Is there an optimal message size when streaming over grpc? - grpc

I have a way to control message size when I stream the data through grpc. Unfortunately I am not able to find info on what would be optimal message size. I found this but it is not resolved.
Is keeping it under 4MB threshold good enough or there are some guidelines?

It depends a lot on your application needs, network configuration, and language. Messages around 16-64K are perhaps best suited for the most wide variety of configurations including mobile etc. For pure throughput-oriented workloads in data centers we regularly see GB sized messages, but 1 MB messages are perhaps pretty close to ideal tradeoff of minimal computational overhead and immediate memory capacity needs for the amount of network pipelining that they provide.


Should I transmit large data sets via gRPC without manual chunking?

I want to use gRPC to expose an interface for bidirectional transfer of large data sets (~100 MB) between two services. Because gRPC imposes a 4 MB message size limit by default, it appears that the preferred way to do this is to manually code streaming of chunks, and re-assemble them at the receiving end [1][2].
However, gRPC also allows increasing the message size limit via grpc.max_receive_message_length and grpc.max_send_message_length, making it possible to directly transmit a message of up to ~2 GB in size, without any manual chunking or streaming. Quick testing indicates that this simpler approach works equally well in terms of performance and throughput, making it seem more desirable for this use case. Assume that the entire data set is needed in memory.
Is one of these approaches inherently better than the other? Are there any potential side effects of the simpler non-chunked approach? Can I rely on the MTU-dependent fragmentation at lower layers to be sufficient to avoid network delay and other handicaps?
Chunking large messages with gRPC
Sending files via gRPC
The 4 MB limit is protect clients/servers who haven't thought about message size constraints. gRPC itself is fine with going much higher (100s of MBs), but most applications could be trivially attacked or accidentally go out-of-memory allowing messages of that size.
If you're willing to receive a 100 MB message all-at-once, then increasing the limit is fine.

How to "stream" data from and to global memory?

The showcase Part 2: OpenCL™ – Memory Spaces states that Global memory should be considered as streaming memory [...] and that the best performance will be achieved when streaming contiguous memory addresses or memory access patterns that can exploit the full bandwidth of the memory subsystem.
My understanding of this sentence is, that for optimal performance one should constantly fill and read global memory while the GPU is working on the kernels. But I have no idea, how I would implement such an concept and I am not able to recognize it in the (rather simple) examples and tutorials I've read.
Do know a good example or can link to one?
Bonus question: Is this analog in the CUDA framework?
I agree with talonmies about his interpretation of that guideline: sequential memory access are fastest. It's pretty obvious (to any OpenCL-capable developer) that sequential memory accesses are the fastest though, so it's funny that NVidia explicitly spells it out like that.
Your interpretation, although not what that document is saying, is also correct. If your algorithm allows it, it is best to upload in reasonably sized chunks asynchronously so it can get started on the compute sooner, overlapping compute with DMA transfers to/from system RAM.
It is also helpful to have more than one wavefront/warp, so the device can interleave them to hide memory latency. Good GPUs are heavily optimized to be able to do this switching extremely fast to stay busy while blocked on memory.
My understanding of this sentence is,
that for optimal performance one
should constantly fill and read global
memory while the GPU is working on the
That isn't really a correct interpretation.
Typical OpenCL devices (ie. GPUs) have extremely high bandwidth, high latency global memory systems. This sort of memory system is highly optimized for access to contiguous or linear memory access. What that piece you quote is really saying is that OpenCL kernels should be designed to access global memory in the sort of contiguous fashion which is optimal for GPU memory. NVIDIA call this sort of optimal, contiguous memory access "coalesced", and discuss memory access pattern optimization for their hardware in some detail in both their CUDA and OpenCL guides.

Adaptive bandwidth allocation?

