. In your case it will be firebase-schedule-scheduledFunction.
Sample code looks like:
const pubsub = new PubSub()
export const triggerWork = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
await pubsub.topic('firebase-schedule-scheduledFunction').publishJSON({})
Then on the command line, I trigger the HTTP function on a schedule.
while [ 1 ];
do wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null http://localhost:5001/path/to/function/triggerWork;
sleep 300;


Some Cloud Functions formats are not deployed

I guess it must be a silly reason but I don't understand why from these 2 Cloud Functions, only the first one is recognized and deployed when I run the following command:
firebase deploy --only "functions:test1,functions:test2"
The first function that is a simple CRON is well deployed:
exports.test1 = functions
.pubsub.schedule('2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * *')
.onRun((context) => {
The second one that receives data from a PubSub is never deployed:
exports.test2 = (message, context) => {
const name =
? Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString()
: 'World';
Do I have to use the gcloud commands to deploy the second one?
The second function test2 which receives data from Pub/Sub is triggered by a Pub/Sub topic. Cloud Functions for Firebase with Pub/Sub trigger which you can find here. As per the linked documentation you should mention the Cloud Functions for Firebase to be triggered by the Pub/Sub topic inside the functions code. The firebase deploy command does not have an option to specify the trigger topic while running the command. So if you want to deploy both the functions at a time then you should change your code to include the trigger topic as following -
exports.test2 = functions.pubsub.topic('topic-name').onPublish((message) => {
const name =
? Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString()
: 'World';
topic-name is your Pub/Sub topic name.
If you don’t want to deploy both the functions at a time, then you can deploy the test2 function using gcloud with the code you have written and specify the trigger topic name while running the command, as mentioned here.

Firebase cloud function emulator: how to compile to run locally without deploying online [duplicate]

