Not A valid month error while subtracting timestamps - oracle11g

I am trying to subtract timestamp values. It gives ORA-01843: NOT A VALID MONTH error.
Below query runs fine in SQL Devloper,
But while runtime it throws not a valid month error.
I am not able to find out. Can anybody modify this query.
Select substr(TO_TIMESTAMP(TO_CHAR(end_time,'DD-MM-YY HH12:MI:SS'))-(TO_TIMESTAMP(TO_CHAR(start_time,'DD-MM-YY HH12:MI:SS')),12,8))as Duration from Job_execution

If those datatypes are TIMESTAMP, then why don't you just subtract them?
SQL> create table job_execution
2 (id number,
3 start_time timestamp(6),
4 end_time timestamp(6));
Table created.
SQL> insert into job_execution (id, start_time, end_time) values
2 (1, to_timestamp('20.11.2019 10:30:00', ' hh24:mi:ss'),
3 to_timestamp('25.11.2019 14:00:00', ' hh24:mi:ss'));
1 row created.
SQL> select end_time - start_time diff from job_execution where id = 1;
+000000005 03:30:00.000000
"Not a valid month" can be result of timestamp values stored into VARCHAR2 columns where you think everything is entered correctly, but there are values such as 25.18.2019 (, as there's no 18th month in any year.
That's why I asked for the datatype.
[EDIT: how to format the result]
If you want a "nice" displayed result, then it requires some more typing. For example:
SQL> with difference as
2 (select end_time - start_Time as diff
3 from job_execution
4 where id = 1
5 )
6 select extract (day from diff) ||' '||
7 lpad(extract (hour from diff), 2, '0') ||':'||
8 lpad(extract (minute from diff), 2, '0') ||':'||
9 lpad(extract (second from diff), 2, '0') result
10 from difference;
5 03:30:00


SQLite Select to compare two last orders in same row

I have created a dataset "Orders" to test sqlite with structure
CustomerID VARCHAR(20)
OrderValue DECIMAL (8, 3) NOT NULL
I filled the table with sample data
ID Date Customer Value($)
6 11-09-2019 Eva 6946.3
7 11-10-2019 John 850.6
8 11-11-2019 Helen 9855.0
9 11-12-2019 Maria 765.2
11 11-13-2019 Gui 1879.5 --< I removed ID 10 purposely
12 11-14-2019 Eric 600.0
13 11-15-2019 Paul 12890.1
How could I identify in same row both records 11 and 9, given the parameter :date, to represent the last sale of orderdate = :date and the immediately forward, or in case I changed record 9 to same date of 11, I get 8 (the last sale of last day)?
select last 2 order where orderdate <= :date inner join (? a relation to put both in same row)
Step one is to replace your 'MM-DD-YYYY' date strings with ones that can be sorted - 'YYYY-MM-DD', for example (Then you can use the date and time functions on them as well if needed). Since your orderdate column has a default value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, but you're just showing the date and that not in the same format that uses, I assume you're inserting your dates manually instead of letting them be automatically generated on insert? The column names of your sample data table don't match up with the ones in your table definition either... that's confusing.
Anyways, since you said you want the values in the same row, the lead() window function comes into play (Requires Sqlite 3.25 or newer). Something like:
(SELECT orderid, orderdate, customerid, ordervalue
, lead(orderid, 1) OVER bydate AS next_id
, lead(orderdate, 1) OVER bydate AS next_date
, lead(customerid, 1) OVER bydate AS next_customer
, lead(ordervalue, 1) OVER bydate AS next_value
FROM orders
WINDOW bydate AS (ORDER BY orderdate))
SELECT * FROM cte WHERE orderdate = :date;
gives for a :date of '2019-11-12':
orderid orderdate customerid ordervalue next_id next_date next_customer next_value
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------
9 2019-11-12 Maria 765.2 11 2019-11-13 Gui 1879.5

