Failed upload of Conan package to Artifactory server when revisions are disabled - artifactory

Im trying to upload a conan package to a remote Artifactory server. I want revisions to be disabled so I use CONAN_REVISIONS_ENABLED=0. However I get the following error:
ERROR: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://<SERVER>/artifactory/api/conan/<SERVER_ALIAS>/v1/files/<PACKAGE>/0/export/
If I set CONAN_REVISIONS_ENABLED=1 the upload works fine. The server is configured for local repositorys (virtual or remote repos does not exists) so the APIv1 should work.
Is there a configuration on the server side that I have missed that might cause this error?
Artifactory version is: 6.13.1
Repository layout is: conan-default
For the background to this question see this issue on github.


While doing fixpack upgrade from to failing with CRIMA1161E ERROR

I have downloaded the fix pack from below URL.,8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP013-part2,8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP013-part1%E2%88%88cludeRequisites=1%E2%88%88cludeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&login=true
Upgrade Version - From WebSphere to
While running the imcl command i have faced below error. Can someone please suggest what could cause this isssue?
# ./imcl install -repositories /data/repo/repository.config -installationDirectory /appl/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/ -acceptLicense -showProgress
25% 50% 75% 100%
ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
ERROR: 'plug-in' not found in /data/repo.
ERROR: 'plug-in' not found in /data/repo.
ERROR: 'plug-in' not found in /data/repo.
Looks like you have old repositories enabled in Installation Manager preferences, for which the installation files are missing.
Try below steps to resolve this issue:
If you can enable GUI, Open IM, go to File > preferences >
Repositories. Do a test connection for all enabled repositories and
uncheck/disable repositories that are not working/you no longer
If you cannot enable GUI, there are 2 options
Modify file in order to enable/disable repositories (default location in linux:
Enable/Disable repositories using 'imcl -c' command line
Once old repositories for which installation files are missing are disabled, try installing the fixpack again.

Could not authorize while connecting to the SonarQube server. Check your credentials and try again

I am trying to run SonarQube for my Xamarin Forms project, I am on the path where my .SLN file is there and executing the following command
$ mono /Users/akandasamy/Development/HIDProjects/sonar-scanner-msbuild- begin /k:"HIDReaderManagerApp" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.login="My Login Token"
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 4.0.2
Default properties file was found at /Users/akandasamy/Development/HIDProjects/sonar-scanner-msbuild-
Loading analysis properties from /Users/akandasamy/Development/HIDProjects/sonar-scanner-msbuild-
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories...
17:29:10.391 Updating build integration targets...
17:29:10.414 Fetching analysis configuration settings...
17:29:10.517 Failed to request and parse 'http://localhost:9000/api/settings/values?component=HIDReaderManagerApp': The remote server returned an error: (401) .
17:29:10.517 Could not authorize while connecting to the SonarQube server. Check your credentials and try again.
17:29:10.518 Pre-processing failed. Exit code: 1
The api/settings/values API requires Browse permission when the component argument is used. Please, see if the user you are authenticating with has the aforementioned permission.
More details about security and permissions here:

Unable to install spring IDE in eclipse mars/neon

getting the below error while installing spring IDE from eclipse market place
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
Unable to read repository at http: //
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at http: //
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at http ://
Read timed out
Unable to read repository at http: //
Read timed out
Check for Eclipse updates at first
Goto Windows-> peferences -> Install/Update -> Available software Sites,update "" instead of "". restart Eclipse, and add it back.
And select help>install new software>contact all update sites (check)
I did this for Eclipse Mars version
I am using the Eclipse Oxygen Release (4.7.0) and I followed the solution suggested by #Vasath.
In the list of Available software sites, I edited "SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse 4.7" by replacing with
It worked, Spring IDE is installed and working fine.

Missing JS files in WorkExecution app of Maximo Anywhere 4Q release

I have updated MaximoAnywhere with the latest release 4Q from ISM library.
After building the apps and deployed the WorkExecution App, I could only see blank screen.
Console log complains about two missing JS files
Just to make framework happy, I copied over the CopyPlansToActualHandler.js from IssuesandReturns app, and created a dummy CrewUtil.js file.
After this, I was presented with the login screen and able to get into the WorkExecution App. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
dojo.js:2 Error: scriptError(…)(anonymous function) # dojo.js:2 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
dojo.js:2 Error: scriptError(…)
These files should already exist in the release in the application component. I suspect you're on a Mac? If you use finder to merge a directory into Mac, it will REMOVE files from the destination directory that don't exist in the source directory. That's why those "ditto" instructions are in the ISM Library README. If this is the case, then the safest thing to do, is to restore the 7521 version of the MaximoAnywhere directory, and reapply the ISMLibrary using the "ditto" instructions in the ISMLibrary README.

Failure installing sbt: "Server access Error:"

When I try to install error messages, it fails to download. I get error messages like this:
[error] Server access Error: No subject alternative DNS name matching found. url=
I can confirm, when accessing via my browser, that the certificate installed for the domain is actually the certificate for, and this seems to be the source of the error. It doesn't appear to be a DNS issue as (insecure) works.
Please see for the workarounds. Specifically "http" should not be used.
resolvers += Resolver.url("fix-sbt-plugin-releases", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
Edit: This issue is now resolved. No workarounds should be required.
As a temporary workaround, add the file ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/temp.sbt with the following contents:
resolvers += Resolver.url("fix-sbt-plugin-releases", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
You'll still see the error, but sbt will be able to find the dependency for which it is searching when accessing directly (the place to which presently redirects).
Upgrading nss package on CentOS worked for me.
sudo yum upgrade nss
