Image attached to text - css

I have an image I want placed over some particular text. Thing is, this text is not always of the same length, which means the image is in different places depending on the text length. What options do I have to change for the image to be placed only over that particular but also not move about when other text around it is of different length?
<span class="bigSignature" v-if="report_info.accepted && report_info.accepted_by !== null">{{ memberById(report_info.accepted_by).callsign }}
<img style="position:absolute;top:47%;left:82%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);
width:15%;height:auto;" src=""/>
<button v-if="isAdmin" class="float-right" v-on:click="acceptRejectReport">{{ acceptButtonText }}</button>


Purple lines / Conditionnal rendering

I have those purple lines ( as my screen bellow ).
I doing some conditionnal rendering, I'd like to know if I can remove all those purple lines.
I've heard removing all divs and adding React.Fragments might help, this what I've done so far. But the issue is still there.
If anyone could tell where the issue might come from, I'd be grateful !
the main view / Render 1
<div className="user-infos">
<h4><u> Parameters </u></h4>
{ (componentState == "edit") ?
<form >
<Render 3/>
: (componentState == "index") ?
<Render 2/>
: (componentState == "delete") ?
<p> Are you sure you want to leave us ? </p>
<p> If yes, you have to type your email and press "confirm".</p>
<input type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="confirm email"/>
<button> Delete ur account</button>
<button> Cancel </button>
: ""
Render 2
return (
<p> Username : John </p>
<p> Timezone : London </p>
<button> Edit Profile </button>
<button> Delete account </<button>>
Render 3
return (
<label for="email"> Username :
<input type="text"/>
<label for="text"> Timezone :
<button type="submit"> Save Profile </button>
<button> Cancel </button>
By default, chrome adds styling to your html. In the case of <p>, it adds the following css to your element.
If you want the margin to disappear, you need to set margin: 0; on your <p> element to overwrite chrome's styling.
The purple dash line occurs when there is available space for the elements to expand into. See here. From what I can tell from comparing flexboxes with other display types, the purple dash with purple background is specifically for space inside flexboxes (display:flex in CSS).
Would need to see your CSS to be sure, but I imagine there's justify-content: space-between telling the flexbox to evenly distribute the remaining empty space between the elements as well as flex-direction: column telling the flexbox to stack the child elements vertically.
If that's the case, you can remove justify-content: space-between and use flexbox styling to change things to how you want it to look. I found this website helpful: A Complete Guide to Flexbox

How to create and reference custom heading ids with reStructuredText?

Currently, if I have:
My header
`My header`_
rst2html Docutils 0.14 produces:
<div class="document" id="my-header">
<h1 class="title">My header</h1>
<p><a class="reference internal" href="#my-header">My header</a></p>
Is it possible to obtain the following ouptut instead:
<h1 class="title" id="my-custom-header">My header</h1>
<p><a class="reference internal" href="#my-custom-header">My header</a></p>
So note how I want two changes:
the id to be inside the heading, not on a separate div
control over the actual id
The closest I could get was:
<div class="document" id="my-header">
<span id="my-custom-header"></span>
<h1 class="title">My header</h1>
<p><a class="reference external" href="my-custom-header">My header</a></p>
but this is still not ideal, as I now have multiple ids floating around, and not inside the h1.
Asciidoc for example has that covered with:
== My header

Bootstrap validation : 2 glyphicons are overlapping

I have validation for 2 fields which are country code and actual mobile number. I have attached screenshot. When correct country code is given and invalid mobile no is given at that time correct tick glyphicon for country code and cross glyphicon comes which overlaps on each other. I need to remove glyphicon for country code by using css or js. Any help will be appreciated.
If you're using jQuery:
let's say you have
<div class="container">
<div class="form">
form content...
you would call:
$('.container form .glyphicon').each(function(i){ // your target input id or class should be placed between 'form' and '.glyphicon' eg: $('.container form input[name=state_code] .glyphicon')
if (i!=0) $(this).remove();
this way you get rid of the additional Xes appearing when you don't need.
I have found the answer. I have done it by using jQuery.
My actual HTML was as below,
<div class="input-group">
<div class="input-group-addon">+</div>
<input type="tel" maxlength="3" class="form-control pull-left" id="CountryCode" name="CountryCode" placeholder="Code">
<input data-bv-field="Mobile" type="text" id="Mobile" name="Mobile" class="form-control">
Bootstrap creates glyphicons for correct and wrong below the html as below,
<i class="form-control-feedback bv-no-label bv-icon-input-group glyphicon glyphicon-ok" data-bv-icon-for="CountryCode" style=""></i>
<i class="form-control-feedback bv-no-label bv-icon-input-group glyphicon glyphicon-ok" data-bv-icon-for="Mobile" style=""></i>
So I have added following one line code to remove correct and wrong glyphicons for country code field,
$("#CountryCode").parent().next().removeClass('glyphicon-ok glyphicon-remove');

How to add a new CSS class to a Link Badge if the value is 0?

I'm using the small module Link Badges to display a badge with the amount of flagged nodes next to a link to the View in question. It works great and I've styled the badge to my needs. This is the current HTML code:
<a class="menu__link menu__link link-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge-text">My View</span>
<span class="link-badge-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge link-badge-menu_badges_execute_view">0</span>
Now, I'd like to display the badge a little bit differently (other colors etc.) when the value is 0. I thought about doing this by adding a new CSS class link-badge-zero to the value.
<a class="menu__link menu__link link-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge-text">My View</span>
<span class="link-badge-badge-wrapper">
<span class="link-badge link-badge-zero link-badge-menu_badges_execute_view">0</span>
How can I achieve this?
If you just want to add a class if the value inside your span is "0", give this a try
if($(".link-badge").text() == "0"){
Here is a fiddle

How to highlight spaces in a tag? (CSS only)

I have the tag
<span class="block" style="width:12px;height:17px"> tttt ttt ttttt</span>
I want to highlight only . How can I do it using only CSS?
Well there is no such way to select the space, but if for some reason you really want to do it then, you can try something like this:
<span class="block" style="width:12px;height:17px"><span style="background-color:#F00;"> </span>tttt<span style="background-color:#F00;"> </span>ttt ttttt</span>
Put the within a span like
<span style="background-color:#F00;"> </span>
You can't do this with only CSS; you will need to wrap each non-breaking space in a span and give that span a background color. Wikipedia does this in their article for example:
In Unicode, it is encoded as <span class="nowrap">U+00A0</span> <span class="unicode" style="background:lightblue"> </span> <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">no-break space</span>
