extract beta, sd and P-value from meta-regression using meta package in r to a nice output - r

I am using the code below to do meta-regression in R and repeat it several time for different variables.
My dataframe and codes are as follow
data<-read.table(text="Studlab PCI.total.FU CABG.total.FU PCI CABG Mean.Age Females..
A 4515 4485 45 51 65.1 22.35
B 4740 4785 74 49 65.95 23.15
C 3621.4 3598.6 41 31 63.15 28.65
D 2337 2314.2 20 29 60 30.5
E 1835.2 1835.2 20 16 66.2 22
F 2014.8 2033.2 11 6 64.45 28.55
G 1125 1125 4 5 61.95 20.65
H 1500 1500 6 3 62.25 23.5
I 976 1000 11 3 61.5 21
J 202 194 10 0 62.4 1", sep="", header=T)
mr <- metainc( PCI, PCI.total.FU,CABG, CABG.total.FU,
data = data, studlab = Studlab, method = "Inverse")
Then for meta-regression I used the following code
MEG<-metareg (mr, ~Mean.Age);MEG ;
b = round(MEG[["b"]], digits = 2)
se = round(MEG[["se"]], digits = 2)
pval = round(MEG[["pval"]], digits = 2)
paste0(b,"±",se,", P=",pval)
# Then I repeat meta-regression with another variable
MEG<-metareg (mr, ~Females..);MEG
b = round(MEG[["b"]], digits = 2)
se = round(MEG[["se"]], digits = 2)
pval = round(MEG[["pval"]], digits = 2)
paste0(b,"±",se,", P=",pval)
and so on. So; b,se, pval and paste0 steps will be repeated frequently to get the needed output
The content of MEG is shown in the screenshot below.
My question is there is anyway to repeat this function (those repeated steps) several times with different variables (here I used "Mean.Age" then I used "Females..". In another term , I reproduce several MEG with different variables. I am thinking if there is anyway like Macro or so to call those function repeatedly without continuous copy and paste the code several times
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I am doing that to finally create a table like this


