Polynomial fitting with R using poly vs. I function - r

I'm trying to understanding polynomial fitting with R. From my research on the internet, there apparently seems to be two methods. Assuming I want to fit a cubic curve ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d into some dataset, I can either use:
lm(dataset, formula = y ~ poly(x, 3))
lm(dataset, formula = y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))
However, as I try them in R, I ended up with two different curves with complete different intercepts and coefficients. Is there anything about polynomial I'm not getting right here?

This comes down to what the different functions do. poly generates orthonormal polynomials. Compare the values of poly(dataset$x, 3) to I(dataset$x^3). Your coefficients will be different because the values being passed directly into the linear model (as opposed to indirectly, through either the I or poly function) are different.
As 42 pointed out, your predicted values will be fairly similar. If a is your first linear model and b is your second, b$fitted.values - a$fitted.value should be fairly close to 0 at all points.

I got it now. There seems to be a difference between R computation of raw polynomial vs orthogonal polynomial. Thanks, everyone for the help.


Clustering standard errors by a variable in a logistic regression - for graphing interaction plot (R)

I'm running a logistic regression/survival analysis where I cluster standard errors by a variable in the dataset. I'm using R.
Since this is not as straight forward as it is in STATA, I'm using a solution I found in the past : https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/miceadds/versions/3.0-16/topics/lm.cluster
As an illustrative example of what I'm talking about:
model <- miceadds::glm.cluster(data = data, formula = outcome ~ a + b + c + years + years^2 + years^3, cluster = "cluster.id", family = "binomial")
This works well for getting the important values, this produces the coefficients, std. errors (clustered), and z-values. It took me forever just to get at this solution; and even now it is not ideal (like not being able to output to Stargazer). I've explored a lot of the other common suggestions on this issue - such as the Economic Theory solution (https://economictheoryblog.com/2016/12/13/clustered-standard-errors-in-r/); however, this is for lm() and I cannot get it to work for logistic regression.
I'm not beyond just running two models, one with glm() and one with glm.cluster() and replacing the standard errors in stargazer manually.
My concern is that I am at a loss as to how I would graph the above function, say if I were to do the following instead:
model <- miceadds::glm.cluster(data = data, formula = outcome ~ a*b + c + years + years^2 + years^3, cluster = "cluster.id", family = "binomial")
In this case, I want to graph a predicted probability plot to look at the interaction between a*b on my outcome; however, I cannot do so with the glm.cluster() object. I have to do it with a glm() model, but then my confidence intervals are awash.
I've been looking into a lot of the options on clustering standard errors for logistic regression around here, but am at a complete loss.
Has anyone found any recent developments on how to do so in r?
Are there any packages that let you cluster SE by a variable in the dataset and plot the objects? (Bonus points for interactions)
Any and all insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

Restricted Cubic Spline output in R rms package after cph

I am developing a COX regression model in R.
The model I am currently using is as follows
fh <- cph(S ~ rcs(MPV,4) + rcs(age,3) + BMI + smoking + hyperten + gender +
rcs(FVCPP,3) + TLcoPP, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, surv=TRUE, time.inc=2*52)
If I then want to look at this with
print(fh, latex = TRUE)
I get 3 coefs/SE/Wald etc for MPV (MVP, MVP' and MVP'') and 2 for age (age, age').
Could someone please explain to me what these outputs are? i.e. I believe they are to do with the restricted cubic splines I have added.
When you write rcs(MPV,4), you define the number of knots to use in the spline; in this case 4. Similarly, rcs(age,3) defines a spline with 3 knots. Due to identifiability constraints, 1 knot from each spline is subtracted out. You can think of this as defining an intercept for each spline. So rcs(Age,3) is a linear combination of 2 nonlinear basis functions and an intercept, while rcs(MPV,4) is a linear combination of 3 nonlinear basis functions and an intercept, i.e.,
In the notation above, what you get out from the print statement are the regression coefficients and , with corresponding standard errors, p-values etc. The intercepts and are typically set to zero, but they are important, because without them, the model fitting routine how have no idea of where on the y-axis to constrain the splines.
As a final note, you might actually be more interested in the output of summary(fh).

