Is there a way to take a fixed date and change it into a date table in Lua without specifically assigning each value? - datetime

I have a date which is being fed into my script in the following format:
dateTime = "Fri Oct 18 10:08:02 UTC 2019"
Is there a way to reformat this so that I can quickly call each element as I like without explicitly splitting out using string.sub (for example)?
E.g. So that I can:
Subtract one date from another to find out age (using current time and birth/established date)
Add hours dependant on the timezone (given that I have a timezone in the format "+3")
Find if the time was between a range (e.g. the request was sent between 9am and 5pm GMT)

Lua does not have a built-in date or time type like other languages.
Lua 5.3 Reference Manual 2.1 Values and Types
There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string,
function, userdata, thread, and table.
Lua 5.3 Reference Manual 6 Standard Libraries
Either implement them yourself or find existing modules that suit your needs.
A simple way would be to parse your date time string using captures
Checkout for suggestions.


Compare two dates using Date component only disregarding time

In C#, typically you can use DateTime.Today to get today's date disregarding the time component (e.g. the time component would be at midnight basically).
How do I do that using Luxom library?
I understand you can write DateTime.local() to get a Date object with current Time included, but is there no simple way to effectively disregard the time component so that I can perform a comparison with another Date object?
I can't find any relevant information in the Luxon documentation, though I may have missed something.
In standard JS, this would do it:
new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));
But that seems awkward?
You can startOf('day') to set midnight to given DateTime:
"Set" this DateTime to the beginning of a unit of time.
then you can use toJSDate() to get the equivalent Javascript Date or other method like toISO, toISODate(), toFormat() etc to get the string representation of a DateTime.
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
console.log( DateTime.local().startOf('day').toJSDate() );
<script src=""></script>
If you need to compare Luxon objects have a look at Comparing DateTimes section of the manual.
This gave me what I wanted.

How to set a chrono DateTime to a specific date and time?

I need to create a chrono::DateTime<Local> instance that is set to a specific date and time. For example, I need to create a DateTime<Local> instance that is set to something like 3/17/2019 at 4:43 PM (or 3/17/2019 at 16:43).
The documentation for the DateTime struct shows how to get the current date and time via the now function and plenty of support for getting time durations. There appears to be some confusing traits and conversion functions, but there doesn't appear to be anything that allows me to directly create a DateTime instance that represents a specific date and time.
Is it possible to create such an instance? If so, how?
There is a function called ymd for the TimeZone trait that returns a date. You can then call and_hms on this date to set a specific time.
use chrono::TimeZone;
let dt = chrono::Local.ymd(2019, 3, 17).and_hms(16, 43, 0);

Reporting Services: DateTime parameter not showing the time part when its midnight

I need to add a 'StartDate' parameter to a report in Reporting Services 2005, which should represent the current date, at midnight.
If I use Now() as expression, it will correctly use midnight in the calculations, but to the user, the time part will not be shown.
which can be confusing because then the user doesn't really realise he or she can type in a time part.
How can I format this date to the following:
13/12/2011 00:00
while keeping the parameter as a DateTime datatype.?
Edit: I've checked the duplicate question and tried to apply it to my case, but run into the following phenomenom:
If I try:
=DateTime.Parse(Format(Now().Date().AddSeconds(1), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"))
Then the parameter shows "14/12/2011 00:00:01" which is confusing for the users, so I then tried the following:
=DateTime.Parse(Format(Now().Date().AddSeconds(1), "d/M/yyyy HH:mm"))
But then the parameter shows "14/12/2011" again! In other words, the time part is gone again!
Who invented this stuff? :P
Your formula with .Parse(Format(... causes redundant work that is messing things up. Try this:
Use Format. For example: Format(Parameters!SelectedDate.Value, "d/M/yyyy HH:mm")
Here is a list of DateTime identifiers for use with Format.
I get it now, you want 00:00 to show up in the parameter input calendar in the report viewer. The time part won't show up when it's set to midnight. This is by design. If you're using 2005 or earlier, Jamie's solution won't work and you're stuck.

To retrieve Date in the same format as stored

I am facing an issue in my Flex application.
I am creating some array collections and storing date objects in it.In the later part of the application I will create 'advanceddatagridcolumns' with these array collections as the data sources.
Initially while creating the Array Col , I do have the 'formats' given by user, for each array collection eg. '1995/06/25' but in the later part I have no access to these formats. I want to display this dates in the data grid in same way as the user has specified. Right now, it displays it in the default format 'Sun Jun 25 00:00:00 GMT+0530 1995' instead of '1995/06/25'.
I have a common 'labelFunction' for these advancedatagridcolumns, and thus I can not use the DateFormatter as I 'formatstring' would be different for different columns.
So is there some way to display/retrieve the date in the same format as stored and not in the default way. Or while creating the date object can't I specify that I would always like it to be returned in some desired format.
The Date class in Flex as far, as my experiences go, is not very versatile. My hunch is that this is by no means possible with the regular framework capabilities.
However, if the date does not need to be changed after the user has input it, you might just want to save it as String and only create a temporary ArrayCollection of Dates for displaying them. This way you don't need to worry about the format changing because you're saving the original value.
How are you parsing the dates anyway? I mean that are you finding out the format yourself with RegExps or such, or using the parse method of the Date class?
just create a labelfunction specific to that column only and then you can use the formatstring

How to trim datetime string to its minute in GridView?

I have bound fields in GridView to some dateTime property of data objects. The fields are displayed to the seconds level. It looks like 2009-2-3 18:00:00 PM.
I just want it displayed to the minutes, e.g 2009-2-3 18:00.
What is the best way to do this?
I find use DataFormatString="{0:g}" is fine for me.
The format is 2009-2-3 6:00 PM.
Although you have found a solution, here's some additional information:
You can find a list of all standard date and time format strings (such as "g") on this page in MSDN: Standard DateTime Format Strings.
And if do not want to use one of the predefined formats, there is also a page about Custom Date and Time Format Strings. For example, to get a date exactly in the format you used in your question ("2009-2-3 18:00") you could use the format string "yyyy-M-d HH:mm".
Before using a custom format string, remember that using the standard (predefined) format strings has the advantage that it automatically takes into account the current culture (regional settings). So if you want to display the date to users, probably a predefined format will be the better choice.