Creating and plotting confidence intervals

I have fitted a gaussian GLM model to my data, i now wish to create 95% CIs and fit them to my data. Im having a couple of issues with this when plotting as i cant get them to capture my data, they just seem to plot the same line as the model without captuing the data points. Also Im also unsure that I've created my CIs the correct way here for the mean. I entered my data and code below if anyone knows how to fix this
data used
cases quarter date
1 2 1 83.00
2 6 2 83.25
3 10 3 83.50
4 8 4 83.75
5 12 1 84.00
6 9 2 84.25
7 28 3 84.50
8 28 4 84.75
9 36 1 85.00
10 32 2 85.25
11 46 3 85.50
12 47 4 85.75
13 50 1 86.00
14 61 2 86.25
15 99 3 86.50
16 95 4 86.75
17 150 1 87.00
18 143 2 87.25
19 197 3 87.50
20 159 4 87.75
21 204 1 88.00
22 168 2 88.25
23 196 3 88.50
24 194 4 88.75
25 210 1 89.00
26 180 2 89.25
27 277 3 89.50
28 181 4 89.75
29 327 1 90.00
30 276 2 90.25
31 365 3 90.50
32 300 4 90.75
33 356 1 91.00
34 304 2 91.25
35 307 3 91.50
36 386 4 91.75
37 331 1 92.00
38 368 2 92.25
39 416 3 92.50
40 374 4 92.75
41 412 1 93.00
42 358 2 93.25
43 416 3 93.50
44 414 4 93.75
45 496 1 94.00
my code used to create the model and intervals before plotting
#creating the model
model3 = glm(cases ~ date,
data = aids,
family = poisson(link='log'))
#now to add approx. 95% confidence envelope around this line
#predict again but at the linear predictor level along with standard errors
my_preds <- predict(model3, newdata=data.frame(aids), se.fit=T, type="link")
#calculate CI limit since linear predictor is approx. Gaussian
upper <- my_preds$fit+1.96*my_preds$se.fit #this might be logit not log
lower <- my_preds$fit-1.96*my_preds$se.fit
#transform the CI limit to get one at the level of the mean
upper <- exp(upper)/(1+exp(upper))
lower <- exp(lower)/(1+exp(lower))
#plotting data
plot(aids$date, aids$cases,
xlab = 'Date', ylab = 'Cases', pch = 20)
#adding CI lines
plot(aids$date, exp(my_preds$fit), type = "link",
xlab = 'Date', ylab = 'Cases') #add title
outcome i currently get with no data points, the model is correct here but the CI isnt as i have no data points, so the CIs are made incorrectly i think somewhere
Edit: Response to OP's providing full data set.
This started out as a question about plotting data and models on the same graph, but has morphed considerably. You seem you have an answer to the original question. Below is one way to address the rest.
Looking at your (and my) plots it seems clear that poisson glm is just not a good model. To say it differently, the number of cases may vary with date, but is also influenced by other things not in your model (external regressors).
Plotting just your data suggests strongly that you have at least two and perhaps more regimes: time frames where the growth in cases follows different models.
ggplot(aids, aes(x=date)) + geom_point(aes(y=cases))
This suggests segmented regression. As with most things in R, there is a package for that (more than one actually). The code below uses the segmented package to build successive poisson glm using 1 breakpoint (two regimes).
setDT(aids) # convert aids to a data.table
aids[, pred:=
segmented(glm(cases~date, .SD, family = poisson), seg.Z = ~date, npsi=1),
type='response', se.fit=TRUE)$fit]
ggplot(aids, aes(x=date))+ geom_line(aes(y=pred))+ geom_point(aes(y=cases))
Note that we need to tell segmented the count of breakpoints, but not where they are - the algorithm figures that out for you. So here, we see a regime prior to 3Q87 which is well modeled using poission glm, and a regime after that which is not. This is a fancy way of saying that "something happened" around 3Q87 which changed the course of the disease (at least in this data).
The code below does the same thing but for between 1 and 4 breakpoints.
get.pred <- \(p.n, p.DT) {
fit <- glm(cases~date, p.DT, family=poisson)
seg.fit <- segmented(fit, seg.Z = ~date, npsi=p.n)
predict(seg.fit, type='response', se.fit=TRUE)[c('fit', 'se.fit')]
gg.dt <- rbindlist(lapply(1:4, \(x) { copy(aids)[, c('pred', 'se'):=get.pred(x, .SD)][, npsi:=x] } ))
ggplot(gg.dt, aes(x=date))+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=pred-1.96*se, ymax=pred+1.96*se), fill='grey80')+
Note that the location of the first breakpoint does not seem to change, and also that, notwithstanding the use of the poisson glm the growth appears linear in all but the first regime.
There are goodness-of-fit metrics described in the package documentation which can help you decide how many break points are most consistent with your data.
Finally, there is also the mcp package which is a bit more powerful but also a bit more complex to use.
Original Response: Here is one way that builds the model predictions and std. error in a data.table, then plots using ggplot.
setDT(aids) # convert aids to a data.table
aids[, c('pred', 'se', 'resid.scale'):=predict(glm(cases~date, data=.SD, family=poisson), type='response', se.fit=TRUE)]
ggplot(aids, aes(x=date))+
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=pred-1.96*se, ymax=pred+1.96*se), fill='grey80')+
Or, you could let ggplot do all the work for you.
ggplot(aids, aes(x=date, y=cases))+
stat_smooth(method = glm, method.args=list(family=poisson))+

