Snowflake ODBC and VARIANT data type - odbc

Using odbctest and Snowflake 64-bit ODBC driver for Windows:
Created a table in snowflake using this DDL:
"VARCHAR_4000_COL" VARCHAR (4000) ,
"CHAR_10_COL" CHAR (10) ,
Then attempted to prepare an insert statement:
SQL attempted:
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
But this error was returned:
Prepare of destination insert statement failed. SQL compilation error:
Expression type does not match column data type, expecting VARIANT but
got VARCHAR(1) for column CLOB_COL
This is the relevant portion of odbc trace:
sqdrsvc 3dfc-52bc ENTER SQLPrepare
HSTMT 0x000000435C961620
UCHAR * 0x000000435D262720 [ 140] "INSERT INTO "SFDEST"."QAUSER"."BT14726" ("VARCHAR_10_COL",
?, ?, ?, ?) "
sqdrsvc 3dfc-52bc EXIT SQLPrepare with return code
HSTMT 0x000000435C961620
UCHAR * 0x000000435D262720 [ 140] "INSERT INTO "SFDEST"."QAUSER"."BT14726" ("VARCHAR_10_COL",
?, ?, ?, ?) "
DIAG [22000] SQL compilation error: Expression type does not match column data type, expecting VARIANT but got
VARCHAR(1) for column CLOB_COL (2023)

If you have a string that is formatted as a valid JSON blob, you need to use PARSE_JSON to convert it into an actual variant type so that SnowFlake can recognize it as such.
Probably something like this:
VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, PARSE_JSON(?))


How to write insert query for SQLite with selected values

I am using Ionic 2 and SQLite trying to insert a comment in the table and point_id to be equal to second highest point_id of particular match. So I wrote following query, but Ionic 2 is throwing me
sqlite3_prepare_v2 failure: no such column: match_id
INSERT INTO comments (point_id, match_id, comment, created_at)
SELECT name.point_id
SELECT point_id from undo
WHERE match_id = ?
ORDER BY point_id DESC
LIMIT 2) AS name
WHERE match_id = ?
ORDER BY point_id LIMIT 1), ?, ?, ?)
My whole ionic 2 code is
NativeStorage.getItem('matchID').then(matchID => {
let query = 'INSERT INTO comments (point_id, match_id, comment, created_at) '+
'VALUES((SELECT name.point_id FROM (SELECT point_id from undo WHERE match_id = ? ORDER BY point_id DESC LIMIT 2) AS name WHERE match_id = ? ORDER BY point_id LIMIT 1), ?, ?, ?)';
this.db.executeSql(query, [matchID.value, matchID.value, matchID.value, data.comment, new Date()]).then(data_comment => {
let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
message: 'Comment was added successfully',
duration: 2000,
position: 'top'
console.log("comment entered", data_comment);
}, err => console.error("ERROR enter comment in match tracker ", err))
Thank you very much.
I changed my SQLite query and now it works fine. If somebody else needs this here it is:
INSERT INTO comments (point_id, match_id, comment, created_at)
SELECT point_id from undo
WHERE match_id = ?
ORDER BY point_id DESC
LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1), ?, ?, ?)

Not inserting in db while submitting the form using spring-mvc

Exception is The column index is out of range: 16, number of columns: 15.; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The column index is out of range: 16, number of columns: 15. while submitting the form using this query. Kindly suggest. Your help will be appreciable.
public int insertNewApplication(TokenApplicantDetails tpd)
String sql = "INSERT INTO token_applicant_details"
+ "(application_no,applicant_name, applsex, "
+ "designation, date_of_superannuation, "
+ "phone_no, mobile_no, "
+ "office_type_code,ou_code,token_manufacturer_code,token_user_id,token_password, "
+"certificate_no,certificate_issue_date,certificate_expiry_date, "
+"fixed_ip_address,ref_no,form_type,original_application_receiving_date, "
+"scanned_application_receiving_date,residential_address,staff_status, "
+"email_id, enrollment_no, dispatch_no,fixed_ip_active, "
+"refId,Deacivated_on) VALUES (null,?, ?, ?,to_date(?,'DD/MM/YYYY'), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,null,null,null,null,null,?,null,null,?,?,?,null,null,null,null,null)";
System.out.println("not inserted");
return jdbcTemplate.update(sql,new Object[]{tpd.getApplication_no(),tpd.getApplicant_name(), tpd.getApplsex(),tpd.getDesignation(),tpd.getDate_of_superannuation(),tpd.getPhone_no(),tpd.getMobile_no(),
Your database table has 15 columns, whereas you are attempting to insert 16 values into the row. If I were you I'd tidy up the formatting of your query (e.g. one value per line) so that you can see better which value is mismatched.
Better would be to use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate instead; this allows you to match up column values explicitly.

