several tasks/jobs that need to be executed for a client
a lot of clients (hundreds)
tasks/jobs are nearly identical, only config changes
Are there any best practices in Airflow to keep things simple? I'm thinking about (in no specific order):
specific client configs as possible (override defaults when needed)
ui overview: job per client would make it very difficult to get an overview
modularity: re-use of code as much as possible
performance: clients should not hinder one another (too much)
scaling: it should be easy to increase performance (preferably horizontally)
fault-tolerance: when things fail for one client they don't hinder others + clear ui indication
re-execution: easy to manually re-execute for 1 client
setup: setting up a new client should be easy (and using code/config, no ui)
governance: easy to evaluate code changes and enforce rules
clean-up: easy to remove a client
I cannot find a lot of material on this particular use case.
Ideally we have one "template" that is re-used per client. It is unclear whether one job or multiple jobs are the best solution. Or maybe there is another way that better suits this usage?
Airflow has extensive support for the Google Cloud Platform. But note that most Hooks and Operators are in the contrib section, which means that they have a beta status, meaning that they can have breaking changes between minor releases.
Number of client aspects:
There can be as many DAGs as is needed and each one of them can mention multiple tasks. It is recommended to keep one logical workflow in one DAG file and try keep it very light (e.g. configuration file). It allows taking less time and resources for the Airflow scheduler to process them at each heartbeat.
It is possible to create DAGs (with the same base code) dynamically based on any number of configuration parameters, which is really helpful and time-saving option when having a lot of clients.
To create new DAGs, please create a DAG template within the create_dag function. Code can be wrapped in a method that allows for custom parameters to be passed in. Moreover, the input parameters don't have to exist in the dag file itself. Another common form of generating DAGs is by setting values in a Variable object. Plese, refer here for further information.
Specific client configs:
You can use Macros are used to pass dynamic information into task instances at runtime. A list of default variables accessible in all templates can be found here.
Airflow’s built-in support for Jinja templating enables users to pass arguments that can be used in templated fields.
UI overview
If your dag takes long time to load, you could reduce the value of default_dag_run_display_number configuration in airflow.cfg to a smaller value. This configurable controls the number of dag run to show in UI with default value 25.
If a dictionary of default_args is passed to a DAG, it will apply them to any of its operators. This makes it easy to apply a common parameter to many operators without having to type it many times.
Take a look for example:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
default_args = {
'owner': 'Airflow',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': datetime(2015, 6, 1),
'email': [''],
'email_on_failure': False,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 1,
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5),
# 'queue': 'bash_queue',
# 'pool': 'backfill',
# 'priority_weight': 10,
# 'end_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1),
dag = DAG('my_dag', default_args=default_args)
op = DummyOperator(task_id='dummy', dag=dag)
print(op.owner) # Airflow
For more information about the BaseOperator’s parameters and what they do, refer to the airflow.models.BaseOperator documentation.
It is possible to use variables, which you could control to improve airflow DAG performance (possible to set in the airflow.cfg.):
parallelism: controls the number of task instances that runs simultaneously across the whole Airflow cluster.
concurrency: The Airflow scheduler will run no more than concurrency task instances for your DAG at any given time. Concurrency is defined in your Airflow DAG. If you do not set the concurrency on your DAG, the scheduler will use the default value from the dag_concurrency entry in your airflow.cfg.
task_concurrency: This variable controls the number of concurrent running task instances across dag_runs per task.
max_active_runs: the Airflow scheduler will run no more than max_active_runs DagRuns of your DAG at a given time.
pool: This variable controls the number of concurrent running task instances assigned to the pool.
You can see the airflow config in the composer instance bucket gs://composer_instance_bucket/airflow.cfg. You can tune this configuration as you wish, but keep in mind that cloud composer has some configurations blocked.
Please, keep in mind that is recommended that the number of nodes must be greater than 3, keeping this number below to 3 could cause some issues, if you want to up upgrade the number of nodes you can use the gcloud command to specify this value. Also please note that, there are some airflow configurations related to autoscalling blocked and can't be overridden.
Some Airflow configurations are preconfigured for Cloud Composer, and you cannot change them.
Please, refer to following documentation.
Just like object is an instance of a class, an Airflow task is an instance of an Operator (BaseOperator). So write a "re-usable" operator and use it hundreds of times across your pipelines simply by passing different params.
