Kronos API v2 - including multiple query parameters in a request - kronos-workforce-central

I am trying to access the Time Entries object via the Kronos API v2.
The documentation says that there are two required Query Parameters: start_date and end_date.
I am able to query the endpoint including one of the parameters at a time but am not able to enter both. And, I find the documentation quite lacking.
The root of the endpoint is:{cid}/time-entries
Here are things I have tried to suffix to the above endpoint:
?start_date=2019-11-01 end_date=2019-12-01
I also tried including quotes around the dates.
Everything results in some 400 level error when querying the API. With most of the above suffixes, it recognizes start_date but not the end_date. In this case, the error is:
{'code': 400, 'message': 'Missing required: end_date'}]
Note, above {cid} is replaced with the company's id.
In summary, how should I include two query parameters in the Kronos API?

The first option is correct.{cid}/time-entries?start_date=2019-11-01&end_date=2019-12-01
should work just fine.
Could you provide full URL you set in request?


Logic App using HTTP Action to access and GET Jira ticket

So I followed this answer and it works fine:
Provided URL:
However, it take a lot of time. So, if I want the url to check for specific ticket depending on created time and type of ticket. For example
I want ticket that is created within 15 days and that are NOT a sub-task.
so I tried something like this.
I'm not sure of how it should be written I just tried this and it doesn't work.
Here is the request result in JSON:
It should be earthier [subtask=false] OR [hierarchylevel=0] OR [name=Task]
After reproducing from my end, I could able to achieve this using Condition connector of logic apps. I have initialized an array variable first and then tried to append each item that satisfies the condition. Below is the flow of my logic app.
and then I used Parse Json to retrieve the required values for condition comparision
You can use the below Code view to reproduce the same in your environment.

How to build a query that includes # and # in Twitter API v2?

I'm not very good at interpreting how to build a query= with multiple operators. The below examples of attempts that are invalid for the Twitter API v2 . Can someone show me how to make a proper query with multiple operators using the Tweet Count API?
Attempts (title: 'Invalid Request',
detail: 'One or more parameters to your request was invalid.',): OR #animals OR #animals)
Working (would like to combine these):
Figured it out. It appears Twitter v2 API requires encoded # (%23), spaces (%20), and # (%40). The below query is valid:

Firestore REST API batchGet returns status 400

I am trying to get data from Firestore in a batch using the batchGet method. But i get an error as below :
Error: JSON error response from server: [{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Document name "["projects/MYPROJECT/databases/(default)/documents/MYCOLLECTION/DOCUMENTID"]" lacks "projects" at index 0.","status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT"}}].status: 400
I have searched for any questions regarding this, I found this. They are trying t add documents and not using batchGet, however I have followed the solution. Still no luck.
Note: I am integrating Firebase to AppGyver.
I am new to Firebase and still learning. I need all the help I can get. Thank you in advance.
I have found what I did wrong.
In AppGyver you can only set your parameters as text or number only. While the documents parameter needs to be in array. Hence, I convert the array to string using ENCODE_JSON. But that was wrong.
The correct way is just send the documents in array without converting it. Use the formula :
Just hit "Save" even there is an error telling you that it is not a text.

Set 'durationDays' to 'from the beginning' in firebase dynamic links analytics api

Below url is used for fetching analytics data related to firebase dynamic links:
(Please note that the above url is an API that needs authentication/token. You can't open it in a browser. Also, SHORT_DYNAMIC_LINK and DURATION are just placeholders not actual parameter values.
The reason I have added a link is because my question is about the value of the placeholder - DURATION present in the link)
DURATION tells how many days(going backwards) worth data needs to be fetched.
My requirement is to fetch data from the start(when the dynamic link was created). So, what value should I set for durationDays to achieve that?
As a workaround I can set a big number(like 1000 days) but wanted to know a proper way.
Based on what I tried, the parameter durationDays must be present in the url, otherwise the request would return 400 INVALID ARGUMENT. Even setting DURATION values to 0 or -1 return a similar error.
Firebase Analytics API Doc:

Outlook API - Getting Error BadRequest when using filter with OrderBy

I am building a test application to fetch mail and attachments.
If I use the request, which includes a filter of IsRead=false and HasAttachments=true, it works$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false%20AND%20HasAttachments%20eq%20true&$top=50
If I use the request, whereby I have added an OrderBy and removed the second filter HasAttachements, it works.$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false&$orderby=Subject%20desc&$top=50
If I use the request to include both filters and orderBy$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false%20AND%20HasAttachments%20eq%20true&$orderby=Subject%20desc&$top=50
it breaks with the following error
request.Result = {StatusCode: 400, ReasonPhrase: 'Bad Request', Version: 1.1
can anyone see what I am doing wrong from the requests I am making?
Thanks in advance
From testing different scenarios the problem does seem to be with the filter HasAttachments
just HasAttachments filter with orderBy breaks$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=HasAttachments%20eq%20true&$orderby=Subject%20desc&$top=50
just HasAttachments filter without orderBy works$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=HasAttachments%20eq%20true&$top=50 works
using 2 filters with orderBy (NOT HasAttachments) works$select=Sender,Subject&$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false%20AND%20Subject%20eq%20%27Test%27&$orderby=Subject%20desc&$top=50
By running the request in the browser I get a much more detailed error
{"error":{"code":"InefficientFilter","message":"The restriction or sort order is too complex for this operation."}}
So it appears that using a combination of some filters and sorting together are not allowed.
The way I would have to solve my problem is to include HasAttachments in my select clause and then filter the results returned.
