I'm fairly new to TCP messaging (and programming in general) and I am trying to develop a simple ROUTER/DEALER message pair with ZeroMQ but am struggling in getting the router to receive a message from the dealer and send one back.
I can do a simple REQ/REP pattern with no problem, where I can send one message from my machine to my VM.
However, when trying to develop a ROUTER/DEALER pair, I can't seem to get the ROUTER-instance to receive the message (ROUTER on VM, DEALER on main box). I have had some success where I could spam 50 messages in a while(){...} loop, but can't send a single message and have the ROUTER send one back.
So from what I have read, a TCP message in a ROUTER/DEALER pair are sent with a delimiter of 0 at the beginning, and this 0 must be sent first to the ROUTER to register an incoming message.
So I just want to send the message "ROUTER_TEST" to my server, and for my server to respond with "RECEIVED".
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "zmq.h"
const char connection[] = "tcp://";
int main(void)
int major, minor, patch;
zmq_version(&major, &minor, &patch);
printf("\nInstalled ZeroMQ version: %d.%d.%d\n", major, minor, patch);
printf("Connecting to: %s\n", connection);
void *context = zmq_ctx_new();
void *requester = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_DEALER);
int zc = zmq_connect(requester, connection);
std::cout << "zmq_connect = " << zc << std::endl;
int sm = zmq_socket_monitor(requester, connection, ZMQ_EVENT_ALL);
std::cout << "zmq_socket_monitor = " << sm << std::endl;
char messageSend[] = "ROUTER_TEST";
int request_nbr;
int n = zmq_send(requester, NULL, 0, ZMQ_DONTWAIT|ZMQ_SNDMORE );
int ii = 0;
if(n==0) {
std::cout << "n = " << n << std::endl;
while (ii < 50)
n = zmq_send(requester, messageSend, 31, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
return 0;
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "zmq.h"
int main(void)
void *context = zmq_ctx_new();
void *responder = zmq_socket(context, ZMQ_ROUTER);
int rc = zmq_bind(responder, "tcp://*:5555");
assert(rc == 0);
zmq_pollitem_t pollItems[] = {
{responder, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, -1}};
int sm = zmq_socket_monitor(responder, "tcp://*:5555", ZMQ_EVENT_LISTENING);
std::cout << "zmq_socket_monitor = " << sm << std::endl;
uint8_t buffer[15];
while (1)
int rc = zmq_recv(responder, buffer, 5, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
if (rc == 0)
std::cout << "zmq_recv = " << rc << std::endl;
zmq_send(responder, "RECIEVED", 9,0);
zmq_poll(pollItems, sizeof(pollItems), -1);
return 0;
Your code calls, on the DEALER-side a series of:
void *requester = zmq_socket( context,
ZMQ_DEALER // <-- .STO <ZMQ_DEALER>, *requester
int n = zmq_send( requester, // <~~ <~~ <~~ <~~ <~~ <~~ .STO 0, n
NULL, // NULL,sizeof(NULL)== 0
0, // explicitly declared 0
| ZMQ_SNDMORE //---- 1x ZMQ_SNDMORE flag==
); // 1.Frame in 1st MSG
int ii = 0; // MSG-under-CONSTRUCTION
if ( n == 0 ) // ...until complete, not yet sent
std::cout << "PREVIOUS[" << ii << ".] CALL of zmq_send() has returned n = " << n << std::endl;
while ( ii < 50 )
{ ii++;
n = zmq_send( requester, //---------//---- 1x ZMQ_SNDMORE following
messageSend, // // 2.Frame in 1st MSG
31, // // MSG-under-CONSTRUCTION, but
ZMQ_DONTWAIT // // NOW complete & will get sent
); //---------//----49x monoFrame MSGs follow
What happens on the opposite side, the ROUTER-side code ?
while (1)
int rc = zmq_recv( responder, //----------------- 1st .recv()
if ( rc == 0 )
std::cout << "zmq_recv = " << rc << std::endl;
zmq_send( responder, // _____________________ void *socket
"RECEIVED", // _____________________ void *buffer
9, // _____________________________ size_t len
0 // _____________________________ int flags
zmq_poll( pollItems,
sizeof( pollItems ),
-1 // __________________________________ block ( forever )
);// till ( if ever ) ...?
