Extracting value and finding the minimum without merging - r

I'm trying to extract a subtext and get the minimum value from a list of a list in R. My initial tsv looks like this (this is a smaller version):
cases counts
"S35718:10.63,S35585:6.75,S35708:7.28,S36617:12.23" "6.75,7.28,10.63,12.23,6.17,4.09,3.95,5.00"
"S35718:10.63" "10.63"
And I am trying to extract the numbers after the colon and find the minimum, then I wanted to see how many in the counts column are greater than the minimum.
For instance my ideal output would be:
min: 6.75
greater than 6.75 in counts column: 4
Within this .tsv, there are approximately 100,000 lines. I've tried using gsub, but it ends up merging all the numbers such as the example below:
test <- gsub(".*:", "",outlier$cases)
[1]"10.63" "6.75" "7.28" "12.23" "10.63" ... all the other subsequent values
I would appreciate any help on this. I'm a bit of a beginner with R but would love to improve further. Thank you so much!

An option is to extract the numbers after the :, convert it to numeric, get the min and find the counts by creating a logical expression and take the sum
outlier %>%
transmute(caselist = str_extract_all(cases, "(?<=:)\\d+\\.\\d+"),
countlist = str_extract_all(counts, "[0-9.]+")) %>%
transmute(out = map2(caselist, countlist,
~tibble(min = min(as.numeric(.x)),
greater_than_min = sum(as.numeric(.y) >= min)))) %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# min greater_than_min
# <dbl> <int>
#1 6.75 4
#2 10.6 1
outlier <- structure(list(cases = c("S35718:10.63,S35585:6.75,S35708:7.28,S36617:12.23",
"S35718:10.63"), counts = c("6.75,7.28,10.63,12.23,6.17,4.09,3.95,5.00",
"10.63")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))


How to count the occurrence of a word in multiple variables in R and sort them from highest to lowest?

I have a huge dataset with over 3 million obs and 108 columns. There are 14 variables I'm interested in: DIAG_PRINC, DIAG_SECUN, DIAGSEC1:DIAGSEC9, CID_ASSO, CID_MORTE and CID_NOTIF (they're in different positions). These variables contain ICD-10 codes.
I'm interested in counting how many times certain ICD-10 codes appear and then sort them from highest to lowest in a dataframe. Here's some reproductible data:
data <- data.frame(DIAG_PRINC = c("O200", "O200", "O230"),
DIAG_SECUN = c("O555", "O530", "O890"),
DIAGSEC1 = c("O766", "O876", "O899"),
DIAGSEC2 = c("O200", "I520", "O200"),
DIAGSEC3 = c("O233", "O200", "O620"),
DIAGSEC4 = c("O060", "O061", "O622"),
DIAGSEC5 = c("O540", "O123", "O344"),
DIAGSEC6 = c("O876", "Y321", "S333"),
DIAGSEC7 = c("O450", "X900", "O541"),
DIAGSEC8 = c("O222", "O111", "O123"),
DIAGSEC9 = c("O987", "O123", "O622"),
CID_MORTE = c("O066", "O699", "O555"),
CID_ASSO = c("O600", "O060", "O068"),
CID_NOTIF = c("O069", "O066", "O065"))
I also have a list of ICD-10 codes that I'm interested in counting.
GRUPO1 <- c("O00", "O000", "O001", "O002", "O008", "O009",
"O01", "O010", "O011", "O019",
"O02", "O020", "O021", "O028", "O029",
"O03", "O030", "O031", "O032", "O033", "O034", "O035", "O036", "O037",
"O038", "O039",
"O04", "O040", "O041", "O042", "O043", "O044", "O045", "O046", "O047",
"O048", "O049",
"O05", "O050", "O051", "O052", "O053", "O054", "O055", "O056", "O057",
"O058", "O059",
"O06", "O060", "O061", "O062", "O063", "O064", "O065", "O066", "O067",
"O068", "O069",
"O07", "O070", "O071", "O072", "O073", "O074", "O075", "O076", "O077",
"O078", "O079",
"O08", "O080", "O081", "O082", "O083", "O084", "O085", "O086", "O087",
"O088", "O089")
What I need is a dataframe counting how many times the ICD-10 codes from "GRUPO1" appear in any row/column from DIAG_PRINC, DIAG_SECUN, DIAGSEC1:DIAGSEC9, CID_ASSO, CID_MORTE and CID_NOTIF variables. For example, on my reproductible data ICD-10 cod "O066" appears twice.
Thank you in advance!
We can unlist the data into a vector, use %in% to subset the values from 'GRUPO1' and get the frequency count with table in base R
v1 <- unlist(data)
out <- table(v1[v1 %in% GRUPO1])
O060 O066 O061 O065 O068 O069
2 2 1 1 1 1
Here is a tidyverse solution using tidyr and dplyr:
pivot_longer(data, everything()) %>%
filter(value %in% GRUPO1) %>%
value n
<chr> <int>
1 O060 2
2 O061 1
3 O065 1
4 O066 2
5 O068 1
6 O069 1

