What should be approach to store publicly writable data? - firebase

I have a user-profile collection. Currently it is writable by only the user whose profile it is.
Now I want to record the count 'no of times the profile visited' let say profileVisitedCount. And, it also counts if a non-signedIn user visit the profile.
If I store the count in the documents of user-profile collection itself from firebase js client library, I will have to make it publicly writable.
Other option I am thinking is to have a cloud function. It will only increment the profileVisitedCount without need of making the the document publicly writable. But not sure if it is a correct approach, as the cloud function endpoint seems still vulnerable and can be called by bot.
Also, yes 'the profile visit count' kind of data should be recorded in analytics like GA but I need this count to use in one of the business logic like displaying top visited profiles.
So, any guidance on how the data should be structured? Thanks!

You could have another collection called, for example, profileVisitsCounters in which you store one document per user with a document Id corresponding to the user Id. In this user document, you maintain a dedicated profileVisitedCount field that you update with increment() each time a user reads the corresponding profile.
You assign full read and write access to this collection with allow read, write: if true;.
In your question, while mentioning the Cloud Function solution, you write that "the cloud function endpoint seems still vulnerable and can be called by bot". Be aware that in the case of an extra collection with full write access, as detailed above, it will also be the case: for example, someone who knows the collection name and user uid(s) could call the update() method of the JavaScript SDK or, even easier, an endpoint of the Cloud Firestore API.
If you want to avoid this risk you could use a callable Cloud Function to read the User Profiles, as you have mentioned. This Cloud Function will:
Fetch the User Profile data;
Increment the profileVisitedCount field (in the User Profile document);
Send back the User Profile data to the client.
You need to deny read access right to the user-profile collection, in order to force the users to "read" it through the Cloud Function.
This way you are sure that the profileVisitedCount fields are only incremented when there is a "real" User Profile read.
Note also that you could still keep the profileVisitsCounters collection if having two different collections brings some extra advantages for your business case. In this case, the Cloud Function would increment the counter in this collection, instead of incrementing it in the User Profile itself. You would restrict the access right of the profileVisitsCounters collection to read only since the Cloud Function bypasses the security rules. (allow read: if true; allow write: if false;).
Finally, note that it might be interesting to read this article, which, among others, details the pros and cons of querying Firebase databases with Cloud Functions.


Could a malicious user be able to modify Firestore form front end functions?

I have this security concern with Firestore. The issue is could a malicious user for example inject data in to his document? Or even Worst having access to different collections? I know rules play a major part in here, but since I am creating docs/updating docs/deleting docs from front end could an abuse for crud happen in the context of the single user?
Also there is another part; I want to create a userSub collection (from front end) it will have a subscription info.
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Enddate: 2 days form now
Could a malicious user get the uid from authContext and make crud ops to modify the mention doc in the collection to let’s say 10 days from now extending his sub? Since he knows what doc I am creating for those values (from source code in chrome)?
You must not allow users to update their subscription information from client. This should be done from backend only for example, if you use Stripe for payment, you should use their webhooks which would send subscription information to your backend/Cloud function that would update users subscription in your database or Firebase Auth custom claims.
You must ensure that this data is read only from users side using security rules if using database.

Best method to upload data to multiple documents in Firestore

I am currently working on an iOS App that uses Cloud Firestore from Firebase.
I was wondering: what is the best way (cost, efficiency and security-wise) to upload some data to multiple Firestore documents simultaneously (or almost simultaneously)?
* The data I have to upload consists of the following: there are two users (User A is the user currently using the app, User B is the one whose profile is currently being seen by User A). If User A saves User B's profile, I must upload User B's UID to User A's Firestore Document. Then, I have to increase a counter in User A's Firestore Document. Finally, I must add User A's UID to User B's Firestore Document. - Note that with Firestore Document I mean either a document Field or a document Subcollection.
The choices are:
Upload everything from the client: seems the best method, cost-wise: it doesn't require extra Cloud Functions usage. I would create a Batch Operation and upload all the data from there*. The downside is that the client must be able to access multiple unrelated collections and documents.
Update one document from the client, then update everything else from Cloud Functions: this method is the best one efficiency and security-wise; the client only uploads data to the user's document*, without accessing unrelated collections and documents. Also, the client only has to upload a fraction of the data that it had to upload in the previous method, saving bandwidth and cellular data / WiFi usage. The downside is that the usage of Cloud Functions would increase, eventually resulting in more costs.
Update one document from the client, update the counter* from the client and then update everything else form Cloud Functions: this method is somewhat a hybrid between the first two, as I think that updating the counter from the client is more secure (Cloud Functions' .onWrite trigger may happen twice or more, increasing the counter multiple times?).
My first thought was to go with method 2, as it's far more secured and efficient, but I would like to have someone else's advice too, before "wasting" too much time coding something wrong.
I hope this isn't any kind of duplicate, as I couldn't find anything that answered my question with enough specificity.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
I would follow the third approach: updating from the client the current user collections (the saved_profiles collection and the counter field), which are private and only accessible by this user (configure Firestore Security Rules) and updating the other user's collection (users_who_saved_my_profile) with a triggered Cloud Function. As these operations are not controlled by security rules, they can access any part of the database. This way no unnecessary permissions are granted to any user.

