[{ OUTLINE VPN }](https://getoutline.org/en/home"download here")
Server(**Linux **)
I had been configuring a server for outline Virtual private network:
I installed docker and enabled it.
Setup Firewall with a long list of rules allowing all the ports and IP's ...
I also have an API key to the server.
However, the outline manager still informs me to open ports ranging 1024 to 65535.
Is there any command for the server?
I had the same problem. I tried to play with network settings in the VPS provider (Google cloud and Azure). I also tried ufw commands. However, there is a very simple solution to that, flush the rules and try again. You might need to reboot.
sudo iptables -F
I'm currently trying to setup a tunneling tool, specific for game servers.
So you can start the server locally and everyone can join without open your ports or getting unsecure.
Basicly I do a reverse ssh tunnel to one of my dedicated linux servers where the game port get mapped to a different port (for example 8888). So the server is now exposed to the internet and available for anyone and the user don't have to get unsecure and open his own ports. Everyone can connect to the following ip: SERVERADRESS:8888.
The command which gets executed looks like this:
ssh -N -R "*:8888:localhost:25565" root#SERVERADRESS
This works fine just as i want. But I also want to secure my "forwarding" server, so I'm relativ new to networking but I found reverse proxy's. I watched some tutorials and I installed the "Nginx Proxy Manager" tool which comes with a web interface and looks very good and easy. So there is an option to create an Stream (Picture below), there you can enter the incoming port and the forward Host + port, for example: REVERSEPROXY:7777 -> FORWARDINGSERVER:8888. So with this I want to hide the ip adress from the server where all the ssh tunnels. Sadly this Stream tool won't work, I already saw some other topics with that. They all said to enter the port into the docker-compose.yml which I already did + restart. But for now it won't work. Any other soloutions for this problem? Or completly different ideas to protect my server?
https://i.stack.imgur.com/FolLe.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/KuJbt.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/2SN4a.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/9kzbj.jpg
I try to do my own tunneling tool, but with a protection so that my server getting damaged.
I'm using Ant Media Server on AWS and it works perfectly fine. However, some of our users have blocked UDP ports and therefore I want to know if it is possible to use TCP instead of UDP for WebRTC.
And with this in your User data in AWS you'll get the current instance public IP inserted automatically on boot:
sed -i "s/server.name=.*/server.name=$(curl -s" /usr/local/antmedia/conf/red5.properties
Yes, we can make use of TCP ports for WebRTC.
Please open TCP Port range 50000-60000 on the AWS Security group (for AMS v2.4.2.1 and above, for older version use port range 5000-65000).
Go to the Application settings:
Edit the red5-web.properties file and set
Restart Ant Media Server
sudo service antmedia restart
If you are using a cloud service like OVH or if there is pubic IP directly associated with the instance, then webrtc should work.
If you are using a cloud service like AWS with private/public IP, then some additional settings are required to be configured.
Go to server configuration settings
Edit the red5.properties file and set
Go to the application settings again and edit the red5-web.properties
Save the settings and restart Ant Media server
sudo service antmedia restart
Webrtc should work fine afterwards.
Thank you.
I am currently running a service with systemctl, and it is running as an http proxy, not normal http. Is this something that Google does? I am using port 8080 and I can't connect to it via http. My daemon is using port 8080, while using the type http-proxy (I am seeing this with the command nmap -sV -sC -p 8080 -vvvv -Pn). Instead, I want the daemon I'm running (wings.service) to use http, so it can use that type of connection to connect to my panel.
The panel is part of a piece of software along with the daemon, it's called pterodactyl. Anyways, I have tried everything on what to do, and I think this problem that I am addressing is the problem that causes dysfunction on my panel. I might just have to move to a different service to host my bots for discord.
Let me know if there's anything I can do to fix this.
As per I can understand you are unable to access the panel via web URL.
Pterodactyl web server can be installed using NGINX or Apache web servers, and both web servers by default listed on port 80 based on Pterodactyl web server installation guide, so you must enable HTTP port 80 traffic on your Compute Engine VM instance
The default firewall rules on GCP do not allow HTTP or HTTPS connections to your instances. However, it is fairly simple to add a rule that does allow them following this steps:
1.-Go to the VM instances page.
2.- Click the name of the desired instance.
3.- Click Edit button at the top of the page.
4.- Scroll down to the Firewalls section.
5.- Check the Allow HTTP or Allow HTTPS options under your desired VPC network.
6.- Click Save.
Note: The Pterodactyl panel and Daemon installation are not the same for each operating system, if after checking the VPC firewall rules on the VM settings and also the status of the web server in the instance (NGINX or Apache) you still cannot access your panel, please provide a step by step list with all commands you followed to complete the installation, including the OS version you used.
Note - I am fully aware that there are lot of similar issues posted before, but I tried NSG settings, psping but nothing seem to work
All, I brought up a RHEL7.3 server on Azure and installed JDK1.8 and Tomcat8. After starting Tomcat, I tried an http request from my browser:
http://XX.yy.zz.abc:8080/ but I was unable to get the index page
I also created an inbound security rule to allow HTTP and also allow IP range from our company.
Even worse is, when I tried pinging to this IP from my desktop computer, I am unable to ping the same - it is timing out.
Please note that in the past, I've been able to bring up servers and be able to connect from desktops without any issues - in a similar azure-companynetwork setup.
Am I missing anything here?
Ok, so pings do not work, you shouldn't even try that. What you should check is the firewall on you RHEL VM and check you've allowed port 8080 on you NSG, also your VM should have a PublicIP attached
According to your description, you had better check as the following ways:
1.Please ensure you could access your web by using on your VM.
2.Check your service listening.
netstat -ant|grep 8080
Please ensure 8080 is listening on tcp not tcp6.
3.Open firewall port on RHEL.
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
More information about RHEL firewall please refer to this link.
4.Open port on Azure NSG.
NSG could be associated with NIC and subnet, you should check all of them.
It looks like there is an input firewall inside of RHEL7.3 that is preventing connections. I just stopped it using
service firewalld stop
I am able to get the home page.
I've been trying to set up a server using Google Compute Engine but find myself being stuck.
I've installed everything that needs to be installed, I can start the server, no problem. Only thing is, i'm unable to connect to the server.
I've opened the required ports in a firewall rule (udp:16261; tcp:16262-16270) for all source IP as normal, but when I try to connect, i get this message on the server's console :
User jet is trying to connect.
Connected new client jet ID # 0 and assigned DL port 16262
testing TCP download port 16262
And it waits and waits, nothin happens. I'm pretty sure it's because no connection has been requested from the outsite of the network on that specific port (16262) that the outgoing traffic can't be sent, but I was wondering if anyone else has tried to make it work.
Thanks for your help guys !
According to the documentation; in the "Forwarding Required Ports" Section:
Project Zomboid dedicated servers require the following open ports to successfully connect to clients:
8766 UDP
16261 UDP
If the client's public ip address is known, you can perform a basic troubleshooting whitin Google Compute Engine using Cloud Logging. A basic query returning all the logs containing that ip address as source or destination would be:
jsonPayload.connection.src_ip="public-ip-address" OR jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip="public-ip-address"
Firewall Rules Logging has to be "on" for every rule involved in the connection. Follow these steps for Enabling firewall rules logging.
For troubleshooting purposes an "allow all" Firewall rule can be created and logging enabled on it, that would allow you to see exactly what ports are involved.
Note: If the traffic hitting the firewall rule(s) is too much, it can lead to unanticipated storage costs. Please enable the firewall rules logging just for troubleshooting purposes, don't forget to disable it after you're done.