How to add leading zeros to select rows in a data frame column using dplyr pipes

Consider data created here:
data <- data.frame(ID = sample(10000,100), not.imp1 = rnorm(100), not.imp2 = rnorm(100), not.imp3 = rnorm(100))
#Note that not all IDs are the same length
We have data for 100 IDs, where each individual has a unique ID number. Columns not.imp1:3 are only relevant to show the structure of the dataframe.
We want to add a leading zero to the first 95 ID numbers. I am trying to do this using dplyr pipes, but cant figure out how to add the zeros.
Here is how I subset the data that I want to add the zeros to:
I have tried several things like adding %>%mutate(paste0("0",.)) to the pipe, but havent gotten anything to work. what is the best way to do this?
Using sprintf() to pad to 3 digits:
data %>% mutate(ID = sprintf("%03d", ID))
You can change %03d to change how many leading zeros to add. Eg. %05d will ensure all IDs are at least 5 digits long.
You can try this approach
data2 <- data %>%
mutate(ID = ifelse(row_number()<= 95, paste0("0", ID), ID))
# ID not.imp1 not.imp2 not.imp3
# 1 09449 -1.4297317 -2.2210106 0.1923912
# 2 07423 1.9010681 1.0825734 -0.8855694
# 3 06283 0.2508254 -0.5307967 2.1645044
# 4 05593 -2.2451267 0.1281156 -1.8528800
# 5 09194 -0.1677409 -0.7422480 -0.4237452
# 6 07270 -0.2536918 1.2289698 1.0083092
# ID not.imp1 not.imp2 not.imp3
# 95 06538 1.0071791 0.1596557 -0.7099883
# 96 4829 0.2444440 0.8869954 -1.2938356
# 97 2571 -1.1012023 0.8343393 -0.6264487
# 98 150 0.2116460 -0.2146265 -1.8281045
# 99 3107 -1.2379193 0.3491078 1.4531531
# 100 9953 -0.9326725 1.1146032 -1.5542687
Use of str_pad is helpful
data <- data.frame(ID = sample(10000,100), not.imp1 = rnorm(100), not.imp2 = rnorm(100), not.imp3 = rnorm(100)) %>%
mutate(ID = str_pad(string = ID, width = 4, side = 'left', pad = 0))
This would be a quick and easy way to do it. I didn't use dplyr or pipeing, but you could merge this idea with the code you already tried if you want to.

How to write this into a loop in R?

