Should I create new context in each incoming request? - http

For the past few days, I've been reading about Go and one concept that I keep returning to are contexts.
I think I understand the motivation behind creating such a structure. The thing that I don't understand is a particular use case when using a context in the incoming HTTP request.
Let's say we have a following httpHandlerFunc. Inside that handler, we call a function that requires a context to be passed. I often saw this solution
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "request", r)
My question is, why don't we just pass a context from the request, like so
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Doesn't it make more sense to pass the context of the request since we want the context to flow through our program? I thought that creating a background context is something we want to do only in the root parent, like init() function.

You might be missing the main point of contexts — supposedly due to poor HOWTOs you're dealing with.
The possiblility of carrying around arbitrary values in contexts is actually a misfeature of this type, regretted by its designers because it creates an anti-pattern (a proper way to deal with context-as-some-state is to have a set of values explicitly passed around).
The chief reason contexts exist is because they provide tree-like propagation of a signal (cancellation or "done" in the case of contexts).
So the original idea behind contexts is like follows:
The "root" context object is created for an incoming request.
Each "task" which is needed to be executed on behalf of the request is associated with its own context, derived from that of the request¹.
Those tasks may produce other tasks and so on.
As you can see, a hierarchy of "units of works" is formed, — linked to the object which is the reason for these units to exist and execute.
When the incoming request is cancelled (the client's socket got disconnected, for example), the context object associated with it is cancelled as well, and then all the linked tasks receive it as it's propagated from the root of the resulting context tree down to its leaves — making sure all the tasks being executed for the request are (eventually) cancelled.
Of course, in order for this to work, each "task" — which is usually a goroutine doing something — is required to "listen" from the context passed to it for that "done" signal.
Contexts also support timeout out of the box, so you might create a context which cancels itself after some fixed time interval passes.
So, back to the examples in your question.
The first example ignores the request's context completely and creates a from-scratch context ostensibly with the sole reason to carry stuff in it (bad).
The second example might use the context for its intended purpose (but we do not know as we cannot see that otherFunc).
I would advise you to read, and the articles on concurrency patters in Go linked there.
¹ Actually, a new context need not be created if the task to be controlled by it has no other policy to "add" to the existing, parent, context.
The idea of derivation is here to implment additional ways to cancel work in this particular task as well as honoring the cancellation of the parent context.
For instance, a context derived for a particular task could have its own deadline or have a way to cancel only this particular context.
Of course, a complex—nested—context can be derived for a task: for example, a context with a deadline can be derived from the parent context, and then a cancellable context can be derived form the former. The result would be a context which is cancelled either explicitly by the code or when the deadline expires or when the parent context signals its cancellation.

Your two examples do entirely different things.
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "request", r)
This creates a new context, and stores the request as a value. There is rarely, if ever, any reason to do exactly this. A far more idiomatic solution would be just to pass the request to otherFunc like so:
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
If you really do need to pass the request as a context value, you should probably do it with the current request's context, like so:
func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "request", r)


How can I pass a non-static variable to an async block?

According to the docs on task::spawn (note I'm using tokio::spawn which seems similar but lacks the description)
The 'static constraint means that the closure and its return value must have a lifetime of the whole program execution. The reason for this is that threads can detach and outlive the lifetime they have been created in. Indeed if the thread, and by extension its return value, can outlive their caller, we need to make sure that they will be valid afterwards, and since we can't know when it will return we need to have them valid as long as possible, that is until the end of the program, hence the 'static lifetime.
I'm trying to pass a Url into a thread, like this,
Where I do this in do_update,
async fn do_update(url: Url) {
let task = task::spawn(async {
let duration = Duration::from_millis(5_000);
let mut stream = time::interval(duration);
loop {
feeds::MyFeed::from_url(url.clone(), true);
This doesn't work and generates these errors,
error[E0373]: async block may outlive the current function, but it borrows url, which is owned by the current function
I've read the docs, but this doesn't much make sense to me because I'm cloning in the block. How can I resolve this error?
In this case, if you don't need the URL elsewhere, you can write async move for your block instead of async, which will move the URL (and anything else the block captures, which it looks like is nothing) into the block.
If you do need it elsewhere, then you can clone the url variable outside of the block and then do the same thing (async move) to move just that particular variable into the block and not url itself. The clone call will probably not be necessary in such a case.
This occurs because url lives outside the block and calling url.clone borrows it (probably immutably, but it depends on the implementation). Since its scope is this function and not the life of the program, it won't live for the 'static lifetime and hence you need to move it into the block instead of borrowing.

