How to use the R pipe operator (%>%) in the following cases - r

1) I have a data frame named df, how can I include an if statement within the mutate function used within the pipe operator? The following does not work:
df %>%
mutate_if(myvar == "A", newColumn = oldColumn*3, newColumn = oldColumn)
The variable myvar is not included in the data frame and is a "flag" variable with values either "A" or "B". When "A", would like to create a new column named "newColumn" in the data frame that is three times the old column (named "oldColumn"), otherwise it is identical to the old column.
2) Would like to divide the column named "numbers" with the entry of numbers which has the minimum value in another column named "seconds", as follows:
df$newCol <- df$numbers / df[df$seconds== min(df$seconds),]$numbers
How can I do that with mutate command and "%>%", so that it looks more handy? Nothing that I tried works unfortunately.
Thanks for any answers,

If myvar is just a variable floating around in the environmnet, you can use an if else statement within mutate (similar question here)
# Generate dataset
df <- tibble(oldColumn = rnorm(100))
# Mutate with if-else conditions
df <- df %>% mutate(newColumn = if(myvar == "A") oldColumn else if(myvar=="B") oldColumn * 3)
If myvar is included as a column in the dataframe then you could can use case_when.
# Generate dataset
df <- tibble(myvar = sample(c("A", "B"), 100, replace = TRUE),
oldColumn = rnorm(100))
# Create a new column which depends on the value of myvar
df <- df %>%
mutate(newColumn = case_when(myvar == "A" ~ oldColumn*3,
myvar == "B" ~ oldColumn))
As for question 2, you can use mutate with "." operater which calls the left hand side (i.e. "df") in the right hand side of the function. Then you can filter down to the row with the minimum value of seconds (top_n statement using -1 as argument), and pull out the value for the numbers variable
# Generate data
df <- tibble(numbers = sample(1:60),
seconds = sample(1:60))
# Do computation
df <- df %>% mutate(newCol = numbers / top_n(.,-1,seconds) %>% pull(numbers))


Can I use lapply to check for outliers in comparison to values from all listed tibbles?

My data is imported into R as a list of 60 tibbles each with 13 columns and 8 rows. I want to detect outliers defined as 2*sd by comparing each value in column "2" to the mean of all values of column "2" in the same row.
I know that I am on a wrong path with these lines, as I am not comparing the single values
lapply(list, function(x){
if(x$"2">(mean(x$"2")) + (2*sd(x$"2"))||x$"2"<(mean(x$"2")) - (2*sd(x$"2"))) {}
Also I was hoping to replace all values that are thus identified as outliers by the corresponding mean calculated from the 60 values in the same position as the outlier while keeping everything else, but I am also quite unsure how to do that.
Thank you!
you haven't added an example of your code so I've made a quick and simple example to demonstrate my answer. I think this would be much more straightforward logic if you first combine the list of tibbles into a single tibble. This allows you to do everything you want in a simple dplyr pipe, ultimately identifying outliers by 1's in the 'outlier' column:
tibble1 <- tibble(colA = c(seq(1,20,1), 150),
colB = seq(0.1,2.1,0.1),
id = 1:21)
tibble2 <- tibble(colA = c(seq(101,120,1), -150),
colB = seq(21,41,1),
id = 1:21)
# N.B. if you don't have an 'id' column or equivalent
# then it makes it a lot easier if you add one
# The 'id' column is essentially shorthand for an index
tibbleList <- list(tibble1, tibble2)
joinedTibbles <- bind_rows(tibbleList, .id = 'tbl')
res <- joinedTibbles %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(meanA = mean(colA),
sdA = sd(colA),
lowThresh = meanA - 2*sdA,
uppThresh = meanA + 2*sdA,
outlier = ifelse(colA > uppThresh | colA < lowThresh, 1, 0))

