Why is my Airflow MySqlOperator Insert Command Denied? - airflow

I'm running a dag with an insert query. Here is some of the code:
QUERY = '''
INSERT INTO bi.target_skus (skus)
distinct od.sku,
bi.orders as od'''
t1 = MySqlOperator(
mysql_conn_id = MYSQL_CONN_ID,
It's giving me the following error:
ERROR - (1142, "INSERT command denied to user 'xyz' for table 'target_skus'")
A few notes:
Devops said my user has permission to make inserts into that table
Select commands work fine
The error message does not include the database name (bi) even though my insert query does.

This looks like a standard MySQL "not enough privileges" error.
Are you sure you can perform INSERTs with your user, regardless of what your DBA is saying? You should test the same operation using another tool (like MySQL Workbench) setting up the connection in the same way you set it up in Airflow, i.e. same user, same password, same default schema.

It looks like a privilege error from the user trying to insert but there is a comma in the insert that can cause problems too:
QUERY = '''
INSERT INTO bi.target_skus (skus)
distinct od.sku
bi.orders as od'''


ORACLE 11g Know Insert Record Details which Failed to insert

I have started auditing insert records by user on failure to any table in my oracle 11g Database. I have used following command to do the same.
I would like to know whenever the record insert will fail, Can i know what was the records which failed to insert into table.
Where we can see such information. Or if you know any other way of auditing of the same please suggest. One way which i know is to write a trigger on insert. In that trigger handle insert failure EXCEPTION and save those values to some table.
Use SQL Loader Utility with following control file format.
load data
infile 'c:\users\shena\desktop\1.txt'
badfile 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.bad'
discardfile 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.dsc'
log 'C:\Users\shena\Desktop\test.log'
into table ma_basic_bd
fields terminated by '|' optionally enclosed by '"' trailing nullcols
"DATE" "to_date(:DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD')",
adjdate "to_date(:adjdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')",
You are requested to use the conventional path loading so that we can get the rejected(rejected because of datatype mismatch and business rule violation) records in .bad file. Conventional path loading is a default option.
Following URL can be used for the detailed knowledge.
Total 4 videos are there. Very helpful.

sqlite3 got syntax error while executing vacuum in a trigger

I'm using sqlte3.8.8, trying to create a trigger to clean old data. Here is the SQL that I put in:
CREATE TRIGGER "main"."NewTrigger" AFTER INSERT ON "historydata"
delete from historydata where id in (select id from historydata order by id limit 100000);
But I got Syntax error on "vacuum;".However, it works fine in sqlite command line.
Is it the case that "vacuum" cannot be used in a trigger?
The documentation shows that only UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE/SELECT statements are allowed in a trigger body.

getting error while test query in data source wizard for grid view

I am trying to view data in grid view in asp.net page.I am using oracle databse.I Placed a grid view controller in page and I am trying to bind it with oracle database using datasource wizard. In wizard I chose SQL source, gave connection string. Now i choose a table then it gave query like:
Select * from [table_name]
When I test the query It is giving error like:
There was an error in executing query. Please check the syntax of the command and if present,the type and the values of the parameters and ensure they are correct. ORA-00903: Invalid table name.
The table name is enclosing in square braces. How to get rid of this.
You cann't use [table_name] you need to use table_name only.
It is ok in sql Server [table_name] but not in oracle.
So you need to use like this
Select * from table_name

Inserting records into a SQLite Database isn't actually inserting

I set up a SQLite Database DB Connection via the CF Admin after installing the JDBC Driver. After setting it up I got a successful connection message. I also know that I connected successfully because if I run a simple select query it doesn't fail out and if I run a CFDump it shows the proper columns. To further test this simple select statement, if I changed the table name it does fail. So, it's not a connection issue.
I am simply trying to insert records into a table and then check to see if those records were added. These are the queries I am using:
<cfquery datasource="fooDB" name="foo">
<cfquery datasource="fooDB" name="checkIfwasSuccessful">
FROM FooTable
This is my SQlite table creator:
FooColumn TEXT,
OtherColumn1 TEXT,
OtherCOlumn2 TEXT
The CFDump of the query checkIfwasSuccessful is an empty result.
Any ideas??
Thank you in advance!!
Use Cftransaction to verify that your query is being commmited.
Have you tried either a) supplying an id with the insert, or b) using the AUTOINCREMENT keyword after PRIMARY KEY?

SQLite "Drop table" error message: "SQL logic error or missing database"

I am running a SQLite database in memory and I am attempting to drop a table with the following command.
DROP TABLE 'testing' ;
But when I execute the SQL statement, I get this error
SQL logic error or missing database
Before I run the "Drop Table" query I check to make sure that the table exists in the database with this query. So I am pretty sure that the table exists and I have a connection to the database.
SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and name='testing';
This database is loaded in to memory from a file database and after I attempt to drop this table the database is saved from memory to the file system. I can then use a third party SQLite utility to view the SQLite file and check to see if the "testing" exists, it does. Using the same 3rd party SQLite utility I am able to run the "Drop TABLE" SQL statement with out error.
I am able to create/update tables without any problems.
My questions:
Is there a difference between a memory database and a file database in SQLite when dropping a table?
Is there a way to disable the ability to drop a table in SQLite that I may have accentually turned on somehow?
Edit: It appears to have something to do with a locked table. Still investigating.
You should not have quotes in your DROP TABLE command. Use this instead:
DROP TABLE testing
I had the same problem when using Sqlite with the xerial jbdc driver in the version 3.7.2. and JRE7
I first listed all the tables with the select command as follows:
SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'
And then tried to delete a table like this:
I was working on a database stored on the file system and so it seems not to effect the outcome.
I used the IF EXISTS command to avoid listing all the table from the master table first, but I needed the complete table list anyway.
For me the solution was simply to change the order of the SELECT and DROP.
