Give regular expressions of Σ = {a, b} [closed] - math

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Closed 3 years ago.
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The question ask me to give regular expressions on Σ = {a, b}, which exactly define the following languages.
These are;
(a) L1 which has exactly one b but any number of as.
(b) L2 which has an even number of as and an even number of bs.
I am struggling on what would the answers be. I would appreciate if you could help me out. Thank you

(a) We need exactly one b, which can occur anywhere in our strings; and we can have any number of the other symbols, the only one of which is a; so, our regular expression is (a*)b(a*) (note: the parentheses are added for clarity only and can be omitted).
(b) A little more complicated. See below.
(c) We can write regular expressions for each case and then union them to get one regular expression; the cases are just like (a) above: (a*)b(a*)b(a*) + (b*)a(b*)a(b*)
(d) Again, we can do each case separately and union the answers: (a*)(b*) + (b*)(a*)
(e) A little more complicated, though easier than (b). See below.
For (b) and (e) I recommend writing down a finite automaton, then a regular grammar, then solving the set of implied equations to find the regular expression. I will do (e) as an example and leave (b) as an exercise.
A finite automaton for (e) is this:
| |
V |
| ^ | ^
+-b| +-b|
The regular grammar is this:
(q0) -> e | a(q1) | b(q0)
(q1) -> a(q0) | b(q1)
The set of implied equations:
(q0) = e + a(q1) + b(q0)
(q1) = a(q0) + b(q1)
We can simplify each line using the rule q = rq + s => q = r*s:
(q0) = (b*)[a(q1) + e] = (b*)a(q1) + (b*)
(q1) = (b*)a(q0)
Now we substitute and simplify:
(q0) = (b*)a(b*)a(q0) + (b*)
= [(b*)a(b*)a]*(b*)
There you have your answer: a regular expression for (e) is [(b*)a(b*)a]*(b*). Now that we have the answer to look at it sort of makes sense: the part in square brackets contains exactly two a's, starring it gives any even number, and then finishing with b* means we don't need an a on the end (though we can have one if we want to).
For (b): either do what we did for (e) (note that you will have a four-state DFA, four nonterminals and four equations, but you can solve the system the same way we just did), or use the other expressions we've made and any insights you've gleaned to see if there's a simpler way to combine things to get the required expression.


Why can't we replace the def of "many" with the code using <~> in Opal? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have an question about
At line 105, I replaced the definition of many with let rec many x = option [] (x <~> many x);;. Then, I got the following error message:
Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
However, these two codes seem to be same. Why?
I used OCaml version 4.12.0.
OCaml is an eager language. Thus in
let rec many x = option [] (x <~> many x)
the inner expression many x is fully evaluated as soon as the argument x is provided. Consequently, evaluating many x requires to evaluate many x and the function loops.
The smallest fix is to avoid hiding the input argument of many:
let rec many x input = option [] (x <~> many x) input
(In other words, point-free style is not consequence free in an eager and mutable language.)
Since the inner many x is a closure here, its execution will be suspended breaking the loop.
Similarly, the inlined version
let rec many x = option [] (x >>= fun r -> many x >>= fun rs -> return (r :: rs))
achieve the same result by moving the inner expression many x in an anonymous function fun r -> ....

Recursive call in OCaml [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to implement a recursive call in OCaml, using the next code :
| Add (x,y) ->
match x, y with
| x, Bra y -> Bra (Implies(x, y))
| x, Add (a, b) -> Add(x, Add(a, b))
| x, y -> Implies(x, y)
When testing it with 2 cases, I found that in the case 2 the program enters in an infinity loop.
+(p,[] z)
it returns [](p => z)
+(p,+(q,[] z))
it should return [](p => (q => z)) , but instead of that goes inside the never ending loop.
I can see that the problem with case 2, is because I am calling Add inside another Add operator. But I understand here that the "exit" of the loop should be given by the first line of the match clause, however it is not working.
If you have any advice I would be grateful.
Just to clarify, I am using the next syntax for the operators
Add + , Bra [], Implies =>
In this code extract, some value (let's say v) matches Add (x,y). In particular, there is a case where y matches Add (a, b). That means that v is equal to this value:
Add (x, Add (a, b))
But, notice that the return value of your function in this case is also:
Add (x, Add (a, b))
There, v is returned unchanged.
If your code loops until there is no more Add (I don't know, because the code is incomplete, please post a Minimal, Reproducible Example), then this branch of your code produces a fixpoint, which may explain the infinite loop.

