I am trying to apply a function to columns of a tibble, or data.frame, depending on the index of columns. It appears to me several time, and I give just one MWE
test <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3), b = c(7,8,9), c = c(3,5,6))
test <- test %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate_all( ~lead(., 2))
This will lead by 2 every columns (just an example). But what I want is to lead the first column by 1, the second by 2, and so on. Doing something like mutate_all(~lead(., col_number()).
For this little example, I know one way to do it, like:
test <- as.matrix(test)
for (i in 1:ncol(test)){ test[,i] <- lead(test[,i], i) }
There might be other way to do it too, haven't thought about it much (one needs to convert as a matrix first, otherwise it doesn't produce the right result, I don't really know why).
But I'd like to do it with a mutate or apply, being able to get the index of column in general. With a more complex example.
Any idea?
One option is using purrr::map2_df to sequentially lead every column based on column number.
purrr::map2_df(test, seq_along(test), dplyr::lead)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# a b c
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 2 9 NA
#2 3 NA NA
We can also use base R Map
test[] <- Map(function(x, y) c(tail(x, -y), rep(NA, y)), test, seq_along(test))
We can use data.table shift
setDT(test)[, Map(shift, .SD, n = 1:3, type = 'lead')]
# a b c
#1: 2 9 NA
#2: 3 NA NA
#3: NA NA NA
Or using purrr
map2_dfr(test, 1:3, ~shift(.x, type = 'lead'))
I need to create multiple columns in a data frame based on the new columns. For this aim, I have a loop that works fine but requires quite a lot of time to produce the result. May you suggest me a more efficient approach than my loop? Happy if this has a dplyr/purrr approach such as map().
I put here a very simplified version of my real (more complicated and larger) code.
Defining input data for the function:
df <-
data.frame(data_2010 = c(1,2,3,4))
# Start and dnd of the loop
year_loopStart <- 2011
year_loopEnd <- 2015
Creating the function with a loop inside:
fun_lag <-
function(df, year_loopStart, year_loopEnd){
output <- df
for(y in c(year_loopStart : year_loopEnd)){
# Calculate population for the next years without considering the effect of air pollution
# Calculate population in the next years based on the row above
output <-
"data_{y}" :=
dplyr::lag(!!as.symbol(paste0("data_", y-1))))
Running the function with the loop (right output but slow when applied to many columns):
test1 <-
fun_lag(df, year_loopStart, year_loopEnd)
Desired output (obtained with fun_lag but it is slow):
Failed attempt to use map() instead of a loop:
test2 <-
~ mutate(df,
"data_{.x}" :=
dplyr::lag(!!as.symbol(paste0("data_", .x -1)))))
Error message:
Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `data_2012`.
i `data_2012 = dplyr::lag(data_2011)`.
x Object 'data_2011' not found
You may pass different n value for lag using imap -
~df %>% transmute("data_{.x}" := lag(data_2010, .y))))
# data_2010 data_2011 data_2012 data_2013 data_2014 data_2015
#2 2 1 NA NA NA NA
#3 3 2 1 NA NA NA
#4 4 3 2 1 NA NA
Let's say i have the following list of df's (in reality i have many more dfs).
seq <- c("12345","67890")
li <- list()
for (i in 1:length(seq)){
li[[i]] <- list()
names(li)[i] <- seq[i]
li[[i]] <- data.frame(A = c(1,2,3),
B = c(2,4,6))
What i would like to do is calculate the mean within the same cell position between the lists, keeping the same amount of rows and columns as the original lists. How could i do this? I believe I can use the apply() function, but i am unsure how to do this.
The expected output (not surprising):
1 1 2
2 2 4
3 3 6
In reality, the values within each list are not necessarily the same.
