Z-Index Positioning with Avada Footer [closed] - css

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I can't seem to figure out how to get the leaf image in my footer to have a higher z-index (I tried in the inspector, not in my stylesheets). I'd like it to be on top of the section above it and on top of the section below it. I'd be willing to change it to an pseudo element if that would work better.

for it to be appeared on top of the section above you don't need to change the z-index, because your element is after the above element. you just have to let it show the overflow content so add
to footer tag with this classes: "fusion-footer-widget-area fusion-widget-area"
for the section below it you need to add
z-index: 1
to the footer tag with id: "footer".


Why does my fixed header is not above all elements? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I've got a problem on my client's website, here is the link: https://www.wisetrailrunning.com/products/nanoshell-160g-pour-homme
I don't think it's a Shopify problem, I think its css.
When you scroll down, the fixed header is above certains elements, and behind certains elements.
I've tried to set a z-index to the element and his parents.
I've tried to set opacity 1 to the element and his parents.
I've tried to set background color to white to the element and his parents.
I've tried to set the positions to the element and his parents.
Nothing worked.
I've searched for many topics on the website but didn't find a working answer after few hours.
Thanks a lot for your help !
I've checked your css and should work only adding this
.transition-body {
z-index: 1;
position: relative;
That happens because z-index work in a way you have to put it on main parents. That's why I added it on .transition-body and not in header. Because .transition-body is the parent of header and it's in the same html level than .shopify-section

CSS drop down menu appearing behind an image [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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On chrome the drop down menu appears behind the top most image at this page I am playing with.
I messed with the z-axis and set all z-axis for the menu to 999, then also tried making the image bigger/smaller but still happens.
Replace center tag with section since center is obsolete. You need to set your element's z-index in such a way that element that has to appear on top has higher value of it. Something like this:
.w3-dropdown-content {
z-index: 999;
section {
z-index: 1;
P.S. I know you provided a link to your website but it's more useful to have a certain chunk of code you are refering to posted here.

Z-index is causing incorrect stacking [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a calendar at the following page:
When we mouseover the event on March 2nd "OpenStack Meetup | Washington, DC", the popup goes behind the header banner image.
I have looked into the z-index and the opacity, and tried to figure out whats going wrong in terms of stacking order and context but cannot find a solution.
Any ideas?
It's simple, you have an overflow hidden on the div with id "main"
So even with a z-index, the div is hidden when outside the box (try commenting the line 7743 of style.css)
For z-index to have any effect on stacking, the element should have the attribute position to relative or absolute.

Inline Block Display Issue [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am creating a dashboard and in the dashboard I got two boxes that I wanted have in the same level at the top. I am using the display "inline-block" to group them in boxes; however, the result is different instead the bottom part is in the same level but the top is not. See screenshot below:
I set the height of each box to "auto". You can see on the screenshot that the first box is not aligned equally to the second box, is there a way to have the two boxes in the same level or aligned equally at the top? I tried using table-cell display but it has compatibility issue on other browsers such as IE. Thanks
Use the verical-align: top; CSS property on the element which contains your inline-block elements. ;)

Wordpress menu z-index [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My wordpress menu is underneath the elements in the body of the page, when it shouldn't be.
I have checked the z-index over and over again.
The elements in the menu have a z-index of 99 and the elements in the body don't have a z-index value. So in theory the menu should be over lap the elements in the body of the page, but it does.
So if it's not the z-index then that is it?
Note: I know people always want to have some code pasted in the question but the css is 1969 lines long and I don't know which part of that is wrong. And I'm not going to paste 1969 lines into this question.
okay here is the solution
move to the file http://www.kodemagd.de/wp-content/themes/spun.2.0.2/spun/style.css?ver=3.9.1
go to 889 line and find
just remove
position: relative
from this and then check the output
