Where can i download Qt Bridge for photoshop? - qt

I downloaded qt design studio, I have photoshop installed but I can't find the plugin, looking at the tutorial https://doc.qt.io/qtdesignstudio/qtbridge-ps-setup.html only the installer program is provided and not the plugin

Solved, qt bridge is not available in community version


Qt Creator: community vs enterprise

I downloaded and installed two versions of Qt, one is 5.9.4 and the other is 5.11.2. On operating system, one is shown with Community tag and the other with Enterprise tag. I wonder what the difference is:
To clarify, I think I downloaded open-source version of Qt 5.11.2, but it is tagged as enterprise.
Qt Creator Commercial Features:
You can use the following Qt Creator features if you have the appropriate Qt license.
Performance Analyzer
Browsing ISO 7000 Icons in the Design mode
Developing for embedded devices
Qt Application Manager integration

QT offline installer version misunderstanding

Trying to download Qt offline installer since online failed installation.
Trying to download from official releases: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.9/5.9.5/
But why there is version 5.9.5 while default online installer is ver 3.0.4 ?
The online installer is a tool, and the current version is 3.0.4. It can download any Qt version from the internet (hence online)
The offline installer has everything you need for a specific Qt version (e.g. 5.9.5) packed in the installer (hence offline).
For each Qt version that the single online installer can install, there will be a separate offline installer.
By downloading the online installer you are becoming able to use the online Qt installer not the Qt itself. Downloading it is
By using online Qt installer you can install lots of things about Qt like Qt designer Qt 5.10.1, Qt 5.4.2 etc. And These are inside the Qt online installer.
Do not worry about the version of the online installer. It has the latest Qt version.(Beside the old ones).
If you are not sure what you are doing. You can use this link to download Qt:

Downloading Qt 4.8.3

I haven't used Qt for months. But now when i want to download the latest version, I can't find the download for the last version in Qt project website there is only Qt SDK with version 4.8.1 but in the commercial version website there is 4.8.3.
so where can I download Qt SDK with Qt 4.8.3 for linux (ubuntu) ? please
I have installed the SQK with apt-get i just, and i downloaded Qt 4.8.3. what i need now is the instruction to compile it with MySQL plugins.
there is a file in the download that points to the old qt.nokia.com website so i can't find these instructions.
try this link it might work
The details about 4.8.3 are also given in the link. I'm using Qt creator it is working fine for me.
Note for Qt 4.6.3 and Qt 4.7.3 development
Qt SDK 1.2 contains only the latest targets for developing applications for Symbian platforms. If you wish to work with Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian or Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^3 and Symbian Anna please use Qt SDK 1.1.2. Once you have installed Qt SDK 1.1.2, to enable use of the earlier targets and App TRK, don’t run the SDK update as this will remove the features you need.
Please be aware that if you want to use the Qt SDK 1.1.2 and Qt SDK 1.2.1 on the same computer, you should install them into separate user accounts.
Qt SDK 1.1.2 can be found here.
This is what mentioned in the site. I think there is no such version for Qt SDK

Qt Designer - Qt 4.8.1

I cannot figure out how to open up Qt Designer on MacOS. I am a new user to macOS and would greatly appreciate any help on how to open Qt Designer. I have already installed the Qt 4.8.1 libraries. It's not located in 'Applications' as I would have expected it to be when looking in Finder.
Look at the details of the installer output - Qt does not install itself in the application folder but inside your personal documents, ~/QtSDK/... or something like that. I simply installed Qt twice as I did not find the Qt binaries inside the application folder and looked for the detailed installation report to figure out where the binaries went.

Installing Flex Builder Plugin on Eclipse 3.5 (galileo) Mac Cocoa 64bit

Is there a way to get the Flex Builder plugin working on the latest Eclipse running on the Mac?
I've read that there is no hope with the Cocoa/64 bit version, but some report it works with the Carbon version.
I need the 64bit/cocoa version on the Mac in order to have access to the JDK6 libraries via the embedded maven support in the Eclipse IAM plugin.
Unfortunately Eclipse 3.5 is unsupported by Flex Builder 3. There are a few bugs for this:
Please comment on those bugs and vote for them.
Try this one. That worked for me. I have Eclipse Galileo (3.5) and FlexBuilder 3.0
Goto your Eclipse Installation (example my installation is C:\eclipse) and there to this folder: C:\eclipse\links
Open File or create com.adobe.flexbuilder.feature.core.link and type in this text:
path=C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3 Plug-in
In my case the word path was missing. After that restart your Galileo and it should work.
