Transform left skewed data in R - r

I have a column that is left-skewed, I need to transform it. So I tried this
vect<-c(1516201202, 1526238001, 1512050372, 1362933719, 1516342174, 1526502557 ,1523548827, 1512241202,1526417785, 1517846464)
The values in the vector are 13 digit numeric unix epoch timestamps like this I have few thousand values, pasting 10 of them here, I do the same operation on the entire column. This gave me an error
Error in qr.resid(xqr, w * fam(Y, lambda, j = TRUE, ...)) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)
I was expecting transformed column back. Any Idea on how to do this in R?

Generally, car::powerTransform returns a powerTransform object (which is a list containing amongst other things the estimated Box-Cox transformation parameter(s)). To get the transformed values, you need bcPower, which takes the car::powerTransform output object to transform the original data.
Unfortunately you don't provide sample data, so here's an example based on the iris dataset.
# Box-Cox transformation of `Sepal.Length`
df <- iris
trans <- powerTransform(df$Sepal.Length)
# Or the same using formula syntax:
# trans <- powerTransform(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = df)
# Add the transformed `Sepal.Length` data to the original `data.frame`
df <- cbind(
Sepal.Length_trans = bcPower(
with(iris, cbind(Sepal.Length)), coef(trans))[, 1])
# Show a histogram of the Box-Cox-transformed data
ggplot(df, aes(Sepal.Length_trans)) +
geom_histogram(aes(Sepal.Length_trans), bins = 30)


Using Rollapply to return both the Coefficient and RSquare

I have a dataset that looks something like this:
I would like to calculate the rolling regression coefficient and rsquared over the last 10 items:
dtset[,coefficient:=rollapply(1:20,width=10,FUN=function(a) {
subdtset <- dtset[a]
reg <-$x, rep(1,nrow(subdtset))), nrow=nrow(subdtset), ncol=2), subdtset$y)
dtset[,rsquare:=rollapply(1:20,width=10,FUN=function(a) {
subdtset <- dtset[a]
reg <-$x, rep(1,nrow(subdtset))), nrow=nrow(subdtset), ncol=2), subdtset$y)
return(1 - sum((subdtset$y - reg$fitted.values)^2) / sum((subdtset$y - mean(subdtset$y, na.rm=TRUE))^2))
The code above accomplishes this, but my dataset has millions of rows and I have multiple columns where I want to make these calculations so it is taking a very long time. I am hoping there is a way to speed things up:
Is there a better way to capture the last 10 items in rollapply rather than passing the row numbers as the variable a and then doing subdtset <- dtset[a]? I tried using .SD and .SDcols but was unable to get that to work. I can only figure out how to get rollapply to accept one column or vector as the input, not two columns/vectors.
Is there a way to return 2 values from one rollapply statement? I think I could get significant time savings if I only had to do the regression once, and then from that take the coefficient and calculate RSquare. It's pretty inefficient to do the same calculations twice.
Thanks for the help!
Use by.column = FALSE to pass both columns to the function. In the function calculate the slope and r squared directly to avoid the overhead of Note that rollapply can return a vector and that rollapplyr with an r on the end is right aligned. This also works if dtset consists of a single x column followed by multiple y columns as in the example below with the builtin anscombe data frame.
stats <- function(X, x = X[, 1], y = X[, -1]) {
c(slope = cov(x, y) / var(x), rsq = cor(x, y)^2)
rollapplyr(dtset, 10, stats, by.column = FALSE, fill = NA)
a <- anscombe[c("x3", "y1", "y2", "y3")]
rollapplyr(a, 3, stats, by.column = FALSE, fill = NA)
We check the formulas using the built-in BOD data frame.
fm <- lm(demand ~ Time, BOD)
c(coef(fm)[[2]], summary(fm)$r.squared)
## [1] 1.7214286 0.6449202
## slope rsq
## 1.7214286 0.6449202

