I'm using robot framework to test my application
I use teardown in my test.
It works as expected, if my test ends or fails, teardown starts the execution. My problem starts when the teardown execution fails, then I want it to stop.
*** Test Cases ***
Test new data import
Setup test case
Run test case
[Teardown] TearDown test case
Teardown test case
Insert name in filter
Delete user
The scenarios is when "Insert name in filter" fails, I want it to stop running, but it executes the "Delete user" keyword.
Is it possible to prevent?
I finally do some research and see why the use of --exitonfailure (suggested in other answer) didn't work for me,it's because it misses the teardown workflow.
https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#id689 that teardown execution can be stopped
Teardown -> Also they are executed fully even if some of their keywords fail.
So, what I did to solve was use Run Keyword and return Status and Run Keyword if to solve:
*** Test Cases ***
Test new data import
Setup test case
Run test case
[Teardown] TearDown test case
Teardown test case
${filterStatus} Run keyword and return status Insert name in filter
Run keyword if ${filterStatus} Delete user
... ELSE fail Filter filter by name failed
Try this to prevent to executing "Delete user" keyword when calling exitonfailure: http://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html#stopping-when-first-test-case-fails
Usage: When options are used, they must always be given between the runner script and the data sources
--exitonfailure -x
Example: robot --exitonfailure 01_robot_test.robot
If option --exitonfailure (-X) is used, test execution stops immediately if any critical test fails. The remaining tests are marked as failed without actually executing them.
I'm using robot framework to test a REST API and as such I do have to create many temporary resources (test user or any other resource). Those are abstracted in keyword, but I need to clean them up after each test. But I would like to not worry about cleaning that explicitly in each test since it would require our test case to "play" at different levels of abstraction.
What would be great would be to have the keyword teardown running after the testcase is completed instead of directly after the keyword is completed.
I did some research but haven't found a good way to handle that.
Is there any solution to clean up resources created in a keyword at the end of a test case without doing it explicitly in the test case?
here is a code example to illustrate the situation:
*** Keywords ***
a user exists
create a user
Delete user
actually remove the user
Resource helper.robot
*** Test Cases ***
test user can login
Given a user exists
When user login
Then it succeeds
[Teardown] Delete user
What I want is to move the teardown out of the test case to some other way that deletes the user after each test case, but without specifying if in each test case. I don’t want to configure that exact teardown at the setting level since we don’t always use the same resource for all test cases.
At the time of writing, the only special tags are robot:exit, that is
automatically added to tests when stopping test execution gracefully,
and robot:no-dry-run, that can be used to disable the dry run mode.
More usages are likely to be added in the future.
2.2.6 Test setup and teardown
Robot Framework has similar test setup and teardown functionality as
many other test automation frameworks. In short, a test setup is
something that is executed before a test case, and a test teardown is
executed after a test case. In Robot Framework setups and teardowns
are just normal keywords with possible arguments.
Setup and teardown are always a single keyword. If they need to take
care of multiple separate tasks, it is possible to create higher-level
user keywords for that purpose. An alternative solution is executing
multiple keywords using the BuiltIn keyword Run Keywords.
The test teardown is special in two ways. First of all, it is executed
also when a test case fails, so it can be used for clean-up activities
that must be done regardless of the test case status. In addition, all
the keywords in the teardown are also executed even if one of them
fails. This continue on failure functionality can be used also with
normal keywords, but inside teardowns it is on by default.
The easiest way to specify a setup or a teardown for test cases in a
test case file is using the Test Setup and Test Teardown settings in
the Setting table. Individual test cases can also have their own setup
or teardown. They are defined with the [Setup] or [Teardown] settings
in the test case table and they override possible Test Setup and Test
Teardown settings. Having no keyword after a [Setup] or [Teardown]
setting means having no setup or teardown. It is also possible to use
value NONE to indicate that a test has no setup/teardown.
*** Settings ***
Test Setup Open Application App A
Test Teardown Close Application
*** Test Cases ***
Default values
[Documentation] Setup and teardown from setting table
Do Something
Overridden setup
[Documentation] Own setup, teardown from setting table
[Setup] Open Application App B
Do Something
No teardown
[Documentation] Default setup, no teardown at all
Do Something
No teardown 2
[Documentation] Setup and teardown can be disabled also with special value NONE
Do Something
[Teardown] NONE
Using variables
[Documentation] Setup and teardown specified using variables
[Setup] ${SETUP}
Do Something
[Teardown] ${TEARDOWN}
if you provide it in settings , it works as you want you don't have to specify for each test case
Referring to the documentation
When used in any setup or teardown (suite, test or keyword), passes that setup or teardown. Possible keyword teardowns of the started keywords are executed. Does not affect execution or statuses otherwise.
Could you elaborate with simple examples what the above statement mean?
Means that if you use on a suite, test or keyword, all the code after Pass Execution will not be called.