In our File Transfer application the network performance was fair
but we want to get the maximum network performance so one way of achieving through
adaptive bandwidth allocation .So the application will be forced to attain the
available bandwidth.friends!!! if u have any white papers or code for reference
it would be much helpful :)
If you just throw it at the TCP session with no control, it will transfer at full speed.
You could also compact the file as you transfer. It will not accelerate the transfer, but will optmize the use of the network, at CPU coast.
If it is not enough, the only [software] way to improve that even more is by using multiple TCP sessions so you will reduce the speed delimitating effects of the latency over the TCP flow control. I beleave 5 concurrent transfers from different offsets of the same file will do the job, faster impossible.
I don't think "adaptive bandwidth allocation" really means anything tangible (considering it's the #2 google hit for that expression!) but I'll try to give an answer that might help you ask a better question.
If an application's network activity can be parallelised (bittorrent is a good example of this) then this is one way of achieving faster network transfers.
In general though, for user space applications the networking conditions are going to be outside the application's control for good reasons. If a userspace application considers it part of its mandate to adjust or affect external operating system-level networking conditions I would consider it malware. QoS for example could be used to prioritise the traffic associated with your application but that is something you might want to suggest and explain in a deployment guide and not try to manage from within your application.

What is the highest number of threads that is reasonable to simultaneously run in Jmeter?

I want to use the highest possible number of threads (to use less computers) but without making the bottleneck to be in the client.
JMeter can simulate a very High Load provided you use it right.
Don't listen to Urban Legends that say JMeter cannot handle high load.
Now as for answer, it depends on:
your machine power
your jvm 32 bits or 64 bits
your jvm allocated memory -Xmx
your test plan ( lot of beanshell, post processor, xpath ... Means lots of cpu)
your os configuration (tunable)
Gui / non gui mode
So there is no theorical answer but following Best Practices will ensure JMeter performs well.
Note that with jmeter you can distribute load through remote testing, read:
Remote Testing > 15.4 Using a different sample sender
And finally use cloud based testing if it's not enough.
Read this for tuning tips:
Read this book for doing load testing and using JMeter correctly.
I have used JMeter a fair bit and found it is not great at generating really high load. On a 2Ghz Core2 Duo with 2Gb memory you can reasonably expect about 100 threads.
That being said, it is best to run it on your hardware so that the CPU of the PC does not peak at 100% - a stable 80%-90% is best otherwise the results are affected.
I have also tried WAPT 5 - it successfully ran 1000+ threads from the same PC. It is not free but it is more useable than JMeter but doesn't have all of the features.
Outdated answer since at least version 2.6 see for a more up to date one.
The JMeter Wiki reports cases where JMeter was used with as much as 1000 threads. I have used it with at most 100 threads, but the Links in the Wiki suggest resource reductions I never tried.
One of the issues we had with running JMeter on Windows XP was the Windows XP TCP Connection Limit. Limit should be removed in order to run use the JMeter to workstation’s full potential
More info here. AFAIK, does not apply to other OS.
I used JMeter since 2004 and i launched lot of load tests.
With PC Windows 7 64 bits 4Go RAM iCore5.
I think JMeter can support 300 to 400 concurrent threads for Http (Sampler) protocol with only one "Aggregate Report Listener" who writes in the log file results and timers between call pages.
For a big load test you could configure JMeter with slaves (load generators) like this
I have already done tests with 11 PC slaves to simulate 5000 threads.
I have not used JMeter, but the answer probably depends on your hardware. Best bet might be to establish metrics of performance, guess at the number of threads and then run a binary search as follows.
Source was Wikipedia.
Number guessing game...
This rather simple game begins something like "I'm thinking of an integer between forty and sixty inclusive, and to your guesses I'll respond 'High', 'Low', or 'Yes!' as might be the case." Supposing that N is the number of possible values (here, twenty-one as "inclusive" was stated), then at most questions are required to determine the number, since each question halves the search space. Note that one less question (iteration) is required than for the general algorithm, since the number is already constrained to be within a particular range.
Even if the number we're guessing can be arbitrarily large, in which case there is no upper bound N, we can still find the number in at most steps (where k is the (unknown) selected number) by first finding an upper bound by repeated doubling. For example, if the number were 11, we could use the following sequence of guesses to find it: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 12, 10, 11
One could also extend the technique to include negative numbers; for example the following guesses could be used to find −13: 0, −1, −2, −4, −8, −16, −12, −14, −13
It is more dependent on the kind of performance testing you do(load, spike, endurance etc) on a specific server (a little on hardware dependency)
Keep in mind around these parameters
- the client machine on which you are targeting the run of jmeter, there will be a certain amount of heap memory allocated, ensure to have a healthy allocation so that the script does not error out. The highest i had run on jmeter was 1500 on a local environment ( client - server arch), On a Web arch, the highest i had a run was based upon Non- functional requirement were limited to 250 threads,
so it ideally depends on the kinds of performance testing and deployment style and so on..
There is not standard number for this. The maximum number of threads that you can generate from one computer depends completely on the computer's hardware and the OS. The OS by default occupies certain amount of CPU and the RAM.
To find out the maximum threads your computer can handle you can prepare a sample test and run it with only a few threads. Then with each cycle of test run increase the number of threads gradually. During this you also need to monitor the CPU, RAM, Disk I/O and Network I/O of your computer. The moment any of these reach near or beyond 80% (Again for you to decide if near is okay for you or beyond), that is the maximum number of threads your computer can handle. To be on the safer side I would stop at the number when the resource utilization reaches 70%.
It'll depend on the hardware you run on as well as the underlying script. I've always felt that this fuzziness is the biggest problem with traditional load testing tools. If you've got a small budget ($200 or so gets you a LOT of testing), check out my company's load testing service, BrowserMob.
Besides our Real Browser Users (RBUs) which control thousands on actual browsers for the purpose of performance and load testing, we also have traditional virtual users (VUs). Scripts are written in JavaScript and can make various HTTP calls.
The reason I bring it up is that I always felt that the game of trying to figure out how many VUs you can fit on your load gen hardware is dangerous. It's so easy to get bad results without realizing it.
To solve that for BrowserMob, we took an extremely conservative approach on the number of VUs and RBUs per CPU core: no more than 1 browser or 50 threads per CPU core, and sometimes much less. In the world of cloud computing, CPU cycles are so cheap that it just doesn't make sense to try to overload machines.

