some proplems about test openimscore - ims

Is there any good choose to test the openimscore like OpenIC_Lite or x-lite 、uctimsclient, I have tried all of them, but not succeed in installing them on ubuntu16 or windows?
I can't find the OpenIC_Lite package, because of the link
seems not to provide the package
I have got the x-lite exe package in
, after I installed the package on win10 and run the x-lite, there is
a notice about "X-Lite Update required".
And I have tried the uctismclient, I get the package in,
when I compile,there is a question like follow:
/usr/include/eXosip2/eX_call.h:217:7: note: expected ‘int’ but argument is of type ‘struct osip_message_t *’
src/common_exosip_event_handler.c:270:2: error: too few arguments to function ‘eXosip_call_send_answer’
In file included from /usr/include/eXosip2/eXosip.h:43:0,
from src/includes.h:14,
from src/common_exosip_event_handler.c:23:
/usr/include/eXosip2/eX_call.h:217:7: note: declared here
Makefile:41: recipe for target 'obj/common_exosip_event_handler.o' failed
make: *** [obj/common_exosip_event_handler.o] Error 1


Julia - how to update WinRPM in julia version 0.6.4

I'm new to Julia and I want to use COBRA Package.
For adding COBRA I use command :
But when running, I get these errors:
INFO: Building WinRPM
WARNING: skipping repodata/repomd.xml, not in cache -- call WinRPM.update() to download
WARNING: skipping repodata/repomd.xml, not in cache -- call WinRPM.update() to download
INFO: Downloading
WARNING: Unknown download failure, error code: 2148270086
WARNING: Retry 1/5 downloading:
WARNING: Unknown download failure, error code: 2148270086
WARNING: Retry 5/5 downloading:
WARNING: received error 0 while downloading
After these errors, I have checked the link and I've found out the source is not there, anymore.
So then I ran this command as said above:
But it has thrown this error:
ERROR: UndefVarError: WinRPM not defined
Please Help me to add COBRA to Julia. I'm using version 0.6.4 because Cobra does not work on the next versions.(Windows 10)
Any help would be appreciated.
The problem, as you've mentioned, is that the original sources used by the package aren't valid URLs anymore. The proper way to solve this is to open a pull request with the package to change the URLs (which I've now done here ). As a stopgap measure, here's a hacky way to work around this issue for now:
Do a Pkg.add("WinRPM"). This might trigger the same warnings as above, ignore these.
Next, using WinRPM to load the package we added
Now, the source URLs are read from the sources.list file (linked above) into a global WinRPM.sources variable. We're going to edit this variable's contents to point to new working URLs. (This is generally a terrible idea, to directly poke into the internals of a module and change things.)
julia> WinRPM.sources[:] = replace.(WinRPM.sources, "Leap_42.3" => "Leap_15.3")
2-element Vector{String}:
A WinRPM.update() should now work, and download things into a local cache.
I'm using version 0.6.4 because Cobra does not work on the next versions.
I hope you mean Julia 1.6.4 here, or version 0.6.4 of something else in the stack. If you mean Julia version 0.6.4, you might face further problems down the road and find it hard to get support for such an old version.

How to add a search path to R?

In this tutorial, there is a command pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch"). But I was told
> pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch")
Error in pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type = "launch") :
Launching external program failed
make sure 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe' is in your search path
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe -cq' had status 127
I already have pymol installed on my PC. Can I ask how to add another search path to R?
Now I think pymol is a sub-package in bio3d. But I already installed bio3d and other commands can work (e.g. pdb <- read.pdb()). But why the pymol command could not work?
I tried
> .libPaths("path/to/pymol2/")
> .libPaths("path/to/pymol2/PyMOL")
> .libPaths("path/to/pymol2/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe")
> pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch")
Error in pymol.dccm(cij, pdb, type = "launch") :
Launching external program failed
make sure 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe' is in your search path
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:/python27/PyMOL/pymol.exe -cq' had status 127
> PyMOLWin.dccm(cij, pdb, type="launch")
Error: could not find function "PyMOLWin.dccm"
So the .libPaths did not return error. But pymol.dccm and PyMOLWin.dccm did not work.
I also tried to install pymol package in R
> install.packages("pymol")
Warning in install.packages :
package ‘pymol’ is not available (for R version 3.2.2)
There's a mistake in the tutorial command itself. The correct syntax for dccm is
pymol(cij, pdb, type="launch",exefile="C:/Program Files/pymol")
where exefile = file path to the ‘PYMOL’ program on your system (i.e. how is ‘PYMOL’ invoked). If NULL, use OS-dependent default path to the program.
Try the following code, it worked perfectly for me:
pymol(cm,, type="launch", exefile="%userprofile%/PyMOL/PyMOLWin.exe")
.libPaths("path/to/package/library") probably does what you need.
.libPaths gets/sets the library trees within which packages are looked for.
Set the path to the parent directory of the directory with the package name rather than the package directory itself.

