I am writing a function that computes the mean of a variable according to some grouping (g1 and g2). I would like the function to take care of the case when the user just wants to compute the mean across the groups, so the group argument will be empty.
I want a solution using tidyverse.
Suppose the following:
y = 1:4
g1 = c('a', 'a', 'b', 'b')
g2 = c(1,2,1,2)
MyData = data.frame(g1, g2, y)
MyFun = function(group){
group_sym = syms(group)
MyData %>%
group_by(!!!group_sym) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(y))
# this works well
MyFun(group = c('g1', 'g2'))
Now suppose I want the mean of y across all groups. I would like the function be able to treat something like
MyFun(group = '')
MyFun(group = NULL)
So ideally I would like the group argument to be empty / null and thus MyData would not be grouped. One solution could be to add a condition at the beginning of the function checking if the argument is empty and if TRUE write summarise without group_by. But this is not elegant and my real code is much longer than just a few lines.
Any idea?
1) Use {{...}} and use g1 in place of 'g1':
MyFun = function(group) {
MyData %>%
group_by({{group}}) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(y)) %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## g1 mean
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 a 1.5
## 2 b 3.5
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## mean
## <dbl>
## 1 2.5
2) This approach uses 'g1' as in the question.
MyFun = function(group) {
group <- if (missing(group)) 'All' else sym(group)
MyData %>%
group_by(!!group) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(y)) %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## g1 mean
## <fct> <dbl>
## 1 a 1.5
## 2 b 3.5
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## `"All"` mean
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 All 2.5
3) This also works and gives the same output as (2).
MyFun = function(...) {
group <- if (...length()) syms(...) else 'All'
MyData %>%
group_by(!!!group) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(y)) %>%
A different approach consists of creating a fake group (named 'across_group') in the data, in the case of group is missing.
MyFun = function(group) {
if (missing(group)) MyData$across_group = 1
group <- if (missing(group)) syms('across_group') else syms(group)
MyData %>%
group_by(!!!group) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(y)) %>%
# A tibble: 1 x 2
across_group mean
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2.5
I have a table with columns
[Time, var1, var2, var3, var4...varN]
I need to calculate mean/SE per Time for each var1, var2...var n , and I want to do this programmatically for all variables, rather than 1 at a time which would involve a lot of copy-pasting.
Section 8.2.3 here https://tidyeval.tidyverse.org/dplyr.html is close to what I want but my below code:
x <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 3))
x[1,1] = 1
x[1,2] = 2
x[1,3] = 3
x[2,1] =4
x[2,2] = 5
x[2,3] = 6
names(x)[1] <- "time"
names(x)[2] <- "var1"
names(x)[3] <- "var2"
grouped_mean3 <- function(.data, ...) {
summary_vars <- enquos(...)
summary_vars <- purrr::map(summary_vars, function(var) {
expr(mean(!!var, na.rm = TRUE))
.data %>%
summarise(!!!summary_vars) # Unquote-splice the list
grouped_mean3(x, var("var1"), var("var2"))
Error in !summary_vars : invalid argument type
And the original cause is "Must group by variables found in .data." and it finds a column that isn't in the dummy "x" that I generated for the purposes of testing. I have no idea what's happening, sadly.
How do I actually extract the mean from the new summary_vars and add it to the .data table? summary_vars becomes something like
mean(~var1, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(~var2, na.rm = TRUE)
Which seems close, but needs evaluation. How do I evaluate this? !!! wasn't working.
For what it's worth, I tried plugging the example in dplyr into this R engine https://rdrr.io/cran/dplyr/man/starwars.html and it didn't work either.
End goal would be a table along the lines of
[Time, var1mean, var2mean, var3mean, var4mean...]
Try this :
grouped_mean3 <- function(.data, ...) {
vars <- c(...)
.data %>%
group_by(time) %>%
summarise(across(all_of(vars), mean))
grouped_mean3(x, 'var1')
# time var1mean
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2
#2 4 5
grouped_mean3(x, 'var1', 'var2')
# time var1mean var2mean
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2 3
#2 4 5 6
Perhaps this is what you are looking for?
x %>%
group_by(time) %>%
summarise_at(vars(starts_with('var')), ~mean(.,na.rm=T)) %>%
rename_at(vars(starts_with('var')),funs(paste(.,"mean"))) %>%
With your data (from your question) following is the output:
time var1mean var2mean var1 var2
1 1 2 3 2 3
2 4 5 6 5 6
Sample data
dat <-
data.frame(Sim.Y1 = rnorm(10), Sim.Y2 = rnorm(10),
Sim.Y3 = rnorm(10), obsY = rnorm(10),
ID = sample(1:10, 10), ID_s = rep(1:2, each = 5))
For the following vector, I want to calculate the mean across ID_s
simVec <- c('Sim.Y1.cor','Sim.Y2.cor')
for(s in simVec){
simRef <- simVec[s]
simID <- unlist(strsplit(simRef, split = '.cor',fixed = T))[1]
# this works
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>%
dplyr::summarise(meanMod = mean(Sim.Y1))
# this doesn't work
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>%
dplyr::summarise(meanMod = mean(!!(simID)))
How do I refer a column in dplyr not by its explicit name?