Here, most probably, the rc == 0 but once, if not missed, but never more
Kindly notice, that your code does not detect in any way if a .recv()-call is also being flagged by a ZMQ_RECVMORE - signaling a need to first also .recv()-all-the-rest multi-Frame parts of the first message, before becoming able to .send()-any-answer...
An application that processes multi-part messages must use the ZMQ_RCVMORE zmq_getsockopt(3) option after calling zmq_recv() to determine if there are further parts to receive.
Next, the buffer and messageSend message-"payloads" are a kind of fragile entities and ought be re-composed ( for details best read again all details about how to carefully initialise, work with and safely-touch any zmq_msg_t object(s) ), as after a successful .send()/.recv() the low level API ( since 2.11.x+ ) considers 'em disposed-off, not re-useable. Also note, that messageSend is not (as imperatively put into the code) a 31-char[]-long, was it? Was there any particular intention to do this?
The zmq_send() function shall return number of bytes in the message if successful. Otherwise it shall return -1 and set errno to one of the values defined below. { EAGAIN, ENOTSUP, EINVAL, EFSM, ETERM, ENOTSOCK, EINTR, EHOSTUNREACH }
Not testing error-state means knowing nothing about the actual state ( see EFSM and other potential trouble explainers ) of REQ/REP and DEALER/ROUTER (extended) .send()/.recv()/.send()/.recv()/... mandatory dFSA's order of these steps
"So from what I have read, a TCP message in a ROUTER/DEALER pair are sent with a delimiter of 0 at the beginning, and this 0 must be sent first to the ROUTER to register an incoming message."
This seems to be a misunderstood part. The app-side is free to compose any number of monoframe or multi-frame messages, yet the "trick" of a ROUTER prepended identity-frame is performed without users assistance ( message-labelling is performed automatically, before any ( now, principally all ) multi-frame(d) messages get delivered to the app-side ( using the receiver's side .recv()-method ). Due handling of multi-frame messages was noted above.
I create a "server" lib with a Qt GUI.
I don't and can't use QThreads because this is supposed to be as independent from Qt as possible, and because I have other threads already working like a Ethernet part.
The thread ExternalRs232Thread() is lauched by the public function RunExternalRs232()
RunExternalRs232() opens the serial port, returns -1 if can't open serial, and if is ok runs the function ExternalRs232Thread() in a detached thread.
Initially, I have tried to run this with Serialib, but this never works properly with the Qt project. So I decided to give QSerialPort a try like this:
#ifndef SERVER_H
#define SERVER_H
#include <iostream>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <sstream>
#include <time.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <QObject>
#include "libs/json.hpp"
#include <QtSerialPort>
#include "hdlccsvparser.h"
using namespace std;
using json = nlohmann::json;
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using std::chrono::seconds;
using std::chrono::system_clock;
struct Contact {
int port; //udp port of te contact
time_t time; //last communication date ( is still active ? )
class Server : public QObject
virtual ~Server();
//return 0 if sucess , 1 port is not usabe, 2 port already in use
int RunExternalRs232(string PortCom, unsigned int baudrate);
int StopExternalRs232(string PortCom);
//clean exit
void ExitServer();
// External ThreadS and exiting loop of threadS in set (if key d'ont exist anymore, exit loop)
mutex mtxExternalRs232;
unordered_set<string> ExternalRs232PortActiveList;
void ExternalRs232Thread(QSerialPort* Rs232Connection, string port);
#endif // SERVER_H
#include "Server/Server.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
/* Public Part*/
int Server::RunExternalRs232(string PortCom, unsigned int baudrate){
//PortCom = (char *)"COM1";
//baudrate = 9600;
QSerialPort Rs232Connection;
// Connection to serial port
// COMxx
int i = Rs232Connection.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);
// If connection fails, errorOpening != 1
if(i != 1){
return i;
cout << "External Rs232 starting on " << PortCom << endl;
stringstream sstmp;
sstmp << PortCom;
emit LogMessage(QString::fromStdString("External Rs232 starting on " + sstmp.str()),0);
std::thread thServer(&Server::ExternalRs232Thread,this,&Rs232Connection,PortCom);
return 0;
int Server::StopExternalRs232(string PortCom){
PortCom = "COM1";
if(ExternalRs232PortActiveList.count(PortCom) != 1){ //???
