Controller - check/ping external dependencies - .net-core

I have a .NET Core 3 Web API that has some external dependencies like Azure SignalR and Azure CosmosDb. I have create a Monitoring Controller which I want to check if the service is healthy by for example pinging those two dependencies.
I haven't found any documentation about how to do this. I know that for example, for Table Storage I can call a method "If table exists" so if it returns true, I know the service can communicate with that dependency.
There is a way to call those dependencies?
PS: I don't want to use 3rd party packages to perform this, I want to know if those services provide this kind of methods.

I know that for example, for Table Storage I can call a method "If table exists" so if it returns true, I know the service can communicate with that dependency.
There is a way to call those dependencies?
If you'd like to achieve same for Azure SignalR and Azure CosmosDb, you can try:
1) To check Azure SignalR service, can use management API to get details of Azure SignalR service.
2) To check Azure CosmosDb, can use this API to check if the database you want is existing.


Is it possible Firebase Remote Config to be queried from backend service REST?

I have an idea to make my apps to be Backend Driven and for this reason I want to query Firebase Remote Config for some values which has some condition properties when they should be applied (for example: parameter show_banner should be applied only for Country: Portugal) and I want to have the possibility to use A/B testing for such scenarios.
In other words I want my backend microservice to make requests to Firebase Remote COnfig (with A/B testing feature) on behalf of mobile applications (I can have information about the version, country, mobile id etc.. in the backend). Is there any REST APIs that can help me achieving this ?
The REST API for Remote Config only allows managing the template, so the equivalent of the operations you can perform in the Firebase console.
There is no public REST (or other server) API to get a set of remote config values for a specific device. That operation is only possible through the client-side SDKs.

Log4net log message to Documentdb

I have used relational database with Log4Net to log message using Log4Net Configuration.
I am not sure how to configure and use Document Db ?
You can wrap your log messages as JSON documents and persist. You can use any of the SDK's available in .NET, Java, Node.js or Python or there are REST API's available to perform CRUD operations in DocDB.

Backend Service metrics in AppDynamics

My java application is connected to remote webservice application where appdynamics is not installed. I am seeing those services as backed services. The remote webservice application has multiple webservices. I want to track response time of each webservice separately. Should i create different tier for each service or resolve all services into single tier? Is there any other better way of doing this?
Business transactions should accomplish this. If you want to report on each web service you can build a report or custom dashboard. If you need more assistance just email

Track changes in client and send to server

I am planning a 3-tiered architecture in which I need to track changes to domain objects on the client (a Windows Store app) then send those changes back to the server (an Azure worker-role). I just found out about WCF Data Services which I can run on the client and integrate with Entity Framework Code First on the server. It looks okay but I'm wondering what other tools may also be available.
Are there any alternatives to WCF Data Services for tracking changes in client then sending them to server? If available, I'd like a solution that doesn't require generated DTO classes but instead sends the deltas alone.
Have you considered using rest services?
Im not an AZURE user, but use elsewhere.
Azure rest services docu

OData Service for SQL Azure read only?

according to here:
The SQL Azure OData Service is a sample WCF Data Service built on top
of a SQL Azure (or SQL Server) database using Entity Framework 4.1
Code First.
The current version of this service only supports Read operations and,
in addition to exposing the SQL Azure database as an OData feed, it
adds a security layer to manage authentication / authorization.
so does it mean the my windows phone app will only be able to read from sql azure and not write to ? or can i do it by creating a data service on the server ?
i'm a little confused.
What this is saying is that the sample OData service that they provided only implements read operations. If you want read and write, you're going to have to roll that yourself.
