Dataframe not showing in global environment R - r

I have some RAM issues which cause some weird stuff to happen in Rstudio. I load in a large dataset (the BAG) containing all addresses in the Netherlands. Then I do some left joins with other public datasets like energy labels and monument status etc. This gives me a dataframe I called combined which has 9.5 million rows and about 80 columns. This used to take a while but otherwise work perfectly. Then I ran into some kind of unrelated error and had to reinstall R. After that, I now get a new error when loading these datasets -->
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 70.9 Mb
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 128.0 Mb
After the error interrupts my script I don't see the combined dataframe in my global environment but I can retrieve data from it from the console (see attached screenshot) using combined[1,1] for example. However if I try View(combined), I get a similar error after it's been loading for a while: cannot allocate vector of size 35 Mb error. R is taking up about 96% of my RAM memory (around 11-12 GB) so I'm assuming it's a full RAM error, but I don't get why I get it now since it used to work perfectly before.
While I've found a bunch of stuff online about sparse matrices and R SQL combo's etc., I find this weird because it didn't happen before. More RAM is on it's way which will hopefully solve this issue but I would like to understand why R is throwing me this error now, and why I can see some smaller dataframes in my global environment but I cannot see the 'combined' one, even though I can access it through the console.
I have reinstalled R, Rtools and Rstudio twice, problem persists. I am running the following version of R:
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 3
minor 6.1
year 2019
month 07
day 05
svn rev 76782
language R
version.string R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
nickname Action of the Toes
I have a Lenovo Thinkpad laptop with an i7 8th gen processor and 16 GB of RAM. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


readRDS "Cannot read workspace version ..."

For months I have been working with a script which gathers a bunch of tweets with Rtweets, does an rbind, and then saves the output to an .rds file with saveRDS. Up until now, I had no idea of this "version=" argument so I was not including it. But since last week, I have a problem where when ever I execute:
file <- readRDS("file.rds")
I get the following error:
Error in readRDS("bullshit.rds") :
cannot read workspace version 541346889 written by R 17741.73.84; need R 19777.84.83 or newer
I cannot figure out the solution. I saw something about updating packages, I tried that and it also was unsuccessful. I tried to find out which versions these are, but I cannot find any information about an R version 17741.73.84. I also tried with two different devices, and I got the same error.
Could anyone tell me what is going on, and how could I try fixing it? - It is more important for me to actually be able to read the file, and then I can try saving it on new ways, but the data is not salvageable if the file is lost (I will save it in multiple formats - learnt through the worst way i guess)
This is my current version:
> version
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
crt ucrt
system x86_64, mingw32
major 4
minor 2.1
year 2022
month 06
day 23
svn rev 82513
language R
version.string R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
nickname Funny-Looking Kid

How can I determine and increase the memory allocated to R on a Mac

Variants of this question have been asked before (e.g., here, here, here, and here), but none of the suggested solutions works for me.
R returns an error message ("Error: vector memory exhausted (limit reached?)"), even though there is available memory on my computer (a 2019 MacBook Pro with 16 GB memory), as indicated by the Memory Pressure monitor in the Memory tab of the Activity Monitor.
I have set the memory both from the command line (using open .Renviron) and from RStudio (using usethis::edit_r_environ) , as suggested here. Neither solution works.
Has anybody found other solutions to this problem? Also, is there a way to determine, in RStudio, the maximum memory allocated? Sys.getenv() does not return this information.
I do not encounter this problem in base R -- only RStudio.
Session info:
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16

R will not open (R 3.6.3 binary for OS X 10.11)

I recently downloaded R 3.6.3 binary for OS X 10.11 to do some data analysis for my undergraduate physics lab.
I input a column of my data from excel (there were 250,000 data points) and used 'scan()'. I didn't really know what it was going to do, but it wasn't what I wanted. So I tried to stop the command, it wouldn't stop. So I force quit the application.
When I tried to re-open the application, my CPU load sky rocketed (computer slowed down) and R wouldn't open.
I've already tried restarting my computer and re-installing the application.
If you know what I can do to get the application to work please let me know.

Why is R reported to use much more memory by Windows than by itself?

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)
On a 32G system, I got this error when creating a distance matrix:
df <- remove_duplicates_quanteda(dfm, df)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.3 Gb
Looking inside my enviroment, there is little reason for concern:
print(object.size(x = lapply(ls(), get)), units = "Mb")
96.5 Mb
However, Windows reports the following figures:
What is the reason for this difference? Is there a way to find out?
Hadley put it pretty simple in Advanced R:
This number won’t agree with the amount of memory reported by your
operating system for a number of reasons:
It only includes objects created by R, not the R interpreter itself.
Both R and the operating system are lazy: they won’t reclaim memory
until it’s actually needed. R might be holding on to memory because
the OS hasn’t yet asked for it back.
R counts the memory occupied by objects but there may be gaps due to
deleted objects. This problem is known as memory fragmentation.
For more information see the Section about Memory

glm running out of memory in 64-bit R?

I am trying to run glm on a dataset with 255001 data points, but it's saying
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 10.0 Gb
This is very strange because when I start up R, I see the message
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) -- "Sock it to Me"
Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Which seems to indicate that I'm running a 64 bit version of R, and I read that the memory limit for 64 bit versions of R on Unix is on the order of 128 Tb.
Furthermore, I have successfully run glm logistic regression on very similar datasets that are twice as large without any problem.
How can I reconcile these facts, and how can I get R to hold large objects in memory?
It turns out there was a bug in my code, and when I was reading in the data, I set header=FALSE instead of header=TRUE. Changing this fixed the problem.
