RemoveWords command not removing some weird words - r

The point is that im trying to remove some weird words (like <U+0001F399><U+FE0F>) from my text corpus to do some twitter analysis.
There are many words like that that i just can't remove by using <- tm_map(X, removeWords).
i have plenty of tweets agregated in a dataset. Then i use the following code:
corpus_tweets <- tm_map (corpus_tweets, removeWords, c("<U+0001F339>", "<U+0001F4CD>"))
if i try changing those weird words for regular ones (like "life" or "animal") that also appear on my dataset the regular ones get removed easily.
Any idea of how to solve this?

As these are Unicode characters, you need to figure out how to properly enter them in R.
The escape code syntax for Unicode in R probably is not <U+xxxx>, but rather something like \Uxxxx. See the manual for details (I don't use R - I am too annoyed by its inconsistencies. This is even an example for such an inconsistency, where apparently the string is printed differently than what R would accept as input.)

corpus_tweets <- tm_map (corpus_tweets, removeWords, c("\U0001F339", "\U0001F4CD","\uFE0F","\uFE0E"))
NOTE: You use a slash and lowercase u then 4 hex digits to specify a character from Unicode plane 0; you must use uppercase U then 8 hex digits for the other planes (which are typically emoji, given you are working with tweets).
BTW, see Some emojis (e.g. ☁) have two unicode, u'\u2601' and u'\u2601\ufe0f'. What does u'\ufe0f' mean? Is it the same if I delete it? for why you are getting the FE0F in there: they are when the user wants to choose a variation of an emoji, e.g. to add colour. FE0E is its partner (to say you want the plain text glyph).


How to generate all possible unicode characters?

If we type in letters we get all lowercase letters from english alphabet. However, there are many more possible characters like ä, é and so on. And there are symbols like $ or (, too. I found this table of unicode characters which is exactly what I need. Of course I do not want to copy and paste hundreds of possible unicode characters in one vector.
What I've tried so far: The table gives the decimals for (some of) the unicode characters. For example, see the following small table:
Glyph Decimal Unicode Usage in R
! 33 U+0021 "\U0021"
So if type "\U0021" we get a !. Further, paste0("U", format(as.hexmode(33), width= 4, flag="0")) returns "U0021" which is quite close to what I need but adding \ results in an error:
paste0("\U", format(as.hexmode(33), width= 4, flag="0"))
Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string starting ""\U"
I am stuck. And I am afraid even if I figure out how to transform numbers to characters usings as.hexmode() there is still the problem that there are not Decimals for all unicode characters (see table, Decimals end with 591).
Any idea how to generate a vector with all the unicode characters listed in the table linked?
(The question started with a real world problem but now I am mostly simply eager to know how to do this.)
There may be easier ways to do this, but here goes. The Unicode package contains everything you need.
First we can get a list of unicode scripts and the block ranges:
uranges <- u_scripts()
Check what we've got:
head(uranges, 3)
[1] U+1E900..U+1E943 U+1E944..U+1E94A U+1E94B U+1E950..U+1E959 U+1E95E..U+1E95F
[1] U+11700..U+1171A U+1171D..U+1171F U+11720..U+11721 U+11722..U+11725 U+11726 U+11727..U+1172B U+11730..U+11739 U+1173A..U+1173B U+1173C..U+1173E U+1173F
[11] U+11740..U+11746
[1] U+14400..U+14646
Next we can convert the ranges into their sequences.
expand_uranges <- lapply(uranges, as.u_char_seq)
To get a single vector of all characters we can unlist it. This won't be easy to work with so really it would be better to keep them as a list:
all_unicode_chars <- unlist(expand_uranges)
# The Wikipedia page linked states there are 144,697 characters
[1] 144762
So seems to be all of them and the page needs updating. They are stored as integers so to print them (assuming the glyph is supported) we can do, for example, printing Japanese katakana:
[1] "ァアィイゥウェエォオカガキギクグケゲコゴサザシジスズセゼソゾタダチヂッツヅテデトドナニヌネノハバパヒビピフブプヘベペホボポマミムメモャヤュユョヨラリルレロヮワヰヱヲンヴヵヶヷヸヹヺ"