QSqlQuery GroupBy Slow

i have a problem with QSqlQuery and GROUP BY.
My database is inMemory and is created like this:
query.exec("create table if not exists ProzSchnitte (id integer primary key autoincrement, Kanal uint, ProgNr uint, WkzNr uint, WkzBez blob, BearbNr uint, "
"Offset uint, Datum uint, Uhrzeit uint, count uint, SchnittHeader blob, xVals blob, yVals blob, Strom1 blob, Strom2 blob, Strom3 blob)");
I then writing my data into this table like this:
query.prepare(QString("INSERT INTO ProzSchnitte (Kanal, ProgNr, WkzNr, WkzBez, BearbNr, Offset, Datum, Uhrzeit, Count, SchnittHeader, xVals, yVals, Strom1, Strom2, Strom3) VALUES (%1, %2, %3, ?, %4, %5, %6,%7, %8, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ")
After that i am reading the data like this:
QSqlQuery q(QSqlDatabase::database("ProzAnaDB"));
q.prepare("select * from ProzSchnitte GROUP BY Kanal, ProgNr, Offset, WkzNr, BearbNr, Count order by Count, Kanal, ProgNr, Offset, BearbNr");
The Execution of this is extremly slow and takes about 8 seconds but if i make a select without GROUP BY it is executed in under 10 milliseconds.
I have read that i may have to set so indexes in my table but i have no clue what that means or how i could do that.
I made an EXPLAIN of my query and this was the result.
QSqlRecord( 8 )
" 0:" QSqlField("addr", int, generated: yes, typeID: 1) "0"
" 1:" QSqlField("opcode", QString, generated: yes, typeID: 3) ""
" 2:" QSqlField("p1", int, generated: yes, typeID: 1) "0"
" 3:" QSqlField("p2", int, generated: yes, typeID: 1) "0"
" 4:" QSqlField("p3", int, generated: yes, typeID: 1) "0"
" 5:" QSqlField("p4", QString, generated: yes, typeID: 3) ""
" 6:" QSqlField("p5", QString, generated: yes, typeID: 3) ""
" 7:" QSqlField("comment", , generated: yes, typeID: 5) ""
Can somebody explain me what i could do to boost the performance of this query?
The correct command to analyze a query is not EXPLAIN but EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN, and you should do this in the command-line shell or another database tool so that you can view the result more easily.
Anyway, the most useful index for this query is one that matches both the ORDER BY and the GROUP BY (so reorder the GROUP BY columns):
CREATE INDEX whatever ON ProzSchnitte(Count, Kanal, ProgNr, Offset, BearbNr);

