Rename texts in admin single order woocommerce - wordpress

I always look for questions to see if someone has had it, but I can't find an answer after a long time.
I renamed some wooocommerce chekout fields with the function:
function custom_rename_wc_checkout_fields ($ fields) {
For example I have renamed the placeholder and label "billing_last _name" as NIF/CIF with the function:
function custom_rename_wc_checkout_fields ($ fields) {
$ fields ['billing'] ['billing_last_name'] ['placeholder'] = 'NIF/CIF';
$ fields ['billing'] ['billing_last_name'] ['label'] = 'NIF/CIF';
return $ fields;
But I need to change the text also in admin single order so that when you have to create a new order from admin, the admintrator (or other role) knows the title of each field.
In the checkout page in "Billing first name" field, the customer will see NIF / CIF but when the administrator sees the field from the admin single order or he want create an order it will still appear as "Firt Name"
Does anyone know how I can change the texts?
Thanks for your help.

you can change this text with the filter woocommerce_admin_billing_fields


How to update djangocms-blog post extensions fields position?

I have some post extensions adding new fields in my Posts objects.
I created the migration, launched my website, and I thought that maybe customizing the fieldsets would allow me to customize the position of the post extensions fieldset too.
That didn't seems to be the case. I created a new SmallIntegerField named my_new_field in a PostExtension class that I registered using blog_admin.register_extension(PostExtensionInline) (I also created the PostExtensionInline class by following the doc).
I added a breakpoint in my update_fields function that I'm using to update the order of the fields of my posts (see this SO question and its answer for more infos on this), and I can't find any mention to my_new_field in the fgets arg:
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> /home/me/my-test-app/my_test_app/
-> return fsets
(Pdb) l
1 def update_fields(fsets, request, obj):
2 breakpoint()
3 -> return fsets
(Pdb) fsets
[(None, {'fields': ['title', 'subtitle', 'slug', 'publish', 'categories', 'abstract', 'sites', 'author']}), ('Info', {'fields': [['tags', 'related'], ['date_published', 'date_published_end', 'date_featured'], 'app_config', 'enable_comments'], 'classes': ('collapse',)}), ('Images', {'fields': [['main_image', 'main_image_thumbnail', 'main_image_full']], 'classes': ('collapse',)}), ('SEO', {'fields': [['meta_description', 'meta_title', 'meta_keywords']], 'classes': ('collapse',)})]
How can I update my field position? (see edit below)
edit: I can't think of a way to tweak the order of the post extension fields. But I realized that my real problem (yeah yeah that's a case of XYproblem) is that I want conditional inline (only include the post extension for a certain apphook that's using a defined BlogConfig instance.
How to conditionally add the inline post extension form/fields to my admin create form based on the BlogConfig instance?
So I figured it out (and it's not pretty, but it works).
I added those lines in my
# replace PostAdmin get_inlines function in order to hide event_date on regular blog posts
from djangocms_blog.admin import PostAdmin
from .misc import get_inline_instances as patched_get_inline_instances
PostAdmin.get_inline_instances = patched_get_inline_instances
And here's my code on
def get_inline_instances(self, request, obj=None):
from djangocms_blog.cms_appconfig import BlogConfig
from djangocms_blog.admin import PostAdmin
from json import loads
inline_instances = super(PostAdmin, self).get_inline_instances(request, obj)
if "app_config" in request.GET:
# get blog config instance from request
blog_config = BlogConfig.objects.filter(pk=request.GET["app_config"])
# get config from saved json
config = loads(blog_config.values()[0]["app_data"])
# get template_prefix from config
if config:
template_prefix = config['config']['template_prefix']
if template_prefix == "djangocms_blog_agenda":
return inline_instances
return []
I used the template_prefix value in a BlogConfig instance of djangocms_blog to update the code based on the request:
If we have "djangocms_blog_agenda" in the template_prefix, then return the inline instances.
If we don't have this (default BlogConfig, another BlogConfig that do not need my current post extension fields), return an empty list.
The result can be viewed here:
Blog posts list screenshot, we can see that the articles are displayed by most recent "published date" first.
We can select our blog config after a click on "Blog > Add Post...".
Agenda post creation screenshot, we can see that there's a post extension named "event date" (not present in Blog post creation screenshot).
Agenda list screenshot, we can see that the "events" are displayed by nearest future "event date" date.

