How to get analytical formula of probability density function and cumulative distribution function for a distribution in R? - r

Is there anyway to print out the PDF/CDF formula for a distribution? E.g. for normal distribution I wish to run a command and see some formula printed f(x) = 1/sqrt(.....)...
I want to translate R's implementation of distributions like hyperbolic and EGB2 into Python and hope there is a way to fetch the formula from R elegantly rather than looking into the source code.


Weighted mixture model of two distributions where weight depends on the value of the distribution?

I'm trying to replicate the precipitation mixture model from this paper:
f(r) is the gamma PDF, g(r) is the generalized Pareto PDF, and w(r) is the weighting function, which depends on the value r being considered. I've looked at R packages like distr and mixtools that handle mixture models, but I only see examples where w is a constant, and I haven't found any implementations where the mixture is a function of the value. I'm struggling to create valid custom functions to represent h(r) so if someone could point me to a package that would be super helpful.

Find parameters such as the mean for any distribution in R

Is there any documentation, inside R, on the parameters and CDF/PDF of the most common distributions? I tried ?rexp but it doesn't provide the formula for the variance of X, only its mean.

R: functions to determine distance of multivariate data to normal distribution

I have a multivariate data and I am interested to compute the distance of complete data to multivariate normal distribution. I want to use R. I have seen some functions like shapiro-wilk test etc. But from them I can only understand if p-value is less <0.05 it does not follow normal distribution. But I want to know how much it is far from the normal distribution. Can anyone please refer me to some functions that I can refer to for use.
Use the mqqnorm function from the RVAideMemoire package. It shows, among others, Mahalanobis distances. From the function example:
x <- 1:30+rnorm(30)
y <- 1:30+rnorm(30,1,3)

Extract random sample from a unknown distribution (no generate stochastic random deviates)

I have a vector of data. I need build the density / distribution function and from that, extract a random sample, i.e. I need obtain the result that give us a function similar to rnorm(), rpois(), rbinom(), etc, but with a distribution built from a vector of data. All in R. Thank you so much.
It has nothing to do with generate stochastic random deviates.
I know the function sample() do something similar, but not exactly. If I use sample() I obtain only elements from my original data, as a discrete distribution and I need as a continuous distribution.

Numerical integration of numerical function in R

I'm, trying to apply this solution to find the p-value in an arbitrary distribution defined from data experiments. I have estimated this distribution using the density function in R. Now, I would like to integrate this function to apply the solution proposed by #mpiktas. However, the integrate function requires a function as input, not two vectors x and y with the values that define the function, which is what density provides.
Any idea on how to deal with this numerical integration based on x-y values in R?