Using R with RODBCext and RODBC to execute a SQL stored procedure

I am using the RODBCext package and the RODBC package to execute a stored procedure in SQL server 2008 using R. If I use this code the stored procedure works.
query <- "EXEC [dbo].[usp_SchoolMerge] #Number = ?,
#Name = ?,
#Type = ?,
#Comments = ?,
#DualEnrollment =?,
#CEP = ?,
#DistrictGuidId = ?,
#ImportName = ?,
#ImportID = ?"
query <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", query)
con2 <- odbcConnect("database", uid="userid", pwd="password")
for(i in 1:nrow(us11_12_00_school)) {
sqlExecute(con2, query, us11_12_00_school[i,])
If I try to use the vectorized form explained here under 2.3.2 Using parameterized queries.
query <- "EXEC [dbo].[usp_SchoolMerge] #Number = ?,
#Name = ?,
#Type = ?,
#Comments = ?,
#DualEnrollment =?,
#CEP = ?,
#DistrictGuidId = ?,
#ImportName = ?,
#ImportID = ?"
query <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", query)
con2 <- odbcConnect("database", uid="userid", pwd="password")
sqlExecute(con2, query, us11_12_00_school)
I get this error in R.
Error in sqlExecute(con2, query, us11_12_00_school) :
24000 0 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cursor state
[RODBCext] Error: SQLExecute failed
If I use a data frame with only one row the vectorized code works. Anyone else had this problem? Any ideas?
Seems like you want to use only the first column of the us11_12_00_school - which you pass in the loop-version of the function with us11_12_00_school[i,]. In the vectorised version though, you pass in the whole dataframe!
I havent tested it out, but i guess passing the dataframe as us11_12_00_school[1,] in the vectorised version would give you the expected results?
I use the code below, and seems to work well. Hopefully it helps you too.
ExecuteQuery <- function(query, arguments){
dbhandle <- odbcDriverConnect('driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};server=SereverName;database=DbName;trusted_connection=yes')
result <- sqlExecute(dbhandle, query = query, fetch = TRUE)
result <- sqlExecute(dbhandle, query =query, data=arguments, TRUE)
CallProcWithSomeParams <- function(param1, param2){
ExecuteQuery('exec dbo.procName ?, ?', data.frame(param1, param2))

First time SQLite3 user python 3, syntax error in print

I'm working on a program that is able to make quizzes by exporting questions into a database. I've looked on the internet for a bit and it said that one of the easiest ways to import or export to a database in python is to use the SQLite3 plugin, so I'm trying it out.This is the first time I've used the SQLite3 plugin with python, and I keep getting a syntax error on the self.connection.commit() in:
def AddQuestion(self, Question, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4):
self.cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO questions
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (None, Question, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4, CorrectAnswer)
If I were to turn it into a comment by adding # before it, it would tell me that the print in this was a syntax error:
print ("Would you like to make a test? Or would you like to take a test?")
Maybe its my indentation, or am I doing something wrong?
import squlite3
class QuestionStorage(object):
def _init_(self, path):
self.connection = sqlite3.connect(path)
self.cursor = self.connection.cursor ()
def Close(self):
def CreateDb(self):
query = """CREATE TABLE questions
(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Question TEXT, Answer1 TEXT, Answer2 TEXT, Answer3 TEXT, Answer4 TEXT, CorrectAnswer TEXT)"""
def AddQuestion(self, Question, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4):
self.cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO questions
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (None, Question, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4, CorrectAnswer)
def GetQuestion(self, index = None):
self.cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM questions WEHRE id=?""", (index,))
print ("Would you like to make a test? Or would you like to take a test?")
testTaker = input ("To create a test, type Create. To take a test, type Take.")
if testTaker == "Create":
testName = input ("Give your test a name.")
testQ = int(input ("How many questions will be on this test? (Numeric value only.)"))
testType = input ("Will this test be multiple choice? (y/n)")
if testType == "N" or "n":
counter = 1
qs = QuestionStorage("questions.db")
counter = 1
while counter >= testQ:
Answer = []
Question = input ("What is your question?")
Answer[1] = input ("What is the first answer?")
Answer[2] = input ("What is the second answer?")
Answer[3] = input ("What is the third answer?")
Answer[4] = input ("What is your last answer?")
correctAnswer = input("Which answer is the correct answer? (1, 2, 3, or 4?)")
Answer[5] = Answer[correctAnswer]
qs.AddQuestion(Question, Answer[1] , Answer[2], Answer[3], Answer[4], Answer[5])
counter +=1
and then after the else, I'd have the code for reading the database to take a test.
If anyone can help me out with this, that would be great. Right now I'm just trying to get it to the point where I can run it in debug.
You forgot to close the parentheses here:
self.cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO questions
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", (None, Question, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3, Answer4, CorrectAnswer)
Put another closing ) at the end of the line.