If there are no NAs, then we can Reduce to get the sum of observations for each element and divide by the length of the list
Reduce(`+`, li)/length(li)
# A B
#1 1 2
#2 2 4
#3 3 6
If there are NA values, then it may be better to use mean (which has na.rm argument). For this, we can convert it to array and then use apply
apply(array(unlist(li), dim = c(dim(li[[1]]), length(li))), c(1, 2), mean)
An equivalent option in tidyverse would be
reduce(li, `+`)/length(li)
I would like to join the two data frames :
a <- data.frame(x=c(1,3,5))
b <- data.frame(start=c(0,4),end=c(2,6),y=c("a","b"))
with a condition like (x>start)&(x<end) in order to get such a result:
# x y
#1 1 a
#2 2 <NA>
#3 3 b
I don't want to make a potentially large cartesian product and then select only the few rows matching the condition and I'd like a solution using the tidyverse (I am not interested in a solution using SQL which would be a confession of failure). I thought of the 'fuzzyjoin' package but I cannot find examples fitting my need : the function to apply for the condition has only two arguments. I also tried to put 'start' and 'end' into a single argument with data.frame(z=I(purrr::map2(b$start,b$end,list)),y=b$y)
# z y
#1 0, 2 a
#2 4, 6 b
but although the data looks fine fuzzy_left_join doesn't accept it.
I search for solutions working in more general cases (n variables on the LHS, m on the RHS, not necessarily numeric with arbitrary conditions).
I also want to be able to express conditions like (x=start+1)|(x=end+1) giving here:
# x y
#1 1 a
#2 3 a
#3 5 b
For this case you don't need multi_by or multy_match_fun, this works :
fuzzy_left_join(a, b, by = c(x = "start", x = "end"), match_fun = list(`>`, `<`))
# x start end y
# 1 1 0 2 a
# 2 3 NA NA <NA>
# 3 5 4 6 b
I eventually went to the code of fuzzy_join and found a way to make what I want even without proper documentation. fuzzy_let_join doesn't work but there is the following way (not really pretty and it actually does a cartesian product):
g <- function(x,y) (x>y[,"start"])&(x<y[,"end"])
fuzzy_join(a,b, multi_by = list(x="x",y=c("start","end"))
, multi_match_fun = g, mode = "left") %>% select(x,y)
data.table approach could be
name1 <- setdiff(names(setDT(b)), names(setDT(a)))
#perform left outer join and then select required columns
a[b, (name1) := mget(name1), on = .(x > start, x < end)][, .(x, y)]
which gives
x y
1: 1 a
2: 3 <NA>
3: 5 b
Sample data:
a <- data.frame(x = c(1, 3, 5))
b <- data.frame(start = c(0, 4), end = c(2, 6), y = c("a", "b"))
Update: In case you want to join both dataframes on (x=start+1)|(x=end+1) condition then you can try
DT1 <- as.data.table(a)
DT2 <- as.data.table(b)
#Perform 1st join on "x = start+1" and then another on "x = end+1". Finally row-bind both results.
DT <- rbindlist(list(DT1[DT2[, start_temp := start+1], on = c(x = "start_temp"), .(x, y), nomatch = 0],
DT1[DT2[, end_temp := end+1], on = c(x = "end_temp"), .(x, y), nomatch = 0]))
# x y
#1: 1 a
#2: 5 b
#3: 3 a
A possible answer to explain what I am trying to do : extending dplyr in some way. And I will be happy to know if there are ways to improve this solution or some problems I didn't see.
The solution avoids the cartesian product, but duplicates into lists of data frames both one of the input data frame and the result. I didn't include the final column selection of x and y that is easy to code.
my_left_join <- function(.DATA1,.DATA2,.WHERE)
call = as.list(match.call())
df1 <- .DATA1
df1$._row_ <- 1:nrow(df1)
dfl1 <- replyr::replyr_split(df1,"._row_")
dfl2 <- mapply(function(.x)
{filter(.DATA2,with(.x,WHERE)) %>%
df2 <- replyr::replyr_bind_rows(dfl2)
left_join(df1,df2,by="._row_") %>% select(-._row_)
# x start end y
#1 1 0 2 a
#2 3 NA NA <NA>
#3 5 4 6 b
# x start end y
#1 1 0 2 a
#2 3 0 2 a
#3 5 4 6 b
You can try a GenomicRanges solution
# setup GRanges objects
a_gr <- GRanges(1, IRanges(a$x,a$x))
b_gr <- GRanges(1, IRanges(b$start, b$end))
# find overlaps between the two data sets
res <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(a_gr,b_gr))
# create the expected output
a$y <- NA
a$y[res$queryHits] <- as.character(b$y)[res$subjectHits]
x y
1 1 a
2 3 <NA>
3 5 b
I am working in R with a long table stored as a data.table containing values obtained in value changes for variables of numeric and character type. When I want to perform some functions like correlations, regressions, etc. I have to convert the table into wide format and homogenise the timestamp frequency.
