Creating a specific list in Prolog - recursion

I want to write a function to write a list that, for example, for the code below
likes('john', 'soccer')
likes('mary', 'football')
likes('eric', 'soccer')
So the function I want to write would be like
whoLikes('soccer', list)
And the list would be ('john', 'eric')
Should I use recursion to do this? How?

Use can use the built-in predicate setof/3:
whoLikesSoccer(F):- setof(X,likes(X,soccer),F).
?- whoLikesSoccer(X).


Prolog - How can I save results from recursive calls?

I am still trying to understand the Prolog logic and have stumbled upon a problem.
I am trying to save values found within recursive calls, to pass on or gather.
As such:
main([]) :- !.
main([H|Tail]) :- findall(X,something(_,_,X),R),
getValueReturn(R,H,Lin, Lout),
% X is the Head from main
getValueReturn([H|Tail],X,Lin, Lout) :- subset(X, H) ->
I would like to gather the results from findall in getValueReturn, combine them, and send them back to main, which can then use them.
How do I create and add to a list within getValueReturn?
Similarly, how can I save the list in my main for all recursive calls?
I edited the code above as per a comment reply, however when I run this through trace, the list deletes all elements when the empty list is found.
What am I doing wrong? This is the first time I try to use the concept of building a list through recursion.
You should post complete code that can be run, with example data. I have not tested this.
You need to pass L around on the top-level also. Using the same variable names for different parameters in adjacent procedures does not improve readability.
main([E|Es],L0,L) :-
getValueReturn([R|Rs],E,L0,L) :-
( subset(E,R) ->
; getValueReturn(Rs,E,L0,L) ).
A variable can only have one value in Prolog. In your code, for example, Lout is the output from append/3, an input to a recursive call of getValueReturn/4, and then also the output on the top-level. This is probably not going to do what you want.
I have found the best way to do what I was trying to was to use asserta/z when a result was found, and then gather these results later on.
Otherwise the code became overly complicated and did not function as intended.

Tail Recursions in erlang

I'm learning Erlang from the very basic and have a problem with a tail recursive function. I want my function to receive a list and return a new list where element = element + 1. For example, if I send [1,2,3,4,5] as an argument, it must return [2,3,4,5,6]. The problem is that when I send that exact arguments, it returns [[[[[[]|2]|3]|4]|5]|6].
My code is this:
List = [1,2,3,4,5],
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail,[Result|Head +1]);
sum_list_2([], Result)->
However, if I change my function to this:
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail,[Head +1|Result]);
sum_list_2([], Result)->
It outputs [6,5,4,3,2] which is OK. Why the function doesn't work the other way around([Result|Head+1] outputing [2,3,4,5,6])?
PS: I know this particular problem is solved with list comprehensions, but I want to do it with recursion.
For this kind of manipulation you should use list comprehension:
1> L = [1,2,3,4,5,6].
2> [X+1 || X <- L].
it is the fastest and most idiomatic way to do it.
A remark on your fist version: [Result|Head +1] builds an improper list. the construction is always [Head|Tail] where Tail is a list. You could use Result ++ [Head+1] but this would perform a copy of the Result list at each recursive call.
You can also look at the code of lists:map/2 which is not tail recursive, but it seems that actual optimization of the compiler work well in this case:
inc([H|T]) -> [H+1|inc(T)];
inc([]) -> [].
The internal and hidden representation of a list looks like a chained list. Each element contains a term and a reference to the tail. So adding an element on top of the head does not need to modify the existing list, but adding something at the end needs to mutate the last element (the reference to the empty list is replaced by a reference to the new sublist). As variables are not mutable, it needs to make a modified copy of the last element which in turn needs to mutate the previous element of the list and so on. As far as I know, the optimizations of the compiler do not make the decision to mutate variable (deduction from the the documentation).
The function that produces the result in reverse order is a natural consequence of you adding the newly incremented element to the front of the Result list. This isn't uncommon, and the recommended "fix" is to simply list:reverse/1 the output before returning it.
Whilst in this case you could simply use the ++ operator instead of the [H|T] "cons" operator to join your results the other way around, giving you the desired output in the correct order:
sum_list_2([Head|Tail], Result)->
sum_list_2(Tail, Result ++ [Head + 1]);
doing so isn't recommended because the ++ operator always copies it's (increasingly large) left hand operand, causing the algorithm to operate in O(n^2) time instead of the [Head + 1 | Tail] version's O(n) time.

faster alternative to for loop with two-argument function

I have a list of csv files called sourcefiles, and I want to apply a function with two arguments to all of files in sourcefiles. Here's what I'm doing now:
for (n in 1:length(sourcefiles)){
clcc(DT, n)
Is there any better way?
You can use lapply function:
lapply(X=aList, FUN=aFunction, otherParameters)
This function call aFunction for every item of the aList passing it as a first parameter and otherParameters as the other parameters.
The problem here is that your function clcc does not take the sourcefile as first parameter, but there is an easy workaround. If the formal name of the first parameter of the function clcc is DT (or whatever), you can call lapply by setting the name of it:
lapply(X=sourcefiles, FUN=clcc, DT=DT)

Returning multiple values in Ruby, to be used to call a function

Is it possible to return multiple values from a function?
I want to pass the return values into another function, and I wonder if I can avoid having to explode the array into multiple values
My problem?
I am upgrading Capybara for my project, and I realized, thanks to CSS 'contains' selector & upgrade of Capybara, that the statement below will no longer work
has_selector?(:css, "#rightCol:contains(\"#{page_name}\")")
I want to get it working with minimum effort (there are a lot of such cases), So I came up with the idea of using Nokogiri to convert the css to xpath. I wanted to write it so that the above function can become
has_selector? xpath(:css, "#rightCol:contains(\"#{page_name}\")")
But since xpath has to return an array, I need to actually write this
has_selector?(*xpath(:css, "#rightCol:contains(\"#{page_name}\")"))
Is there a way to get the former behavior?
It can be assumed that right now xpath func is like the below, for brevity.
def xpath(*a)
[1, 2]
You cannot let a method return multiple values. In order to do what you want, you have to change has_selector?, maybe something like this:
alias old_has_selector? :has_selector?
def has_selector? arg
case arg
when Array then old_has_selector?(*arg)
else old_has_selector?(arg)
Ruby has limited support for returning multiple values from a function. In particular a returned Array will get "destructured" when assigning to multiple variables:
def foo
[1, 2]
a, b = foo
a #=> 1
b #=> 2
However in your case you need the splat (*) to make it clear you're not just passing the array as the first argument.
If you want a cleaner syntax, why not just write your own wrapper:
def has_xpath?(xp)
has_selector?(*xpath(:css, xp))

How do I make this predicate work? extractedKnowledge(SourceList,ExtractedList)

I have this predicate that I can't seem to get to work.
The predicate should be used the following way: You give the predicate a list of things (KnowledgeList), and an uninstantiated variable (ExtractedList).
The predicate then should proceed filling ExtractedList.
To fill ExtractedList it iterates over the items of KnowledgeList,
builds a new list of extracted things, and appends this list to ExtractedList.
I know I should probably use recursion to solve this, but I feel stumped at the moment.
extractedKnowledge(KnowledgeList, ExtractedList) :-
ExtractedList = [],
Since you unify ExtractedList which [], it will always be empty. You should indeed use recursion. Here's a skeletal recursive program to get you started:
% base case: we can only extract 0 items from 0 items
% recursive case
extracted_knowledge([Item|Knowledge], Extracted) :-
extracted_knowledge(Knowledge, Extracted0),
% build Extracted from Extracted0 by adding Item,
% if it needs to be extracted
