How to calculate cumulative costs using formulas? - ms-project

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  - MS Project 2016 Pro. Desktop
I am in the Gantt Chart view.
How to calculate cumulative costs using formulas?

Formulas are task-level calculations and cannot get/use information from other tasks.
You could do this with VBA, however since the order of tasks is mutable (e.g. tasks can be moved, deleted, inserted, etc) it doesn't make much sense to have a field showing cumulative values. You would need to recalculate the field frequently to ensure it is correct.


How to retrieve a row's position within a DynamoDB global secondary index and the total?

I'm implementing a leaderboard which is backed up by DynamoDB, and their Global Secondary Index, as described in their developer guide,
But, two of the things that are very necessary for a leaderboard system is your position within it, and the total in a leaderboard, so you can show #1 of 2000, or similar.
Using the index, the rows are sorted the correct way, and I'd assume these calls would be cheap enough to make, but I haven't been able to find a way, as of yet, how to do it via their docs. I really hope I don't have to get the entire table every single time to know where a person is positioned in it, or the count of the entire table (although if that's not available, that could be delayed, calculated and stored outside of the table at scheduled periods).
I know DescribeTable gives you information about the entire table, but I would be applying filters to the range key, so that wouldn't suit this purpose.
I am not aware of any efficient way to get the ranking of a player. The dumb way is to do a query starting from the player with the highest point, move downward, keep incrementing your counter until you reach the target player. So for the user with lowest point, you might end up scanning the whole range.
That being said, you can still get the top 100 player with no problem (Leaders). Just do a query starting from the player with the highest point, and set the query limit to 100.
Also, for a given player, you can get 100 players around him with similar points. You just need do two queries like:
query with hashkey="" and rangekey <= his point, limit 50
query with hashkey="" and rangekey >= his point, limit 50
This was the exact same problem we were facing when we were developing our app. Following are two solutions we had come with to deal with this problem:
Query your index with scanIndex->false that will give you all top players (assuming your score/points key in range) with limit 1000. Then applying this mathematical formula y = mx+b where you can take 2 iteration, mostly 1 and last value to find out m and b, x-points, and y-rank. Based on this you will get the rank if you have user's points (this will not be exact rank value it would be approximate, google does the same if we search some thing in our mail it show
and not exact value in first call.
Get all the records and store it in cache until the next update. This is by far the best and less expensive thing we are using.
The beauty of DynamoDB is that it is highly optimized for very specific (and common) use cases. The cost of this optimization is that many other use cases cannot be achieved as easily as with other databases. Unfortunately yours is one of them. That being said, there are perfectly valid and good ways to do this with DynamoDB. I happen to have built an application that has the same requirement as yours.
What you can do is enable DynamoDB Streams on your table and process item update events with a Lambda function. Every time the number of points for a user changes you re-compute their rank and update your item. Even if you use the same scan operation to re-compute the rank, this is still much better, because it moves the bulk of the cost from your read operation to your write operation, which is kind of the point of NoSQL in the first place. This approach also keeps your point updates fast and eventually consistent (the rank will not update immediately, but is guaranteed to update properly unless there's an issue with your Lambda function).
I recommend to go with this approach and once you reach scale optimize by caching your users by rank in something like Redis, unless you have prior experience with it and can set this up quickly. Pick whatever is simplest first. If you are concerned about your leaderboard changing too often, you can reduce the cost by only re-computing the ranks of first, say, 100 users and schedule another Lambda function to run every several minutes, scan all users and update their ranks all at the same time.