Today Firebase released its brand new product Cloud Functions for Firebase and I just created a hello world function and deploy it on my existing firebase project.
It looks like it bundles all dependencies and upload it to firebase just like aws lambda function does. But it takes too much time to be done even on minor changes in code and also need a good connectivity of internet . If you are offline for some reason, you are just in dark what code you are writing until you have a way to execute and test that functions offline on your local machine.
Is there any way to test Cloud Functions for Firebase locally?
firebaser here
Deployment of your Functions indeed takes more time than what I'm normally willing to wait for. We're working hard to improve that and (as Brendan said) are working on a local emulator.
But for the moment, I mostly write my actual business logic into a separate Node script first. That way I can test it from a local command prompt with node speech.js. Once I'm satisfied that the function works, I either copy/paste it into my actual Functions file or (better) import the speech module into my functions file and invoke it from there.
One abbreviated example that I quickly dug up is when I was wiring up text extraction using the Cloud Vision API. I have a file called ocr.js that contains:
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
function extract_text(url, gcloud_authorization) {
console.log('extract_text from image '+url+' with authorization '+gcloud_authorization);
return fetch(url).then(function(res) {
return res.buffer();
}).then(function(buffer) {
return fetch(''+gcloud_authorization, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
"content": buffer.toString('base64')
}).then(function(res) {
var json = res.json();
if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {
return json;
} else {
return json.then(Promise.reject.bind(Promise));
}).then(function(json) {
if (json.responses && json.responses.length && json.responses[0].error) {
return Promise.reject(json.responses[0].error);
return json.responses[0].textAnnotations[0].description;
if (process.argv.length > 2) {
// by passing the image URL and gcloud access token, you can test this module
process.argv.forEach(a => console.log(a));
process.argv[2], // image URL
process.argv[3] // gcloud access token or API key
).then(function(description) {
}).catch(function(error) {
exports.extract_text = extract_text;
And then in my Functions index.js, I have:
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
var ocr = require('./ocr.js');
exports.ocr = functions.database().path('/messages/{room}/{id}').onWrite(function(event) {
console.log('OCR triggered for /messages/''/';
if (! || ! return;
if ( return;
if ("") !== 0) return; // only OCR images
return ocr.extract_text(, functions.env.googlecloud.apikey).then(function(text) {
return{ ocr: text });
So as you can see this last file is really just about wiring up the "worker method" ocr.extract_text to the database location.
Note this is a project from a while ago, so some of the syntax (mostly the functions.env part) might have changed a bit.
firebaser here
To debug your Cloud Functions for Firebase locally, there is an emulator. See the documentation for more info.
run and debug/inspect functions locally
prerequisites (google-cloud functions and firebase-specific):
npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator
npm install --save firebase-functions
npm install -g firebase-tools
To run and inspect/debug: first run functions locally, then inspect each function, and finally run each specific function to debug+inspect it. Use functions start as an alternative to firebase serve and note the documentation for each tool is available (and useful).
To run and debug the specific function myFn as-expected (eg in Nodejs via chrome://inspect and note this works using Nodejs v10 though not officially supported):
firebase serve --only functions
functions inspect myFn
functions call myFn # or call from browser
additional documentation:
>> Is there any way to test Cloud Functions for Firebase locally?
You can use the following command to start a firebase shell (execute in your functions directory):
npm run build && firebase functions:shell
You can invoke your functions in the shell like so:
Refer this link for more information.
Answered here:
Google Cloud Functions also open-sourced a local emulator, and we are
working to build a tighter integration with Cloud Functions for
Firebase. In the meanwhile, you can check it at here:
The emulator does allow you to run functions locally. Here's the
documentation that explains how to use it:
I couldn't get the single stepping working at first. My process was the same as documented in many answers here.
Also, these pages contain nearly all the documentation I required:
I had got the functions running using firebase serve --only functions, but hadn't got the debugger up and running. Then I came across the other way of directly using the emulator and managed to hit a break point like this:
# start the emulator
functions start
# allow inspection
functions inspect helloWorld
# call the function from the cli
functions call helloWorld
This worked, and I could hit a breakpoint.
However, when hitting the endpoint for the function in postman or the browser, I got no response at all.
The step I was missing was:
# deploy the function to the emulator
functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http
# you need to toggle inspection after the deploy
functions inspect helloWorld
Now I can hit the endpoint for the function from postman or the browser, and the breakpoint is hit.
I recommend the brilliant NiM chrome extension for debugging and hope this answer helps someone, even if this is an old question.
Firstly, I suggest you to install following dependencies,
npm install --save firebase-functions
npm install -g firebase-tools
If already installed then you can update it to latest one. Generally, functions-emulator comes with above dependency but still I would recommend you to update it,
npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator
Once it has been updated, go to functions folder of you application and run following command,
firebase serve --only functions
I hope it helps!
For vscode users debugging HTTP functions (webhooks, etc)...
The google cloud emulator (firebase serve --only functions) launches a separate process to run your functions. You can attach to this process with vscode, but since the emulator only creates this process after the first function is called, it's not straightforward.
create a dummy HTTP endpoint in your functions which will return the processID:
app.get("/processid", function(request, response) {
start the emulator with firebase serve --only functions
call the http://<localhost_url>/processid endpoint. This will create the process and return the processID
use vscode to attach to the specified process. You can now set breakpoints, step, etc on any of the other functions (they all use the same process).
There's probably a nicer way to glue all this together.
There is now a cloud functions emulator that lets you call functions locally
Once I have completed my PoC I will update this answer to include code and steps I used.

How to trigger Pub/Sub Topic for Firebase Emulator

Using Firebase Functions, I have code that runs every hour via a Google Cloud Scheduler Job.
It looks like this:
exports.hourly_tick =
functions.pubsub.topic("hourly-tick").onPublish((message, context) => {
return getData()
.then((data) => {
.catch((error) => {
return console.log("🚩 Caught error: ", error);
I need to be able to test this locally, and am able to start my Firebase Emulator via firebase emulators:start from my terminal. However I do not know how to trigger this function in my local test environment to see logs in the local emulator.
How can I test this scheduled job / firebase function with the local emulator?
This is an ongoing feature request in Firebase tools (see GitHub issue).
As mentioned in the thread:
I think we maybe misled with how we represented #2011. It lets those functions be loaded into the emulator but doesn't actually trigger them on a schedule. Instead you'd have to manually trigger them using a Pub/Sub message.
You can check a workaround on this answer where you'd have to manually trigger a scheduled function using a Pub/Sub message.

firebase scheduled cloud function not being called [duplicate]