Note that your particular task can be performed without any non-standard evaluation by using summarize_at(), which works directly with strings:
simIDs <- stringr::str_split(simVec, ".cor") %>% purrr::map_chr(1)
# [1] "Sim.Y1" "Sim.Y2"
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>% dplyr::summarise_at(simIDs, mean)
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# ID_s Sim.Y1 Sim.Y2
# <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 0.494 -0.0522
# 2 2 -0.104 -0.370
A custom suffix can also be supplied through the named list:
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>% dplyr::summarise_at(simIDs, list(m=mean))
# # A tibble: 2 x 3
# ID_s Sim.Y1_m Sim.Y2_m <--- Note the _m suffix
# <int> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 0.494 -0.0522
# 2 2 -0.104 -0.370
First, you have to use seq_along() if you want to index you vector with s.
Second, you are missing sym().
This should work:
simVec <- c('Sim.Y1.cor','Sim.Y3.cor')
for(s in seq_along(simVec)){
simRef <- simVec[s]
simID <- unlist(strsplit(simRef, split = '.cor',fixed = T))[1]
# this works
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>%
dplyr::summarise(meanMod = mean(Sim.Y1))
# this doesn't work
dat %>% dplyr::group_by(ID_s) %>%
dplyr::summarise(meanMod = mean(!!sym(simID)))
edit: no Typo
Try this
dat %>% group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(mean_y1 =mean(Sim.Y1),
mean_y2 =mean(Sim.Y2),
mean_y3 =mean(Sim.Y3),
mean_obsY = mean(obsY))
I understand the question to be, how do you get a column without referencing the column name, i.e. using the index instead.
Let me know if my understanding is incorrect.
If not, I believe the easiest way would be as per below.
> df1 <- data.frame(ID_s=c('a','b','c'),Val=c('a1','b1','c1'))
> df1
ID_s Val
1 a a1
2 b b1
3 c c1
> df1[,1]
[1] a b c
Levels: a b c
If you want to save that as a dataframe, can be extended as per below:
cc <- data.frame(ID_s=df1[,1])
Hope this helps!
I need to sum sequences generated by one of column. I have done it in that way:
test <- tibble::tibble(
x = c(1,2,3)
test %>% dplyr::mutate(., s = plyr::aaply(x, .margins = 1, .fun = function(x_i){sum(seq(x_i))}))
Is there a cleaner way to do this? Is there some helper functions, construction which allows me to reduce this:
plyr::aaply(x, .margins = 1, .fun = function(x_i){sum(seq(x_i))})
I am looking for a generic solution, here sum and seq is only an example. Maybe the real problem is that I do want to execute function on element not all vector.
This is my real case:
test <- tibble::tibble(
x = c(1,2,3),
y = c(0.5,1,1.5)
d <- c(1.23, 0.99, 2.18)
test %>% mutate(., s = (function(x, y) {
dn <- dnorm(x = d, mean = x, sd = y)
s <- sum(dn)
test %>% plyr::ddply(., c("x","y"), .fun = function(row) {
dn <- dnorm(x = d, mean = row$x, sd = row$y)
s <- sum(dn)
I would like to do that by mutate function in a row way not vectorized way.
For the specific example, it is a direct application of cumsum
test %>%
mutate(s = cumsum(x))
For generic cases to loop through the sequence of rows, we can use map
test %>%
mutate(s = map_dbl(row_number(), ~ sum(seq(.x))))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# x s
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 1
#2 2 3
#3 3 6
For the updated dataset, use map2, as we are using corresponding arguments in dnorm from the 'x' and 'y' columns of the dataset
test %>%
mutate(V1 = map2_dbl(x, y, ~ dnorm(d, mean = .x, sd = .y) %>%
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# x y V1
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 0.5 1.56
#2 2 1 0.929
#3 3 1.5 0.470
I am kind of new to R and programming in general. I am currently strugling with a piece of code for data transformation and hope someone can take a little bit of time to help me.
Below a reproducible exemple :
# Data
a <- c(rnorm(12, 20))
b <- c(rnorm(12, 25))
f1 <- rep(c("X","Y","Z"), each=4) #family
f2 <- rep(x = c(0,1,50,100), 3) #reference and test levels
dt <- data.frame(f1=factor(f1), f2=factor(f2), a,b)
#library loading
Goal : Compute all values (a,b) using a reference value. Calculation should be : a/a_ref with a_ref = a when f2=0 depending on the family (f1 can be X,Y or Z).
