Convert multiple CSS files to SASS / SCSS - css

I am creating a website using Drupal 8 and I found a free theme online which I have installed on my site. The theme consists of multiple folders of CSS files. I would like to use SASS to extend and modify this theme. If I want to do this, is it as simple as renaming all the files to SCSS files and compile using Gulp or Compass? Or is there a better practice to follow? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

There's no need to make any kind of conversion.
You can just change the file extension if you need to.
The SCSS syntax uses the file extension .scss. With a few small
exceptions, it’s a superset of CSS, which means essentially all valid
CSS is valid SCSS as well. Because of its similarity to CSS, it’s the
easiest syntax to get used to and the most popular.


Do I need to edit scss or css to style my wordpress website?

I am using a wordpress theme and it has both style.css and style.scss. I want to make changes in the styling and I was wondering which file I need to edit? Both, style.css or style.scss?
Thanks in advance.
Information Sass
CSS on its own can be fun, but stylesheets are getting larger, more
complex, and harder to maintain. This is where a preprocessor can
help. Sass lets you use features that don't exist in CSS yet like
variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance and other nifty goodies that
make writing CSS fun again.
Once you start tinkering with Sass, it will take your preprocessed
Sass file and save it out as a normal CSS file that you can use in
your web site.
You need to edit the style.scss and then generate the style.css.
Once you started using sass oder less you'll never go back to css or regret it!
Learn how to Sass here.
An here is Software to generate the scss/less File.

How to configure Cakephp and Bootstrap-sass?

I'm new to Cakephp and I have been developing a website for my client. I'm not satisfied with the look of the website and I've been trying to figure out how to use Bootstrap with Cakephp. I have been introduced to Sass and it seems like this is a great way to write css. So I want to use Bootstrap-sass. But after seraching a lot I still cannot find a good tutorial on how to approach this matter. Most of the tutorials are for Ruby on Rails with Bootstrap even the official Bootstrap-sass Github page
I would be gratful if someone could guide me through this or if this is not the way to go, which Bootstrap should I use If I want to have the sass functionality as well.
Also there is another doubt that I have:
Is it possible to overwrite Bootstrap css without using LESS or SASS?
That is more than one question.
SASS and CakePHP, easy. First of all, understand there are 2 SASS dialects. Original SASS tries to use the minimum of characters and is indent-sensitieve like Python. SASS 3 brought SCSS, which is more like CSS on steroids and easier to use. Then - outside of Ruby - you need a SASS compiler. SCOUT for SASS - Windows and Mac - is dead simple and does the job. You indicate your source SCSS folder, sits in webroot in my CakePHP, a target folder, the CakePHP CSS folder and a temp folder sitting in CakePHP/tmp for me. That is all it takes, save a SCSS file and Scout watches this and generates the CSS.
Bootstrap. Not easy to integrate in CakePHP templates. Additionally it uses some questionable JavaScript. Take a look at Compass, the same thing integrated in Scout.
If you want Bootstrap for a responsive grid, use SimpleGrid instead. As the name says simple and CSS only. Drupal is based on it.
Remember SCSS is a CSS superset; copy your CSS to your SCSS folder and start adding to it.
Good luck, André Hartman, Belgium.

Using LESS files/libs in a SASS rails project?

Or what is the best practice to "import" a less file in sass files?
I'm building a rails project with SASS as the solution for writing syntactic css. The SASS parts worked fine, until I find out that the styles of some open source projects are written in LESS and I really want to reuse their artwork.
Should I just let Rails precompile all LESS and SASS files, and require the result css files in a specified order?
The license of these third party projects are different. Understanding all the details about intellectual property laws seems to be too much work for the small project I'm doing (e.g. should I keep a css file MIT licensed if I changed 90% of it and just used the color palette?), this project will be open sourced as well, so I would like to keep the codes untouched for now.
Update: A easy way of translating all LESS files to SASS files would be nice as well.
From my understanding, LESS & SASS are compiled differently (although are similar)
Would you be able to translate the LESS files you wish to include?

Manually created CSS into LESS

Is there a tool available for converting a manually created CSS file into a nested, well optimized LESS file?
Short answer: No. Do it yourself.
Long answer: Your CSS file should compile automatically with LESS. Rename .css to .less, then you can progressively improve your CSS file by adding LESS code. Yes it may be the slow way, but it is a great way to go.
No. Time to roll up your sleeves and re-create whatever css you have into .less files.
If you are building a framework, I highly suggest looking at this, as it contains many variables and mixins that are helpful for .less files.
Keep in mind that while {less} is awesome, you should not use it for deployment. I suggest using your .less files for development only, and compiling them into minified .css files for deployment/production.

Is there a CSS minifier than can resolve import statements?

Is there a CSS minifier tool that can resolve #import statements?
I'd like to be able to load multiple CSS files on my local machine but have them all resolved into one file when the website gets pushed out into production.
I recently started using LESS, beyond imports allows you to use:
Parametric Mixins
Nested rules
Color functions
So far I'm glad with my experience using LESS.
It's easy to use and the page is documented with good examples.
You can use SASS, with the SCSS syntax. SASS is much more than a minifier: it is actually a CSS preprocessor which adds some goodies like variables or macros to the CSS syntax. But you can choose to simply ignore these features (although I advise you to have a look): any valid CSS file is actually valid SCSS.
SASS can then compile your SCSS in valid CSS, and it can manage multiple files and output a single minified .css file.
You can try it just as a minification tool for now, and start using the advanced features when you feel like experimenting.
css-compressor (based on yuicompressor) inlines #import statements - in fact that is its primary purpose:
Granule library supports #import in CSS.
You can look it here
