Symfony4 : Where is the assets folder? - symfony

I am following a course about Symfony 4
According to the course I should have an assets folder, but I don't have one
image of my project

Install WebpackEncoreBundle. This will trigger Symfony Flex to create the assets folder for you.
composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle


How to add Bootstrap to my Symfony 4.1 project?

I tried to find a similar case to mine but didn't succeed.
Here is the issue. I followed Symfony documentation to add Bootstrap to my project.
I indeed get a bootstrap folder in a new folder called "nodes_modules".
The thing is i can't find a global.scss file anywhere (as mentioned in the tutorial) then i don't know where to put the following command:
#import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
Do i have to create this file or does it exist somewhere in my Symfony project?
Thank you in advance.
Yes, global is your application scss file, it can be named different on you wish. You can refer this documentation in order to see how to configure it (it is app.scss in the example)
I understood what was wrong there! So if you are creating a Symfony 4.1 project on mac and you don't know where to import your bootstrap theme(s) since you don't have any assets folder here is the solution:
To have the assets folder you have to install the webpack "encore".
Please make sure you have node.js and yarn installed before that.
Then just run the following commands inside your root project directory:
composer require symfony/webpack-encore-pack
yarn install
You might have now an "assets" folder inside your project with an assets/css/app.css file and a assets/js/app.js file.
Thank you for your time ScayTrase.

Symfony 4 - Assets folder not found

According to Symfony Best Practices,
Store your assets in the assets/ directory at the root of your project.
But currently, I don't have this folder created and if I create it, I got the error telling me that ressources can't be found.
I tried composer require webassets , but don't working.
Anyone have the solution ?
Placing assets folder in root directory is best practice. Reason that root directory cannot be accessible from outside. You should try Symfony's Webpack Encore plugin. It compiles your minimized and compressed assets into public folder so they can never be shown as original.
If that is not fit your interest just put your whole assets folder into public directory.
You try following command.
$ composer require encore
$ yarn install
May be good to refer to here.
Enable the encore composer require encore
update yarn yarn install

Autoload Bundle with custom path in Symfony2

I am developing a Symfony2 web app that will be hosted on an Ubuntu server and want my directory structure to be:
/Symfony (with an app,bin and vendor folder in it)
This way site1 and site2 use the same Symfony framework. In /Site1 I want:
and in there I want app.php and app_dev.php as well as /web/AppBundle with all of the bundle files. I already figured out that I need to change in app.php require_once DIR.'/../Symfony/app/AppKernel.php'; in 2 places as per
When I generated the bundle I did get the message "Checking that the bundle is autoloaded: FAILED" and that I should "Edit the composer.json file and register the bundle namespace in the "autoload" section"
I added "AppBundle": "/web/AppBundle" to the composer.json autoload section and in cygwin I run "composer -n install" It starts with saying that it is loading composer repositories and then it says "Installing dependencies (including require-dev)" and never goes past that.
What can I do to register this bundle that is not in the standard folder so that autoload picks it up? I am just getting the fact that the class could not be found in AppKernel.php
It's simple. Just don't do it! Use symfony as it is intended with its default directory structure.
Great two projects. If you have common code, extract it to an extra bundle and install it in both projects via composer.

No vendor file on Symfony 2 using PhpStorm

I am using PhpStorm for the Symfony project.
I've created new file in project type. I choose composer project and used symfony/framework to download composer.phar. After creating the project, I didn't find vendor file.
What am I doing wrong? Any tutorial to install Symfony in PhpStorm?
What I usually do is creating the project with the Symfony installer and without PhpStorm (like explained in the symfony doc).
Then, when it is correctly installed, open PhpStorm -> New Project from Existing Files -> locate your project folder.
Hope this helps.

Symfony 2.2 Deployment Questions

Because of an other problem on my server, I tried to setup a real new project and did this (localhost with xampp on windows):
installed curl
loader composer like told in docs
loader vendors like told in docs
merged app/config-folder
copied src-folder
copied web/bundles/myBundle-folder
After that, I tried the deployment-steps documentation. I skipped uploading the files and editing parameter.yml (it's already configured for localhost).
Than I am running into trouble doing 'B) Update your vendors':
php composer.phar install --optimize-autoloader
This steps remove all my files from the web\bundles\myBundle-folder.
Do I have to tell composer about my bundle? I first thought, that I have to store them somewhere else, but this thread tells me, that I am right?!
The thread you are mentioning is from symfony 1, but you are installing a symfony 2 application.
In web/bundles are your assets installed (css, javascript and images).
Your bundles which will be installed via composer are in your vendors folder.
And your own bundles should be in the src folder.
I think this is a good start to have a look at where to store your files.
Your css, js and images should be stored in a bundle, e.g.:
And then you can install your assets with php app/console assets:install web and they will be pushed into the web/bundles folder.
