Number of monthly active users on a telegram channel? - telegram

telegram offers a measure of views of messages on a channel. I’m curious if there is a way to measure monthly active users or total unique views on a monthly basis on a particular group.

Short answer : Yes.
You can analyse your channel statistics or even other channels statistics with many online tools or bots.
This is one of them that you can check this items via it. I should notice that all details also are available in graph.
Count of Subscribers
Count of Views
Avg post reach
Forwards & channel mentions
You also can do it by making your own bot to checkout all of this details.
If you wonder how this website do this, I should say I don't have any specific information about it but maybe can try a research and answer. Anyway public Telegram channels are available in such address:
for example :
is Pavel Durov's Telegram channel.
and also in this link you can checkout it's statistics online.


Serch for automaitc comments for telegram group

I'm a dumb sparrow and can't find a bot or app.
I am looking for a telegram program that will create the app of communication in a group.
as I see it, I prescribe phrases for comments, and the app randomly select N number and posts them from !different accounts! to the chat. (I posted the news, turned on the bot and it threw various reactions) manually jumping between accounts writing comments to the group is very dreary.
Has anyone seen something like this? I only find services, not the app.
find app or advise for supporting tg group.

how to prevent spam bots from joining groups in Telegram?

I have a group in Telegram that is bombarded by spammers/bots. We have Shieldy enabled, which gets rid of most of the spammers within a few seconds, but the notifications that come a few times per day get really annoying. There is no setting in the group setting that is able to prevent it. How can I restrict the group so that only invited people can join the group?
It can't be entirely avoided.
Change the group settings to "Invite link" in Settings > Manage Group. Revoke the permanent link to regenerate it.
That should reduce your visibility to only "Groups nearby" and require the invite link for anyone else. BUT invite links can be easily generated and tested for validity by a spam bot.
Add a bot like Shieldy ( to your group. It will further aid in restricting new members capabilities, especially bot ID's and uses Captcha verification. Bots can kick genuine people though so watch it carefully.

Can I extract and automatically message users on a TG group?

I’m part of a telegram group. I can see other users on the group, and I can message them individually (and manually). Is it possible to automatically (programmatically) message all the users on the group individually? Note I am not the admin.
If it is indeed possible, is there any sample code you can share?
It would be particularly awesome if the message could be customized for admin and non-admin. This means I’d need to detect if a particular user is an admin.
I'm not sure if I get what you are looking for but I assume you have a Telegram Bot and wanna message all users in an specific group/supergroup. First I have to remind you bot can't start private message according to this link
Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first.
If I got it wrong feel free leave comment and I will update the answer ASAP ;-) ^_^

Comparing mailing vs internal traffic for a goal completion (adding product opinion)

Our main product opinion aquisition channel are our mailings, that are sent after a purchase. Additionally, within Your Account panel, in past purchases there is an option to review a product a client bought.
I would like to compare how many percent of reviews does the functionality in Your Account provides. Adding a review is set as a goal, but I can't compare them as I would compare traffic channels, because Your Account page is not a channel. What would be the correct way to do that?
I have also done a sequence which includes users, step 1 is Page - Your Account, step 2 is Goal Completion per user more and equal 1. I'm not sure if I approached this problem correctly.

What better way to show a list of online users in the rtmfp (cirrus) group

What better way to show a list of online users in the rtmfp (cirrus) group?
For example in this project
Initial registration is not difficult (it`s can do easy like exchanging messages between rtmfp cirrus nodes at the time of entry in the group), but there is a problem of how to perform monitoring of already registered users. Perhaps there are standard mechanisms, such as a list of all peers of cirrus group, or other technology?
netGroup.neighborCount is what you are exactly looking for.
You could find more info here.