Using boot::boot() function with grouped variables in R

This is a question both about using the boot() function with grouped variables, but also about passing multiple columns of data into boot. Almost all examples of the boot() function seem to pass a single column of data to calculate a simple bootstrap of the mean.
My specific analysis is trying to use the stats::weighted.mean(x,w) function which takes a vector 'x' of values to calculate the mean and a second vector 'w' for weights. The main point is that I need two inputs into this function - and I'm hoping the solution will generalize to any function that takes multiple arguments.
I'm also looking for a solution to use this weighted.means function in a dplyr style workflow with group_by() variables. If the answer is that "it can't be done with dplyr", that's fine, I'm just trying to figure it out.
Below I simulate a dataset with three groups (A,B,C) that each have different ranges of counts. I also attempt to come up with a function "my.function" that will be used to bootstrap the weighted average. Here might be my first mistake: is this how I would set up a function to pass in the 'count' and 'weight' columns of data into each bootstrapped sample? Is there some other way to index the data?
Inside the summarise() call, I reference the original data with "." - Possibly another mistake?
The end result shows that I was able to achieve appropriately grouped calculations using mean() and weighted.mean(), but the calls for confidence intervals using boot() have instead calculated the 95% confidence interval around the global mean of the dataset.
Suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? Why is the boot() function referencing the entire dataset and not the grouped subsets?
set.seed(20) = data.frame(letter = rep(c('A','B','C'),each = 50) %>% as.factor(),
counts = c(runif(50,10,30), runif(50,40,60), runif(50,60,100)),
weights = sample(10,150, replace = TRUE))
##Define function to bootstrap
##I'm using stats::weighted.mean() which needs to take in two arguments
my.function = function(data,index){
d = data[index,] #create bootstrap sample of all columns of original data?
return(weighted.mean(d$counts, d$weights)) #calculate weighted mean using 'counts' and 'weights' columns
## group by 'letter' and calculate weighted mean, and upper/lower 95% CI limits
## I pass data to boot using "." thinking that this would only pass each grouped subset of data
##(e.g., only letter "A") to boot, but instead it seems to pass the entire dataset. %>%
group_by(letter) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(counts),
wtd.avg = weighted.mean(counts, weights),
CI.LL =, my.function, R = 100), type = "basic")$basic[4],
CI.UL =, my.function, R = 100), type = "basic")$basic[5])
And below I've calculated a rough estimate of 95% confidence intervals around the global mean to show that this is what was going on with boot() in my summarise() call above
#Here is a rough 95% confidence interval estimate as +/- 1.96* Standard Error
mean($counts) + c(-1,1) * 1.96 * sd($counts)/sqrt(length([,1]))
The following base R solution solves the problem of bootstrapping by groups. Note that boot::boot is only called once.
sp <- split(,$letter)
y <- lapply(sp, function(x){
wtd.avg <- weighted.mean(x$counts, x$weights)
basic <-, my.function, R = 100), type = "basic")$basic
CI.LL <- basic[4]
CI.UL <- basic[5]
data.frame(wtd.avg, CI.LL, CI.UL)
}), y)
# wtd.avg CI.LL CI.UL
#A 19.49044 17.77139 21.16161
#B 50.49048 48.79029 52.55376
#C 82.36993 78.80352 87.51872
Final clean-up:
A dplyr solution could be the following. It also calls map_dfr from package purrr.
library(dplyr) %>%
group_split(letter) %>%
wtd.avg <- weighted.mean(x$counts, x$weights)
basic <-, my.function, R = 100), type = "basic")$basic
CI.LL <- basic[4]
CI.UL <- basic[5]
data.frame(wtd.avg, CI.LL, CI.UL)
# wtd.avg CI.LL CI.UL
#1 19.49044 17.77139 21.16161
#2 50.49048 48.79029 52.55376
#3 82.36993 78.80352 87.51872

extracting residuals from pixel by pixel regression

I am trying to extract the residuals from a regression run pixel by pixel on a raster stack of NDVI/precipitation. My script works when i run it with a small part of my data. But when i try to run the whole of my study area i get: "Error in setValues(out, x) : values must be numeric, integer, logical or factor"
The lm works, since I can extract both slope and intercept. I just cant extract the residuals.
Any idea of how this could be fixed?
Here is my script:
setwd("F:/working folder/test")
gimms <- list.files(pattern="*ndvi.tif")
ndvi <- stack(gimms)
precip <- list.files(pattern="*pre.tif")
pre <- stack(precip)
s <- stack(ndvi,pre)
residualfun = function(x) { if ([1])){ NA } else { m <- lm(x[1:6] ~ x[7:12], na.action=na.exclude)
r <- residuals.lm(m)
return (r)}}
res <- calc(s,residualfun)
And here is my data:!AhwCgWqhyyDclJRjhh6GtentxFOKwQ
Your function only test if the first layer shows NA values to avoid fitting the model. But there may be NA in other layers. You know that because you added na.action = na.exclude in your lm fit.
The problem is that if the model removes some values because of NA, the residuals will only have the length of the non-NA values. This means that your resulting r vector will have different lengths depending on the amount of NA values in layers. Then, calc is not be able to combine results of different lengths in a stack a a defined number of layers.
To avoid that, you need to specify the length of r in your function and attribute residuals only to non-NA values.
I propose the following function that now works on the dataset your provided. I added (1) the possibility compare more layers of each if you want to extend your exploration (with nlayers), (2) avoid fitting the model if there are only two values to compare in each layer (perfect model), (3) added a try if for any reason the model can fit, this will output values of -1e32 easily findable for further testing.
gimms <- list.files(pattern="*ndvi.tif")
ndvi <- stack(gimms)
precip <- list.files(pattern="*pre.tif")
pre <- stack(precip)
s <- stack(ndvi,pre)
# Number of layers of each
nlayers <- 6
residualfun <- function(x) {
r <- rep(NA, nlayers)
obs <- x[1:nlayers]
cov <- x[nlayers + 1:nlayers]
# Remove NA values before model
x.nona <- which(! & !
# If more than 2 points proceed to lm
if (length(x.nona) > 2) {
m <- NA
try(m <- lm(obs[x.nona] ~ cov[x.nona]))
# If model worked, calculate residuals
if (is(m)[1] == "lm") {
r[x.nona] <- residuals.lm(m)
} else {
# alternate value to find where model did not work
r[x.nona] <- -1e32
res <- calc(s, residualfun)