Filter posts by custom fields

I want to give users the ability to sort posts themselves using some filter links on the side, so for instance:
To sort by title:
To sort by date:
So I want to be able to sort posts using a custom field called "shares" that returns a number , and I use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to generate that field, but not sure how I can generate such query and more importantly, giving a link to apply it if possible.
thanks in advance.
Try this simple code and after making sure that it works, you need to improve it yourself (adding conditions f.e.)
function order_post_filter($query){
//then you will need to add some condition here
if (isset($_GET["orderby"]) and isset($_GET["order"])){
if ($_GET["orderby"]=='date'){
elseif ($_GET["orderby"]=='title'){
else {

Firebase,iOS: Appending key-value pair into a child node

I have the following User Table structure in Firebase
As you can see in the user that I have opened, I have a Posts section, inside this post section holds the Id's all articles which have been posted by this user.
The issue I am facing is as follows:
When the user creates a new article it's saved within the Posts Table, after the save I return the newly generated ID which I then pass on to the user table, I trying to insert the newly created ID into the post section of the user, so I assumed the URL would be something like this:
However all this does it create a new section called posts, it doesn't actually insert the record into the given area.
My code which isn't working is as follows:
let linkPost = [childautoID: true]
FYI the two id's that are currently inside Posts I added manually.
I've also tried the following:
However all this does it remove all existing Id's and then inserts the new id.
I prefer something like this. This automatically append the data without fetching first
To append a key-value pair in Firebase Database child node use this :-
Make a Firebase Database Reference to the Posts node of that currentUser FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Users").child(FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.uid).child("Posts")
Check if Posts node exists in your user's DB, If not then create one by :- parentRef.setValue([postId : "True"]) in else block.
But if Posts node does exist retrieve it as a NSMutableDictionary , set the new object to it, and then store the updated Dictionary to that node.
func storePostsToDB(postID :String!, userID : String! = FIRAuth.auth()!.currentUser!.uid){
let parentRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Users").child(userID).child("Posts")
parentRef.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: {(friendsList) in
if friendsList.exists(){
if let listDict = friendsList.value as? NSMutableDictionary{
listDict.setObject("True", forKey: postID)
parentRef.setValue([postID : "True"])
Calling the function:-
storePostsToDB("yourPostID")// If you want to store in the currentUser DB
storePostsToDB("yourPostID", userID : otherUserID)//If you want to store the post in some other users database with uid `otherUserID`

Include "Change Note" when creating content from InvokeFactory

I am creating a content item from a PloneFormGen Form Custom Script Adapter using invokeFactory. Everything is working fine so far, however we want to start generating a comment to be included in the create action, for the history of the item. The comment itself will be generated using fields from the form and some preset text.
Is this something that would be possible from PFG?
The content type is a custom type, and it is versionable. Using Plone 4.3.2, PFG 1.7.14
My current code:
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import normalizeString
portal_root = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()
target = portal_root['first-folder']['my-folder']
form = request.form
title = "My Title: "+form['title-1']
id = normalizeString(title)
id = id+"_"+str(DateTime().millis())
I have tried using keys like comments, comment, message, and even cmfeditions_version_comment within the target.invokeFactory arguments. No luck so far.
I'm not sure if that's possible in a custom script adapter.
The action of you first entry is None. The history automatically shows Create if the action is None. This is implemented here (
# On a default Plone site you got the following
>>> item.workflow_history
{'simple_publication_workflow': ({'action': None, 'review_state': 'private', 'actor': 'admin', 'comments': '', 'time': DateTime('2014/10/02 08:08:53.659345 GMT+2')},)}
Key of the the dict is the workflow id and the value is a tuple of all entries.
So you can manipulate the entry like you want. But I don't know if this is possible with restricted python (custom script adapter can only use restricted python).
But you could also add a new entry, by extending you script with:
new_object = target.get(id)
workflow_tool = getToolByName(new_object, 'portal_workflow')
workflows = workflow_tool.getWorkflowsFor(new_object)
if not workflows:
workflow_id = workflows[0].id # Grap first workflow, if you have more, take the the one you need
review_state = workflow_tool.getInfoFor(new_object, 'review_state', None)
history_entry = {
'action' : action, # Your action
'review_state' : review_state,
'comments' : comment, # Your comment
'actor' : actor, # Probably you could get the logged in user
'time' : time,
workflow_tool.setStatusOf(workflow_id, context, history_entry)

How can I add a link with a UID from a User Reference from a table in Drupal Views

I have the following in Drupal 6:
A Master CCK type which contains a User reference field and other fields. There will only be one record per user here.
A View of this CCK, shown as a table, with one of the fields being the user ref from the CCK type. This field is initially shown as a user name, linking to the user profile.
A Second CCK type which can have several pieces of data about a particular user.
A View for this CCK type, displaying information as a table. It takes a user id as an argument (an integer)
I want to click on the user name in the master view, and be directed to the detail view for this user. To do this, I tried selecting 'Output this field as a link' on the user field. The thing available for me to replace are:
* [field_my_user_ref_uid_1] == Content: User (field_my_user_ref)
* %1 == User: Uid
However, the [field_my_user_ref_uid_1] element is replaced by the user name, and %1 seems to get replaced with an empty string. How can I put the user id in here?
Well, I'm not sure what the right way to do this is, but I'm solving it the hacky way I seem to be solving all my Views problems: by throwing jquery at it.
Currently, the User Ref field already has a link with the user id, so I've added this to the footer:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var $rows = $("table.views-table tbody tr");
$rows.children("td:nth-child(1)").each(function() {
var $anchor = $(this).children("a");
var linkElements = $anchor.attr("href").split("/");
var userId = linkElements[linkElements.length - 1];
$anchor.attr("href","/my_detail_view/" + userId);
I hate that I have to do it like this, but I sure do love jquery.