how to maintain read counts of documents in firebase

Firebase Firestore: How to monitor read document count by collection?
So first of something similar like question was already asked almost a year ago so dont mark it duplicate cause I need some suggestions in detail.
So here is the scenario,
lets say I have some collections of database and in future I might need to perform some ML on the DB. According to the documents visit.
That is how many times a specific document is visited and for how much time.
I know the mentioned solution above indirectly suggests to perform a read followed by write operation to the database to append the read count every time I visit the database. But it seems this needs to be done from client side
Now if you see, lets say I have some documents and client is only allowed to read the document and not given with access for writing or updating. In this case either I will have to maintain a separate collection specifically to maintain the count, which is of course from client side or else I will have to expose a specific field in the parent document (actual documents from where I am showing the data to clients) to be write enabled and rest remaining field protected.
But fecthing this data from client side sounds an alarm for lot of things and parameters cause I want to collect this data even if the client is not authenticated.
I saw the documentation of cloud functions and it seems there is not trigger function which works as a watch dog for listening if the document is being fetched.
So I want some suggestions on how can we perform this in GCP by creating own custom trigger or hook in a server.
Just a head start will be so usefull.
You cannot keep track of read counts if you are using the Client SDKs. You would have to fetch data from Firestore with some secure env in the middle (Cloud Functions or your own server).
A callable function like this may be useful:
// Returns data for the path passed in data obj
exports.getData = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const snapshot = admin.firestore().doc(data.path).get()
//Increment the read count
await admin.firestore().collection("uesrs").doc(context.auth.uid).update({
reads: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
return snapshot.data()
Do note that you are using Firebase Admin SDK in this case which has complete access to all Firebase resources (bypasses all security rules). So you'll need to authorize the user yourself. You can get UID of user calling the function like this: context.auth.uid and then maybe some simple if-else logic will help.
One solution would be to use a Cloud Function in order to read or write from/to Firestore instead of directly interacting with Firestore from you front-end (with one of the Client SDKs).
This way you can keep one or more counters of the number of reads as well as calculate and apply specific access rights and everything is done in the back-end, not in the front-end. With a Callable Cloud Function you can get the user ID of authenticated users out of the box.
Note that by going through a Cloud Function you will loose some advantages of the Client SDKs, for example the ability to use a listener for real-time updates or the possibility to declare access rights through standard security rules. The following article covers the advantages and drawbacks of such approach.

Is possible to get userID or currentUser subcollection in Firestore with Cloud Functions? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get the UID of the user authenticated by firebase web sdk, in the cloud function. The cloud function is triggered by onWrite event of cloud firestore.
This function is triggered when the logged in user is creating/updating items to the cafe. The authentication is handled by Firebase Auth. The security rules enable write only for logged in users. So this event could be tied to a user.
export const cfun = functions.firestore.document('cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId}').onWrite(async event => {
// trying to get the uid here
There are examples in the docs that deals with the userId, but in all those cases the userId is part of the document path. But in this model the user is not part of the path, as a cafe could have multiple owners and so could be manipulated by many users. So adding userId to the path is not an option.
It looks like a common case for serverless architecture.
Update: Functions triggered by firestore doesn't have event.auth populated. Looking for suggestions on modelling the following requirement.
In the data-model, I've got cafes and owners. Each cafe could be owned by many owners and a cafe could be transferred to some-other owner at a later stage. So the cafes are modelled as /cafes/{cafeId} and everything that belongs to the cafe as /cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId} etc.
We also need to query cafes based on different params, if modelled below users it becomes difficult. For these reasons the cafe cannot be modelled as /users/{userId}/cafes/{cafeId}.
As far as security rules are concerned, I could control write access using get(<>) to determine who gets write access to cafes. There is no problem with the security.
I feel that the execution context should provide all available information and let the developers handle it appropriate for their use case. And for serverless apps userId is a must.
If event.auth is not provided in the function, then this restriction will force items that does not belong to users to be modelled /users/{userId}/<item_name>/{itemId} just for the sake of accessing the userId in the cloud functions. This doesn't feel natural.
Also right now there is no way to figure if the cloud function is triggered because of the changes performed in the console. The event.auth info that is available for firebase database triggered functions will be perfect to handle all cases.
Any suggestions regarding how to remodel this case is appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance,
I have been facing a similar issue. In Firebase, it was easy - you simply took the data from event.auth. I would assume this is simply a feature not implemented yet while we are in the beta phase of Firestore. Adding the user id to the path does not work as you previously mentioned as it will constantly be changing depending on the user making the update.
My scenario is that I want to create a "lastUpdatedBy" field in the object being updated. If we were to allow the client to send in a lastUpdatedBy field in the payload, this could be abused by a rogue client (i.e. someone with a authenticated account) trying to impersonate someone else. Therefore in Firebase we relied on a cloud function to populate this field on data change events.
My workaround is to allow the client to insert the "lastUpdatedBy" field but additionally use the Firestore rules to validate that the userId in the payload matches that of the logged in user - otherwise deny the write request.
Something like:
match /collectionA/{docId} {
allow update: if request.resource.data.lastUpdatedBy == request.auth.uid;
Until Google/Firestore guys add the "auth" object to the cloud function I don't see any other workaround but would love to hear differently.
Since Cloud Functions 1.0 you can get the UID like this
exports.dbCreate = functions.database.ref('/path').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const authVar = context.auth;
Here is a nice post from the FB team for all CF1.0 changes: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/beta-v1-diff#event_parameter_split_into_data_and_context
The data of context.auth can be found here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/security/#properties