Interpolation and Curve fitting with R

I am a chemical engineer and very new to R. I am attempting to build a tool in R (and eventually a shiny app) for analysis of phase boundaries. Using a simulation I get output that shows two curves which can be well represented by a 4th order polynomial. The data is as follows:
The procedure I have to follow uses the difference between the two curves to produce a second. In order to compare the curves, the data has to increase as a function of pressure in set increments, for example of 0.2 As can be seen, the data from the simulation is not incremental and there is no way to compare the curves based on the output.
To resolve this, in excel I carried out the following steps on each curve:
I plotted the data with pressure on the x axis and temperature on the y axis
Found the line of best fit using a 4th order polynomial
Used the equation of the curve to calculate the temperature at set increments of pressure
From this, I was able to compare the curves mathematically and produce the required output.
Does anyone have any suggestions how to carry this out in R, or if there is a more statistical or simplified approach that I have missed(extracting bezier curve points etc)?
As a bit of further detail, I have taken the data and merged it using tidyr so that the graphs (4 in total) are displayed in just three columns, the graph title, temperature and pressure. I did this after following a course on ggplot2 on Datacamp, but not sure if this format is suitable when carrying out regression etc? The head of my dataset can be seen here:
I am very new to R, so apologies if this is a stupid question and I am using the wrong terms.
Though I agree with #Jaap's comment, polynomial regression is very easy in R. I'll give you the first line:
x <- c(0.26,3.33,5.25,6.54,7.38,8.1,8.73,9.3,9.81,10.28,10.69,11.08,11.43,11.75,12.05,12.33)
y <- c(16.33,24.6,31.98,38.38,43.3,48.18,53.08,57.99,62.92,67.86,72.81,77.77,82.75,87.75,92.77,97.81)
lm <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3) + I(x^4))
Now your polynomial coefficients are in lm$coef, you can extract them and easily plot the fitted line, e.g.:
coefs <- lm$coef
plot(x, y)
lines(x, coefs[1] + coefs[2] * x + coefs[3] * x^2 + coefs[4] * x^3 + coefs[5] * x^4)
The fitted values are also simply given using lm$fit. Build the same polynomial for the second curve and compare the coefficients, not just the "lines".

High (or very high) order polynomial regression in R (or alternatives?)

