tidy way to perform joins iteratively with map / apply functions - r

I would like to join/merge multiple tibbles/data frames with the use of map/lapply. How would it be possible to perform that?
Reproducible example:
df <- tibble::tibble(rank = rep(stringr::str_c("rank",1:10),10),
char_1 = sample(c("a","b","c"), size = 100, replace = TRUE),
points = sample(1:10000, size = 100)
my_top <- seq(10,90, by= 10) %>%
as.list() %>%
my_list_1 <- map(my_top , ~ df %>%
sample_n(.x) %>%
mutate(!!str_c(.x, "_score") := sample(1:10000, size = .x)))
I would like to perform this:
df %>% group_by(rank, char_1, points) %>%
left_join(my_list_1[[1]] ) %>%
left_join(my_list_1[[2]] ) %>%
left_join(my_list_1[[3]] )
and so on ... with map function.
I tried this:
map(as.list(names(my_top)), ~ df %>% group_by(rank, char_1, points) %>%
left_join(my_list_1[[.x]] ))
But of course, it is not saving somewhere the joined tibble in order to make a new join with it!

An option would be reduce
df %>%
group_by(rank, char_1, points) %>%
list(.) %>%
c(., my_list_1[1:3]) %>%

This is my first answer, I'm new here. I had a similar problem recently, join_all was the best solution I found.
#list files that are saved in your computer, for example, in txt format
files <- list.files("path", *.txt)
# open the files and save then as a list
list_of_data_frames <- lapply(files, read_delim, delim = "\t")
# merge files
merged_file <- join_all(list_of_data_frames, by = NULL)


Is there a way to combine across() and mutate() if I am referencing column names from a list?

The dataset below has columns with very similar names and some values which are NA.
dat <- data.frame(
v1_min = c(1,2,4,1,NA,4,2,2),
v1_max = c(1,NA,5,4,5,4,6,NA),
other_v1_min = c(1,1,NA,3,4,4,3,2),
other_v1_max = c(1,5,5,6,6,4,3,NA),
y1_min = c(3,NA,2,1,2,NA,1,2),
y1_max = c(6,2,5,6,2,5,3,3),
other_y1_min = c(2,3,NA,1,1,1,NA,2),
other_y1_max = c(5,6,4,2,NA,2,NA,NA)
In this example, x1 and y1 would be what I would consider the common "categories" among the columns. In order to get something similar with my current dataset, I had to use grepl to tease these out
cats<-dat %>%
names() %>%
gsub("^(.*)_(min|max)", "\\1",.) %>%
gsub("^(.*)_(.*)", "\\2",.) %>%
Now, my goal is to mutate a new min and a new max column for each of those categories. So far the code below works just fine.
dat %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(min_v1 = min(c_across(contains(cats[1])), na.rm=T)) %>%
mutate(max_v1 = max(c_across(contains(cats[1])), na.rm=T)) %>%
mutate(min_y1 = min(c_across(contains(cats[2])), na.rm=T)) %>%
mutate(max_y1 = max(c_across(contains(cats[2])), na.rm=T))
However, the number of categories in my current dataset is quite a bit bigger than 2.. Is there a way to implement this but quicker?
I've tried a few of the suggestions on this post but haven't quite been able to extend them to this problem.
You can use one of the map function here for each common categories.
result <- bind_cols(dat, map_dfc(cats,
~dat %>%
rowwise() %>%
transmute(!!paste('min', .x, sep = '_') := min(c_across(matches(.x)), na.rm = TRUE),
!!paste('max', .x, sep = '_') := max(c_across(matches(.x)), na.rm = TRUE))))

How do I write a function (analogous to a SAS macro) in R to import and format a list of Excel files?