R: Create Indicator Columns from list of conditions

I have a dataframe and a number of conditions. Each condition is supposed to check whether the value in a certain column of the dataframe is within a set of valid values.
This is what I tried:
# create the sample dataframe
age <- c(120, 45)
sex <- c("x", "f")
df <-data.frame(age, sex)
# create the sample conditions
conditions <- list(
list("age", c(18:100)),
list("sex", c("f", "m"))
addIndicator <- function (df, columnName, validValues) {
indicator <- vector()
for (row in df[, toString(columnName)]) {
# for some strange reason, %in% doesn't work correctly here, but always returns FALSe
indicator <- append(indicator, row %in% validValues)
df <- cbind(df, indicator)
# rename the column
names(df)[length(names(df))] <- paste0("I_", columnName)
for (condition in conditions){
columnName <- condition[1]
validValues <- condition[2]
df <- addIndicator(df, columnName, validValues)
However, this leads to all conditions considered not to be met - which is not what I expect:
age sex I_age I_sex
I figured that %in% does not return the expected result. I checked for the typeof(row) and tried to boil this down into a minimum example. In a simple ME, with the same type and values of the variables, the %in% works properly. So, something must be wrong within the context I try to apply this. Since this is my first attempt to write anything in R, I am stuck here.
What am I doing wrong and how can I achieve what I want?
If you prefer an approach that uses the tidyverse family of packages:
allowed_values <- list(age = 18:100, sex = c("f", "m"))
df %>%
imap_dfr(~ .x %in% allowed_values[[.y]]) %>%
rename_with(~ paste0('I_', .x)) %>%
imap_dfr allows you to manipulate each column in df using a lambda function. .x references the column content and .y references the name.
rename_with renames the columns using another lambda function and bind_cols combines the results with the original dataframe.
I borrowed the simplified list of conditions from ben's answer. I find my approach slightly more readable but that is a matter of taste and of whether you are already using the tidyverse elsewhere.
conditions appears to be a nested list. When you use:
validValues <- condition[2]
in your for loop, your result is also a list.
To get the vector of values to use with %in%, you can extract [[ by:
validValues <- condition[[2]]
A simplified approach to obtaining indicators could be with a simple list:
conditions_lst <- list(age = 18:100, sex = c("f", "m"))
And using sapply instead of a for loop:
cbind(df, sapply(setNames(names(df), paste("I", names(df), sep = "_")), function(x) {
df[[x]] %in% conditions_lst[[x]]
age sex I_age I_sex
2 45 f TRUE TRUE
An alternative approach using across and cur_column() (and leaning heavily on severin's solution):
df <- tibble(age = c(12, 45), sex = c('f', 'f'))
allowed_values <- list(age = 18:100, sex = c("f", "m"))
df %>%
mutate(across(c(age, sex),
c(valid = ~ .x %in% allowed_values[[cur_column()]])
Related question: Refering to column names inside dplyr's across()

Is there a way of using the pmap function in purrr to iteratively adjust a dataset?

I've created a function which I am trying to apply to a dataset using pmap. The function I've created amends some columns in a dataset. I want the amendment that's applied to the two columns to carry over to the 2nd and subsequent iterations of pmap.
Reproducible example below:
#create example dataset
dataset <- tibble(groupvar = sample(c(1:3), 20, replace = TRUE),
a = sample(c(1:10), 20, replace = TRUE),
b = sample(c(1:10), 20, replace = TRUE),
c = sample(c(1:10), 20, replace = TRUE),
d = sample(c(1:10), 20, replace = TRUE)) %>%
#function to sum 2 columns (col1 and col2), then adjust those columns such that the cumulative sum of the two columns
#within the group doesn't exceed the specified limit
shared_limits <- function(col1, col2, group, limit){
dataset <- dataset
dataset$group <- dataset[[group]]
dataset$newcol <- dataset[[col1]] + dataset[[col2]]
dataset <- dataset %>% group_by(groupvar) %>% mutate(cumulative_sum=cumsum(newcol))
dataset$limited_cumulative_sum <- ifelse(dataset$cumulative_sum>limit, limit, dataset$cumulative_sum)
dataset <- dataset %>% group_by(groupvar) %>% mutate(limited_cumulative_sum_lag=lag(limited_cumulative_sum))
dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag <- ifelse($limited_cumulative_sum_lag),0,dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag)
dataset$adjusted_sum <- dataset$limited_cumulative_sum - dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag
dataset[[col1]] <- ifelse(dataset$adjusted_sum==dataset$newcol, dataset[[col1]],
pmin(dataset[[col1]], dataset$adjusted_sum))
dataset[[col2]] <- dataset$adjusted_sum - dataset[[col1]]
dataset <- dataset %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(-group, -newcol, -cumulative_sum, -limited_cumulative_sum, -limited_cumulative_sum_lag, -adjusted_sum)
#apply function directly
new_dataset <- shared_limits("a", "b", "groupvar", 25)
#apply function using a separate parameters table and pmap_dfr
shared_limits_table <- tibble(col1 = c("a","b"),
col2 = c("c","d"),
group = "groupvar",
limit = c(25, 30))
dataset <- pmap_dfr(shared_limits_table, shared_limits)
In the example above the pmap function applies the shared limit to columns "a" and "c" and returns an adjusted dataset as the first element in the list. It then applies the shared limit to columns "b" and "d" and returns this as the second element in the list. However the adjustments that have been made to "a" and "c" are now lost.
Is there any way of storing the adjustments that are made to each column as we progress through each iteration of pmap?
You can iteratively apply a function to your dataset with reduce
First, I'd fix your function since dataset is undefined
shared_limits <- function(df, col1, col2, group, limit){
dataset <- df
dataset$group <- dataset[[group]]
dataset$newcol <- dataset[[col1]] + dataset[[col2]]
dataset <- dataset %>% group_by(groupvar) %>% mutate(cumulative_sum=cumsum(newcol))
dataset$limited_cumulative_sum <- ifelse(dataset$cumulative_sum>limit, limit, dataset$cumulative_sum)
dataset <- dataset %>% group_by(groupvar) %>% mutate(limited_cumulative_sum_lag=lag(limited_cumulative_sum))
dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag <- ifelse($limited_cumulative_sum_lag),0,dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag)
dataset$adjusted_sum <- dataset$limited_cumulative_sum - dataset$limited_cumulative_sum_lag
dataset[[col1]] <- ifelse(dataset$adjusted_sum==dataset$newcol, dataset[[col1]],
pmin(dataset[[col1]], dataset$adjusted_sum))
dataset[[col2]] <- dataset$adjusted_sum - dataset[[col1]]
dataset <- dataset %>% ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(-group, -newcol, -cumulative_sum, -limited_cumulative_sum, -limited_cumulative_sum_lag, -adjusted_sum)
Then make a list of the arguments you want to pass to the function at each step
shared_limits_args_list <- list(
list("a", "c", "groupvar", 25),
list("b", "d", "groupvar", 30))
Then call reduce, setting the dataset as your initial x with the .init parameter. At each iteration a sublist of arguments from shared_limits_args_list will be passed to the function as y. [[ is used to select the list elements for each position. The output dataframe from the function will become the new x for the next iteration, and the next sublist of shared_limits_args_list will be the next set of arguments. When all of the sublists of shared_limits_args_list have been used, the final dataframe is output.
dataset_combined <-
function(x,y) shared_limits(df=x, y[[1]], y[[2]], y[[3]], y[[4]]),