Firestore - Cloud Functions - Get uid

I'm trying to get the UID of the user authenticated by firebase web sdk, in the cloud function. The cloud function is triggered by onWrite event of cloud firestore.
This function is triggered when the logged in user is creating/updating items to the cafe. The authentication is handled by Firebase Auth. The security rules enable write only for logged in users. So this event could be tied to a user.
export const cfun = functions.firestore.document('cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId}').onWrite(async event => {
// trying to get the uid here
There are examples in the docs that deals with the userId, but in all those cases the userId is part of the document path. But in this model the user is not part of the path, as a cafe could have multiple owners and so could be manipulated by many users. So adding userId to the path is not an option.
It looks like a common case for serverless architecture.
Update: Functions triggered by firestore doesn't have event.auth populated. Looking for suggestions on modelling the following requirement.
In the data-model, I've got cafes and owners. Each cafe could be owned by many owners and a cafe could be transferred to some-other owner at a later stage. So the cafes are modelled as /cafes/{cafeId} and everything that belongs to the cafe as /cafes/{cafeId}/items/{itemId} etc.
We also need to query cafes based on different params, if modelled below users it becomes difficult. For these reasons the cafe cannot be modelled as /users/{userId}/cafes/{cafeId}.
As far as security rules are concerned, I could control write access using get(<>) to determine who gets write access to cafes. There is no problem with the security.
I feel that the execution context should provide all available information and let the developers handle it appropriate for their use case. And for serverless apps userId is a must.
If event.auth is not provided in the function, then this restriction will force items that does not belong to users to be modelled /users/{userId}/<item_name>/{itemId} just for the sake of accessing the userId in the cloud functions. This doesn't feel natural.
Also right now there is no way to figure if the cloud function is triggered because of the changes performed in the console. The event.auth info that is available for firebase database triggered functions will be perfect to handle all cases.
Any suggestions regarding how to remodel this case is appreciated as well.
Thanks in advance,
I have been facing a similar issue. In Firebase, it was easy - you simply took the data from event.auth. I would assume this is simply a feature not implemented yet while we are in the beta phase of Firestore. Adding the user id to the path does not work as you previously mentioned as it will constantly be changing depending on the user making the update.
My scenario is that I want to create a "lastUpdatedBy" field in the object being updated. If we were to allow the client to send in a lastUpdatedBy field in the payload, this could be abused by a rogue client (i.e. someone with a authenticated account) trying to impersonate someone else. Therefore in Firebase we relied on a cloud function to populate this field on data change events.
My workaround is to allow the client to insert the "lastUpdatedBy" field but additionally use the Firestore rules to validate that the userId in the payload matches that of the logged in user - otherwise deny the write request.
Something like:
match /collectionA/{docId} {
allow update: if request.resource.data.lastUpdatedBy == request.auth.uid;
Until Google/Firestore guys add the "auth" object to the cloud function I don't see any other workaround but would love to hear differently.
Since Cloud Functions 1.0 you can get the UID like this
exports.dbCreate = functions.database.ref('/path').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const uid = context.auth.uid;
const authVar = context.auth;
Here is a nice post from the FB team for all CF1.0 changes: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/beta-v1-diff#event_parameter_split_into_data_and_context
The data of context.auth can be found here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/security/#properties
