I have a mistake in ASP.NET MVC - asp.net

#using eCommerceStatic.Models;
#model IEnumerable<ProductModel>
//ViewBag.Title = "Index";
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public PartialViewResult _GetCategories()
return PartialView(_context.Categories.ToList());
#model IEnumerable<eCommerceStatic.Entity.Category>
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark mdb-color lighten-3 mt-3 mb-5">
<!-- Navbar brand -->
<span class="navbar-brand">Kategoriler :</span>
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#foreach (var category in Model)
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/Home/List/#category.Id">#category.Name</a>
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Additional information: The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[eCommerceStatic.Models.ProductModel]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[eCommerceStatic.Entity.Category]'
How can I fix this?

It is because, your Partial View which is:
_GetCategories.cshtml requires #model IEnumerable<eCommerceStatic.Entity.Category>
but your Index.cshtml which is your Main View in this case, requires
#model IEnumerable<ProductModel>
So, you should be using #model IEnumerable<ProductModel> in your _GetCategories.cshtml
In these cases, consider using a common model class. You can do something similar to this:
Create a new Model class,
Create List<ProductModel> and List<Category> properties.
public class ProductsAndCategories
public List<ProductModel> Products { get; set; }
public List<Category> Categories { get; set; }
So in your Index :
public IActionResult Index()
var model = new ProductsAndCategories
//Define your IEnumerable<ProductModel>
//Below is an example...
Products = _context.ProductModel.ToList()
return View(model);
And in your _GetCategories :
public PartialViewResult _GetCategories()
var model = new ProductsAndCategories
Categories = _context.Categories.ToList()
return PartialView(model);
#model ProductsAndCategories
and in your _GetCategories.cshtml:
#model ProductsAndCategories
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How Do I Fix the Carousel Slider Controls?

I'm trying to setup a CSS carousel, when I wrote the code the automatic sliding seems to work okay, although it seems little buggy. However the main issue is the prev and next controls don't work properly. Every time you click one of them they always start you from the active-item image so you can never fully click through the images.
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https://youtu.be/7Hr-EBEpVJ0 this is a video of the problem just to prove it is happening. As you can see the bottom three buttons work fine but the two left and right buttons bring up the problem I described
I'm assuming the problem is with my bootstrap or my jquery since the code does not bring you all problems

Redirecting to a particular page

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Persistent Systems is a technology services company which was incorporated on 16 May 1990 as Persistent Systems Private Limited. It was subsequently converted into a public Limited company on 17 September 2010 with the name Persistent Systems Limited and a new certificate of incorporation was issued on 28 September 2007 from the RoC.
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<h1 class="title wow fadeInDown" data-wow-delay=".3s">Available Programmes</h1>
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The following programmes are available for our employees..
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Automated software testing tool
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<a target="_blank" href="service.html">Enroll for Robotium</a>
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Automation testing framework (Android) </p>
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<a target="_blank" href="service.html">Enroll for TestComplete</a>
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Open testing platform
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<a target="_blank" href="service.html">Enroll for SoapUI</a>
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Web service testing application
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<a target="_blank" href="service.html">Enroll for QTP(HP)</a>
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Automated functional testing tool
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<a target="_blank" href="service.html">Enroll for TestDrive</a>
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Automated software quality solution
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<h1 class="title wow fadeInDown" data-wow-delay=".3s">BENEFITS</h1>
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The benefits of the programme are clearly very high.<br>The programme empowers you with new ways for quality software development.
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<h4 class="media-heading">Better product quality
<p>After the programme,the products you generate will see a rise in quality.</p>
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<h4 class="media-heading">Client satisfaction
<p>Better quality products will automatically lead to better client satisfaction</p>
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<h4 class="media-heading">Work reduction
<p>The programme will allow you to generate products in a complete new mannner thus reducing your work.</p>
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<h4 class="media-heading">Increased work rate
<p>New methods will allow you to work at a faster pace thus increasing your work rate.</p>
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<h4 class="media-heading">Skill upgradation</h4>
<p>Last but not the least,you will have a new set of skills completely industry relevant.</p>
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I am currently working on a web project where if the user wants to enroll for a particular program the user clicks on enroll and they are redirected to the log in page. but I want that they should be automatically redirected to their profile pages if they are already logged in.What should I do.Also I am a newbie to stackoverflow so I don't know how to present my code here.If someone would tell me how to do so I am totally open to do it.
You have to test in PHP if your user is logged into your website.
header('Location: profil.php');
else {
header('Location: login.php');
I suppose you don't know a lot PHP, so you should have a look to how create a membership and use PHP sessions :-)
well you need to check your if session or if cookie exists and is not expired .... if they exist then you redirect before the whole page is loaded (server Logic) ... as i dont know what language you have written you server logic in i cant help you with the code
After user is logged-in generate a user token and store it in a cookie when ever user redirect to login-page use jquery/javascript to check the cookie then from there you can decide whether user should stay in login-page or redirect to profile page.
You can post your code by pasting in the editor and select the code then click on {} this symbol