I'm looking for a more efficient way to write the following:
Read in all my Excel files
DF1 <- read_excel(DF1, sheet = "ABC", range = cell_cols(1:10) )
DF2 <- read_excel(DF2, sheet = "ABC", range = cell_cols(1:10) )
DF50 <- read_excel(DF50, sheet = "ABC", range = cell_cols(1:10) )
Add a column to each DF with a location
DF1$Location <- location1
DF2$Location <- location2
DF50$Location <- location50
Keep only columns with specified names, get rid of blank rows, and convert column CR_NUMBER to an integer
DF1 <- DF1 %>% select(all_of(colnames_r)) %>% filter(!is.na(NAME)) %>% convert(int(CR_NUMBER))
DF2 <- DF2 %>% select(all_of(colnames_r)) %>% filter(!is.na(NAME)) %>% convert(int(CR_NUMBER))
DF50 <- DF50 %>% select(all_of(colnames_r)) %>% filter(!is.na(NAME)) %>% convert(int(CR_NUMBER))
You can try to use the following getting the data in a list :
#Get the complete path of file which has name "DF" followed by a number.
file_names <- list.files('/folder/path', pattern = 'DF\\d+', full.names = TRUE)
list_data <- lapply(seq_along(file_names), function(x) {
data <- read_excel(file_names[x], sheet = "ABC", range = cell_cols(1:10))
data %>%
mutate(Location = paste0('location', x))
select(all_of(colnames_r)) %>%
filter(!is.na(NAME)) %>%
list_data is a list of dataframes which is usually better to manage instead of having 50 dataframes in global environment. If you still want all the dataframes separately name the list and use list2env.
names(list_data) <- paste0('DF', seq_along(list_data))
list2env(list_data, .GlobalEnv)

Cosine Similarity: Funtion Can't Calculate The Matrix

So, I recently building a music recommender system using Collaborative Filtering in Rstudio. I have some problem with the function of cosine similarity which the system said "subscript out of bond" on the matrix that I want to calculate.
I use Cosine Similarity which I got the reference from this website: https://bgstieber.github.io/post/recommending-songs-using-cosine-similarity-in-r/
I've tried to fix the script but still apparently the output isn't working.
cosine_sim <- function(a,b) {crossprod(a,b)/sqrt(crossprod(a)*crossprod(b))}
##User data
play_data <- "https://static.turi.com/datasets/millionsong/10000.txt" %>%
read_tsv(col_names = c('user', 'song_id', 'plays'))
##Song data
song_data <- read_csv("D:/3rd Term/DataAnalysis/dataSet/song_data.csv") %>%
distinct(song_id, title, artist_name)
all_data <- play_data %>%
group_by(user, song_id) %>%
summarise(plays = sum(plays, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
top_1k_songs <- all_data %>%
group_by(song_id, title, artist_name) %>%
summarise(sum_plays = sum(plays)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
top_n(1000, sum_plays) %>%
all_data_top_1k <- all_data %>%
top_1k_wide <- all_data_top_1k %>%
ungroup() %>%
distinct(user, song_id, plays) %>%
spread(song_id, plays, fill = 0)
ratings <- as.matrix(top_1k_wide[,-1])
calc_cos_sim <- function(song_code = top_1k_songs,
rating_mat = ratings,
songs = song_data,
return_n = 5) {
song_col_index <- which(colnames(ratings)== song_code) %>%
cos_sims <- apply(rating_mat, 2,FUN = function(y)
cosine_sim(rating_mat[,song_col_index], y))
data_frame(song_id = names(cos_sims), cos_sim = cos_sims) %>%
filter(song_id != song_code) %>% # remove self reference
inner_join(songs) %>%
arrange(desc(cos_sim)) %>%
top_n(return_n, cos_sim) %>%
select(song_id, title, artist_name, cos_sim)
I expect when I use this script:
shots <- 'SOJYBJZ12AB01801D0'
The output would be a data frame of 5 songs.
The pipe at the end of this line looks like a typo:
song_col_index <- which(colnames(ratings)== song_code) %>%
Replace it with:
song_col_index <- which(colnames(ratings)== song_code)