//port not in use
cerr << "close Failed Rs232 " << PortCom << endl;
return 1;
cout << "close External Rs232 " << PortCom << endl;
return 0;
cout << ExternalRs232PortActiveList.count(PortCom) << " here " << endl;
/* Private Part */
/* Thread part */
void Server::ExternalRs232Thread(QSerialPort * Rs232Connection, string port){
//char/binary read on rs232
char tmp;
//if rs232 has data
bool res = false;
stringstream message;
int iscount = ExternalRs232PortActiveList.count(port);
while(iscount == 1){
res = false;
//no data skipp
} else {
QByteArray datas = Rs232Connection->readAll();
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
string tmp = codec->toUnicode(datas).toStdString();
cout << tmp << endl;
iscount = ExternalRs232PortActiveList.count(port);
/* functions part */
//init winsock
if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsa) != 0){
cerr << "Could not init winsock2 : " << WSAGetLastError();
//creating a socket
if((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET){
cerr << "Could not create a socket : " << WSAGetLastError();
at the end, I get
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThreads
So how is possible to run Serial Rs232 without using QThreads?
I would like to get instruction count for bubblesort algorithm using Intel PIN. I thought that maybe I could analyse how instruction count increases, when there is more data to sort. But the result varies between executions for the same set of data.
For example few outputs: 1662097, 1811453, 1832990, 1745621
It varies quite a lot. Why isn't it the same? Is there a way to achieve it? How am I supposed to get any useful information from that? There is no way of telling how increase of data set influenced number of instructions, when it isn't even stable for the same execution.
Pintool code (copy-pasted from Pin User Guide):
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "pin.H"
ofstream OutFile;
// The running count of instructions is kept here
// make it static to help the compiler optimize docount
static UINT64 icount = 0;
// This function is called before every instruction is executed
VOID docount() { icount++; }
// Pin calls this function every time a new instruction is encountered
VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)
// Insert a call to docount before every instruction, no arguments are passed
INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_END);
KNOB<string> KnobOutputFile(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool",
"o", "inscount.out", "specify output file name");
// This function is called when the application exits
VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)
// Write to a file since cout and cerr maybe closed by the application
OutFile << "Count " << icount << endl;
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Print Help Message */
/* ===================================================================== */
INT32 Usage()
cerr << "This tool counts the number of dynamic instructions executed" << endl;
cerr << endl << KNOB_BASE::StringKnobSummary() << endl;
return -1;
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Main */
/* ===================================================================== */
/* argc, argv are the entire command line: pin -t <toolname> -- ... */
/* ===================================================================== */
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Initialize pin
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();
// Register Instruction to be called to instrument instructions
INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);
// Register Fini to be called when the application exits
PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);
// Start the program, never returns
return 0;
Bubblesort implementation (nothing extraordinary, intentionally O(n^2)):
void bubblesort(int table[], int size) {
int i, j, temp;
for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < size - 1 - i; j++)
if (table[j] > table[j + 1])
temp = table[j + 1];
table[j + 1] = table[j];
table[j] = temp;
I want to use pre-made files instead of live capture in the following program to track the person.
what is realsense SDK API used to load pre-made files and catch the frame by frame?
Is it possible to use to detect/track person any general video/image files which captured using any other camera's ?
Example Program:
Example Source Link
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include "version.h"
#include "pt_utils.hpp"
#include "pt_console_display.hpp"
#include "pt_web_display.hpp"
#include "or_console_display.hpp"
#include "or_web_display.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace rs::core;
using namespace rs::object_recognition;
// Version number of the samples
extern constexpr auto rs_sample_version = concat("VERSION: ",RS_SAMPLE_VERSION_STR);
// Doing the OR processing for a frame can take longer than the frame interval, so we
// keep track of whether or not we are still processing the last frame.