How Many Network Connections Can a Computer Support?

When writing a custom server, what are the best practices or techniques to determine maximum number of users that can connect to the server at any given time?
I would assume that the capabilities of the computer hardware, network capacity, and server protocol would all be important factors.
Also, do you think it is a good practice to limit the number of network connections to a certain maximum number of users? Or should the server not limit the number of network connections and let performance degrade until the response time is extremely high?
Dan Kegel put together a summary of techniques for handling large amounts of network connections from a single server, here:
In general modern servers can handle very large numbers of concurrent connections. I've worked on systems having over 8,000 concurrently open TCP/IP sockets.
You will need a high quality servicing interface to handle that kind of load, check out libevent or libev.
That is a good question and it definitely is situational. What is your computer? Do you have a 4 socket machine filled with Quad Core Xeons, 128 GB of RAM, and Fiber Channel Connectivity (like the pair of Dell R900s we just bought)? Or are you running on a p3 550 with 256 MB of RAM, and 56K modem? How much load does each connection place on your server? What kind of response is acceptible?
These are the questions you need to answer. I guess the best way to find the answer is through load testing. Create a unit test of the expected (and maybe some unexpected) paths that your code will perform against your server. Find a load testing framework that will allow you to simulate 10, 100, 1000, 10000 users performing those tasks at the same time.
That will tell you how many connections your computer can support.
The great thing about the load/unit test scenario is that you can put in response time expectations in your unit tests and increase the load until you fall outside of your response time. If you have a requirement of supporting X number of Users with Y second response, you will be able to demonstrate it with your load tests.
One of the biggest setbacks in high concurrency connections is actually the routers involved. Home user oriented routers usually have a small NAT table, preventing the router from actually servicing the server the connections.
Be sure to research your router/ network infrastructure setup just as well.
I think you shouldn't limit the number of connections your server will allow - just catch and handle properly any exceptions that might occur when accepting and closing connections and you should be fine. You should leave that kind of lower level programming to the underlying OS layers - that way you can port your server easier etc.
This really depends on your operating system.
Different Unix flavors will support "unlimited" number of file handles / sockets others have high values like 32768.
A typical user limit is 8192 but it can usually be set higher.
I think windows is more limiting but the server version may have higher limits.