Unnest and concatenate values in r

I am trying to unnest two columns that do not always have the same number of values per cell and then concatenate the values that have a correspond between the two columns. For example:
#Sample Data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1:4),
first.names = c('Michael, Jim', 'Michael, Michael', 'Creed', 'Creed, Jim'),
last.names = c('Scott, Halpert', 'Scott, Cera', '', 'Halpert'))
Not all values in df$first.names are associated with a value in df$last.names. I am trying to get the following results:
#Desired output
df.results <- data.frame(id = c(1,1,2,2,3,4,4),
first.names = c('Michael', 'Jim', 'Michael', 'Michael', 'Creed', 'Creed', 'Jim'),
last.names = c('Scott', 'Halpert', 'Scott', 'Cera', '', '', 'Halpert'),
full.names = c('Michael Scott', 'Jim Halpert', 'Michael Scott', 'Michael Cera', 'Creed', 'Creed', 'Jim Halpert'))
I have tried using unnest, it works for first.names, but not for last.names (it drops the row where last.names is blank):
#convert to characters
df$first.names <- as.character(df$first.names)
df$last.names <- as.character(df$last.names)
#Unnest first names
df <- df %>%
transform(first.names = strsplit(first.names, ',')) %>%
transform(last.names = strsplit(last.names, ',')) %>%
I was then going to delete duplicate lines, but that still does not solve the the issues with the values in df$first.names that do not have a value in df$last.names
Is there a better way to do this?
Check this solution:
df %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate_at(2:3, ~ strsplit(as.character(.x), ',') %>% map(~ str_trim(.x))) %>%
First = map2_chr(first.names, last.names, ~ paste(.x[1], .y[1])),
Second = map2_chr(first.names, last.names, ~ paste(.x[2], .y[2]))
) %>%
mutate_at(4:5, ~ str_remove_all(.x, 'NA') %>% str_trim()) %>%
gather('x', 'full.names', First:Second) %>%
filter(full.names != '') %>%
first.names = map_chr(full.names, ~ str_split(.x, ' ')[[1]][1]),
last.names = map_chr(full.names, ~ str_split(.x, ' ')[[1]][2]) %>%
) %>%
select(-x) %>%
I can include a logic, that if there is one last.names it will combine it with the second first.names to get the same result, but I don't think this is what you want. Vector with first.names that has no second.names can solve the problem.

Make a list element of each group with dplyr's group_by function

I would like to be able to use more automation when creating SpatialLines objects from otherwise tidy data frames.
#create sample data
sample_data <- data.frame(group_id = rep(c("a", "b","c"), 10),
x = rnorm(10),
y = rnorm(10))
#How can I recreate this using dplyr?
a_list <- Lines(list(Line(sample_data %>% filter(group_id == "a") %>% select(x, y))), ID = 1)
b_list <- Lines(Line(list(sample_data %>% filter(group_id == "b") %>% select(x, y))), ID = 2)
c_list <- Lines(Line(list(sample_data %>% filter(group_id == "c") %>% select(x, y))), ID = 3)
SpatialLines(list(a_list, b_list, c_list))
You can see how using something like group_by would make the process pretty easy if you could understand how the data could be piped into a list.
Using your sample data, a wrapper function, and dplyr::do will give you what you want :)
wrapper <- function(df) {
df %>% select(x,y) %>% as.data.frame %>% Line %>% list %>% return
y <- sample_data %>% group_by(group_id) %>%
do(res = wrapper(.))
# and now assign IDs (since we can't do that inside dplyr easily)
ids = 1:dim(y)[1]
mapply(x = y$res, ids = ids, FUN = function(x,ids) {Lines(x,ID=ids)})
I don't use sp so there might be a better way to assign IDs.
For reference, consider reading Hadley's comments on returning non-dataframe from dplyr do calls