Writing a function to compare differences of a series of numeric variables

I am working on a problem set and absolutely cannot figure this one out. I think I've fried my brain to the point where it doesn't even make sense anymore.
Here is a look at the data ...
sex age chol tg ht wt sbp dbp vldl hdl ldl bmi
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 M 60 137 50 68.2 112. 110 70 10 53 74 2.40
2 M 26 154 202 82.8 185. 88 64 34 31 92 2.70
3 M 33 198 108 64.2 147 120 80 22 34 132 3.56
4 F 27 154 47 63.2 129 110 76 9 57 88 3.22
5 M 36 212 79 67.5 176. 130 100 16 37 159 3.87
6 F 31 197 90 64.5 121 122 78 18 58 111 2.91
7 M 28 178 163 66.5 167 118 68 19 30 135 3.78
8 F 28 146 60 63 105. 120 80 12 46 88 2.64
9 F 25 231 165 64 126 130 72 23 70 137 3.08
10 M 22 163 30 68.8 173 112 70 6 50 107 3.66
# … with 182 more rows
I must write a function, myTtest, to perform the following task:
Perform a two-sample t-tests to compare the differences of a series of numeric variables between each level of a classification variable
The first argument, dat, is a data frame
The second argument, classVar, is a character vector of length 1. It is the name of the classification variable, such as 'sex.'
The third argument, numVar, is a character vector that contains the name of the numeric variables, such as c("age", "chol", "tg"). This means I need to perform three t-tests to compare the difference of those between males and females.
The function should return a data frame with the following variables: Varname, F.mean, M.mean, t (for t-statistics), df (for degrees of freedom), and p (for p-value).
I should be able to run this ...
myTtest(dat = chol, classVar = "sex", numVar = c("age", "chol", "tg")
... and then get the data frame to appear.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I am pulling my hair out over this one! As well, as noted in my comment below, this has to be done without Tidyverse ... which is why I'm having so much trouble to begin with.
The intuition for this solution is that you can loop over your dependent variables, and call t.test() in each loop. Then save the results from each DV and stack them together in one big data frame.
I'll leave out some bits for you to fill in, but here's the gist:
First, some example data:
n <- 20
grp <- sample(c("m", "f"), n, replace = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(grp = grp, age = rnorm(n), chol = rnorm(n), tg = rnorm(n))
grp age chol tg
1 m 1.2240818 0.42646422 0.25331851
2 m 0.3598138 -0.29507148 -0.02854676
3 m 0.4007715 0.89512566 -0.04287046
4 f 0.1106827 0.87813349 1.36860228
5 m -0.5558411 0.82158108 -0.22577099
6 f 1.7869131 0.68864025 1.51647060
7 f 0.4978505 0.55391765 -1.54875280
8 f -1.9666172 -0.06191171 0.58461375
9 m 0.7013559 -0.30596266 0.12385424
10 m -0.4727914 -0.38047100 0.21594157
Now make a container that each of the model outputs will go into:
fits_df <- data.frame()
Loop over each DV and append the model output to fits_df each time with rbind:
for (dv in c("age", "chol", "tg")) {
frml <- as.formula(paste0(dv, " ~ grp")) # make a model formula: dv ~ grp
fit <- t.test(frml, two.sided = TRUE, data = df) # perform the t-test
# hint: use str(fit) to figure out how to pull out each value you care about
fit_df <- data.frame(
dv = col,
f_mean = xxx,
m_mean = xxx,
t = xxx,
df = xxx,
p = xxx
fits_df <- rbind(fits_df, fit_df)
Your output will look like this:
dv f_mean m_mean t df p
1 age -0.18558068 -0.04446755 -0.297 15.679 0.7704954
2 chol 0.07731514 0.22158672 -0.375 17.828 0.7119400
3 tg 0.09349567 0.23693052 -0.345 14.284 0.7352112
One note: When you're pulling out values from fit, you may get odd row names in your output data frame. This is due to the names property of the various fit attributes. You can get rid of these by using as.numeric() or as.character() wrappers around the values you pull from fit (for example, fit$statistic can be cleaned up with as.character(round(fit$statistic, 3))).

How to merge extreme points of observations and select dominating units only?

I need to build an algorithm which will:
For 116 existing observations of 2 variables x1 and x2 (plotted individually: one single point)
Create new observations by merging extreme points of 2 existing observations (ex: observation 117 will have 2 extreme points, (x1_115, x2_115) and (x1_30, x2_30)). Do this for all combinations.
If, for one combination, one pair dominates the other: x1_a < x1_b AND x2_a < x2_b, only select a.
For the new set of 116+n newly created variables, remove the dominated pairs, in the same logic as above.
Continue until we cannot create new non-dominated pairs.
I'm trying to solve this problem by creating independent functions for each operation. So far I have created the ConvexUnion function which merges extreme points (simply the union of 2 observations), but it does not take into account dominance yet.
ConvexUnion <- function(a,b){
output = NULL
for (i in 1:ncol(a)) {
u = unique(rbind(a[,i],b[,i]), incomparables = FALSE)
output = cbind(output, u)
output #the extreme points of the newly created pair
a = matrix(c(50,70), ncol = 2)
b = matrix(c(60,85), ncol = 2)
v = ConvexUnion(a,b)
1 49 15023 180119 11828
2 54 3118 212988 13465
3 31 6016 81597 4787
4 39 8909 127263 10291
5 9 1789 30095 2205
6 59 8327 190405 12045
7 95 11985 288146 16379
8 54 11309 208009 12252
9 13 3844 53631 4426
10 148 26348 459371 39831
11 17 3968 48798 3210
12 157 20131 366409 27050
13 18 4614 60366 4673
14 17 5941 49042 3950
15 77 6449 226815 12584
Here, the result for the new pair, which is the so-called convex union of a and b, would be (50,70) because a dominates b (both x1 and x2 are smaller).
How do I solve the problem?