It is possible to reduce airflow DAG scheduling latency in production by using:
max_threads: Scheduler will spawn multiple threads in parallel to schedule dags. This is controlled by max_threads with default value of 2.
scheduler_heartbeat_sec: User should consider to increase scheduler_heartbeat_sec config to a higher value(e.g 60 secs) which controls how frequent the airflow scheduler gets the heartbeat and updates the job’s entry in database.
Please refer to following articles about best practices:
Airflow documentation
I hope it will helps you in some way.
Recently I'm developing an airflow pipeline that will be running for multi tenants. This DAG will be triggered via API, and separated by batches, which is controlled by a metadabase in SQL following some business rules.
Each batch has a batch_id in order to controll the batches, and it is passed to conf DAG via API. The batch id has the timestamp of creation combined with tenant and filetype. Example: tenant1_20221120123323 ... tenant2_20221120123323. These batches can contain two filetypes ( for example purpouses) and for each filetype a DAG is triggered (DAG1 for filetype 1 and DAG2 for filetype 2) and then from the file perspective, it is combined with the filetype in some stages tenant1_20221120123323_filetype1, tenant1_20221120123323_filetype2 ...
For illustrate this, imagine that the first dag the following pipeline process_data_on_spark >> check_new_files_on_statingstorage >> [filetype2_exists, write_new_data_to_warehouse] filetype2_exists >> read_data_from_filetype2 >> merge_filetype2_filetype2 >> write_new_data_to_warehouse . Where the filetype2_exists is a BranchPythonOperator, that verify if DAG_2 was triggered, and if it was, it will merge the resulted data form DAG2 with the DAG1 before execute write_new_data_to_warehouse.
Based on this DAG model, there will be one DAG run for each tenant. So, the DAG can have multiple DAG runs running in parallel if we trigger more than one DAG run (one per tenant). Here is my first question:
Is a good practice work with multiple DAG runs in the same DAG instead of working with Dynamic DAGs ? In this case, I would end withprocess_data_on_spark _tenant1,
process_data_on_spark _tenant2, ...process_data_on_spark _tenantN. It worth mention that the number of tenants can reach hundreads.
Now, considering that the filetype2 can or not be present in the batch, and, considering that I would use the model mentioned above (on single DAG with multiples DAG run runnning in parallel - one for each tenant). The only idead that I have for check if DAG2 was triggered for the current batch (ie., filetype2 was present in the batch) was modify the DAG_run_id to include the batch_id, combined with the filetype:
The default dag_run_id: manual__2022-11-19T00:00:00+00:00
The new dag_run_id: manual__tenant1_20221120123323_filetype2__2022-11-19T00:00:00+00:00
And from then, I would be able to query the airflow metadatabse and check if there was an dag_run_id that contains the current batch_id and the filetype2 running, and, with a sensor, wait for the dag_status be success. Then, I could run the read_data_from_filetype2 task. Otherwise, if there is no dag_run_id with batch_id and filetype2 registed in airflow metadatabase, I can follow the write_new_data_to_warehouse directly.
Here's the other question:
Is a good practice to modify dag_run_id and use it combined with airflow metadatabase to control pipelines?
Considering this scenario, It would be better to create dynamic DAGs, even if there would be result in hundeads DAGs or working with dag_run_id and airflow_metadabase and keep parallel DAG runs in one single DAG?
Or, there would be a better approach for this problem?
Thank You.
In our Big Data project there are ~3000 tables to load, all of these tables should be processed by a separate DAG in Airflow.
In our solution a single python file generates every type of table loaders so they can be triggered separately via REST API on event-based manner via Cloud Function.
Therefore we generate our DAGs by using:
Airflow variables used for the DAG generator logic
list of table names to generate
table type: insert append, truncate load, scd1, scd2
Airflow variables used by the specific operators of tables loader DAGs, e.g.:
RR_TableN = {} // python dict for operator handling RawToRaw
RC_TableN = {} // python dict for operator handling RawToCuration
user defined macros:
we try not to "static python codes" in between task definitions, because they would be executed during DAG-generation process
user defined macros are evaluated only in DAG-execution time
Unfortunately we are bound to version Airflow v1.x.x
We have noticed that the Airflow/Cloud Composer is signigicantly slower between the task executions when multiple DAGs are generated.
When only 10-20 DAGs are generated the time between the Task executions is much faster then we have 100-200 DAGs.
When 1000 DAGs are generated it takes minutes to start a new task after finishing a preceeding task for a given DAG even when a no other DAGs are executed.
We don't understand why the Task execution times are affected that hard by the number of generated DAGs.
Shouldn't be near constant time for Airflow to search in it's metabase for the required parameters for the TaskInstances?