R: Convert frequency to percentage with only a selected number of columns

I would like to convert a dataframe filled with frequencies into a dataframe filled with percentage by row using dplyr.
My data set has the particularity to get filled with others variables and I just want to calculate the percentage for a set of columns defined by a vector of names. Plus, I want to use the dplyr library.
sim_dat <- function() abs(floor(rnorm(26)*10))
df <- data.frame(a = letters, b = sim_dat(), c = sim_dat(), d = sim_dat()
, z = LETTERS)
names_to_transform <- names(df)[2:4]
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(sum_freq_codpos = rowSums(.[names_to_transform])) %>%
mutate_each(function(x) x / sum_freq_codpos, names_to_transform)
# does not work
Any idea on how to do it? I have tried with mutate_at and mutate_each but I can't get it to work.
you're almost there!:
df2 <- df %>%
mutate(sum_freq_codpos = rowSums(.[names_to_transform])) %>%
mutate_at(names_to_transform, funs(./sum_freq_codpos))
the dot . roughly translates to "the object i am manipulating here", which in this call is "the focal variable in names_to_transform".

Return name of column containing max value, from only certain selected columns in a data.frame

I would like to obtain (in an new column in the data.table) the column name of the column that contains the maximum value in only a few columns in a data.frame.
Here is an example data.frame
# creating the vectors then the data frame ------
id = c("a", "b", "c", "d")
ignore = c(1000,1000, 1000, 1000)
s1 = c(0,0,0,100)
s2 = c(100,0,0,0)
s3 = c(0,0,50,0)
s4 = c(50,0,50,0)
df1 <- data.frame(id,ignore,s1,s2,s3,s4)
(1) now I want to find the column name of the maximum number in each row, from the columns s1-s4. (i.e. ignore the column called "ignore")
(2) If there is a tie for the maximum, I would like the last (e.g. s4) column name returned.
(3) as an extra favour - if all are 0, I would ideally like NA returned
here is my best attempt so far
df2 <- cbind(df1,,apply(df1,1,function(x) {data.frame([which.max(x)],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)})))
this returns ignore in each case, and (except for row b) works if I remove this column, and reorder the s1-s4 columns as s4-s1.
How would you approach this?
Many thanks indeed.
We use grep to create a column index for columns that start with 's' followed by numbers ('i1'). To get the row index of the subset dataset ('df1[i1]') that has the maximum value, we can use max.col with the option ties.method='last'. To convert the rows that have only 0 values to NA, we get the rowSums, check if that is 0 (==0) and convert those to NA (NA^) and multiply with max.col output. This can be used to extract the column names of subset dataset.
i1 <- grep('^s\\d+', names(df1))
names(df1)[i1][max.col(df1[i1], 'last')*NA^(rowSums(df1[i1])==0)]
#[1] "s2" NA "s4" "s1"
df1 = data_frame(
id = c("a", "b", "c", "d")
ignore = c(1000,1000, 1000, 1000)
s1 = c(0,0,0,100)
s2 = c(100,0,0,0)
s3 = c(0,0,50,0)
s4 = c(50,0,50,0))
result =
df1 %>%
gather(variable, value, -id, -ignore) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
slice(value %>%
{. == max(.)} %>%
which %>%
last) %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(variable_fix = ifelse(value == 0,