Oracle Timestamp based calculation on every day using Two datetime column

I have a table that contains two time stamp t1(event open date) and t2(event close date) and a primary key eventid.
If event is open then t2 will be null whenever even gets closed the same row will be get updated with event closure date t2.
For example I want to check how many issues are open on every day bases on opened date (t1) from 01-apr-2016 to 10-apr-2016.
I have to calculate how many events are open for every day based on a selected date range.
Lets say if eventid 1 has got opened on 1st-APR and got closed on 10th-APR and I am calculating the number of opened issues for every day on 11th-APR then it should give me number of open event 1 from 1st-APR to 10th-APR.
Table Structure:-
1 01-apr-2016 10-apr-2016
2 02-apr-2016 08-apr-2016
3 05-apr-2016 09-apr-2016
Expected Output:-
01-apr-2016 1
02-apr-2016 2(1 issue open on 1st(not closed on 2nd) and 1 on 2nd)
03-apr-2016 2
04-apr-2016 2
05-apr-2016 3
06-apr-2016 3
07-apr-2016 3
08-apr-2016 2(1 issue got closed on 8th(which was opened on 2nd))
09-apr-2016 2
10-apr-2016 0
How to do this kind of calculation in Oracle database ?
In order to generate the end report, you need a row for each date in your desired range. You could either use a calendar table, if available, or I find using a query on DUAL using CONNECT BY LEVEL < some_number works well to generate rows on the fly. (In this case "some_number" will be the number of days you want to report on.)
From there, you just need to join the individual dates to the date ranges in your event table:
-- create table "events" table
create table event_date_ranges
select 1 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-10', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
union all
select 2 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-08', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
union all
select 3 as event_id, TO_DATE('2016-APR-05', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as start_date, TO_DATE('2016-APR-09', 'YYYY-MON-DD') as end_date from dual
date_range_qry as
(-- one way to set the start and end dates for your report
select TO_DATE('2016-APR-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as report_start_date
, TO_DATE('2016-APR-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD') as report_end_date
from dual
, dates_qry
-- generate a row for all dates between 2016-APR-01 and 2016-APR-10
select report_start_date + ROWNUM - 1 as report_date
from dual
cross join
date_range_qry drq
connect by level <= (drq.report_end_date - drq.report_start_date + 1)
select dq.report_date, count(edr.event_id) as total_open_events
from dates_qry dq
left outer join
event_date_ranges edr
on dq.report_date >= edr.start_date
and dq.report_date < edr.end_date
group by dq.report_date
order by dq.report_date
2016-APR-01 1
2016-APR-02 2
2016-APR-03 2
2016-APR-04 2
2016-APR-05 3
2016-APR-06 3
2016-APR-07 3
2016-APR-08 2
2016-APR-09 1
2016-APR-10 0
You can try this:
create table events_log
select 1 as event_id, TO_DATE('01-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('10-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
union all
select 2 as event_id, TO_DATE('02-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('08-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
union all
select 3 as event_id, TO_DATE('05-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T1, TO_DATE('09-04-2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') as T2 from dual
select v.REPORT_DATE, count(t.EVENT_ID) as open_event
from events_log t,
(select to_date('01/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') + ROWNUM - 1 as report_date
from dual
connect by level <= (to_date('11/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') -
to_date('01/04/2016', 'DD/MM/YYYY') + 1)) v
where t.T1(+) <= v.report_date
and t.T2(+) >= v.report_date
group by v.report_date
order by v.report_date;
Output will be:
report_date open_event
01/04/2016 1
02/04/2016 2
03/04/2016 2
04/04/2016 2
05/04/2016 3
06/04/2016 3
07/04/2016 3
08/04/2016 3
09/04/2016 2
10/04/2016 1
11/04/2016 0

Get DateTime corresponding to last Thu or Fri or Mon etc in SQL Server 2012

I have a certain DATETIME value, and I would like to get the DATETIME value for a given weekday 'n' (where n is an integer from 1 thru to 7) that is just before the given date.
Question: How would I do this given a value for currentDate and a value for lastWeekDay?
For example, if given date is 06/15/2015 in mm/dd/yyyy format, then what is the date for a weekday of 6 that came just before 06/15/2015. In this example, given date is on Monday and we want the date for last Friday (i.e. weekday =6).
declare #currentDate datetime, #lastWeekDay int;
set #currentDate = getdate();
set #lastWeekDay = 6;--this could be any value from 1 thru to 7
select #currentDate as CurrentDate, '' as LastWeekDayDate --i need to get this date
In addition to the excellent answer by Anon, I also found an alternate way of doing it, which is as given below.
DECLARE #currentWeekDay INT;
SET #currentWeekDay = DATEPART(WEEKDAY, #currentDate);
--Case 1: when current date week day > lastWeekDay then subtract
-- the difference between the two weekdays
--Case 2: when current date week day <= lastWeekDay then go back 7 days from
-- current date, and then add (lastWeekDay - currentWeekDay)
#currentDate AS CurrentDate,
WHEN #currentWeekDay > #lastWeekDay THEN DATEADD(DAY, -1 * ABS(CAST(#lastWeekDay AS INT) - CAST(#currentWeekDay AS INT)), #currentDate)
ELSE DATEADD(DAY, #lastWeekDay - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(DAY, -7, #currentDate)), DATEADD(DAY, -7, #currentDate))
END AS LastWeekDayDate;
Calculate how many days have passed since a fixed date, modulo 7, and subtract that from the input date. The magic number '5' is because Date Zero (1900-01-01) is a Monday. Shifting that forward 5 days makes the #lastWeekDay range [1..7] map to the range of weekdays [Sunday..Saturday].
SELECT DATEADD(day,-DATEDIFF(day,5+#lastWeekDay,#currentDate)%7,#currentDate)
I avoid the DATEPART(weekday,[...]) function because of SET DATEFIRST