DFA + counter with multiplication, addition, brackets

I'm looking at an exam question which says
'Explain how a correctly formed arithmetic expression over variables a, b, c that contains additions, multiplication and brackets can be recognised by a DFA with a counter. (Such a DFA can increment and decrement the counter on each transition as well as test it for zero).'
I'm not quite sure I understand what it's actually asking. If someone could provide a hint that would be greatly appreciated. (i.e. what the multiplication of a and b would be for example)
If all you want is just a hint, then I think this should be enough:
Some strings represent valid arithmetic expressions such as
a + b
(a + b)*(c + d)
and some are invalid such as
a + - b
a b
(a + b)*)c+d(
"can be recognised by a DFA with a counter" here means that you can build a Deterministic finite automaton such that it stops at one of the "accept states" after processing a sting if and only if that string represents a valid arithmetic expression
P.S. Additional hint: the counting part is important here because a simple DFA can't even recognize whether an arbitrary string of brackets is properly matched.

Code to calculate a certain arithmetic expression in assemlby [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Expression: z=a+b * b-(36/(b * b)/(1+(25/(b * b)))
I have no idea what data directives I should use and in what order I should write the code.
C = A + B for Z80 CPU:
ld a,A
ld b,B
add a,b ; a = C
C = A * B for 68000 CPU:
MULS.W D1,D0 ; D0 = C
et cetera ... check your target CPU instruction guide to see what arithmetic operations it does implement directly, and what operand types can be used for them, which registers you have available, and their data type...
Looks like you don't have to write universal math expression parser (this gets tricky quite quickly, once at high-school we had on programming competition the task to write exactly that, and at first we were like "what, a single task for 5h time, I will be done in 30min" ... then after 5h nobody's code passed the full test suite, best were around 80% correct).
So if only this particular expression should be calculated, you can "parse" it by hand, simplifying it down into particular steps involving only single operation and one of intermediate sub-results. Then just write that with your instructions, step by step, like you would calculate that by hand (also make sure you conform to the math expression calculation rules, you know which operations have priority over others? Parentheses override anything, then mul/div first, add/sub later, from left to right, but this is base school math stuff, so unless you are 10y.o., you shouldn't ask this).
If your CPU does not have instruction for division or multiplication, simply implement it by subtraction/addition in loop. It's very lame performance wise, but if you have to ask this question, then one can not expect you would even comprehend more advanced algorithm for these.

Why do some functional languages not use parenthesis for function arguments? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been trying to a adopt a functional language into my programing. I use C# and rely heavily on LINQ and other functional constructs. Currently I'm focusing on Elm.
One thing that continues to bother me is the lack of parenthesis in functions. Math expressions use them:
f(z) = ln(z) + 1
Yet in many functional languages this is written as:
f z = ln z + 1
It this just a style thing or is there something deeper going here?
Functional languages take root in lambda calculus, which do not use parentheses for functional application.
It is a syntactical thing sure, but the way that functions are applied it makes sense to leave parentheses out since a function with two arguments first applies the left most argument to the function and output a function that is used by the second argument. For example the function you are used to:
add(x,y) { return x + y }
in functional terms is
add x y
add :: Int->Int->Int
where the intermediate step after applying x returns another function
add 4 -- returns a function that will return 4 + y, when y is applied
add 4 :: Int->Int
To a certain degree this helps avoid confusion with the programming languages you are used to where add(4) would throw an error. It reads more like math with associativity, ((add x) y).
One of the reasons to avoid parenthesis in function application is currying.
If you code f x y (like you should in Ocaml) then f x is simply a curryfication. If you don't have such a notation, you need an explicit lambda (or some anonymous function notation), like in Scheme (lambda (y) (f x y))
On the other hand, languages with currying often implicitly interpret f x y as (f x) y and then their implementation need to optimize that to avoid creating useless temporary closures.
I have mixed feelings w.r.t. currying. It is perhaps not often useful (but you'll need it sometimes), and a short anonymous function notation is perhaps enough
Alot of the notation we see is influenced my mathematics, and I've seen atleast two types of function notation within maths to show domain to codomain mapping.
f(x) = x + 1 and x -> x + 1
So I guess maybe the languages without parenthesis derive from the later maybe