I am working on cloud functions especially schedule functions. I need to trigger a function periodically each 5 minutes, but in only test step. I need to run it on pubsub emulator without deploying it.
How to do it?
I tried to use firebase shell, but it triggered only once
exports.scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =functions.pubsub.schedule('every 2 minutes')
.onRun((context) => {
functions.logger.log("this runs every 2 minutes")
return null;
Scheduled functions are loaded to the Cloud Functions emulator runtime and are bound to the PubSub emulator topic.
But as #samstern said (
you'd have to manually trigger them using a Pub/Sub message.
You can do it like this:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { PubSub } from '#google-cloud/pubsub';
if (!admin.apps.length) {
const pubsub = new PubSub({
apiEndpoint: 'localhost:8085' // Change it to your PubSub emulator address and port
setInterval(() => {
const SCHEDULED_FUNCTION_TOPIC = 'firebase-schedule-yourFunctionName';
console.log(`Trigger sheduled function via PubSub topic: ${SCHEDULED_FUNCTION_TOPIC}`);
const msg = await pubsub.topic(SCHEDULED_FUNCTION_TOPIC).publishJSON({
foo: 'bar',
}, { attr1: 'value1' });
}, 5 * 60 * 1000); // every 5 minutes
Additional info about this concept (thanks to #kthaas):
As you said, you can use firebase shell to run your function once.
And in firebase shell, you can use NodeJS commands.
Use setInterval
Inside firebase functions:shell, use setInterval to run your function every 2 minutes.
user#laptop:~$ firebase functions:shell
✔ functions: functions emulator started at http://localhost:5000
i functions: Loaded functions: myScheduledFunction
firebase > setInterval(() => myScheduledFunction(), 120000)
> this runs every 2 minutes
Single line script
Since version 8.4.3 of firebase-tools, and especially this PR, the pipe solution does not work anymore.
In Bash, you can even pipe the setInterval command to firebase shell
user#laptop:~$ echo "setInterval(() => myScheduledFunction(), 120000)" | firebase functions:shell
For those of you seeing this in 2023, it's still not supported.
My solution was to abstract the code that does the "work" out of functions.pubsub.schedule and into their own functions. Then create a separate file (i added it at the top of the functions folder) with a setInterval inside it that fires the aforementioned abstracted function.
For example, somewhere in your code:
exports.myScheduledFunctionCode = () => {
console.log('why, hello there interval');
And in the timers.js (for example) file at the top of the /functions directory:
setInterval(() => {
}, 60000);
Then, you can fire up your Firebase Emulator suite. In another Terminal session, just run a vanilla $ node functions/timers.js. Now your scheduled function code is running, and your whole emulator suite too.
Hope this helps someone!
This is currently not supported for scheduled functions. The documentation states:
Using the shell, you mock data and perform function calls to simulate interaction with products that the Emulator Suite does not currently support: Storage, PubSub, Analytics, Remote Config, Storage, Auth, and Crashlytics.
Scheduled functions are an unsupported extension of pubsub triggers.
Feel free to file a feature request with Firebase support.

Activate retry in firebase cloud function programmatically

i'm deploying firebase cloud functions to listen on changes in our firestore via continuous deployment.
I can only find a way to activate retries manually. Which goes contrary to our cd approach.
Looking at the normal gcp cloud functions the retry flag can be given when deploying. But i cannot find a similar option in the firebase-cli or the firebase-functions interface (2.1.0)
Any hints on how to solve this?
You can enable retries in Firebase Functions using GCloud Console, manually by hand. Programmatically retrying trigger-based functions was added in firebase-functions 3.10.0 (see changelog and associated pull request).
Since it's not entirely obvious from the PR or the docs, here's a quick example of the syntax:
export const myFirebaseFunc = functions
failurePolicy: {
retry: {},
memory: '512MB',
timeoutSeconds: 60,
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
/* do stuff */
At the time of writing this, it looks like the failure policy is simply on or off. Thus, this is equivalent
export const myFirebaseFunc = functions
failurePolicy: true,
memory: '512MB',
timeoutSeconds: 60,
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
/* do stuff */
Some caveats:
You'll also have to deploy with --force
You can enable retries only on triggered functions, not http-called functions.
It would be idiotic not to build in some safeguards. Retry policy maxes out at 7 days, and bills just like any other function invocation, so if you have some unhandled error, it could repeatedly run for a full week. You can use context.eventTimestamp to know when the first attempt roughly started.
Read this: and make sure your function in idempotent.
It was also difficult to discover what to return to force a retry or avoid a retry.
Triggered Firebase functions must return a Promise. (See this vid)
A retry-enabled Firebase function will retry if:
it returns a rejected promise
throws an exception
or the function times out
That means that if you run into an error that you know won't eventually resolve itself with a retry (i.e. you want to stop the function execution and not retry), you can return Promise.resolve({message: 'some message'});
There is currently no similar option for deployment using the Firebase CLI.
This is something being worked on by the Firebase team, so stay tuned for updates.