I am trying to arrange my data. The csv file that I load contains results of 15 precincts for one locality. The number of rows are 150 because the names of the 10 candidates repeat for each of the 15 precincts.
My goal is to make the names of the 10 candidates as columns without repeating their names and with the results for each candidate as the values. I use the code below, however I have to do it 15 times because I cut my data in intervals of 10 to extract the results of one precinct. It's the same for "binondov". I have to cut my data in intervals of 8 because there are 8 candidates for each precinct.
Is there a way to write my code as a loop? Thanks!
binondop1 <- binondop[1:10,]
binondop1a <- binondop1[order(binondop1[,2]),]
binondov1 <- binondov[1:8,]
binondov1a <- binondov1[order(binondov1[,2]),]
colnames(binondop1a) = colnames(binondov1a) =
c('X', 'Candidate', 'Party', 'Vote', 'Percentage')
binondo1 <- rbind(binondop1a, binondov1a)
binondo <- rbind(t(binondo1$Vote), t(binondo2$Vote),
t(binondo3$Vote), t(binondo4$Vote),
t(binondo5$Vote), t(binondo6$Vote),
t(binondo7$Vote), t(binondo8$Vote),
t(binondo9$Vote), t(binondo10$Vote),
t(binondo11$Vote), t(binondo12$Vote),
colnames(binondo) <- c('Acosta', 'Aquino', 'DLReyes', 'EEjercito',
'Gordon', 'Madrigal', 'Perlas', 'Teodoro',
'Villanueva', 'Villar', 'Binay', 'Chipeco',
'Fernando', 'Legarda', 'Manzano', 'Roxas',
'Sonza', 'Yasay')
It's hard to say exactly without seeing a sample data set, but perhaps something like this will help get you where you need to your answer.
df <- data.frame(Candidate = c(rep('Acosta',3), rep('Aquino',3), rep('DLReyes',3)),
Party = c('R','R','R','L','L','L','D','D','D'),
Vote = rep(c('A','B','C'),3),
Percentage = c(5,4,2,6,8,3,1,3,2))
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(Candidate = paste0(Candidate, ' (', Party, ')')) %>%
select(-Party) %>%
spread(Candidate, Percentage)

Carrying out a simple dataframe subset with dplyr

Consider the following dataframe slice:
df = data.frame(locations = c("argentina","brazil","argentina","denmark"),
score = 1:4,
row.names = c("a091", "b231", "a234", "d154"))
locations score
a091 argentina 1
b231 brazil 2
a234 argentina 3
d154 denmark 4
sorted = c("a234","d154","a091") #in my real task these strings are provided from an exogenous function
df2 = df[sorted,] #quick and simple subset using rownames
EDIT: Here I'm trying to subset AND order the data according to sorted - sorry that was not clear before. So the output, importantly, is:
locations score
a234 argentina 1
d154 denmark 4
a091 argentina 3
And not as you would get from a simple subset operation:
locations score
a091 argentina 1
a234 argentina 3
d154 denmark 4
I'd like to do the exactly same thing in dplyr. Here is an inelegant hack:
dt = as_tibble(df)
rownames(dt) = rownames(df)
Warning message:
Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
dt2 = dt[sorted,]
I'd like to do it properly, where the rownames are an index in the data table:
dt_proper = as_tibble(x = df,rownames = "index")
dt_proper2 = dt_proper %>% ?some_function(index, sorted)? #what would this be?
# A tibble: 3 x 3
index locations score
<chr> <fct> <int>
1 a091 argentina 1
2 d154 denmark 4
3 a234 argentina 3
But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this using filter or some other dplyr function, and without some convoluted conversion to factor, re-order factor levels, etc.
you can simply use mutate and filter to get the row.names of your data frame into a index column and filter to the vector "sorted" and sort the data frame due to the vector "sorted":
df2 <- df %>% mutate(index=row.names(.)) %>% filter(index %in% sorted)
df2 <- df2[order(match(df2[,"index"], sorted))]
I think I've figured it out:
dt_proper2 = dt_proper[match(sorted,dt_proper$index),]
Seems to be shortest implementation of what df[sorted,] will do.
Functions in the tidyverse (dplyr, tibble, etc.) are built around the concept (as far as I know), that rows only contain attributes (columns) and no row names / labels / indexes. So in order to sort columns, you have to introduce a new column containing the ranks of each row.
The way I would do it is to create another tibble containing your "sorting information" (sorting attribute, rank) and inner join it to your original tibble. Then I could order the rows by rank.
# note that I've changed the third column's name to avoid confusion
df = tibble(
locations = c("argentina","brazil","argentina","denmark"),
score = 1:4,
custom_id = c("a091", "b231", "a234", "d154")
sorted_ids = c("a234","d154","a091")
sorting_info = tibble(
custom_id = sorted_ids,
rank = 1:length(sorted_ids)
ordered_ids = df %>%
inner_join(sorting_info) %>%
arrange(rank) %>%

