JsonPath that combines fields from a complex object - jsonpath

I am using jsonpath_rw_ext for python currently
I am unable to come up with a path string that returns the fields I want without getting errors.
I think I can get most of what I'm describing as individual fields however I can't put then together.
json object is an array of two objects:
'id': 9707,
'rev': 16,
'fields': {
'System.AssignedTo': {
'id': 12345
'descriptor': 'some-identifier',
'displayName': 'Jeff Saremi',
'System.CommentCount': 7
'id': 9708,
'rev': 10,
'fields': {
'System.AssignedTo': {
'id': 56789
'descriptor': 'another-identifier',
'displayName': 'Someone Else',
'System.CommentCount': 2
What I want in the results is:
id (the topmost level one), fields.System.CommentCount and fields System.AssignedTo.displayName
I do not want deeper "id" levels
Here are what i have tried individually:
jp.match('$[*].id', workitems)
returns the toplevel IDs
jp.match('$..fields["System.CommentCount"]', workitems)
returns the commentcounts promptly
jp.match('$..fields..displayName', workitems)
returns the displayNames

Apparently this cannot be done not with the library I'm using.
I had to create 3 separate lists and zip then together to have one coherent resultset.


Kusto extractjson not working with email address

I am attempting to use the extractjson() method that includes email addresses in the source data (specifically the # symbol).
let T = datatable(MyString:string)
'{"user#domain.com": {"value":10}, "userdomain.com": { "value": 5}}'
| project extractjson('$.["user#domain.com"].value', MyString)
This results in a null being returned, changing the JSONPath to '$.["userdomain.com"].value' does return the correct result.
I know the # sign is a used as the current node in a filter expression, does this need to be escaped when used with KQL?
Just as a side note, I run the same test using nodes 'jsonpath' package and this worked as expected.
const jp = require('jsonpath');
const data = {"user#domain.com": {"value":10}, "name2": { "value": 5}};
console.log(jp.query(data, '$["user#domain.com"].score'));
you can use the parse_json() function instead, and when you don't have to use extract_json():
print MyString = '{"user#domain.com": {"value":10}, "userdomain.com": { "value": 5}}'
| project parse_json(MyString)["user#domain.com"].value
From the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractjsonfunction

Extract values from web service JSON response with JSONPath

I have a JSON response from web service that looks something like this :
What I need to do is extract the subjects from all of the entities by using JSONPATH query.
How can I get these results :
Subject from the first item - SomeSubjectOne
Filter on specific subject value from all entities (SomeSubjectTwo for example)
Get Subjects from all entities
Goessner's orinial JSONPath article is a good reference point and all implementations more or less stick to the suggested query syntax. However, implementations like Jayway JsonPath/Java, JSONPath-Plus/JavaScript, flow-jsonpath/PHP may behave a little differently in some areas. That's why it can be important to know what implementation you are actually using.
Subject from the first item
Just use an index to select the desired array element.
Specific subject value
First, go for any elements .., check those with a subject [?(#.subject] and use == '..' for comparison.
$..[?(#.subject == 'SomeSubjectTwo')]
[ {
"id" : 12,
"sourceID" : null,
"subject" : "SomeSubjectTwo",
"category" : "SomeCategoryTwo",
"impact" : null,
"status" : "assigned" } ]*
Get all subjects
or simply
[ "SomeSubjectOne", "SomeSubjectTwo" ]