Increase row number every time a flag changes

I have gone through a similar post in Stack overflow...
but my query is :
If my table generates a flag in run time execution,then how can I increase Grp_number(generate run time) every time my flag changes.
my Oracle query:
Select emp_id,
Case when MOD(rownum/3)=1 and rownum>1 then 'Y' else 'N' as flag
from Transaction_table
Desired o/p Data format:
emp_id Flag GRP_number
1 N 1
2 N 1
3 N 1
4 Y 2
5 N 2
6 N 2
7 Y 3
You cannot reference a column in another column in the same select list. You need to use sub query to avoid INVALID IDENTIFIER error.
Do it like -
SELECT emp_id,
WHEN MOD(rownum/3)=1
AND rownum >1
ELSE 'N' AS flag
FROM Transaction_table
SELECT emp_id, flag, SUM(gap) over (PARTITION BY person
SELECT emp_id, flag,
CASE WHEN flag = lag(flag) over (PARTITION BY person
END gap

T-SQL - Determine number of specific days between 2 dates based on sales

The Problem: Given a day of the week (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), a starting date and an ending date, compute the number of times the given day of the week appears between the starting and ending dates not inclusive of a date for which there were no sales.
Table "Ticket" has the following structure and sample content:
i_ticket_id c_items_total dt_create_time dt_close_time
1 8.50 '10/1/2012 10:23:00' '10/1/2012 11:05:05'
2 10.50 '10/1/2012 11:00:00' '10/1/2012 11:45:05'
3 8.50 '10/2/2012 08:00:00' '10/2/2012 09:25:05'
4 8.50 '10/4/2012 08:00:00' '10/4/2012 09:25:05'
5 7.50 '10/5/2012 13:22:23' '10/5/2012 14:33:27'
233 6.75 '10/31/2012 23:20:00' '10/31/2012 23:55:39'
There may or may not be any tickets for one or more days during a month. (i.e. the place was closed that/those day/s)
Days in which the business is closed are not regular. There is no predictable pattern.
Based on Get number of weekdays (Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays) between two dates SQL,
I have derived a query which returns the number of times a given day of the week occurs between the start date and the end date:
DECLARE #dtStart DATETIME = '10/1/2013 04:00:00'
DECLARE #dtEnd DATETIME = '11/1/2013 03:59:00'
DECLARE #day_number INTEGER = 1
SET #numdays = (SELECT 1 + DATEDIFF(wk, #dtStart, #dtEnd)-
CASE WHEN DATEPART(weekday, #dtStart) #day_number THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -
CASE WHEN DATEPART(weekday, #dtEnd) <= #day_number THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
Now I just need to filter this so that any zero-dollar days are not included in the count. Any help you can provide to add this filter based on the contents of the tickets table is greatly appreciated!
If I understand correctly, you can use a calendar table to count the number of days where the day of week is n and between the start and end and is a date that has ticket sales, which I guess is when the date exists in tickets and has the sum(c_items_total) > 0
SELECT cast('2012-01-01' AS DATE) dt, datepart(weekday, '2012-01-01') dow
SELECT dateadd(day, 1, dt), datepart(weekday, dateadd(day, 1, dt))
FROM cal
WHERE dt < getdate()
FROM cal
WHERE dow = 5
AND dt BETWEEN '2012-04-01' AND '2012-12-31'
FROM tickets
WHERE cast(dt_create_time AS DATE) = dt
GROUP BY cast(dt_create_time AS DATE)
HAVING sum(c_items_total) > 0