bool is_or_processing_frame = false;
unique_ptr<web_display::pt_web_display> pt_web_view;
unique_ptr<web_display::or_web_display> or_web_view;
unique_ptr<console_display::pt_console_display> pt_console_view;
unique_ptr<console_display::or_console_display> or_console_view;
void processing_OR(correlated_sample_set or_sample_set, or_video_module_impl* impl, or_data_interface* or_data,
or_configuration_interface* or_configuration)
rs::core::status st;
// Declare data structure and size for results
rs::object_recognition::localization_data* localization_data = nullptr;
//Run object localization processing
st = impl->process_sample_set(or_sample_set);
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
is_or_processing_frame = false;
// Retrieve recognition data from the or_data object
int array_size = 0;
st = or_data->query_localization_result(&localization_data, array_size);
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
is_or_processing_frame = false;
//Send OR data to ui
if (localization_data && array_size != 0)
or_console_view->on_object_localization_data(localization_data, array_size, or_configuration);
or_web_view->on_object_localization_data(localization_data, array_size, or_configuration);
is_or_processing_frame = false;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
rs::core::status st;
pt_utils pt_utils;
rs::core::image_info colorInfo,depthInfo;
rs::core::video_module_interface::actual_module_config actualModuleConfig;
rs::person_tracking::person_tracking_video_module_interface* ptModule = nullptr;
rs::object_recognition::or_video_module_impl impl;
rs::object_recognition::or_data_interface* or_data = nullptr;
rs::object_recognition::or_configuration_interface* or_configuration = nullptr;
cout << endl << "Initializing Camera, Object Recognition and Person Tracking modules" << endl;
if(pt_utils.init_camera(colorInfo,depthInfo,actualModuleConfig,impl,&or_data,&or_configuration) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr << "Error: Device is null." << endl << "Please connect a RealSense device and restart the application" << endl;
return -1;
//Person Tracking Configuration. Set tracking mode to 0
if(ptModule->set_module_config(actualModuleConfig) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr<<"error : failed to set the enabled module configuration" << endl;
return -1;
//Object Recognition Configuration
//Set mode to localization
//Set the localization mechnizm to use CNN
//Ignore all objects under 0.7 probabilty (confidence)
//Enabling object center feature
st = or_configuration->apply_changes();
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
return st;
//Launch GUI
string sample_name = argv[0];
// Create console view
pt_console_view = move(console_display::make_console_pt_display());
or_console_view = move(console_display::make_console_or_display());
// Create and start remote(Web) view
or_web_view = move(web_display::make_or_web_display(sample_name, 8000, true));
pt_web_view = move(web_display::make_pt_web_display(sample_name, 8000, true));
cout << endl << "-------- Press Esc key to exit --------" << endl << endl;
while (!pt_utils.user_request_exit())
//Get next frame
rs::core::correlated_sample_set* sample_set = pt_utils.get_sample_set(colorInfo,depthInfo);
rs::core::correlated_sample_set* sample_set_pt = pt_utils.get_sample_set(colorInfo,depthInfo);
//Increment reference count of images at sample set
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<uint8_t>(rs::core::stream_type::max); ++i)
if (sample_set_pt->images[i] != nullptr)
//Draw Color frames
auto colorImage = (*sample_set)[rs::core::stream_type::color];
pt_web_view->on_rgb_frame(10, colorImage->query_info().width, colorImage->query_info().height, colorImage->query_data());
//Run OR in a separate thread. Update GUI with the result
if (!is_or_processing_frame) // If we aren't already processing or for a frame:
is_or_processing_frame = true;
std::thread recognition_thread(processing_OR, *sample_set,
&impl, or_data, or_configuration);
//Run Person Tracking
if (ptModule->process_sample_set(*sample_set_pt) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr << "error : failed to process sample" << endl;
//Update GUI with PT result
return 0;
After installing the Realsense SKD, check the realsense_playback_device_sample for how to load the RSSDK capture file.
The short answer is not really. Beside the images that are captured from the other camera, you also need to supply the camera intrinsic and extrinsic settings in order to calculate the depth of and object and call the person tracking module.
I've got an application where I will be using a standalone C programming to read a CAN bus port with a socket. The user interface on this is Qt/QML code. I would like to use a non-blocking approach to call the bin program and either return nothing or return a string of the CAN packet.
The application will be low speed (just monitoring key presses, etc) so speed is not an issue. The current approach involves writing data from the socket program to a file, then having ANOTHER C program take the file and echo the string back to QML. UGH! Seems very messy. A simple Go/NoGo call would be easier. Here's the code I've got so far.