We are not sure if the Cloud Composer is configured/scaled/managed properly by Google.
What's the reason behind this slowdown from Airflow's side?
How could we reduce the waiting times between the task executions and speed up the whole process?
Is this a "bad design pattern" what we are implementing (generator and user defined macros processing Airflow variables)?
If so, how could we do similar (table separated DAGs, single codebase etc.) in a more effective way?
This is a very simple example of the generator code what we use:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime
def create_dag(dag_id, schedule, dag_number, default_args):
def example(*args):
print('Example DAG: {}'.format(str(dag_number)))
dag = DAG(dag_id, schedule_interval=schedule, default_args=default_args)
with dag:
t1 = PythonOperator(task_id='example', python_callable=example)
return dag
for dag_number in range(1, 5000):
dag_id = 'Example_{}'.format(str(dag_number))
default_args = {'owner': 'airflow', 'start_date': datetime(2021, 1, 1)}
globals()[dag_id] = create_dag(dag_id, '#daily', dag_number, default_args)
Yes. That is a known problem. It's been fixed in Airflow 2.
It's inherent to how processing of DAG files were done in Airflow 1 (mainly about the number of queries generated).
Other than migrating to Airflow 2, there is not much you can do. Fixing that required complete refactoring and half-rewriting of Airflow scheduler logic.
One way to mitigiate it - you could potentially, rather than generate all DAGs from single file, split it to many of those. For example rather than generating DAG objects in the single Python file, you could generate 3000 separate, dynamically generated small DAG files. This will scale much better.
However, the good news is that in Airflow 2 this is Many many times faster and scalable. And Airlfow 1.10 reached EOL and is not supported any more and will not receive any more updates. So rather than changing process I'd heartily recommend to migrate.
I have a DAG that, whenever there are files detected by FileSensor, generates tasks for each file to (1) move the file to a staging area, (2) trigger a separate DAG to process the file.
FileSensor -> Move(File1) -> TriggerDAG(File1) -> Done
|-> Move(File2) -> TriggerDAG(File2) -^
In the DAG definition file, the middle tasks are generated by iterating over the directory that FileSensor is watching, a bit like this:
# def generate_move_task(f: Path) -> BashOperator
# def generate_dag_trigger(f: Path) -> TriggerDagRunOperator
with dag:
for filepath in Path(WATCH_DIR).glob(*):
sensor_task >> generate_move_task(filepath) >> generate_dag_trigger(filepath)
The Move task moves the files that lead to the task generation, so the next DAG run won't have FileSensor re-trigger either Move or TriggerDAG tasks for this file. In fact, the scheduler won't generate the tasks for this file at all, since after all files go through Move, the input directory has no contents to iterate over anymore..
This gives rise to two problems:
After execution, the task logs and renderings are no longer available. The Graph View only shows the DAG as it is now (empty), not as it was at runtime. (The Tree View shows that the tasks' run and state, but clicking on the "square" and picking any details leads to an Airflow error.)
The downstream tasks can be memory-holed due to a race condition. The first task is to move the originating file to a staging area. If that takes longer than the scheduler polling period, the scheduler no longer collects the downstream TriggerDAG(File1) task, which means that task is not scheduled to be executed even though the upstream task ran successfully. It's as if the downstream task never existed.
The race condition issue is solved by changing the task sequence to Copy(File1) -> TriggerDAG(File1) -> Remove(File1), but the broader problem remains: is there a way to persist dynamically generated tasks, or at least a way to consistently access them through the Airflow interface?
While it isn't clear, i'm assuming that downstream DAG(s) that you trigger via your orchestrator DAG are NOT dynamically generated for each file (like your Move & TriggerDAG tasks); in other words, unlike your Move tasks that keep appearing and disappearing (based on files), the downstream DAGs are static and stay there always
You've already built a relatively complex workflow that does advanced stuff like generating tasks dynamically and triggering external DAGs. I think with slight modification to your DAGs structure, you can get rid of your troubles (which also are quite advanced IMO)
Relocate the Move task(s) from your upstream orchestrator DAG to the downstream (per-file) process DAG(s)
Make the upstream orchestrator DAG do two things
Sense / wait for files to appear
For each file, trigger the downstream processing DAG (which in effect you are already doing).