Insert specific unicode symbols inside values of data.frame variable

In my data.frame I would like to add two variables, "A" and "B", whose values contain respectively an n with the i subscript and an n with the s subscript.
As I have understood so far, it's not possible to specify an expression for the values of a variable, and hence to add special characters it's necessary to use unicode symbols. Some of this unicodes work in R, as for example the greek letter "mu", identified with the unicode \U00B5, or numeric subscripts, as you can see in this reprex in your R console:
x <- data.frame("A" = c("\U00B5"),
"B" = c("B\U2082"))
These unicodes work also if I decide to put this variable in a ggplot() object, because I will display the correct symbol ("mu" for example) on the axis text or the facets.
The problem is that when I do the same for the subscripts of i (unicode: \U1D62) and s (unicode: \u209B), R doesn't recognise the unicode and prints the whole string inside the variable name.
Do you know how I can resolve this issue and if this unicode works on every operating system?
Is there a reason you can't use the expression() function? It seems this would solve your problem (at least concerning greek letters).
Here is the site i used to learn how to input greek letters into my R/ggplot-legends.
Altough it is not exactly the answer you look for, i still hope it helps!
If you are on Windows 10 recently updated with as of April 2018 Update:
Use the Windows key + '.' (e.g. hold together Windows Key plus period) in your text editor. This brings up Microsoft Emoji keyboard.
Select the Greek letters variable for your script.
The R Console will not accept the Greek letters as variables directly but only the from the editor script. Some of the Greek letters don't translate to English (like "µ" or "ß".) You can paste and copy them from ls() output to access. You may be able to use some math symbols as well for variable names. I can't however, get this to work with source(). That must be a text encoding problem.

R tweets with emojis

I scrapped tweets from the twitter API and the package rtweet but I don't know how to work with text with emojis because they are in the form '\U0001f600' and all the regex code that I tried failed until now. I can't get anything of it.
For example
text = 'text text. \U0001f600'
Give me FALSE
Also give me FALSE.
Another problem is that they are often sticked to the word before (for example i am here\U0001f600 )
So how can I make R recognize emojis of that format? What can I put in the grepl that will return me TRUE for any emojis of that format?
In R there tends to be a package for most things. And in this case textclean and with it comes the lexicon package which has a lot of dictionaries. Using textclean you have 2 functions you can use, replace_emoji and replace_emoji_identifier
text = c("text text. \U0001f600", "i am here\U0001f600")
# replace emoji with identifier:
[1] "text text. lexiconvygwtlyrpywfarytvfis " "i am here lexiconvygwtlyrpywfarytvfis "
# replace emoji with text representation
[1] "text text. grinning face " "i am here grinning face "
Next you could use sentimentr to use sentiment scoring on the emoji's or for text analysis quanteda. If you just want to check the presence as in your expected output:
grepl("lexicon[[:alpha:]]{20}", textclean::replace_emoji_identifier(text))
Your problem is that you use a single character \ in your code:
text = 'text text. \U0001f600'
It really should be \\:
text = 'text text. \\U0001f600'
I had a similar experience using the rtweet library.
In my case the tweets bring some Unicode code points, not just emoji, and with the following format: "some text<U+code-point>". What I did in this case was "convert" that code point to its graphic representation:
#I use gsub() to replace "<U+code-point>" with "\\ucode-point", the appropriate format
# And stri_unescape_unicode() to un-escape all Unicode sequences
"\\\\u\\1", #replace by \\ucode-point
"some text with #COVID<U+30FC>19"))
#[1] "some text with #COVIDー19"
If the Unicode code point is not delimited as in my case (<>), you should change the regular expression from "<U\\+(\\S+)>" to "U(\\S+)" . You should be careful here, because this will work correctly if a space character appears after the code point. In case you have words attached to the code point both before and after, it must be more specific and indicate the number of characters that compose it, example "U(....)".
You can try refining this regular expression using Character Classes, or specifying only hexadecimal digits "U([A-Fa-f0-9]+)".
Note that in the RStudio console, the emoji are not going to be seen, you can apply this function but to see the emoji you must use an R library for this purpose. However other characters can be seen: "#COVID<U+30FC>19" appears in the RStudio console as "#COVIDー19".
Edit: Actually "\\S+" didn't work for me when there were consecutive Unicode code points like "<U+0001F926><U+200D><U+2642>". In this case it only replaced the first occurrence, I didn't delve into that, I just changed my regular expression to "<U\\+([A-Fa-f0-9]+)>".
"[A-Fa-f0-9]" represents hexadecimal digits.

R programming - How to remove special characters from a data set?

I have a data set that contains strings and special characters like the one below can be found in the data set.
Special character
How do I remove special characters like the above from my data set?
Use regular expressions to remove unwanted characters, for example:
dataset$textcolumn <- gsub("[^\\w\\s]", "", dataset$textcolumn, perl=TRUE)
to remove everything except word characters and spaces. To do more complex replacements look into the help topic ?regexp.
Also look into the encoding (Encoding and iconv are helpful here.), maybe the text is correct but the wrong encoding is assumed.

Removing different words form a document using R console

I have managed to retrieve a text file but i want to remove different words. I have gone to read.table and have no clue how to use it to help me remove certain words. I have got 300 words and these are some of them. How can remove all these words using the R console? I have two files, one is sk.text which is a whole document and the other one is bash.txt that has got just words, so i want to remove all the words in sk.text that match the words given in bash.text.
A simple way would be to use
'\\b', collapse = '|'),'',YOURSTRING)
which replaces every occurence of the words in the vector surrounded by either end/beginning characters or whitespace with a single space.
but you might want to look at the tm package and work with a corpus object if you have many files like this. there you can remove the words you like simply with