groups of different size randomly selected within different classes

i have such a difficult question (at least to me) that i spend 2 hours just writing it. Complete impossible to program it by my self. I try to be very clear and i´m sorry if i didn´t. I´m doing this in a very rustic way in excel, but i really need to program this.
i have a data.frame like this
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
45 4 Sg 2460 2401
46 4 Sg 2620 2422
47 4 Sg 2904 2627
48 5 M 2134 2044
49 5 M 2180 2104
50 5 M 2127 2069
83 11 S 2124 2062
84 11 S 2189 2336
85 11 S 2235 2162
86 11 S 2162 2153
87 11 S 2108 2124
with 17451 "id_pixel"(rows), 2080 "id_lote" and 9 "clase"
this is the "id_lote" count per "clase" (v1 is the id_lote count)
clase v1
1: S 1099
2: P 213
3: Sg 114
4: M 302
5: Alg 27
6: Az 77
7: Po 228
8: Cit 13
9: Ma 7
i need to split the "id_lote" randomly within the "clase". I mean i have 1099 "id_lote" for the "S" "clase" that are 9339 "id_pixel" (rows) and i want to randomly select 50 % of "id_lote" that are x "id_pixel"(rows). And do this for every "clase" considering that the size (number of "id_lote") of every "clase" are different. I also would like to be able to change the size of the selection (50 %, 30 %, etc). And i also want to keep the not selected set of "id_lote". I hope some one can help me with this!
here is the reproducible example
this is the data with 2 clase (S and Az), with 6 id_lote and 13 id_pixel
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
1 1 S 2909 2381
2 1 S 2515 2663
3 1 S 2628 3249
30 2 S 3021 2985
31 2 S 3020 2596
71 9 S 4725 4404
72 9 S 4759 4943
75 11 S 2728 2225
218 21 Az 4830 3007
219 21 Az 4574 2761
220 21 Az 5441 3092
1155 126 Az 7209 2449
1156 126 Az 7035 2932
and one result could be:
id_pix id_lote clase f1 f2
1 1 S 2909 2381
2 1 S 2515 2663
3 1 S 2628 3249
75 11 S 2728 2225
1155 126 Az 7209 2449
1156 126 Az 7035 2932
were 50% of id_lote were randomly selected in clase "S" (2 of 4 id_lote) but all the id_pixel in selected id_lote were keeped. The same for clase "Az", one id_lote was randomly selected (1 of 2 in this case) and all the id_pixel in selected id_lote were keeped.
what colemand77 proposed helped a lot. I think dplyr package is usefull for this but i think that if i do
df %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
sample_frac(.3, replace = FALSE)
i get the 30 % of the data of each clase but not grouped by id_lote like i need! I mean 30 % of the rows (id_pixel) were selected instead of id_lote.
i hope this example help to understand what i want to do and make it usefull for everybody. I´m sorry if i wasn´t clear enough the first time.
Thanks a lot!
First glimpse I'd say the dplyr package is your friend here.
df %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
sample_frac(.3, replace = FALSE)
so you first use group_by() and include the grouping levels you want to sample from, then you use sample_frac to sample the fraction of the results you want for each group.
As near as I can tell this is what you are asking for. If not, please consider re-stating your question to include either a reproducible example or clarify. Cheers.
to "keep" the not-selected members, I would add a column of unique ids, and use an anti-join anti_join()(also from the dplyr package) to find the id's that are not in common between the two data.frames (the results of the sampling and the original).
## Update ##
I'm understanding better now, I believe. Think about this as a two step process...
1) you want to select x% (50 in example) of the id_lote from each clase and return those id_lote #s (i'm assuming that a given id_lote does not exist for multiple clase?)
2) you want to see all of the id_pixels that correspond to each id_lote, all in one data.frame
I've broken this down into multiple steps for illustration, not because it is the fastest / prettiest.
raw data: (couldn't read your data into R.)
df<-data.frame(id_pix = c(1:200),
id_lote = sample(1:20,200, replace = TRUE),
clase = sample(letters[seq_along(1:10)], 200, replace = TRUE),
f1 = sample(1000:2000,200, replace = TRUE),
f2 = sample(2000:3000,200, replace = TRUE))
1) figure out which id_lote correspond to which clase - for this we use the dplyr summarise function and store it in a variable
summary<-df %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
Source: local data frame [125 x 2]
Groups: clase
clase id_lote
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 a 4
4 a 5
5 a 6
6 a 7
7 a 8
8 a 9
9 a 11
10 a 12
.. ... ...
then we sample to get the 30% of the id_lote for each clase..
sampled_summary <- summary %>%
group_by(clase) %>%
sample_frac(.3,replace = FALSE)
so the result of this is a data table with two columns, (clase and id_lote) with 30% of the id_lotes shown for each clase.
2) ok so now we have the id_lotes randomly selected from each class but not the id_pix that are associated with that class. To accomplish this we do a join to get the corresponding full data set including the id_pix, etc.
result <- sampled_summary %>%
The above makes a copy of the data set a bunch, so if you have a substantial data set you could just do it all at one go:
result <- df %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(clase, id_lote) %>%
summarise() %>%
group_by(clase) %>%
sample_frac(.5,replace = FALSE) %>%
if this doesn't get you what you want, let me know and we'll take another crack at it.