For the orchestrator DAG, you can do it either ways
have a single task that does file sensing + triggering downstream DAGs for each file
have two tasks (I'd prefer this)
first task senses files and when they appear, publishes their list in an XCOM
second task reads that XCOM and foreach file, triggers it's corresponding DAG
but whatever way you choose, you'll have to replicate the relevant bits of code from
FileSensor (to be able to sense file and then publish their names in XCOM) and
TriggerDagRunOperator (so as to be able to trigger multiple DAGs with single task)
here's a diagram depicting the two tasks approach
The short answer to the title question is, as of Airflow 1.10.11, no, this doesn't seem possible as stated. To render DAG/task details, the Airflow webserver always consults the DAGs and tasks as they are currently defined and collected to DagBag. If the definition changes or disappears, tough luck. The dashboard just shows the log entries in the table; it doesn't probe the logs for prior logic (nor does it seem to store much of it other than the headline).
y2k-shubham provides an excellent solution to the unspoken question of "how can I write DAGs/tasks so that the transient metadata are accessible". The subtext of his solution: convert the transient metadata into something Airflow stores per task run, but keep the tasks themselves fixed. XCom is the solution he uses here, and it does shows up in the task instance details / logs.
Will Airflow implement persistent interface access to fleeting one-time tasks whose definition disappears from the DagBag? It's possible but unlikely, for two reasons:
It would require the webserver to probe the historical logs instead of just the current DagBag when rendering the dashboard, which would require extra infrastructure to keep the web interface snappy, and could make the display very confusing.
As y2k-shubham notes in a comment to another question of mine, fleeting and changing tasks/DAGs are an Airflow anti-pattern. I'd imagine that would make this a tough sell as the next feature.
The current problem that I am facing is that I have documents in a MongoDB collection which each need to be processed and updated by tasks which need to run in an acyclic dependency graph. If a task upstream fails to process a document, then none of the dependent tasks may process that document, as that document has not been updated with the prerequisite information.
If I were to use Airflow, this leaves me with two solutions:
Trigger a DAG for each document, and pass in the document ID with --conf. The problem with this is that this is not the intended way for Airflow to be used; I would never be running a scheduled process, and based on how documents appear in the collection, I would be making 1440 Dagruns per day.
Run a DAG every period for processing all documents created in the collection for that period. This follows how Airflow is expected to work, but the problem is that if a task fails to process a single document, none of the dependent tasks may process any of the other documents. Also, if a document takes longer than other documents do to be processed by a task, those other documents are waiting on that single document to continue down the DAG.
Is there a better method than Airflow? Or is there a better way to handle this in Airflow than the two methods I currently see?
From the knowledge I gained in my attempt to answer this question, I've come to the conclusion that Airflow is just not the tool for the job.
Airflow is designed for scheduled, idempotent DAGs. A DagRun must also have a unique execution_date; this means running the same DAG at the exact same start time (in the case that we receive two documents at the same time is quite literally impossible. Of course, we can schedule the next DagRun immediately in succession, but this limitation should demonstrate that any attempt to use Airflow in this fashion will always be, to an extent, a hack.
The most viable solution I've found is to instead use Prefect, which was developed with the intention of overcoming some of the limitations of Airflow:
"Prefect assumes that flows can be run at any time, for any reason."
Prefect's equivalent of a DAG is a Flow; one key advantage of a flow that we may take advantage of is the ease of parametriziation. Then, with some threads, we're able to have a Flow run for each element in a stream. Here is an example streaming ETL pipeline:
import time
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from threading import Thread
def stream():
for x in range(10):
yield x
def extract(x):
# If 'x' referenced a document, in this step we could load that document
return x
def transform(x):
return x * 2
def load(y):
print("Received y: {}".format(y))
with Flow("ETL") as flow:
x_param = Parameter('x')
e = extract(x_param)
t = transform(e)
l = load(t)
for x in stream():
thread = Thread(, kwargs={"x": x})
You could change trigger_rule from "all_success" to "all_done"
And also could create a branch that processes failed documents with trigger_rule set to "one_failed" to move processes those failed documents somehow differently (e.g. move to a "failed" folder and send a notification)
I would be making 1440 Dagruns per day.
With a good Airflow architecture, this is quite possible.
Choking points might be
executor - use Celery Executor instead of Local Executor for example
backend database - monitor and tune as necessary (indexes, proper storage etc)
webserver - well, for thousands of dagruns, tasks etc.. perhaps only use webeserver for dev/qa environments, and not for production where you have higher rate of task/dagruns submissions. You could use cli etc instead.
Another approach is scaling out by running multiple Airflow instances - partition documents let's say to ten buckets, and assign each partition's documents to just one Airflow instance.
