Role of IMockProviderService.VerifyInteractions in Pact? - pact

What is the Role of IMockProviderService.VerifyInteractions in Pact?
and what is the best practice to use it?

VerifyInteractions verifies that the expected requests that were set up on the mock service have actually been made by the code under test.


Symfony2 Accessing a service from a non-service class

I want to access a service I've created (ServiceClass) from another class that I've created (ClassA). I've read a lot that the proper way to do this is to make ClassA a service and then inject ServiceClass, but class ClassA is not really a service in terms of functionality, it doesn't provide any global functionality, for me it's an Entity, so making it a service just so I can have access to other services doesn't seem right. Can anyone help me understand?
If it is an entity than it shouldn't need to know about any service. In ideal cases entities are just used to store data. You should rethink your class structure probably.
If you still want to go that way anyway, your only option is to declare it as a service or inject/set services when instantiating your class.
And yes, please provide code so we can suggest you what to do. This is just blind guessing because you provided very little info.

Check if a webservice exists

Could someone please be kind enough to show me the best way to determine if a webservice (ASP.NET) exists at a given URL?
I assume an approach will be something along the lines of issuing a request using System.Net.Webclient but how could I determine if it is a valid webservice and what sort of request should I issue?
EDIT: To add a bit more context I am determining if a webservice exists because I am attempting to build a generic tool that uses arbitrary webservices.
The only way IMHO to be sure the service is up is to be able to call an innocuous method on the service and verify the response. Retrieving the WSDL is not sufficient.
There is a similar SO question on this here:-
How do I test connectivity to an unknown web service in C#?
I would ask for WSDL document. If you get it back it means that the service exists and you can check to WSDL for implemented methods.
Consider reading about WS-Discovery

nhibernate interceptors with domain context

Is it possible (in a clean fashion) to create an audit interceptor in hibernate 2.1 and pass in a domain context to it?
What I would like to achieve is to set a Date Time (can be done easy peasy - found loadsa articles after a quick google), but setting an object e.g. a user who created the item, or altered an entity I have yet to find anything which covers this.
Since I will not know the object at application request/start up (which is where i have to register the nhibernate interceptor), does anyone know of a suitable workaround?
Thanks in advance, Mark H
You can store the user in the current session (HttpContext.Session) or use thread local data. It can then be accessed by the listener. If you go for the thread local approach, you will need to set if for each request, for instance with an HttpModule. Not perfect, but that's how I've seen it done in java (not exactly the same, but a similar approach).

web.config authorization and direct method calling

I'm using ASP.NET and rely on the web.config file to secure sections of my site. However, is this truly reliable, or is it also a good idea to add an IsAuthenticated check in the Page_Load event? Also, is it possible for someone to directly call methods (assuming they somehow got my method names and method signature) in my application's DLL? For example, I have a method to add users to a specific group. Can an attacker somehow call that method through their own custom POST and execute it?
If you are concerned about specific methods being executed without permission, I'd use code attribute security or your own roles check system to secure the method regardless of who's calling it. I could imagine scenarios where even friendly developers call methods accidentally without making sure the code path has the right to perform privileged functions.

Enterprise Library Policy Injection Logging Managed Security Context Information in ASP.NET

I am using The Policy Injection Application Block to log methods that are called in my ASP.NET application. I would like these log entries to include information like the current user identity, whether the user is authenticated and so forth. All of this information is provided by the ManagedSecurityContextInformationProvider, but I can't figure out how to get the PIAB to use that provider and how to get that information into my log file.
I may be missing something obvious, but I can't quite figure out what it is.
Sorry to say, it looks like there is no way to get the ManagedSecurityContextInformationProvider information into method call logs. That information is usually logged in extended properties but the LogCallHandler.GetLogEntry method dumps out all of the method parameters and assigns them to the TraceLogEntry ExtendedProperties.
It seems to me that you could either modify the block to add that information or (even better) create your own Custom Call Handler based on LogCallHandler that adds the information that you require. Either option is not that much work.