Thanks for any comments.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/can.h>
#include <linux/can/raw.h>
// Returns 0 if no errors, > 0 if errors found
int main(void) {
struct ifreq ifr;
struct can_frame frame;
struct sockaddr_can addr;
int s; // CAN socket descriptor
int nbytes; // Number of bytes read from CAN socket
char run_daemon = 0; // Set to 1 to run as a daemon process
char show_errors = 0; // Set to 1 to print errors
char *ifname = "can0"; // Define the CAN driver for use
if (run_daemon) // Skip the daemon call if not enabled
if ((s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)) < 0) {
if (show_errors)
perror("Error while opening RAW socket");
return 1;
strcpy (ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
if (show_errors)
perror("Error in socket bind");
return 2;
// Loop here for daemon process
while (1) {
// Read CAN frame data
nbytes = read(s, &frame, sizeof(struct can_frame));
// If data is ready, process it
if (nbytes > 0) {
// Print all relevent frame data to QML
printf("%d ",frame.can_id);
printf("%d ",frame.can_dlc);
if(frame.can_dlc>0) printf("%d ",frame.data[0]);
if(frame.can_dlc>1) printf("%d ",frame.data[1]);
if(frame.can_dlc>2) printf("%d ",frame.data[2]);
if(frame.can_dlc>3) printf("%d ",frame.data[3]);
if(frame.can_dlc>4) printf("%d ",frame.data[4]);
if(frame.can_dlc>5) printf("%d ",frame.data[5]);
if(frame.can_dlc>6) printf("%d ",frame.data[6]);
if(frame.can_dlc>7) printf("%d ",frame.data[7]);
if (!run_daemon) { // Exit if daemon is not running
close(s); // Close the CAN socket
return 0;
return 0; // Should never get here !!!
I am a novice C++ coder and obviously not very good at it. I am having an immense amount of trouble with this program.
I am getting syntax errors on my opening and closing parenthesis on my functions, syntax errors on my "<" in my header cpp file, and errors that I'm missing parenthesis.
My first stack is not recognized (main driver file) and in my StackType.cpp file - original is an "undeclared identifier".
Lastly, the left of Push must have class/struct/union - in my for loop when filling the first stack with the rings.
I apologize for all of these issues in advance. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
======================Stack Header================================
// File: StackType.h
// Stack template class definition.
// Dynamic array implementation
#ifndef StackType
#define StackType
template <class ItemType>
class StackType
int ItemType;
ItemType *myStack; // pointer to dynamic array
int _top, _maxSize; // using underscores to remind that it's private
StackType(int numRings = 50); // Constructor
StackType (const StackType<ItemType>&); // Copy Constructor
// Member Functions
void Push(ItemType); // Push
void Pop(ItemType &); // Pop
void stackTop(ItemType &) const; // retrieve top
bool stackIsEmpty() const; // Test for Empty stack
bool stackIsFull() const; // Test for Full stack
~StackType(); // Destructor
=====================Stack cpp file==================================
#include "StackType.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
// Constructor with argument, size is numRings, limit is 50 (set in .h header)
template <class ItemType>
_maxSize = numRings;
_top = -1;
// Copy Constructor
template <class ItemType>
StackType<ItemType>::StackType(const StackType<ItemType>& original :
_maxSize(original._maxSize), top(original._top)
myStack = new ItemType[_maxSize];
for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) myStack[i] = original.myStack[i];
// Destructor
template <class ItemType>
delete [] myStack;
// Push
template <class ItemType>
void StackType<ItemType>::Push(StackType<ItemType> ringVal)
if(stackIsFull()) cout << "\t There is not enough available memory = the stack is
full!" << endl;
else myStack[++_top] = ringVal;
// Pop
template <class ItemType>
void StackType<ItemType>::Pop(StackType<ItemType> &ringVal)
if(stackIsEmpty()) cout << "\t The stack is empty!" << endl;
else ringVal = myStack[_top--];
// Retrieve stack top without removing it
template <class ItemType>
void StackType<ItemType>::stackTop(StackType<ItemType> &ringVal) const
if(stackIsEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty!";
else ringVal = myStack[_top];
// Test for Empty stack
template <class ItemType>
bool StackType<ItemType>::stackIsEmpty() const
return (_top < 0);
// Test for Full stack
template <class ItemType>
bool StackType<class ItemType>::stackIsFull() const
return (_top >= (_maxSize - 1));
// end StackType.cpp
=========================Main Driver file=======================================
#include "StackType.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include "StackType.cpp"
#endif // _DEBUG
#include <stack>
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Global Variable - Counter to display the number of moves.