Button is appearing for full screen in bootstrap

I am trying on bootstrap with some new thing I am trying to make navigation bar responsive for that I want my list should appear on navigation bar o=for med or large screen and as a button in for extra small screen devices as toggle button but for me even for large screen it is showing toggle button
Here is my piece of code for that
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<h1>Ristorante con Fusion</h1>
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<p>We take inspiration from the World's best cuisines, and create a unique fusion experience. Our lipsmacking creations will tickle your culinary senses!</p>
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<h3 align=center>Our Lipsmacking Culinary Creations</h3>
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<p>A unique combination of Indian Uthappam (pancake) and Italian pizza, topped with Cerignola olives, ripe vine cherry tomatoes, Vidalia onion, Guntur chillies and Buffalo Paneer.</p>
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<h2>Weekend Grand Buffet</h2>
<p>Featuring mouthwatering combinations with a choice of five different salads, six enticing appetizers, six main entrees and five choicest desserts. Free flowing bubbly and soft drinks. All for just $19.99 per person </p>
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<h3 align=center>Meet our Culinary Specialists</h3>
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<h2>Alberto Somayya</h2>
<h4>Executive Chef</h4>
<p>Award winning three-star Michelin chef with wide International experience having worked closely with whos-who in the culinary world, he specializes in creating mouthwatering Indo-Italian fusion experiences. </p>
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Tel.: +852 1234 5678<br>
Fax: +852 8765 4321<br>
Email: confusion#food.net
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Please help me out here.I tried that code in EDGE and chrome
According to the Official Bootstrap Documentation.
Easy fix just replace hide-sm-up (which isn't even a bootstrap class) with visible-xs-block.
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<h1>Ristorante con Fusion</h1>
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<p>We take inspiration from the World's best cuisines, and create a unique fusion experience. Our lipsmacking creations will tickle your culinary senses!</p>
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<h3 align=center>Our Lipsmacking Culinary Creations</h3>
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<p>A unique combination of Indian Uthappam (pancake) and Italian pizza, topped with Cerignola olives, ripe vine cherry tomatoes, Vidalia onion, Guntur chillies and Buffalo Paneer.</p>
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<h3 align=center>This Month's Promotions</h3>
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<h2>Weekend Grand Buffet</h2>
<p>Featuring mouthwatering combinations with a choice of five different salads, six enticing appetizers, six main entrees and five choicest desserts. Free flowing bubbly and soft drinks. All for just $19.99 per person </p>
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<h3 align=center>Meet our Culinary Specialists</h3>
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<h2>Alberto Somayya</h2>
<h4>Executive Chef</h4>
<p>Award winning three-star Michelin chef with wide International experience having worked closely with whos-who in the culinary world, he specializes in creating mouthwatering Indo-Italian fusion experiences. </p>
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<h5>Our Address</h5>
121, Clear Water Bay Road<br>
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon<br>
Tel.: +852 1234 5678<br>
Fax: +852 8765 4321<br>
Email: confusion#food.net
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customizing ion nav bar in ionic

How do I customize ion-nav-bar.
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<h1>ROCK 'N' GRILL<br>
<span>Pitampura New Delhi...</span></h1>
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However, this is a static header. I would like it to convert it to ion-nav-bar but it breaks with it. How do I customize it to be used as ion-nav-bar and not header ?
Demo: http://play.ionic.io/app/000722ac6197

Why is the col-md-4 column starting from the right and leaving a blank space on next line

I am displaying a list of search results. I am using col-md-4 from bootstrap to display 3 results per row - a bit like 3 cards. However when it moves to the next row it starts from the right and then the next item shows up only on the next one left... basically jumping a column.
Following code to be repeated as many time as needed. End goal is to display results like a grid.
<div class="outer-listings-container row-space-8">
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<div class="col-md-4 row-space-1" data-id="36">
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<sup class="h6">€</sup>
<span class="h3">456</span>
<sup class="h6">EUR</sup>
<span class="h6">/session of 2 hours</span>
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<img src="#" class="avatar-sm" alt="Banana"> </div>
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Banana R
<small>Banana R</small>
<span class="stars2"><span style="width: 0px;"></span></span>
<span><b class="review_score">0</b> (0 reviews)</span>
<p>more blabla </p>
<!-- END REPEAT -->
Problem can be seen on the following page: https://gokyma.com/search?location=Paris%2C+France&country=FR&city=Paris&state=IDF&stype=5&selected_date=&selected_time=&_token=ZHXfiseRlAgE3fLY0f1ywr7qYzj9eFxGkSZ2SFIS
Well, your jsfiddle code is not really representative of the issue, but I guess one solution could be adding <div class="row"></div> for each series of 3 col-md-4 that you have in each line. So, the snippet would look something like this;
<row> <col-md-4> <col-md-4> <col-md-4> </row>
Remember, a row can't contain more than 12 columns.... that's another thing to take into consideration...
