After Magento2 Community to Enterprise edition migration in that process getting error - patch

Unable to apply data patch Magento\CatalogStaging\Setup\Patch\Data\MigrateCatalogProducts for module Magento_CatalogStaging. Original exception message: URL key for specified store already exists.


Error in secure load of data source. An error occurred while decrypting data

I know a similar question already asked here but since given answer don't help me and my problem is kinda different I'm asking a new question.
I create data sources through admin panel -> Configure -> Datasources and it works fine. But if I restart server all created Datasources gonna missing from datasources list.
When I run ESB server I can see through logs that those datasources could not be loaded properly since ESB server is unable to decrypt sensitive data which it encrypted earlier:
DataSourceRepository Error in updating data source [remove:false] at path '/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
Error in updating data source 'myDatasource' from registry
[remove:false]: Error in secure load of data source
meta info: An error occurred while decrypting data
Although myDatasource is missing from datasources list I can still see it in registry through admin panel -> Registry -> /_system/config/repository/components/org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource/myDatasource
I have the same issue. This seems to be some error introduced in 6.4.0.
6.3.0 does not exhibit this behaviour.
As a workaround, if you define the datasources in /conf/datasources/master-datasources.xml then the datasources load correctly at server startup. However this is not ideal solution as they cannot then be edited through the web console.
Alternatively you can download the registry entry , edit the password element to remove 'Encrypted=true' and change the password to be unencrypted. Then upload the edited file as a new registry entry alongside the old.
Both these methods are not feasible for production though as they leave the passwords unencrypted.
Out of interest are you running this on Windows? I discovered also on EI 6.4.0 that the Ciphertool utility will not run due to a malformed path. I suspect this might be related, but I cannot find where the malformed path is coming from it seems to be repeating the {carbon.home} element within the path :
C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\bin>ciphertool
Using CARBON_HOME: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0
Using JAVA_HOME: C:\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.3.0\jdk\jdk1.8.0_192
Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 51: C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\C:\Program Files\WSO2\Enterprise Integrator\6.4.0\/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.normalize(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathParser.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsPath.parse(
at sun.nio.fs.WindowsFileSystem.getPath(
at java.nio.file.Paths.get(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.getConfigFilePath(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.utils.Utils.setSystemProperties(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.initialize(
at org.wso2.ciphertool.CipherTool.main(

Migrate Ax2012 R3 CU12 model to Dynamics 365 error: no metadata to upgrade

I’m upgrading a custom product/model from AX2012 R3 CU12 to Dynamics365 using the Lifecycle Services code upgrade service.
At the point where uploading the compressed model store, I hit the following error:
“Customer models contain no metadata to upgrade. Please make sure the Descriptor folder has valid contents.”
I’ve tried searching online for more information or an explanation of the error, but I can’t find a solution.
I exported the model store again from AX2012 R3 CU12 and uploaded the new (compressed) file. The process completed successfully, so I assume there must have gone something wrong with the first export of the model store.

Invalid handle attempting to load message from resource DLL

We are doing SQL Server Transactional Publication through C# code between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Express 2005. It is working in couple of laptops, but in some laptops it is giving error as:
Invalid handle attempting to load message from resource DLL
Can someone help me why we are getting this error and how can we solve it?
I came across this same issue while experimenting with RMO merge pull subscriptions. In my case the folder I had specified for the merge agent log didn't exists, or the current user didn't have permission to write to that folder.
subscription.SynchronizationAgent.Output = "C:\TEMP\mergeagent.log";

CMIS workbench not connecting to inmemory/Alfresco repository

I have setup inmemory repository on Tomcat7 and trying to access it using cmis workbench. As per instructions, I am using
as URL for binding & leaving all other things default but I am getting "Service Unavailable" error as below with warning in log4j.log file under tomcat/bin.
WARN [localhost-startStop-1]
Resource file with type definitions types.xml could not be found, no
types will be created.
Next I tried to connect to my local Alfresco 4.2 repo using same workbench with atom URL as
with admin credentials but again I am getting same error as below.
Try the following:
go to
There is a link to the workbench:
Use the alfresco cmisatom url:
Login as admin with password admin.
This one works and you can even try your local repo.
Open these URLs in a web browser. If you see a "Service Unavailable" error then it's not a CMIS Workbench problem.
You can also try a nightly build of the CMIS Workbench [1], which provides more detailed error messages.

InteropExcel.dll throwing error on server

i am trying to create a workbook from the solution and save it at a specified folder but whilt creating the odject of workbook am getting this error
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80080005.
have tried setting permissions through dcomcnfg i.e. Interactive,launching and this user
I have deployed new build on IIS server... whenever i deploy new build i get this error
If your server is 64-bit, that might be what's causing this issue. Take a look at this question on SO:
Issue with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll while converting application to 64 bit