I found a way to convert the long table to wide, but I think is not really efficient and I would like to know if there is a better more data.table native approach.
In the reproducible example below, I include the two options I found to perform the wide low transformation and in the comments I indicate what parts I believe are not optimal.
#option 1
# types are correct, but I got NA filled columns,
# is there an option like drop
# available for columns instead of rows?
# This drop looks ugly but I did not figure out a better way to perform it
# I perform a LOCF, I do not know if I could benefit of
# data.table's roll option somehow and avoid
# the temporal memory copy of my dataset (this would be the second
# and minor issue)
# taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19253820/how-to-implement-coalesce-efficiently-in-r
coalesce2 <- function(...) {
Reduce(function(x, y) {
i <- which(is.na(x))
x[i] <- y[i]
# There are not NA columns but types are incorrect
# it takes more space in a real table (more observations, less variables)
# Again, I am pretty sure there is a prettier way to do this
# same as option 1, is there a data.table native way to do it?
Any advice/improvement in the process is welcome.
I'd maybe do the char and num tables separately and then rbind:
k = "time"
typecols = c("numeric", "character")
res = rbindlist(fill = TRUE,
lapply(typecols, function(tc){
cols = c(k, tc, "variable")
dt[!is.na(get(tc)), ..cols][, dcast(.SD, ... ~ variable, value.var=tc)]
setorderv(res, k)
res[, setdiff(names(res), k) := lapply(.SD, zoo::na.locf, na.rm = FALSE), .SDcols=!k]
which gives
time a b c d e f
1: 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA
2: 2 1 2 NA NA NA NA
3: 3 1 2 3 NA NA NA
4: 4 1 2 3 a NA NA
5: 5 1 2 3 a b NA
6: 6 1 2 3 a b c
Note that OP's final result casted2, differs in that it has all cols as char.
I am trying to calculate changes in weight between visits to chicks at different nests. This requires R to look up the nest code in the current row, find the previous time that nest was visited, and subtract the weight at the previous visit from the current visit. For the first visit to each nest, I would like to output the current weight (i.e. as though the weight at the previous, non-existent visit was zero).
My data is of the form:
Nest <- c(a,b,c,d,e,c,b,c)
Weight <- c(2,4,3,3,2,6,8,10)
df <- data.frame(Nest, Weight)
So the desired output here would be:
Change <- c(2,4,3,3,2,3,4,4)
I have achieved the desired output once, by subsetting to a single nest and using a for loop:
tmp <- subset(df, Nest == "a")
tmp$change <- tmp$Weight
for(x in 2:(length(tmp$Nest))){
tmp$change[x] <- tmp$Weight[(x)] - tmp$Weight[(x-1)]
but when I try to fit this into ddply
df2 <- ddply(df, "Nest", function(f) {
f$change <- f$Weight
for(x in 2:(length(f$Nest))){
f$change <- f$Weight[(x)] - f$Weight[(x-1)]
the output gives a blank data.frame (0 obs. of 0 variables).
Am I approaching this the right way but getting the code wrong? Or is there a better way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
df %>% group_by(Nest) %>% mutate(Change = c(Weight[1], diff(Weight)))
or with just the base of R
transform(df, Change = ave(Weight, Nest, FUN = function(x) c(x[1], diff(x))))
Here is a data.table solution. With large data sets, this is likely to be faster.
# Nest Weight Change
# 1: a 2 2
# 2: b 4 4
# 3: c 3 3
# 4: d 3 3
# 5: e 2 2
# 6: c 6 3
# 7: b 8 4
# 8: c 10 4