Stripe Payment Using Firebase Cloud Funtions Pricing for Live App React Naive - firebase

i have implemented Stripe payment gateway using Firebase Cloud Functions in react native. When i test it locally it's worked perfect. payment succeeds but when i go live url , payment can't process due to outbound networking
You can't integrate with Stripe using Cloud Functions on the free
plan, because that plan has a limitation where it's not able to make
outgoing connections to endpoints that are not fully controlled by
Google. This is set in place in order to prevent abuse. You will have
to provide billing information and upgrade to a paid plan.
My Question to Firebase Users is that as a company:
How much i have to pay for this per/month or per year ?
Also is this secure or not ?
And From where i can pay Firebase to able to process live url.

The cost of Cloud Functions is purely based on how much you use it, not on the time period that you use it. For full details I recommend studying the Firebase pricing page, and use the calculator at the bottom of that page. But you can get started without paying, as the Blaze plan has the same free quota that you on the free Spark plan. You'll only start paying for Firebase usage when you go beyond that free quota.
You can upgrade (and later downgrade) your project to the paid plan from the pricing page, or by clicking the upgrade link at the bottom left of your Firebase console.


Firebase: Enable the Google Cloud Build API for your Cloud Functions project?

Hi I am using firebase and the firebase functions.
1 day ago I received an email from Google Cloud with the following content:
Starting April 20, 2020, Cloud Functions will use Google Cloud Build, Container Registry, and Google Cloud Storage to build and store your source code, and deploy container image(s) before running them on Google Cloud. You must enable the Cloud Build API for your project(s) to ensure your Cloud Function is built and deployed correctly. Once you enable the API, you may incur charges if your Cloud Build, Container Registry, or Cloud Storage usage exceeds the free tier limits for these products. You can find a list of your projects that are using Cloud Functions and may be affected by this change at the bottom of this email.
I tend to avoid tinkering the Google Cloud (or even logging in there) as I am using the Firebase as an all inclusive solution and so far I did not have the need to login there.
Now the question:
Do I need to follow the instructions and take action, or is this something separate from the Firebase Functions?
The "affected" project that is mentioned on the email is the Firebase project
To be able to use cloud functions after April 20, 2020 you must enable the Cloud Build API because this will be a new deployment framework.
You will not be able to use cloud functions if you do not enable the Cloud Build API after this date.
These changes will apply even for Firebase cloud functions.
I believe you will need to do it only if you are going to deploy Cloud Functions in the future, Cloud Functions already deployed will not be affected.
In case you are worried about billing, Cloud Build provides a free tier where only usage above 120 build-minutes/day will be charged. When your usage is within the free tier, you will not be charged for the Cloud Build portion of Cloud Function deployments. See Cloud Build pricing for more information.
Similarly, Cloud Storage and Container Registry share a free tier where only usage above 5GB-months will be charged. ( * Note : free tier only limited to US regions - US-WEST1, US-CENTRAL1, and US-EAST1 and aggregated over all 3 regions )​ For example, if you have a large deployment that uses 100GB of storage, you will only be charged an additional $2.47 for storage/month (based on these particular U.S. regional storage prices).
You can monitor your usage and see whether you are getting close to hitting the free quotas.
This is a best effort from Google to communicate information that is necessary to the user’s continued use of the product or that is considered a necessary legal update and keep customers away from having future issues
Using Cloud Build, Container Registry and Cloud Storage provides the following benefits:
Detailed function build logs will be available in the GCP Console, aiding in debugging and increasing visibility.
The ability to get build time that exceeds the current build quota of 120 build-mins/day.
The ability to view a built container image for your function in Container Registry.

Is there a Firebase API endpoint to fetch account usage?

I'm building a SAAS project on Firebase and weighing the pros and cons of multi-tenant architecture vs managed Firebase instances for each account.
One of the key challenges with managed instances is reporting usage. I've searched through Firebase docs but have not been able to find an API endpoint to fetch a Firebase project's account usage (eg bandwidth, function invocations, storage, etc).
Is there a API that I'm missing or is this alternatively possible with core Google Cloud APIs?
firebaser here
We just added a REST API to manage projects and the apps in those projects. But there is currently no way to report usage for a project across all Firebase products. It sounds like a useful feature through, so I recommend filing a feature request.
Until a feature is added that fits your needs, you will have to do the tracking from within your own app, or by proxying the tracked functionality through Cloud Functions, where you can then log whatever you need for tracking usage.

Pricing for Firebase Blaze plan associated with Google Cloud

Today I started using GCP combined with the Firebase Blaze plan. I Received the 300$ free-trial credit and few more vouchers. Firebase also automatically upgraded to Blaze. I'm wondering if these vouchers cover all the Firebase services...
Firebase projects automatically become pay-as-you-go project projects if you attach a Cloud billing account to them. It's an interesting quirk of the ongoing integrations between Cloud and Firebase, and we'll hopefully get some checks and alerts in place at some point in the future to make this less surprising.
As for the charges, Firebase projects are billed through Cloud like any other Cloud project. In other words, your free credits will be applied.
In addition, Firebase now has a free usage tier on Blaze, so you still won't be charged for any Firebase usage if you stay within the free allotment.

Using Cloud Functions for Firebase as my backend for implementing Stripe in iOS?

I currently have an iOS app that implements Firebase to authenticate users and store data references in its realtime database. I want to add a feature to the app where the logged in users can purchase a good and I want to use Stripe to process the payment. I know in order for Stripe to work, a backend server must be uses to help the transaction go through since Stripe only delivers a token and doesn't actually process the payment themselves. I was curious as it's possible to just use Cloud Functions for Firebase as my backend sever to communicate with Stripe instead of having to use another backend service. It makes sense try to implement Stripe with Firebase since my app already relies on Firebase for all its sever side functions. Any help, or advice that could point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this will definitely will be appreciated.
You most certainly can hook Stripe into your app (not just iOS, but any client platform). There is sample code provided by the Firebase team that illustrates how you might use a database trigger to initiate a payment using Stripe's node.js API.

Does Firebase blaze plan have the spark plans quota?

Does Firebase Blaze plan have the spark plans free quota?
I want to use Firebase with google cloud platform, but would like to still have the hosting free limits. I don't care about the other services because I don't use them.
Update (2018-03-13): projects on the Blaze plan now get the same free quota that projects on the Spark plan get before you'll be billed for usage.
See the blog post announcing this change
Original answer below the fold.
Whether there is a free tier on the metered Blaze plan depends on the Firebase product you use.
Firebase Hosting and Firebase Database on the Blaze plan are charged from the first byte, there is no free tier. But for example Cloud Functions for Firebase and Cloud Storage for Firebase have the same free quota on the Blaze plan as the free tier in the Spark plan.
You can most easily see this by using the pricing calculator at the bottom of the Firebase pricing page.
Yes it includes free usage from Spark plan included.