I would like to fit a (very) high order regression to a set of data in R, however the poly() function has a limit of order 25.
For this application I need an order on the range of 100 to 120.
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,50))
# Error in poly(q, 50) : 'degree' must be less than number of unique points
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,30))
# Error in poly(q, 30) : 'degree' must be less than number of unique points
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,25))
# OK
Polynomials and orthogonal polynomials
poly(x) has no hard-coded limit for degree. However, there are two numerical constraints in practice.
Basis functions are constructed on unique location of x values. A polynomial of degree k has k + 1 basis and coefficients. poly generates basis without the intercept term, so degree = k implies k basis and k coefficients. If there are n unique x values, it must be satisfied that k <= n, otherwise there is simply insufficient information to construct a polynomial. Inside poly(), the following line checks this condition:
if (degree >= length(unique(x)))
stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points")
Correlation between x ^ k and x ^ (k+1) is getting closer and closer to 1 as k increases. Such approaching speed is of course dependent on x values. poly first generates ordinary polynomial basis, then performs QR factorization to find orthogonal span. If numerical rank-deficiency occurs between x ^ k and x ^ (k+1), poly will also stop and complain:
if (QR$rank < degree)
stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points")
But the error message is not informative in this case. Furthermore, this does not have to be an error; it can be a warning then poly can reset degree to rank to proceed. Maybe R core can improve on this bit??
Your trial-and-error shows that you can't construct a polynomial of more than 25 degree. You can first check length(unique(q)). If you have a degree smaller than this but still triggering error, you know for sure it is due to numerical rank-deficiency.
But what I want to say is that a polynomial of more than 3-5 degree is never useful! The critical reason is the Runge's phenomenon. In terms of statistical terminology: a high-order polynomial always badly overfits data!. Don't naively think that because orthogonal polynomials are numerically more stable than raw polynomials, Runge's effect can be eliminated. No, a polynomial of degree k forms a vector space, so whatever basis you use for representation, they have the same span!
Splines: piecewise cubic polynomials and its use in regression
Polynomial regression is indeed helpful, but we often want piecewise polynomials. The most popular choice is cubic spline. Like that there are different representation for polynomials, there are plenty of representation for splines:
truncated power basis
natural cubic spline basis
B-spline basis
B-spline basis is the most numerically stable, as it has compact support. As a result, the covariance matrix X'X is banded, thus solving normal equations (X'X) b = (X'y) are very stable.
In R, we can use bs function from splines package (one of R base packages) to get B-spline basis. For bs(x), The only numerical constraint on degree of freedom df is that we can't have more basis than length(unique(x)).
I am not sure of what your data look like, but perhaps you can try
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ bs(q, df = 10))
Penalized smoothing / regression splines
Regression spline is still likely to overfit your data, if you keep increasing the degree of freedom. The best model seems to be about choosing the best degree of freedom.
A great approach is using penalized smoothing spline or penalized regression spline, so that model estimation and selection of degree of freedom (i.e., "smoothness") are integrated.
The smooth.spline function in stats package can do both. Unlike what its name seems to suggest, for most of time it is just fitting a penalized regression spline rather than smoothing spline. Read ?smooth.spline for more. For your data, you may try
fit <- smooth.spline(q, noisy.y)
(Note, smooth.spline has no formula interface.)
Additive penalized splines and Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
Once we have more than one covariates, we need additive models to overcome the "curse of dimensionality" while being sensible. Depending on representation of smooth functions, GAM can come in various forms. The most popular, in my opinion, is the mgcv package, recommended by R.
You can still fit a univariate penalized regression spline with mgcv:
fit <- gam(noisy.y ~ s(q, bs = "cr", k = 10))

How does one extract hat values and Cook's Distance from an `nlsLM` model object in R?

I'm using the nlsLM function to fit a nonlinear regression. How does one extract the hat values and Cook's Distance from an nlsLM model object?
With objects created using the nls or nlreg functions, I know how to extract the hat values and the Cook's Distance of the observations, but I can't figure out how to get them using nslLM.
Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks!
So, it's not Cook's Distance or based on hat values, but you can use the function nlsJack in the nlstools package to jackknife your nls model, which means it removes every point, one by one, and bootstraps the resulting model to see, roughly speaking, how much the model coefficients change with or without a given observation in there.
Reproducible example:
xs = rep(1:10, times = 10)
ys = 3 + 2*exp(-0.5*xs)
for (i in 1:100) {
xs[i] = rnorm(1, xs[i], 2)
df1 = data.frame(xs, ys)
nls1 = nls(ys ~ a + b*exp(d*xs), data=df1, start=c(a=3, b=2, d=-0.5))
The plot shows the percentage change in each model coefficient as each individual observation is removed, and it marks influential points above a certain threshold as "influential" in the resulting plot. The documentation for nlsJack describes how this threshold is determined:
An observation is empirically defined as influential for one parameter if the difference between the estimate of this parameter with and without the observation exceeds twice the standard error of the estimate divided by sqrt(n). This empirical method assumes a small curvature of the nonlinear model.
My impression so far is that this a fairly liberal criterion--it tends to mark a lot of points as influential.
nlstools is a pretty useful package overall for diagnosing nls model fits though.