int count = 0;
class StackType;
// Functions Prototypes
void MoveRings(StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&);
// Function to move the rings
void Pegs(int D,StackType<ItemType>& b,StackType<ItemType>& e, StackType<ItemType>& h);
// This is a recursive function.
void Display (int, StackType <ItemType>& , StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&);
// Function to display the pegs
// Main - Driver File
int main()
// create 3 empty stacks
StackType<ItemType> FirstPeg; // Receiving an error that this is not identified
StackType<ItemType> EndPeg;
StackType<ItemType> HelperPeg;
// Number of rings.
int numRings;
cout << "\n\t *********** Rings to Pegs (Towers of Hanoi) ***********\n" << endl;
cout << "\t Please Enter the number of rings you want to play with: ";
// Input number of rings
cin >> numRings;
cout << endl;
while(numRings < 0 || isalpha(numRings)) // To make sure that the user did not
// enter an invalid number
cout << " Your entry is invalid. Please use only integers. Please re-
enter: ";
cin >> numRings;
cout << endl;
for(int i = 1; i <= numRings; i++)
// Fill the first peg with the number of rings.
Pegs(int, StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&);
// To call the recursive function that will move the rings
Display (int, StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&, StackType<ItemType>&);
// To call the display function
return 0;
// This function will move an ring from first peg to the second peg
void MoveRings(StackType<ItemType>& beg, StackType<ItemType>& theEnd) //End
int r; // disk will be removed from one stack and added to the other
beg.Pop(r);//pop from source
theEnd.Push(r);//and move to target
// This function displays the moves
void Display(int R, StackType<ItemType>& toBegin , StackType<ItemType>& toEnd,
StackType<ItemType>& toHelp)
StackType<int> B;// create temporarily first stack
StackType<int> E;// create temporarily End(End) stack
StackType<int> H;// create temporarily helper stack
for(int i = 1; i <= R; i++)
toBegin.Pop(i);//moves the ring from source
B.Push(i);//to the temporarily stack to display it
cout << "Beginning Peg:" << &B << endl;
toEnd.Pop(i);//moves the ring from source
E.Push(i);//to the temporarily stack to display it
cout << " End(Final) Peg: " << &E << endl;
toHelp.Pop(i);//moves the ring from source
H.Push(i);//to the temporarily stack to display it
cout << " Helper Peg:" << &H << endl;
void Pegs(int D,StackType<ItemType>& b,StackType<ItemType>& e,StackType<ItemType>& h)
// This is a recursive function.
if (D == 0) // The base
return 1;
else if(D == 1) // If there is only one ring, move this ring from the
// first peg to the end(final) peg
MoveRings(b, e); // moves the ring from the first to the end(final) peg
cout<<" Really? You have entered one ring..." << endl;
cout<<" It moves directly from the first peg to the End peg." << endl;
count++; // increment the number of moves
cout << "There has been " << count << " move. "<< endl;// display the
// number of moves
Display (D, b, e, h);
else if (D > 1) // a recursive function in order to move the rings
Pegs(D - 1, b, e, h); // to move N-1 rings from the first peg to the
// end(final) peg by using the helper peg
MoveRings(b, e);// to move the last ring to the end(final) peg
count++; // increment the number of steps before displaying
cout << "There has been " << count << " moves. "<< endl;
Pegs(D - 1, b, e, h);
// to move N-1 rings from the helper peg to the end(final) peg with the help of
// first peg
//Display ( D(rings), First Peg, End(Final) Peg, Helper Peg );
One problem that I can see immediately is that your header file defines StackType to prevent double inclusion, which is also used as a class name. After #define StackType, it ends up being a macro that expands to nothing, so your code looks like class { ... }.
You should use a symbol to prevent double inclusion that isn't used for anything else. The typical thing to use is STACKTYPE_H for a file called StackType.h.
Once you've fixed this, some other problems you're experiencing might go away. Please come back with an update if you're having more problems, and post the exact compiler errors if you do.