How to read RSS for Bot Builder - rss

May I ask about how to read RSS in Nodejs for Bot Builder?
Here with my sample RSS from URL.
<title>A- Title</title>
<description>A - Description</description>
<description>B - Description</description>
I tried the XMLHttprequest but can't.
Thank you.

Just as there is SyndicationFeed to read RSS feed in C#, there are various ways in which you can read RSS feeds in NodeJS for bot builder:
Make use of rss-parser which helps to parse RSS from a URL or an XML string.
Try node-feedparser which parses RSS, Atom and RDF feeds in NodeJS.
You can also refer to node-parse-rss.
Hope this helps.


calling jasper report from Rest web service

I have a problem with calling jasper report from web service.
I used this URL http://host:port/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reportExecutions to get request id ,and the output was something like following XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><reportExecution><exports><export><id>ee83c20b-6c3b-4299-88cb-57cc771aa7e2</id><outputResource><contentType>application/xls</contentType><fileName>myreport.xls</fileName><outputFinal>true</outputFinal></outputResource><status>ready</status></export></exports><reportURI>/reports/my_reports/myreport</reportURI><requestId>78183e2a-3740-4706-a058-a4d94508a9ad</requestId><status>ready</status><totalPages>1</totalPages></reportExecution>
Now I'm trying to run jasper report by the following url
But this URL does not work properly. The question is How can I reform the URL to call the report?
Actually I need to call jasper report from oracle apex application but I don't want to use opal-consulting method to integrate oracle apex and jasper report I simply want to call a web service in PL SQL
I tried this URL --http://host:port/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/[path to the report].[format]-- it works for me but it prompts user to log into jasper server. On the other hand this URL returns the report file, I need to have a URL to Download the output.
Could you please tell me how to call jasper report to generate output download link.
corresponding to jasper server Documents, it is possible to make a request and run a report in can find the documents here [][1]
Thanks for your help in advance
I didn't understand why do you need a request id to get the reports.
Try this URL
http://host:port/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/[path to the report].[format]?

How to disable RSS in ASP.NET

my web site is a template, it has web.config.
how to disable its RSS in this web
i am using vendor's web site, i find web.config only have an applicationfoldername to set for RSS when i read the comment
however, no enable or disable option for RSS, how can i know where to disable RSS
it has RSS_Feed class in code directory
and RSS_result in xslt directory
and in web.config for RSS
Look for something like this on the html template and remove it (don't make a literal search of the entire tag since title and href will be different)
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="url" />

Is is possible to do an HTTP multi-part form POST using IBM Sterling B2B Integrator?

The documentation here describes how to setup HTTP POST for this system, but it doesn't describe if or how to setup form variables in general and form file uploads specifically. My goal is to integrate with a website that accepts files as form POSTS, and I'm not even sure it's possible.
Can IBM Sterling Integrator be configured to make a HTTP multi-part form POST with file uploads?
I recently had this issue also i had to do it with an XLST translation of the incoming xml
In the xlst you specify the following:
<xsl:output method="text" media-type="multipart/form-data" />
I created a JavaTask Service to solved, for me worked very well, look in github repository a simple example, in my github repository I've a example.

SiteMap for the search engines

I have to make an api call and get the response. This response contains more than 4000 urls.
I have to list all these urls in the sitemap for the search engines to crawl easily. I have to write a handler for doing this task. Can someone suggest me an example for doing this.
I'll assume you are talking about a sitemap in XML format, but you didn't specify what the source is besides that you are to do an API call. However, the 3rd or so result from a Google search on " google sitemap" should give you a perfect starting point:
I would suggest creating an ASHX handler (File -> New -> Generic Handler in Visual Studio) instead of a page like they do in the example.
Upload the handler to the website and add the sitemap to e.g. Google by using their Webmaster Tools.
A quick search on Google resulted in this link:
XML sitemap with ASP.NET
Which should get you most of the way with the handler and composing the XML.

Should this RSS feed work?

Im making a website on a local environment. Im having trouble getting an RSS feed to work, but I think it may be due to my local environment not an issue with the code. For diagnostic purposes I decided to use the code from wikipedia:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>RSS Title</title>
<description>This is an example of an RSS feed</description>
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000 </lastBuildDate>
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:45:00 +0000 </pubDate>
<title>Example entry</title>
<description>Here is some text containing an interesting description.</description>
<guid>unique string per item</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:45:00 +0000 </pubDate>
This is in a file called feed.feed. When I navigate to the file in a browser and view it with google reader I get the message 'The feed being requested cannot be found'. Is the code correct and does this defiantly mean its an issue with my environment set up?
If you're storing the file on your local hard drive and navigating to it with a file: URL, of course Google Reader can't access it. They need the feed to be published on the web somewhere; they don't have the ability to hack your local PC over the network and fetch your files (or, at least, they're not going to reveal that they have do this ability simply to display RSS feeds for you.)