Looping through rows, creating and reusing multiple variables

I am building a streambed hydrology calculator in R using multiple tables from an Access database. I am having trouble automating and calculating the same set of indices for multiple sites. The following sample dataset describes my data structure:
> Thalweg
StationID AB0 AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4 AB5 BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 Xdep_Vdep
1 1AAUA017.60 47 45 44 55 54 6 15 39 15 11 18.29
2 1AXKR000.77 30 27 24 19 20 18 9 12 21 13 6.46
3 2-BGU005.95 52 67 62 42 28 25 23 26 11 19 20.18
4 2-BLG011.41 66 85 77 83 63 35 10 70 95 90 67.64
5 2-CSR003.94 29 35 46 14 19 14 13 13 21 48 6.74
where each column represents certain field-measured parameters (i.e. depth of a reach section) and each row represents a different site.
I have successfully used the apply functions to simultaneously calculate simple functions on multiple rows:
> Xdepth <- apply(Thalweg[, 2:11], 1, mean) # Mean Depth
> Xdepth
1 2 3 4 5
33.1 19.3 35.5 67.4 25.2
and appending the results back to the proper station in a dataframe.
However, I am struggling when I want to calculate and save variables that are subsequently used for further calculations. I cannot seem to loop or apply the same function to multiple columns on a single row and complete the same calculations over the next row without mixing variables and data.
I want to do:
Residual_AB0 <- min(Xdep_Vdep, Thalweg$AB0)
Residual_AB1 <- min((Residual_AB0 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB1)
Residual_AB2 <- min((Residual_AB1 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB2)
Residual_AB3 <- min((Residual_AB2 + other_variables), Thalweg$AB3)
# etc.
Depth_AB0 <- (Thalweg$AB0 - Residual_AB0)
Depth_AB1 <- (Thalweg$AB1 - Residual_AB1)
Depth_AB2 <- (Thalweg$AB2 - Residual_AB2)
# etc.
I have tried and subsequently failed at for loops such as:
for (i in nrow(Thalweg)){
Residual_AB0 <- min(Xdep_Vdep, Thalweg$AB0)
Residual_AB1 <- min((Residual_AB0 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB1)
Residual_AB2 <- min((Residual_AB1 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB2)
Residual_AB3 <- min((Residual_AB2 + Stacks_Equation), Thalweg$AB3)
Residuals <- data.frame(Thalweg$StationID, Residual_AB0, Residual_AB1, Residual_AB2, Residual_AB3)
Is there a better way to approach looping through multiple lines of data when I need unique variables saved for each specific row that I am currently calculating? Thank you for any suggestions.
your exact problem is still a mistery to me...
but it looks like you want a double for loop
for(i in 1:nrow(thalweg)){
for(j in 2:11){