Why doesn't http.ResponseWriter implement a response stream End() call?

In Node.js, to finish writing to a stream (and in theory with HTTP, tell the client there is no more data), we use response.end(). Using Go, the ResponseWriter interface is like:
type ResponseWriter interface {
Header() Header
Write([]byte) (int, error)
WriteHeader(statusCode int)
so my question is twofold:
How can we get the HTTP status code from the ResponseWriter?
more importantly: How does Go (and routers like Mux) know when the programmer is done writing to the ResponseWriter? Is it when the goroutine ends? What if you wanted to finish the response before the goroutine stack is empty? Seems like an implementation flaw to not have an End() method in the ResponseWriter interface.
This is not possible with the standard http.ResponseWriter implementation. But this is an interface, so it's easy to write your own implementation that records the status. The beginning of a simple implementation might be:
type statusRecorder struct {
status int
func (r *statusRecorder) WriteHeader(status int) {
r.status = status
While this may seem like a limitation of the API, it's actually the opposite. By using an interface, it is possible to create an implementation that does anything, or records any information you want, rather than being limited to whatever functionality the standard library authors may have decided to expose.
When the handler returns, it is done. If you wish to do additional work after sending a response, you can spawn a goroutine to continue operating after the main handler returns.

Cancel Http handler request

I have handlers that respond to https requests. In the handlers I call a function F1() which does some application logic and connects to a mysql db and does a query. I want to know how I can use the golang context package to cancel the Db query if the client cancels the request. Do I need to pass the ctx to F1()? Also the code I have now will take 4 seconds even if F1() returns in less then 4. How can I return as soon as F1() returns?
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx:= r.context()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <- time.After( 4*time.Second):
To begin, I highly recommend taking a look at the Context blog post to familiarize yourself with contexts, in addition to reading over the context documentation itself.
To address your specific questions:
How can you cancel the database query if the user cancels their quest?
To make this work, there are a few things you want to check:
Ensure that your database driver (if you are using database/sql) supports context cancellation.
Ensure you are using the Context variants of all available methods (e.g. db.QueryContext instead of db.Query).
Ensure that you are passing the context (or a derivative of the context) through the stack from your HTTP request through to the database calls.
Do I need to pass the ctx to F1()?
Per #3 above, yes: you will need to pass the context through all intermediate calls to "connect" the database call with the request context.
How can I return as soon as F1() returns?
The code that you have in your question calls F1 in series, rather than concurrently, with your cancellation/timeout select.
If you want to apply a specific deadline to your database call, use context.WithTimeout to limit how long it can take. Otherwise, you do not need to do anything special: just call F1 with your context, and the rest will happen for you, no select is needed.

Webhook process run on another goroutine

I want to run some slow routine in another goroutine, is it safe to do it like this:
func someHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
go someReallySlowFunction() // sending mail or something slow
fmt.Fprintf(w,"Mail will be delivered shortly..")
func otherHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
foo := int64(0)
bar := func() {
// do slow things with foo
go bar()
fmt.Fprintf(w,"Mail will be delivered shortly..")
Is there any gotchas by doing this?
Serving each http request runs in its own goroutine (more details on this). You are allowed to start new goroutines from your handler, and they will run concurrently, independently from the goroutine executing the handler.
Some things to look out for:
The new goroutine runs independently from the handler goroutine. This means it may complete before or after the handler goroutine, you cannot (should not) assume anything regarding to this without explicit synchronization.
The http.ResponseWriter and http.Request arguments of the handler are only valid and safe to use until the handler returns! These values (or "parts" of them) may be reused - this is an implementation detail of which you should also not assume anything. Once the handler returns, you should not touch (not even read) these values.
Once the handler returns, the response is committed (or may be committed at any moment). Which means your new goroutine should not attempt to send back any data using the http.ResponseWriter after this. This is true to the extent that even if you don't touch the http.ResponseWriter in your handler, not panicing from the handler is taken as a successful handling of the request and thus HTTP 200 status is sent back (see an example of this).
You are allowed to pass the http.Request and http.ResponseWriter values to other functions and to new goroutines, but care must be taken: you should use explicit synchronization (e.g. locks, channels) if you intend to read / modify these values from multiple goroutines (or you want to send back data from multiple goroutines).
Note that seemingly if both your handler goroutine and your new goroutine just reads / inspects the http.Request, that still may be problematic. Yes, multiple goroutines can read the same variable without synchronization (if nobody modifies it). But calling certain methods of http.Request also modify the http.Request, and without synchronization there is no guarantee what other goroutines would see from this change. For example Request.FormValue() returns a form value associated with the given key. But this method calls ParseMultiPartForm() and ParseForm() if necessary which modify the http.Request (e.g. they set the Request.PostForm and Request.Form struct fields).
So unless you synchronize your goroutines, you should not pass Request and ResponseWriter to the new goroutine, but acquire data needed from the Request in the handler goroutine, and pass only e.g. a struct holding the needed data.
Your second example:
foo := int64(0)
bar := func() {
// do slow things with foo
go bar()
This is perfectly fine. This is a closure, and local variables referred by it will survive as long as they are accessible.
Note that alternatively you could pass the value of the local variable to the anonymous function call as an argument like this:
foo := int64(0)
bar := func(foo int64) {
// do slow things with param foo (not the local foo var)
go bar(foo)
In this example the anonymous function will see and use its parameter foo and not the local variable foo. This may or may not be what you want (depending on whether the handler also uses the foo and whether changes made by any of the goroutines need to be visible to the other - but that would require synchronization anyway, which would be superseded by a channel solution).
If you care for acknowledgement for the mail, then the posted code won't help. Running the code in separate goroutine makes it independent and the server reply will be success even if the mail is not sent due to some error in the goroutine function.