R Models with Factors in Tableau

I'm attempting to build a model for sales in R that is then integrated into Tableau so I can look at the predictions as they relate to the actual values. The model I'm building for sales is in R, and I'm trying to integrate it into Tableau by creating a calculated field that uses the model to give the predicted value for each record using the SCRIPT_REAL function in Tableau. The records are all coming from a MySQL database connection. The issue that I'm having comes from using factors in my model (for example, month).
If I want to group all of the predictions by day of week, Tableau can't perform the calculation because it tries to aggregate each field I'm using before passing it into the model. When it tries to aggregate month, not all of the values are the same, so it instead returns a "". Obviously a prediction value then can't be reached because there is no value associated with a "". Essentially what I'm trying to do is get a prediction value for each record that I have, and then aggregate those prediction values in various ways.
Okay, now I can understand a little bit better what you're talking about. A twbx with dummy data (and even dummy model, but that generates the same problem you're facing) would help even more, but let me try to say a couple of things
One thing that is important to understand is that SCRIPT functions are like table calculations, i.e., they are performed only with aggregated fields, they are computed last (after all aggregations, measures and regular calculations) and you can define the level of aggregation you want.
So, if you want to display values on a daily basis, put your date field on page, go to the day level, and for the calculation partition by DAY(date_field). If you want by week, same thing.
I find table calculations (including R scripts) very useful when they are an end, i.e. the calculation is the answer. It's not so useful (or better, not so easily manipulable) when it's an end, like an intermediate step before a final calculation to get to the answer. That is mainly because the level of aggregation is based on the fields that are on page. So, for instance, if I have multiple orders from different clients, and want to assess what's the average order value by customer, table calculation is great, WINDOW_AVG(SUM(order_value)) partitioned by customer. If, for some reason, I want to sum all this values, then it's tricky. I can't do it directly, as the avg order value is not stored anywhere, and cannot be retrieved without all the clients being on page. So what I usually do is to create the table with all customers, export it to mdb, and reconnect in Tableau.
I said all this because it might be your problem, when you say "Tableau can't perform the calculation because it tries to aggregate each field I'm using before passing it into the model". Yes, Tableau does that and there's nothing you can do about it, but figure out a way around it. Creating an intermediate table in Tableau, exporting it, and connecting to it again in Tableau might be an answer. Performing the calculations in R, exporting it and then connecting to Tableau might be another way.
But again, without actually seeing what you're trying to do, it's hard to say what you need to do

MS SQL product list with filtering

I'm building an application in ASP.NET(VB) with a MS SQL database. It is a search tool for cars that has a list of every car and all of their attributes (colors, # of doors, gas milage, mfg. year, etc). This tool outputs the results in a gridview and the users has the ability to perform advanced searches and filtering. The filtering needs to be very fine-grained (range of gas milage, color(s), mfg year range, etc.) and I cannot seem to find the best way to do this filtering without a large SQL where statement that is going to greatly impact SQL performance and page load. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here, thank you for any help. I'm not sure what other details would be helpful.
This is not an OLTP database you're building--it's really an analytics database. There really isn't a way around the problem of having to filter. The question is whether the organization of the data will allow seeks most of the time, or will it require scans; and also whether the resulting JOINs can be done efficiently or not.
My recommendation is to go ahead and create the data normalized and all, as you are doing. Then, build a process that spins it into a data warehouse, denormalizing like crazy as needed, so that you can do filtering by WHERE clauses that have to do a lot less work.
For every single possible search result, you have a row in a table that doesn't require joining to other tables (or only a few fact tables).
You can reduce complexity a bit for some values such as gas mileage, by striping the mileage into bands of, say, 5 mpg. (10-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.)
As you need to add to the data and change it, your data-warehouse-loading process (that runs once a day perhaps) will keep the data warehouse up to date. If you want more frequent loading that doesn't keep clients offline, you can build the data warehouse to an alternate node, then swap them out. Let's say it takes 2 hours to build. You build for 2 hours to a new database, then swap to the new database, and all your data is only 2 hours old. Then you wipe out the old database and use the space to do it again.

Local Cube - Is there a reason to use OLTP's grain?