Using regular expressions in tidyr::extract

I am working with 3D motion-capture data. This means I have 3 columns (X,Y,Z) of joint coordinates for several joints in the body (e.g. the three columns describing the position of the left knee joint center are: LKX,LKY,LKZ).
My end goal is to plot at least 9 joint centers, and I believe the only way to achieve this is to transform my wide format dataframe into a long one.
As you can tell, I am trying to transform many sets of jointcenters ending with either: X,Y or Z. Therefore, I try to use regular expressions within tidyr:extract, but I just canĀ“t get the code right.
df_wide <- data.frame(
ID = rep(1:2, each=10),
JN = rep(1:2, each=5),
Frame = rep(1:5, 4),
System = rep(1:2, 10),
RKX = rep(1:10+rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5),2),
RKY = rep(1:10+rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5),2),
RKZ = rep(1:10+rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5), 2),
LHeX = rep(1:10-rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5),2),
LHeY = rep(1:10-rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5),2),
LHeZ = rep(1:10-rnorm(10,mean=1,sd=0.5),2))
head(df_wide, 2)
1 1 1 1 1 1.332827 2.068720 2.295742 -0.02336031 -0.3011227 -1.212326
2 1 1 2 2 3.570076 3.306799 3.136177 2.08828231 1.9226740 2.106496
I wish to obtain this result:
ID JN Frame System joint X Y Z
1 1 1 1 1 RK 1.440103 2.221676 1.621871
2 1 1 1 1 LHe 3.537940 3.060948 2.856955
Here is my latest (of many) attempts. It has two problems; 1) extract only produces NA; 2) spread returns "Error: Duplicate identifiers for rows" I suspect this is related to the problem with extract.
df_3D <- df_wide %>%
gather(keys, values, -ID, -JN, -Frame, -System)%>%
extract(keys, c("X", "Y", "Z", "joint"), "(X$) (Y$) (Z$) ([A-Z].$)")%>%
spread(X, values)
I have found several good questions and answers regarding the transformation, but none of them specifically target the use of regular expressions.
Your approach is a little off. Each element of the keys column once you've gathered has the structure <Joint><Coord>, so you want something like:
df_wide %>%
gather(keys, values, -ID, -JN, -Frame, -System) %>%
extract(keys, c("Joint", "Coord"), "(.*)(X|Y|Z)$") %>%
spread(Coord, values)
The regex I've used here captures anything in the first group (since I don't know all the possible joint names), then X or Y or Z as the final character in the second group. There are lots of other regexes that would achieve the same thing.
ID JN Frame System Joint X Y Z
1 1 1 1 1 LHe 0.1344259 -0.2927277 0.05375166
2 1 1 1 1 RK 1.8083539 2.4053498 2.32899399
3 1 1 2 2 LHe 1.1777492 1.1780538 0.96549849
4 1 1 2 2 RK 3.2254236 2.4100235 2.79816371
You'll need to gather your data into a super long format, then split out the dimension, then spread THAT data back out into your X, Y, and Z columns:
df2 <- df_wide %>%
# leave the other columns
gather( jointid, position, -ID, -JN, -Frame, -System ) %>%
# insert a seperator to make it easier to split the X/Y/Z from the joint name
mutate(jointid = str_replace( jointid, "X|Y|Z", ";\\0")) %>%
# split the joint name and the dimension apart
tidyr::separate(jointid, c('joint', 'dim'), sep = ";" ) %>%
# spread the joint and position apart into 3 columns
spread(dim, position)