Writing Per-Handler Middleware

I'm looking to pull some repetitive logic out of my handlers and put it into some per-handler middleware: specifically things like CSRF checks, checking for an existing session value (i.e. for auth, or for preview pages), etc.
I've read a few articles on this, but many examples focus on a per-server middleware (wrapping http.Handler): I have a smaller set of handlers that need the middleware. Most of my other pages do not, and therefore if I can avoid checking sessions/etc. for those requests the better.
My middleware, so far, typically looks something like this:
func checkCSRF(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the session, check/validate/create the token based on HTTP method, etc.
// return HTTP 403 on a failed check
// else invoke the wrapped handler h(w, r)
However, in many cases I want to pass a variable to the wrapped handler: a generated CSRF token to pass to the template, or a struct that contains form data—one piece of middleware checks the session for the presence of some saved form data before the user hits a /preview/ URL, else it redirects them away (since they have nothing to preview!).
I'd like to pass that struct along to the wrapped handler to save having to duplicate the session.Get/type assertion/error checking logic I just wrote in the middleware.
I could write something like:
type CSRFHandlerFunc func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, t string)
... and then write the middleware like so:
func csrfCheck(h CSRFHandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// get the session, check/validate/create the/a token based on HTTP method, etc.
// return HTTP 403 on a failed check
// else invoke the wrapped handler and pass the token h(w, r, token)
... but that raises a few questions:
Is this a sensible way to implement per-handler middleware and pass per-request variables?
Prior to testing this (don't have access to my dev machine!), if I need to wrap a handler with multiple pieces of middleware, I assume I can just r.HandleFunc("/path/preview/", checkCSRF(checkExisting(previewHandler)))? The issue I'm seeing here is that the middleware is now tightly coupled: the wrapped middleware now needs to receive and then pass on the variable from the outer middleware. This makes extending http.HandlerFunc trickier/more convoluted.
Would gorilla/context fit better here and allow me to avoid writing 2-3 custom handler types (or a generic handler type) — and if so, how would I make use of it? Or could I implement my own "context" map (and run into issues with concurrent access?).
Where possible I'm trying to avoid falling for the "don't get caught writing a library" trap, but middleware is something that I'm likely to add/build on later in the project's life, and I'd like to "get it right" the first time around.
Some guidance on this would be much appreciated. Go's been great so far for writing a web application, but there's not a ton of examples around at this stage in its life and I'm therefore leaning on SO a little.
If I understood your question correctly, you're looking for a convenient way to pass additional parameters to your middleware, right?
Now, it's important to define what those parameters are. They could be some configuration values for your middleware – those can be set when the Handler type is being constructed). Instead of NewMyMiddleware(MyHandler), you do NewMyMiddleware(MyHandler, "parameter"), no problem here.
But in your case it seems like you want to pass per-request parameters, like a CSRF token. Passing those into the handler function would modify its signature and it would deviate from the standard Handler[Func] interface. You're right about middleware being more tightly coupled in this case.
You kind of mentioned the solution yourself – a context map is, in my opinion, a viable tool for this. It's not that hard to write one yourself – you basically need a map[*http.Request]interface{} and an RWMutex for safe concurrent access. Still, simply using gorilla/context should suffice – it seems like a (relatively) mature, well-written package with a nice API.
Shameless plug: if you're dealing with CSRF checks, why not try out my nosurf package?
