Outlook/Gmail Mail Open Tracking - asp.net

At the bottom of the email content i have a tiny code
img src='https://www.......aspx?Name=David' height='1' width='1'
What it does is whenever an user open the email, it tried to download the image (if email client allow) then it loads the aspx page in the background and passing Name parameter: David as GET and in that aspx page pretty much insert David into a table.
However, this seem to be working if I open outlook via browser, rather than using outlook on windows & android app and it doesn't work in gmail via browser.
How can i make it work if an user open via outlook windows/android app
Seems like it has to do with email encoding or something?

The email clients where this works are old, poorly designed, or misconfigured. The email clients where it doesn't work are smart enough to recognize this attempt at invading the user's privacy and block it, by not allowing remote images to load. There's not a way around it, and the entire point of not loading remote images is to keep people like you from doing what you're trying to do.


IFrame source not working properly on mobile

I'm currently using a simple Iframe source for my client login page. Now this works perfectly fine on PC. But whenever the client logins it shows their page and then immediately kicks them. Please advise what I can do different.
website page: [https://www.ksbin.com/client_login]
source code:
I'm very new to all of this, there isn't much I did differently as I don't have much experience.

can we see html localstorage content through client browser?

supppose I use html5 local storage for my website.
1)can End user see my local storage values through browser using view source code etc?
2)How can we enter data for HTML5 local storage as domain level, i dont want to add my records manually when page loads everytime?
3where will HTML5 local storage content be saved?
I)in client side?
II)in server side(webserver)
anyhelp please?
Not through view source, but many Developer Tools support this. So yes, a user could very easy figure out what the contents of their browser's localStorage is. For example, in Chrome, open the Developer Tools, and on the Resources tab select "Local Storage"
I think what you are asking for is "How to I add local storage without writing the code in every page". You would typically then put that code in a common .js file - and reference it whenever you needed it. If you need it in every page, then depending on which platform you are using, they probably have some sort of "master". ASP.NET WebForms has Master Pages, ASP.NET MVC has ViewStart, etc.
Client side. It's local storage - as in it is local to the browser.

Is there any way to run code on the client in ASP.NET?

As the title says, how would I go about doing this? I want to check a value stored in a file.
This is impossible and has nothing to do with ASP .NET. The browser is responsible for rendering the page to the client, and browsers, for obvious reasons (security), don't have access to the user's file system. The only thing a browser can do, is read cookies (essentially text files) sent to the user from the same domain the website belongs to.
HTML5 has a new feature called local storage but you still won't be able to access ANY file on the user's computer.
Using Javascript with ASP.Net applications can work quite well, I've done it for a couple of sites I've done. If you just want to run some code on the client when a checkbox is ticked for instance, try this...
replace the myFunction() portion out with whatever client side code you want to write.
If you unfamiliar with Javascript as a language, check this out... http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp
You can do that using ActiveX control or SilverLight
Some are saying it's not possible, and that is true for the Internet. However, I have done this before on an Intranet system. The server knew the users computer name and could access a local configuration file, no ActiveX, no Silverlight.

ASP.NET website not working properly in mobile

I have created a simple app with a page having a server side form, three fields and a button that submits and performs two operations - 1) adds the form fields to the database table 2) sends an email. Now everything works fine on the web browser on my machine but when I access the app through my mobile, the page does not seem to work. the UI and all are set but the button click functionality doesnt seem to be working and also the label which is set after a successful submit is already visible and showing the "thank you" message. Am i doing something wrong here?
I have checked the app on Nokia Smartphone browser, android phone, and iphone simulator.
1st i would try to access the site from a different computer or through a proxy. Just to make sure things work out well in different browsers. That may catch your bug. It may be working fine on your PC Locally, on a local web server, but may not be uploaded to the web.
Next, I would check to see if the devices you are using support Javascript. Chances are good that your script relies on it.
I strongly recommend you to use JQuery Mobile, it create Mobile friendly interface for your website. and for sure it work the same for each cell phone, but as Asp.net isnot easy to render for most of (old) phones, so that you're not able to use whatever you like.

ASP.NET - Send Information to Website

I have an asp.net webpage that only contains a textbox and a button. The user submits their email address using this webpage.
What I am trying to do now is take the information submitted by the user and go to another website. Where my "website/program" gives the different website the entered email address, and clicks the submit button.
If I where to physically go to the different website, there would be a textbox to enter the email. But since I am accessing the website from my page "behind the scenes" I cant manually enter their email address...
Is it possible to do this, if so how? Also, my code behind is in VB.
Well it can be done, but the simpllicity of it depends on what this other webpage is. Will this webpage always be the same or can it change?
If it a dynamic website that will frequently change, then you will need to basically parse the html and emulate how the email address gets posted to the webpage. Look for the tag in the html and see what page it posts to.
What you want to do is use HttpWebRequest. This class can send information to another web page. Here is a tutorial on how to do what you are asking: http://www.jigar.net/howdoi/viewhtmlcontent106.aspx
And here is the MSDN documentation on it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest(VS.71).aspx
Keep in mind that my solution will work if the web site is using POST or GET, but some sites use Javascript. To do this, it will require you to build a javascript interpreter.