*** Settings ***
Suite Setup Setup
Suite Teardown Teardown
*** Keywords ***
Pass Execution Setup passed
Log to Console Setup
Pass Execution Teardown passed
Log to Console Teardown
*** Test Cases ***
Pass Execution Keyword1 passed
Log Test
Pass Execution works like a return in python, making the keyword, testcase, teardown or setup exit with PASS. Try to comment `Pass Execution, then you can see the remaining code being executed
When a test case in Robotframework FAILs I am able to log "Test Message" in report with FAIL keyword:
FAIL *HTML* Log Link : Data
But how can I log the same on case of test PASS case criteria, I am not sure but should we use "Pass Execution" keyword - it states - Skips rest of the current test, setup, or teardown with PASS status - but I have teardown steps - so should we make use of Pass Execution keyword in test case body.
Log to Console logs only to standard output and is not captured in "Message" report.html while FAIL msg gets displayed in "Message"
Please let me know how to use PASS with message with just stating that the test cases was success and complete its teardown
I am not sure but should we use "Pass Execution" keyword - it states - Skips rest of the current test, setup, or teardown with PASS status - but I have teardown steps - so should we make use of Pass Execution keyword in the test case body.
If you use Pass Execution in the body of a test case, your teardown steps will still run. The documentation is trying to point out that if you use Pass Execution inside a teardown, the teardown will stop at the point that you call the keyword.
You can see this with a very simple example. Even though the following test calls Pass execution, both the suite teardown and test teardown will add messages to the log.
*** Settings ***
Suite Teardown log the suite teardown was called
*** Test Cases ***
[Teardown] log the test teardown was called
Should be equal test test
Pass execution Looking good Bill Ray!
If you want to explicitly set the test message, you can use the built-in keyword
Set test message. It will change the test message for a passing test.
*** Test cases ***
Should be equal test test
Set test message Looking good Billy Ray!
I'm trying to understand how Robot behaves when there is a failure in Test teardown.
Conceptually, I would think that if a test case completes execution, it should be considered passed. Teardown is not part of the test, so if there is a failure in teardown, the test case should still be marked as passed. The behavior I observe is that if test teardown fails, the test case fails. Is this what is supposed to happen, and is there any way to change it?
I'm also seeing something weird when Suite teardown fails.
The console output shows the test case as passed, displaying |PASS| next to the case. However, the statistics at the bottom of the output show all cases as failed.
Here's an example:
*** Settings ***
Suite Teardown Teardown
*** Keywords ***
Log to Console setup
Should Be Equal 1 2
*** Test Cases ***
[Setup] Setup
Log To Console case
and the output:
case1 setup
case1 | PASS |
Test | FAIL |
Suite teardown failed:
1 != 2
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
This is just confusing. The test passes, and is shown as passed, but is marked as failed in the stats. Is this a bug, or is there some way to fix it?
Sometimes the test fails in tear down is an important issue, for example, the clean up is not completed and it causes other test cases to fail. Therefore robot framework always reports FAIL if the test case fails in tear down. Use Run Keyword And Ignore Error if the keyword failure is not an issue to your test case:
*** Keywords ***
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Be Equal 1 2
However you should be careful that if the keyword fails, nothing is reported unless you check the detail in output logs.
The suite tear down runs after all test cases finished. The first test case is passed and program prints PASS. After that, the suite tear down runs and it fails, so the program prints FAIL. This is expected result. It is easier to understand if there are more test cases in one suite, for example:
Test suite A
run case 1 ----> print PASS
run case 2 ----> print PASS
run case 3 ----> print PASS
run suite teardown ----> print FAIL (and change case 1, 2, 3 to FAIL)
And tear down fail is the same as test case fail in robot framework, therefore robot framework reports all test cases fail in the end. Check the output log.html, you can see that all test cases are FAIL.
I figured out a solution that may or may not be useful. We have a Jenkins integration and Jenkins will report all these test failures that I want to see as passed. What I did was not generate the html from robot, just the xml.
I then used etree to create a new test xml tag.
def create_test(id= 'sx-tx', name='Test'):
return ET.Element("test", attrib={'id': id, 'name': name})
I copied the teardown internals to the new test and used 'rebot' to generate the xml from the new xml. This made Teardown a test so it showed only a single failure.
I can elaborate if you would like.
I'm new to using robot framework and I'm struggling to get my teardown to work.
It currently looks like:
[Teardown] run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
When I run the program with code like this, I get the error: Keyword 'Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed' can only be used in suite teardown.
I can change it so that I put it inside it's own test case, however I then get the error that: Test Case contains no keywords.
Please advise me as to what I'm doing wrong. It would be appreciated. Thanks.
(Some stuff)
log to console Error report being sent.
***Test Cases***
Requires successful generation of file
Teardown Case
[Teardown] run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
Edit: And how to fix this problem. Thanks
It looks like you have defined it in the test case teardown instead of the test suite teardown. You can change it to use the Test teardown instead.
Edit: Here are two solutions:
1. Change your keyword to the TEST specific one, Run Keyword If Test Failed which applies to the last executed test, and can only be used in a test teardown.
2. The second is to use Suite Setups / teardowns. These apply to ALL test cases that you run. Like this:
Suite Setup Your Test Setup Keyword
Suite Teardown run keyword if any tests failed KeyFail
(Some stuff)
log to console Error report being sent.
***Test Cases***
Requires successful generation of file
Teardown Case
Stuff to do
# teardown is automatic, and does not need to be called.