I'd process the heavier tasks in parallel and feed successful operations downstream. As far as I know, you can't feed successes asynchronously to downstream tasks, so you would still need to wait for every thread to finish until moving downstream but, this would still be well more acceptable than spawning 1 dag for each record, something in these lines:
Task 1: read mongo filtering by some timestamp (remember idempotence) and feed tasks (i.e. via xcom);
Task 2: do stuff in paralell via PythonOperator, or even better via K8sPod, i.e:
def thread_fun(ret):
while not job_queue.empty():
job = job_queue.get()
return ret
# Create workers and queue
threads = []
ret = [] # a mutable object
job_queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
for thr_nr in appropriate_thread_nr:
worker = threading.Thread(
# Populate queue with jobs
for row in xcom_pull(task_ids=upstream_task):
# Start threads
for thr in threads:
# Wait to finish their jobs
for thr in threads:
Task 3: Do more stuff coming from previous task, and so on
We have built a system that queries MongoDB for a list, and generates a python file per item containing one DAG (note: having each dag have its own python file helps Airflow scheduler efficiency, with it's current design) - the generator DAG runs hourly, right before the scheduled hourly run of all the generated DAGs.
I am using Airflow 1.9.0 with a custom SFTPOperator. I have code in my DAGs that poll an SFTP site to find new files. If any are found, then I create custom task id's for the dynamically created task and retrieve/delete the files.
directory_list = sftp_handler('sftp-site', None, '/', None, SFTPToS3Operation.LIST)
for file_path in directory_list:
... SFTP code that GET's the remote files
That part works fine. It seems both the airflow webserver and airflow scheduler are iterating through all the DAGs once a second and actually running the code that retrieves the directory_list. This means I'm hitting the SFTP site ~2 x a second to authenticate and pull a list of files. I'd like to have some conditional code that only executes if the DAG is actually being run.
When an SFTP site uses password authentication, the # of times I connect really isn't an issue. One site requires key authentication and if there are too many authentication failures in a short timespan, the account is locked. During my testing, this seems to happen occasionally for reasons I'm still trying to track down.
However, if I were authenticating only when the DAG was scheduled to execute, or executing manually, this would not be an issue. It also seems wasteful to spend so much time connecting to an SFTP site when it's not scheduled to do so.
I've seen a post that can check to see if a task is executing, but that's not ideal as I'd have to create a long-running task, using up resources I shouldn't require, just to perform that test. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
You have a very good use case for Airflow (SFTP to _____ batch jobs), but Airflow is not meant for dynamic DAGs as you are attempting to use them.
Top-Level DAG Code and the Scheduler Loop
As you noticed, any top-level code in a DAG is executed with each scheduler loop. Or put another way, every time the scheduler loop processes the files in your DAG directory it is interpreting all the code in your DAG files. Anything not in a task or operator is interpreted/executed immediately. This puts undue strain on the scheduler as well as any external systems you are making calls to.
Dynamic DAGs and the Airflow UI
Airflow does not handle dynamic DAGs through the UI well. This is mostly the result of the Airflow DAG state not being stored in the database. DAG views and history are rendered based on what exist in the interpreted DAG file at any given moment. I personally hope to see this change in the future with some form of DAG versioning.
In a dynamic DAG you can both add and remove tasks from a DAG.
Adding Tasks Dynamically
When adding tasks for a DAG run will make it appear (in the UI) that all DAG
runs before when that task never ran that task all. The will have a None state
and the DAG run will be set to success or failed depending on the outcome
of the DAG run.
Removing Tasks Dynamically
If your dynamic DAG ever removes tasks you will lose the ability to review history of the DAG. For example, if you run a DAG with task_x in the first 20 DAG runs but remove it after that, it will fail to show up in the UI until it is added back into the DAG.
Idempotency and Airflow
Airflow works best when the DAG runs are idempotent. This means that re-running any DAG Run should have the same affect no matter when you run it or how many times you run it. Dynamic DAGs in Airflow break idempotency by adding and removing tasks to previous DAG runs so that the results of re-running are not the same.
Solution Options
You have at least two options moving forward
1.) Continue to build your SFTP DAG dynamically, but create another DAG that writes the available SFTP files to a local file (if not using distributed executor) or an Airflow Variable (this will result in more reads to the Airflow DB) and build your DAG dynamically from that.
2.) Overload the SFTPOperator to take a list of files so that every file that exist is processed within a single task run. This will make the DAGs idempotent and you will maintain accurate history through the logs.
I apologize for the extended explanation, but you're touching on one of the rough spots of Airflow and I felt it was appropriate to give an overview of the problem at hand.