Using RStudio's "Build" but no *.Rcheck generated

I've just started using RStudio's build check, and used it to make one package already. I've started on a second package, and this one is failing. As the build attempt happens, I get updates like:
* checking whether package ‘< package >’ can be installed ... ERROR
Installation failed.
See ‘/home/user/git/< package >.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
Status: 1 ERROR
The problem is that the defined folder < package >.Rcheck doesn't exist, and neither do the files that are supposed to be in it (i.e. 00install.out, and 00check.log). Also, where I write < package >, the actual name of my package is shown instead.
I had folders view visible while the package was building, and I saw the .Rcheck folder appear, and then disappear shortly after. I was even able to browse the 000install.out file, but it had not yet encountered any errors.
It appears that the whole Rcheck folder is being removed when the build fails, leaving me with no trace of what caused the error.
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm using RStudio version 0.99.902 with R version 3.3.1 on Arch Linux.
My approach is the following one:
Go to 'Tools' -> 'Global Options' -> 'Packages' and then have a look, if 'View Rcheck directory after failed R CMD check' is ticked. You find other useful options there, too, e.g. 'Cleanup output after successful R CMD check'.
A little more detail on how to preserve error logs, based on the answer from #J_F. I needed to tick View Rcheck directory after failed R CMD check, because the cleanup occurs after the misleading message
for details.
I also needed to untick Cleanup output after successful R CMD check, because R CMD can succeed even when there are errors!
R CMD check results
1 error | 3 warnings | 2 notes
Warning messages:
1: `cleanup` is deprecated
2: Version of roxygen2 last used with this package is You only have version 6.0.1
R CMD check succeeded

GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK syntax error on configure

On "./configure" of an open source project I get:
user agent OS = Linux
./configure: line 13957: syntax error near unexpected token 0.9.3'
./configure: line 13957: GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK(0.9.3)'
make: *** [config.status] Error 2
Ubuntu 12.04 package "gobject-introspection" and "libgirepository1.0-dev" are present. Removing the GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK line allows configure to complete, but the project fails a dependency later.
How can I get past this configure step cleanly? Googling for this issue shows bugs filed against numerous OS projects for this same blocking issue, but the usual answer is "install gobject-introspection".
As the OP discovered on his own he had to install the gobject-introspection package to get the m4 macros that were being used.
The error message has the raw macro in it, as configure scripts are generated from files via m4/etc the fact that the raw macro is in the output file indicates that the macro did not get translated at generation time.
The gobject-introspection m4 files were apparently installed after (or equivalent) was run to generate the configure script. Re-running the script should regenerate the configure script and run the macro correctly.

errors while installing frama-c in cygwin

I am trying to install frama-c in cygwin and get the following errors but I can't interpret them. Can you help me interpreting them or give me a link to where I get the information?
Preparing Wp-Coq Sources
Uncaught exception: Util.UserError("_", _)
Makefile:49: recipe for target `depend' failed
make[1]: *** [depend] Error 2
src/wp/Makefile:285: recipe for target `.make-wpcoqs' failed
make: *** [.make-wpcoqs] Error 2
note that coqc and ocaml are both the latest version
Are you using Coq 8.4 by any chance? I had something very similar happen to me, and my issue was the lack of the option -coqlib <your Coq installation directory> when Coq is not installed in the standard directory in the PATH. There used to be a specific error message in Coq 8.3, but it seems to have disappeared in Coq 8.4.
If you can find the line in the Makefile which runs the coqdep command, and replace it with something like coqdep -coqlib ~/coq84pl1 (replacing ~/coq84pl1 with your Coq installation directory), it could work. But you would also need to add this flag to other Coq-related commands as well (coqc, for instance) or other issues might come up later.