Linear regression on subsets with dependent variable per column using dlply() in R

I would like to automatically produce linear regressions for a data frame for each category separately.
My data frame includes one column with time categories, one column (slope$Abs) as the dependent variable, several columns, which should be used as the independent variable.
timepoint Abs In1 In2 In3 Out1 Out2 Out3 ...
1: t0 275.0 2.169214 2.169214 2.169214 2.069684 2.069684 2.069684
2: t0 275.5 2.163937 2.163937 2.163937 2.063853 2.063853 2.063853
3: t0 276.0 2.153298 2.158632 2.153298 2.052088 2.052088 2.057988
4: ...
All in all for each timepoint I have 40 variables, and I want to end up with a linear regression for each combination. Such as In1~Abs[t0], In1~Abs[t1] and so on for each column.
Of course I can do this manually, but I guess there must be a more elegant way to do the work.
I did my research and found out that dlply() might be the function I'm looking for. However, my attempt results in an error.
So I somehow tried to combine the answers from previous questions I have found:
On individual variables per column and on subsets per category
I came up with a function like this: <- function(x) {summary(lm(x ~ slope$Abs, data=slope))}
lm.list <- dlply(.data=slope, .variables=slope$timepoint, )
But I get the following error:
Error in eval.quoted(.variables, data) :
envir must be either NULL, a list, or an environment.
Hope someone can help me out.
Thanks a lot in advance!
The dplyr package in R does not do well in accepting formulas in the form of y~x into its functions based on my research. So the other alternative is to calculate it someone manually. Now let me first inform you that slope = cor(x,y)*sd(y)/sd(x) (reference found here: and that the intercept = mean(y) - slope*mean(x). Simple linear regression requires that we use the centroid as our point of reference when finding our intercept because it is an unbiased estimator. Using a single point will only get you the intercept of that individual point and not the overall intercept.
Now for this explanation, I will be using the mtcars data set. I only wanted a subset of the data so I am using variables c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec') to basically mimic your dataset. In my example, my grouping variable is 'cyl', which is the equivalent of your 'timepoint' variable. The variable 'mpg' is the y-variable in this case, which is equivalent to 'Abs' in your data.
Based on my explanation of slope and intercept above, it is clear that we need three tables/datasets: a correlation dataset for your y with respect to your x for each group, a standard deviation table for each variable and group, and a table of means for each group and each variable.
To get the correlation dataset, we want to group by 'cyl' and calculate the correlation coefficients for , you should use:
df <- mtcars[c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec')]
corrs <- data.frame(k1 %>% group_by(cyl) %>% do(head(data.frame(cor(.[,c(1,3:7)])), n = 1)))
Because of the way my dataset is structured, the second variable (df[ ,2]) is 'cyl'. For you, you should use
do(head(data.frame(cor(.[,c(2:40)])), n = 1)))
since your first column is the grouping variable and it is not numeric. Essentially, you want to go across all numeric variables. Not using head will produce a correlation matrix, but since you are interested in finding the slope independent of each other x-variable, you only need the row that has the correlation coefficient of your y-variable equal to 1 (r_yy = 1).
To get standard deviation and means for each group, each variable, use
sds <- data.frame(k1 %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarise_each(funs(sd)))
means <- data.frame(k1 %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarise_each(funs(mean)))
Your group names will be the first column, so make sure to rename your rows for each dataset corrs, sds, and means and delete column 1.
rownames(corrs) <- rownames(means) <- rownames(sds) <- corrs[ ,1]
corrs <- corrs[ ,-1]; sds <- sds[ ,-1]; means <- means[ ,-1]
Now we need to calculate the sd(y)/sd(x). The best way I have done this, and seen it done is using an apply affiliated function.
sdst <- data.frame(t(apply(sds, 1, function(X) X[1]/X)))
I use X[1] because the first variable in sds is my y-variable. The first variable after you have deleted timepoint is Abs which is your y-variable. So use that.
Now the rest is pretty straight forward. Since everything is saved as a data frame, to find slope, all it you need to do is
slopes <- sdst*corrs
inter <- slopes*means
intercept <- data.frame(t(apply(inter, 1, function(x) x[1]-x)))
Again here, since our y-variable is in the first column, we use x[1]. To check if all is well, your slopes for your y-variable should be 1 and the intercept should be 0.
I have solved the issue with a simpler approach, so I wanted to update the answer.
To make life easier I converted the data frame structure so that all columns are converted into rows with the melt() function of the reshape package.
melt(slope, id = c("Abs", "timepoint"), variable_name = "Sites")
The output's column name is by default "value".
Then create one column that adds both predictors with paste().
slope$FullTreat <- paste(slope$Sites,slope$timepoint, sep="_")
Run a function through the dataset to create separate models for each treatment combination.
models <- dlply(slope, ~ FullTreat, function(df) {
lm(value ~ Abs, data = df)
To extract the coefficents simply run
coefs <- ldply(models, coef)
Then split the FullTreat column into separate columns again with colsplit() also from reshape. Plus, add the Intercept and slope to the new data frame:
coefs <- cbind(colsplit(coefs$FullTreat, split="_",
c("Sites","Timepoint")), coefs[,2:3])
I haven't worked on a function that plots all the regressions from the models, but I guess this is feasible with the ldply() function.