I am building a local OLAP cube based on data gathered from several OLTP sources. Please note that I am doing this programmatically and do not have access to tools like SSAS or MDX-based tools.
My requirements are somewhat different than the operational requirements of the OLTP system users. I know that "in theory" it would be preferable to retain the most atomic grain available to me, but I don't see a reason to include the lowest level of data in the cube.
For example (I am simplifying), I have a measure field like "Price". Additionally, each sales fact has a Version attribute with values such as:
List (Original/Initial)
Initial Quote
Adjusted Quote
These describe the internal development of our pricing and are critical to the reports that I create.
However, for my reporting purposes, I will always want to know the value of all Versions whenever I am referencing a given transaction. Therefore, I am considering pivoting measures like Price by Version in the cube (Version will still be its own entity in the data model), resulting in measures like:
Since only one Version is ever effective at a given point in time, we do not need to aggregate across multiple Versions.
Known Advantages
Since this will be a local cube file, it appears this approach would
simplify the creation of several required calculated measures that compare Price
across different Versions (would not be an issue to create calculated measures at various levels of aggregation if I was doing this with MDX)
It would also reduce the number of records by a factor of between 3
and 6, which would significantly boost performance for a local cube.
Known Disadvantages
While the data model will match the business process, the cube would not store the data at the most atomic level. An analyst would need to distinguish between Versions by Measure selection, and could not filter by Version - they would always get all available Versions.
This approach will greatly increase the number of Measures. For
example, there is not just one Price we are tracking, but several
price components and other Measures we track for each transaction.
So if we track a dozen true Measures for each transaction, that
might end up being 50-60 Measures if I take this approach.
I understand that for very large Fact tables, it would be preferable to factor all possible fields out of the Fact table into Dimensions for performance purposes, but I am not sure whether this is the case when using a local cube, as in all likelihood, I will put fewer than 50,000 records into any given cube file, given the limitations of local cubes.
Are there other drawbacks to this approach that I'm missing?

How to handle large amounts of data for a web statistics module

I'm developing a statistics module for my website that will help me measure conversion rates, and other interesting data.
The mechanism I use is - to store a database entry in a statistics table - each time a user enters a specific zone in my DB (I avoid duplicate records with the help of cookies).
For example, I have the following zones:
Website - a general zone used to count unique users as I stopped trusting Google Analytics lately.
Category - self descriptive.
Minisite - self descriptive.
Product Image - whenever user sees a product and the lead submission form.
Problem is after a month, my statistics table is packed with a lot of rows, and the ASP.NET pages I wrote to parse the data load really slow.
I thought maybe writing a service that will somehow parse the data, but I can't see any way to do that without losing flexibility.
My questions:
How large scale data parsing applications - like Google Analytics load the data so fast?
What is the best way for me to do it?
Maybe my DB design is wrong and I should store the data in only one table?
Thanks for anyone that helps,
The basic approach you're looking for is called aggregation.
You are interested in certain function calculated over your data and instead of calculating the data "online" when starting up the displaying website, you calculate them offline, either via a batch process in the night or incrementally when the log record is written.
A simple enhancement would be to store counts per user/session, instead of storing every hit and counting them. That would reduce your analytic processing requirements by a factor in the order of the hits per session. Of course it would increase processing costs when inserting log entries.
Another kind of aggregation is called online analytical processing, which only aggregates along some dimensions of your data and lets users aggregate the other dimensions in a browsing mode. This trades off performance, storage and flexibility.
It seems like you could do well by using two databases. One is for transactional data and it handles all of the INSERT statements. The other is for reporting and handles all of your query requests.
You can index the snot out of the reporting database, and/or denormalize the data so fewer joins are used in the queries. Periodically export data from the transaction database to the reporting database. This act will improve the reporting response time along with the aggregation ideas mentioned earlier.
Another trick to know is partitioning. Look up how that's done in the database of your choice - but basically the idea is that you tell your database to keep a table partitioned into several subtables, each with an identical definition, based on some value.
In your case, what is very useful is "range partitioning" -- choosing the partition based on a range into which a value falls into. If you partition by date range, you can create separate sub-tables for each week (or each day, or each month -- depends on how you use your data and how much of it there is).
This means that if you specify a date range when you issue a query, the data that is outside that range will not even be considered; that can lead to very significant time savings, even better than an index (an index has to consider every row, so it will grow with your data; a partition is one per day).
This makes both online queries (ones issued when you hit your ASP page), and the aggregation queries you use to pre-calculate necessary statistics, much faster.
