Is this a known issue? For some reason Google Analytics goal completion numbers are much lower then what it should be, although the underlying data are correct:
I have a goal definition "Destination, begins with /goals/paid-digital-subscription/":
goal definition
The number of pageviews for this URL pattern (containing "/goals/paid-digital-subscription/") is 300.
pageviews for matching the url patter is 300
But the number of goals reported by GA is only 236.
goals reported is only 236
What is wrong? Why is goal completions significantly lower?
Thank you
Goals in Google Analytics are counted once per session.
I have several months worth of data in Google Analytics that is currently more or less useless, because some pageviews were being counted 2 or 3 (or more?) times.
The issue as far as I can tell came from a combination of a jQuery address plugin and AddThis' adding a tracking # to URLs shared on social media.
I've removed the plugins and implemented this filter to stop Google Analytics from tracking trailing vs. non-trailing slashes as 2 or more pageviews.
It works now, but is there a good way to go back and apply the filter to previous months?
The data should be salvageable I think, since Analytics tracked the Sessions correctly, but the Pageviews and Unique Pageviews way too high.
Comparing an affected time period last year to the same (unaffected) time period this year:
Unfortunately... Once GA data is sent and processed on their servers, it can't be changed.
Although your "pages/session" and "bounce rate" are unreliable, most of the other information should still be fine, for example "device type". Even conversion rate percentages are calculated as Conversions / Users - so in most cases that won't be affected.
I have an Adwords account linked to a Google Analytics account and I am wondering is there a way to view or import the keyword quality score from Adwords to be viewed in Analytics?
Or would this have to be pulled from the Adwords API and joined to Analytics data separately?
Keyword Quality Score cannot be directly imported to/viewed in Analytics. It is provided as a metric after the fact, but not a current state/output that you could append as a UTM variable.
Joining the Adwords Data to Analytics after the fact would be flawed too, as Quality Score is fluid (recalculated often). Unless you are pulling and tracking Quality Score Data multiple times daily, you will find inaccuracies. If you take the keyword data for the last 30 days in Analytics and then pulled your Keyword Quality scores and married that data, you would be projecting the the Keyword Quality Score from the single moment in time that you pulled the data onto the previous 30 days of performance. This is problematic because the Keyword Quality Score could have been much higher or lower for the majority of the 30 day date range.
We currently manually download QS data via Adwords Editor on a weekly basis. It isn't an ideal situation but it does give us visibility over the account over time.
I've set up goals in Google Universal Analytics:
Destination: URL matches regex /secure/common/callback.*?success\=true
But when I look at a custom segment against the same data the numbers are way off.
Goals yesterday:
2,040. But if I go into the default reporting view "audience" and create a custom segment with the same regular expression the numbers are way off /secure/common/callback.*?success\=true
860 visitor from 630 unique visitors.
Conceivably, if a person orders more than once (highly unlikely) visits could be higher but it's rare.
Anyway, goals suggest we had 2,040 goal completions. I know from looking at our database that we had less than half that.
Am I interpreting goals wrong here?
In Google Analytics I set a Goal that is a simple URL Destination using a real (not virtual) page url of my site.
The number of Pageviews I can see for this goal in Conversions/Goals/Goal Flow is about 50% of the number of Pageviews reported for the page url (the one I used to set the goal in URL Destination) in Content/Site Content.
I wonder if this is correct and why? Shouldn't the numer of Pageviews in Goal Flow and the number of Pageviews in Content be the same if they refer to the same url? Or, maybe, in Goal Flow Unique Pageview is used?
I think it's because google analytics will track only one Goal conversion per session,
that's why the number of page views is higher then goal conversions.
look at the first answer in this forum, his explanation is good
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone have the same problem as I do. I have 2 trackers which are Google Analytics and Piwik but after sometime I found out there is a discrepancy. Please read below for more information.
Here is data for yesterday (with New Piwik Last Week v1.7.1 version then).
GGA : 14 803 visits (Unique Visistors)
Piwik : 10 254 visits (Unique Visistors)
31% discrepancy.
What do i have to do to match the records? or which of the statistics is the correct ones?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Respective to the different programs they are both correct. The difference comes in in HOW they calculate what a unique visitor is. No two stats aggregators work the same.
Google Analytics What's the difference between the 'Absolute Unique Visitor' report and the 'New vs. Returning' report?:
Absolute Unique Visitors
In this report, the question asked is: 'has this visitor visited the website prior to the active (selected) date range?' The answer is a simple yes or no. If the answer is 'yes,' the visitor is categorized under 'Prior Visitors' in our calculations; if it is no, the visitor is categorized under 'First Time Visitors.' Therefore, in your report, visitors who have returned are still only counted once.
Piwik FAQs:
How is a 'unique visitor' counted in Piwik?
Unique Visitors is the number of visitors coming to your website; Unique Visitors are determined using first party cookies.
If the visitor doesn't accept cookie (disabled, blocked or deleted cookies), a simple heuristic is used to try to match the visitor to a previous visitor with the same features (IP, resolution, browser, plugins, OS, ...).
Note that by default, Unique Visitors are available for days, weeks and months periods, but Unique Visitors is not processed for the "Year" period for performance reasons. See how to enable Unique Visitors for all date ranges.
They both use cookies to determine uniques, but both go about it calculating them in different ways. It's apples and oranges when comparing stats packages side by side.
Examine the rest of the stats beyond unique visitors. If there is a wide margin across the board, take a close look at the implementation of both.
If all is well with both implementations, then pick one and go with it for the stats. Overall trends is what you are looking for. Are the stats you want to go up going up? Are the stats you want to go down going down?