Can't scan on DynamoDB map nested attributes

I'm new to DynamoDB and I'm trying to query a table from javascript using the Dynamoose library. I have a table with a primary partition key of type String called "id" which is basically a long string with a user id. I have a second column in the table called "attributes" which is a DynamoDB map and is used to store arbitrary user attributes (I can't change the schema as this is how a predefined persistence adapter works and I'm stuck working with it for convenience).
This is an example of a record in the table:
attributes Map{2}
10 Number: 2
11 Number: 4
12 Number: 6
13 Number: 8
The numeric fields, such as the "12" field, in the Map can be interpreted as "week10", "week11","week12" and "week13" and the numeric values 2,4,6 and 8 are the number of times the application was launched that week.
What I need to do is get all user ids of the records that have more than 4 launches in a specific week (eg week 12) and I also need to get the list of user ids with a sum of 20 launches in a range of four weeks (eg. from week 10 to 13).
With Dynamoose I have to use the following model:
{id: String, attributes: Map},
{useDocumentTypes: true, saveUnknown: true}
(to match the table structure generated by the persistence adapter I'm using).
I assume I will need to do DynamoDB "scan" to achieve this rather than a "query" and I tried this to get started and get a records where week 12 equals 6 to no avail (I get an empty set as result):
const filter = {
FilterExpression: 'contains(#attributes, :val)',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#attributes': 'attributes',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':val': {'12': 6},
model.scan(filter).all().exec(function (err, result, lastKey) {
console.log('query result: '+ JSON.stringify(result));
If you don't know Dynamoose but can help with solving this via the AWS SDK tu run a DynamoDB scan directly that might also be helpful for me.
Try the following.
const filter = {
FilterExpression: '#attributes.#12 = :val',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#attributes': 'attributes',
'#12': '12'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':val': 6,
Sounds like what you are really trying to do is filter the items where attributes.12 = 6. Which is what the query above will do.
Contains can't be used for objects or arrays.

Meteor query based on the value of elements in an array inside an object

I am new to meteor and mongoDB and have been searching for an answer to this question for some time without any luck.
I have multiple documents in MongoDB similar to the one below:
"_id" : ObjectId("5abac4ea0c31d26804421371"),
"Points" : [
"Value" : 6.869752766626993,
"Time" : 1522284528946
"Value" : 3.9014587731230477,
"Time" : 1522284543946
"Value" : 1.2336926618519772,
"Time" : 1522284558946
"Value" : 6.504837583667155,
"Time" : 1522284573946
"Value" : 9.824138227740864,
"Time" : 1522284588946
"Value" : 9.707480757899235,
"Time" : 1522284603946
"Value" : 4.6122167850338105,
"Time" : 1522284618946
How can I implement a query in meteor that returns an array containing all the Points from all documents with 'Time' field greater than certain value?
As Jankapunkt has pointed out in his comment, it might be a lot easier and better if you created a new collection Points where each document includes only Value and Time attributes. The given example would then become seven separate documents rather than a single array.
It does nevertheless happen, that we want to query documents according to some inner values, e.g. attributes in objects in arrays.
Taken from the mongodb documentation on querying embedded documents, we can just use dot notation for this.
If you do not know the index position of the document nested in the array, concatenate the name of the array field, with a dot (.) and the name of the field in the nested document.
Such as for your question (assuming Points to be the name of your collection):
db.points.find( { 'Points.Time': { $gte: 123412341234 } } )
Which looks almost identical in Meteor:
Points.find({ 'Points.Time': { $gte: 123412341234 } })

Neo4j - Cypher: mutual object with traversing relationships

I have a small Graph:
(Dic1:Dictioniary { name:'Dic1' }),
(Dic2:Dictioniary { name: 'Dic2' }),
(Dic3:Dictioniary { name: 'Dic3' }),
(File1:File { name: 'File1' }),
(File2:File { name: 'File2' }),
(File3:File { name: 'File3' }),
I need a cypher query to find out, if for example Dic2 and Dic3 have paths/relations, where they reference the same File.
In this case it would be true; the mutual File is File3.
Thanks for your help
When you are looking for just two dictionaries you can achieve this in a single statement:
MATCH (d2:Dictioniary { name:'Dic2' }),(d3:Dictioniary { name:'Dic3' })
MATCH (d2)-[:contains|references*]->(f:File)<-[:contains|references*]-(d3)
It is quite expensive due to the two unbounded path matches, but it is quite cheap as it is bound from the outset by the two dictionary matches.
If you had an arbitrary number of Dictionaries to test you could do something like:
MATCH (d1:Dictioniary { name:'Dic1' }),(d2:Dictioniary { name:'Dic2' }),(d3:Dictioniary { name:'Dic3' })
WITH [d1,d2,d3] AS ds
MATCH (d)-[:contains|references*]->(f:File)
WITH f, ds, COLLECT(d) AS fds
WHERE length(ds)= length(fds)
This matches the dictionaries that you are interested in first and for each of them in turn it finds the files that they reference. Importantly the File object is preserved and the Dictionary that referenced it is collected into an array (fds). If we know that we had 3 dictionaries to begin with (length(ds)) and that a given file has the same number of related dictionaries (length(fds)) then all dictionaries must reference it.
Assuming that there may multiple paths to a given File from a given Dictionary then you can insert the DISTINCTmodifier into the second WITH statement:
