Use Model::create() to fill specific columns - laravel-5.7

I just found out that input data to db on laravel could use Model::create() but my question is what if i want to submit specific column? How do i do it? For example table user with name, email, address, and phone. Bug only input the name only without email, address, and phone.

You can simply do this
Model::create(['name' => $name]);
But make sure to make other columns email, address, and phone nullable or keep the default value for them, else it will throw any error.
If you are using MySQL database, then you have to set the default to nullable from MySQL database data structure.
But if you are using MongoDB with Laravel then you don't need to set other fields as nullable Because MongoDB is an unstructured (NoSql) database.


How to handle different-case usernames in Firebase?

I'm having an issue with Firebase DB involving case sensitive keys. For example: I create a "Username" key for every new user that registers. I'm validating this "Username" value through regex and also checking if the value entered already exists in the database (checking username availability). My issue is that I just realized Firebase assumes different sentence case of the same value is a different value.
For example:
"Username": john and
"Username": John are seen as two different/unique usernames
I was thinking taking the user's desired username input string and making it all caps (or all lowercase), creating uniformity in the database, but then it would kill the ability of having a mixed-case username. Is there a way to bypass this?
I had the same issue using firebase. The solution was create a new property with lowercase for "searchable" fields on my system. Also I remove the accents from words on this property.

Where is password reset link stored in wordpress database

If you use Wordpress's built in password reset service it will go something like this:
Click forgot password
Enter your email or username
Receive a link in your email inbox
Click the link
Fill out form
That link you click, will look something like this:
If you try to change the &login to another name, it will reject you.
So, somewhere that 'key' is being stored in some way, and compared.
Where is it stored in the database?
I did an export of the database and searched the db for that string. It returned no results.
So what gives?
That key is generated by hashing a random string. You can see how this key is generated in the WordPress developer reference.
To answer your specific question, when a key is generated it is stored in the users table in the user_activation_key column. Only the most recently generated key is stored (invalidating previous reset keys). The key is also removed from the database once it has been used.
If you are looking to send these keys programmatically, you can generate them when you need them using get_password_reset_key(). That function accepts a WP_User object as its argument.
Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, there may be a more "best practices" way to do it than accessing that function directly.
The password is stored as a hash of the login name and password. You will find it in the users table under user_pass as an incomprehensible string. If the login name is changed, the entered password hashed with the login name will not match the string found in the database where the password was hashed with the original login name.

InfoPath - How can I read a people picker field and query AD to load additional fields related to the person in the field.

How can I read a people picker field and query AD to load additional fields related to the person in the field. Example: Employee Name; load information want to load email address, phone number. the InfoPath form is being used with Nintex Workflow and SharePoint 2010.
I have searched and have not been able to find answer.
Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation points yet to leave a comment, but your question really doesn't provide enough detail. So any answer provided is going to be based on assumptions. You don't even clarify what version of InfoPath you're using.
That said, a good place to start is to create a data connection to receive data. You'll need to select the web service option and will then need to enter in the web server address. The address will probably be in the following format:
Replace yourservernamehere with the address of your SharePoint server. Then, you'll need to select GetUserProfileByName as the operation you need. Just keep on clicking next and then finish to complete the connection.
You will then have to view the data source within InfoPath to see what fields are available and map the ones you want to the fields you want prepopulated on your form.
All this is based on my own assumptions, so I can't guarantee it will work in your scenario. Happy to assist if you still need help and are able to provide more details.
To autocomplete you can use your e-mail or phone number fields, with a new action rule. This is due to people picker fields not allowing any action rules applied to them.
The web service option mentioned in another answer unfortunately no longer works in SharePoint Online. Please use a data connection the hidden User Information List located on the stem of your SharePoint site instead.
Use the condition DisplayName is not blank by using "Select a field or group..." in advanced view and selecting your people pickers DisplayName field
Set a field's value
Field: User Information List data connection queryFields DisplayName of people picker
Value: your forms DisplayName of people picker
Query using a data connection: User Information List data connection
Set a field's value
Field: your forms email or phone number field
Value: data fields > Work_email / Work_phone of your data connection

Single website multiple databases, database switching

I have created a content management system (CMS) for my company’s product databases. The CMS is based on scaffolding with many custom pages and actions mixed in. We have 7 products currently, all of which share the same database schema (Entity Framework model-first) and all run perfectly in the CMS. The issue is that every time we get a new product we must clone the CMS and change the connection string in the app.config to point to the correct database in order to work with the new database. While this works, it’s becoming bothersome to maintain and will fail us completely as we acquire more products.
What I would like to do is have a centralized landing page where a user is directed to log in, then given the option to connect to and edit a specific product based on their selection. The idea is that we would have one CMS site which would be able to switch between the databases depending on the user. It is not an option to combine all of the product database in to a single master product database.
I am not sure where to start to achieve this goal, or if this is even the correct plan to achieve my goal of having a single CMS to maintain, and am looking for some guidance in this.
Assuming that your database structures are identical, you could use a factory method anywhere you get an instance of your entity context and put logic in there to grab the correct connection string (or calculate it if there's a naming convention that you could use). Something like this might work for example:
public static MyDatabaseEntities CreateEntityContext(string productName)
string connectionString = null;
switch (productName.Trim().ToLower())
case "apples":
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase_Apples"].ConnectionString;
case "pears":
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase_Pears"].ConnectionString;
connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDatabase"].ConnectionString;
return new MyDatabaseEntities(connectionString);
Then use this method anywhere you need an instance of your CRM data context passing in the product name that you've calculated on your landing page.
Create another database for user to database mapping. The structure would be like so:
database UserMap
table Users
username (composite primary key)
dbID (composite primary key, foreign key to "Databases" table)
table Databases
dbID (primary key)
populate the list of database in table "Databases"
Do your SQL work to copy the users from the other websites into this "UserMap" database
Write a trigger in each CMS database to add or remove a user as they are created or removed in their respective CMS so it updates the "UserMap" database
Modify your code on the CMS(s) to use this single database for lookup to what connection string should be used.
This would allow you to rely on the single database for the lookup and switch between them in a managed fashion going forward. It requires some up front work but after the triggers are there, you don't have to do anything more.

Membership switch from ID to email

Currently I have a site ( 3.5) that uses a unique ID for the login. I am going to need to switch it to use emails if possible. I am going to be creating all new accounts so I can wipe the membership table clean and import all the user info.
We are switching from generic logins for departments to individual accounts.
Any links or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
So here is what you should do.
If you are creating a entire user base just wipe of the current ones and tell users to create the new user with a email, as long as you validate that on the entry form you are going to be good.
Now if you already have a user base, then is a little more complicated.
First verify that every current user has a valid distinct email, then you have to change 2 columns on the aspnet_Users table, the columns are UserName, and LoweredUserName.
That should be simple if the first step is true, just do a loop for every aspnetMembership row, get the column Email and set as UserName, then get the column LoweredEmail a set as LoweredUserName.
Ta daaaaaa!
Now you have it all migrated to the new model, for new entries, make sure that the entry form validates the UserName to be an email, for that you can use RegEx.