Error in creating a function to perform ttests on multiple continuous variables

So I'm trying to create a function that will take in a string of continuous variables, a categorical variable and a dataframe and output a table that includes, for each continuous variable: mean group1, mean group2, teststat, confidence interval, p-value.
What is currently here gives me the error: Error in model.frame.default(formula = var ~ class, data = data) : variable lengths differ (found for 'class')
I would love any feedback on how to fix this error and make this function do what I like. I want to make this function way more substantial and flexible, but I can't even get the basic version (handling multiple variables) to work.
#Continuous must be an object of the form:
#vars<-c("cont1", "cont2", "cont3", etc)
cat1<-sample(c(1,2), 100, replace=T)
cont1<-rnorm(100, 25, 8)
cont2<-rnorm(100, 0, 1)
cont3<-rnorm(100, 6, 14.23)
cont4<-rnorm(100, 25, 8)*runif(5, 0.1, 1)
one<-data.frame(cat1, cont1, cont2, cont3, cont4)
test<-t.test(var~class, data)
continvars<-c("cont1", "cont2", "cont3")
#CALL TO FUNCTION, class=cat1, data=one)
Does this do what you want? <- function(continvars,class,data){
get.stats <- function(x,cat){
f <- unique(cat)
x1 <- x[cat==f[1]]
x2 <- x[cat==f[2]]
tt <- t.test(x1,x2)
smry <- c(tt$estimate,tt$statistic,p=tt$p.value)
names(smry) <- c("mean.1","mean.2","t","p")
result <-,lapply(data[,continvars],get.stats,cat=class))
# create sample dataset
cat1 <-sample(c(1,2), 100, replace=T)
cont1<-rnorm(100, 25, 8)
cont2<-rnorm(100, 0, 1)
cont3<-rnorm(100, 6, 14.23)
cont4<-rnorm(100, 25, 8)*runif(5, 0.1, 1)
one <-data.frame(cat1, cont1, cont2, cont3, cont4)
continvars<-c("cont1", "cont2", "cont3")
# call the function...,cat1,one)
# mean.1 mean.2 t p
# cont1 24.4223859 25.33275704 -0.6024497 0.54827955
# cont2 0.0330148 0.01168979 0.1013519 0.91947827
# cont3 10.5784201 4.00651493 2.4183031 0.01747468
Working from the inside out:
get.stats(...) takes a single column of data, splits it into x1 and x2 according to cat, runs the t-test, and returns the summary statistics as a named vector.
lapply(...) passes the continvars columns of data to get.stats(...) one at a time.,...) binds together the set of vectors returned from lapply(...), row-wise, to generate the final result table.
This will work also if you pass column numbers instead of column names.
A piece of advice: the way you have it set up, you pass the column names of the continuous variables, but you pass the grouping factor as a vector. It would be cleaner if you pass the column name of the grouping factor.