I tried to solve this by using this code :
test <- filter(dt, f2!=0) %>% group_by(f1) %>%
mutate("a/a_ref"=a/(filter(dt, f2==0) %>% group_by(f1) %>% distinct(a) %>% pull))
I get :
test results
as you can see a is divided by a_ref. But my script seems to recycle the use of reference values (a_ref) regardless of the family f1.
Do you have any suggestion so A is computed with regard of the family (f1) ?
Thank you for reading !
I found a way to do it 'manualy'
filter(dt, f1=="X") %>% mutate("a/a_ref"=a/(filter(dt, f1=="X" & f2==0) %>% distinct(a) %>% pull()))
f1 f2 a b a/a_ref
1 X 0 21.77605 24.53115 1.0000000
2 X 1 20.17327 24.02512 0.9263973
3 X 50 19.81482 25.58103 0.9099366
4 X 100 19.90205 24.66322 0.9139422
the problem is that I'd have to update the code for each variable and family and thus is not a clean way to do it.
# use this to reproduce the same dataset and results
# Data
a <- c(rnorm(12, 20))
b <- c(rnorm(12, 25))
f1 <- rep(c("X","Y","Z"), each=4) #family
f2 <- rep(x = c(0,1,50,100), 3) #reference and test levels
dt <- data.frame(f1=factor(f1), f2=factor(f2), a,b)
#library loading
dt %>%
group_by(f1) %>% # for each f1 value
mutate(a_ref = a[f2 == 0], # get the a_ref and add it in each row
"a/a_ref" = a/a_ref) %>% # divide a and a_ref
ungroup() %>% # forget the grouping
filter(f2 != 0) # remove rows where f2 == 0
# # A tibble: 9 x 6
# f1 f2 a b a_ref `a/a_ref`
# <fctr> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 X 1 21.38436 24.84247 19.15914 1.1161437
# 2 X 50 18.74451 23.92824 19.15914 0.9783583
# 3 X 100 20.07014 24.86101 19.15914 1.0475490
# 4 Y 1 19.39709 22.81603 21.71144 0.8934042
# 5 Y 50 19.52783 25.24082 21.71144 0.8994260
# 6 Y 100 19.36463 24.74064 21.71144 0.8919090
# 7 Z 1 20.13811 25.94187 19.71423 1.0215013
# 8 Z 50 21.22763 26.46796 19.71423 1.0767671
# 9 Z 100 19.19822 25.70676 19.71423 0.9738257
You can do this for more than one variable using:
dt %>%
group_by(f1) %>%
mutate_at(vars(a:b), funs(./.[f2 == 0])) %>%
Or generally use vars(a:z) to use all variables between a and z as long as they are one after the other in your dataset.
Another solution could be using mutate_if like:
dt %>%
group_by(f1) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs(./.[f2 == 0])) %>%
Where the function will be applied to all numeric variables you have. The variables f1 and f2 will be factor variables, so it just excludes those ones.
This seems fairly simple, and I have a solution, but it's kinda time consuming since I have a lot of columns. I have looked at other solutions, but it's always been for something slightly different (aggregate one column, mutate all columns etc). In SQL I would do select PAT_ID, max(X), max(Y), max(Z) from table_name group by PAT_ID.
I have a data set that looks like this (but with more columns):
dt <- data.frame(
PAT_ID = c('P','P','P','A','A','A'),
X = c(1,NA,NA, 1,NA,NA),
Y = c(NA,2,NA,NA,1,NA),
Z = c(NA,NA,1,NA,NA,0)
So I summarize and then combine the results:
results_X <-dt %>%
group_by(PAT_ID ) %>%
summarise(X = max(X, na.rm=TRUE))
results_Y <-dt %>%
group_by(PAT_ID ) %>%
summarise(Y = max(Y, na.rm=TRUE))
results_Z <-dt %>%
group_by(PAT_ID ) %>%
summarise(Z = max(Z, na.rm=TRUE))
resulted <- left_join(results_X, results_Y )
resulted <- left_join(resulted, results_Z)
My output is the "roll-up" record that is the max value for each column per PAT_ID:
myresult <- data.frame(
PAT_ID = c('P','A'),
X = c(1,1),
Y = c(2,1),
Z = c(1,0)
I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but how?
This can be done with a summarize_all in dplyr. Here you go
dt %>% group_by(PAT_ID) %>% summarize_all(max, na.rm=T)
# <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 A 1 1 0
# 2 P 1 2 1
This can also be accomplished with base R using aggregate.
aggregate(dt[c("X","Y","Z")], dt["PAT_ID"], FUN=max, na.rm=TRUE)
1 A 1 1 0
2 P 1 2 1