Shortcut for starting an application in current tag or if already started bring to current tag in awesome wm - awesome-wm

I would like to have keyboard shortcut for starting my password manager in the current tag, or if it's already started to bring it to my current tag.
I'm sure it is possible but I can't seem to find a starting point on how to do this.

I made it work with the following code
awful.key({modkey }, "]", function()
local rule = { class = "keepassxc" }
local c = awful.spawn.raise_or_spawn("keepassxc", rule)
for _, c in ipairs(client.get()) do
if awful.rules.match(c, rule) then
client.focus = c
end, {description = "run keepass", group = "launcher"}),
thanks #uli-schlachter for the tip.


Function for Google Sheets' Script editor with a button for TODAY(), and NOW() in two different columns of which are the next not blank in the column

Currently, I'm looking at some simple documentation for vague ways to make a 'button' (image) over a Google sheet to trigger a function on the script editor. I'm not familiar with this type of Syntax, I typically do AutoHotKey, and a bit of python.
All I want to do is have this button populate 2 columns. The current date in one, and the current time in the other (It doesn't even have to have its year or the seconds tbh). I don't know if it matters of what the pages name is based on how the script works. So the range is ( 'Log'!G4:H ).
Like if I were to make it for AutoHotkey I would put it as :
WinGet, winid ,, A ; <-- need to identify window A = active
MsgBox, winid=%winid%
;do some stuff
WinActivate ahk_id %winid%
So it affects any page it's active on.
I would like to use the same function on the same columns across different sheets. Ideally, that is. I don't care if I have to clone each a unique function based on the page, but I just can't even grasp this first step, lol.
I'm not too familiar with this new macro. If I use this macro does it only work for my client, because of say like it recording relative aspect ratio movements?
IE if I record a macro on my PC, and play it on my android. Will the change in the platform change its execution?
If anyone can point me in any direction as to any good documentation or resources for the Google Sheet Script Editor or its syntaxes I would really appreciate it.
EDIT: Just to clarify. Im really focused in on it being a function that populates from a click/press(mobile) of an image. I currently use an onEDIT on the sheet, and it wouldnt serve the purposes that I want for this function. Its just a shortcut to quickly input a timestamp, and those fields can still be retouched without it just reapplying a new function for a newer current time/date.
EDIT:EDIT: Ended up with a image button that runs a script that can only input to the current cell.
function timeStamp() {
.setValue(new Date());
It only works on the cell targeted.
I would like to force the input in the next availible cell in the column, and split the date from the time, and put them into cells adjacent from one another.
maybe this will help... if the 1st column is edited it will auto-print date in 2nd column and time in 3rd column on Sheet1:
function onEdit(e) {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if( s.getName() == "Sheet1" ) {
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 1);
var newDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "MM/dd/yyyy");
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 2);
var newDate1 = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "hh:mm:ss");

Python Selenium Webdriver Wait until Element is Loaded

The idea is to scrape a Website. By doing so, I wanted to scrape it via screenshots and then extract the data off the screenshot. Because in the Data I wanted to scrape is not in the HTML-Code and to be honest I didn't know how to handle it ( I am pretty new to python/programming).
It is working fine so far, but I had the problem that WebDriverWait doesn't work properly.
That's the Webpage: and in detail it's this dynamic part:
<div class="key">Bereits investiert</div>
<div class="value"
ng-controller="pubSubController as pubSubCtrl"
ng-bind="pubSubCtrl.getProject(2385, 'total')"></div>
So this is my code so far(the loop of it):
while AktuellerWert1 < Endwert1:
Zeit ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
driver1.get_screenshot_as_file(png_link % FileName1)
img = % FileName1)
PNG1 = image_to_string(img)
PNG1_bearb = PNG1.split()
AktuellerWert1 = PNG1_bearb[PNG1_bearb.index('investiert') + 1]
Endwert1 = PNG1_bearb[PNG1_bearb.index('Finanzierungsziel') + 1]
if AnfangsWert1 != AktuellerWert1:
with open("/Users/davidoverbeck/Dropbox/Screen/Exporo/%s.csv" % FileName1, 'a') as csvFile:
writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
writer.writerow([AktuellerWert1, Zeit])
AnfangsWert1 = AktuellerWert1
element = WebDriverWait(driver1, 2).until(EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located((By.XPATH, '/html/body/main/section[1]/section/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[10]/div[2]')))
with open("/Users/davidoverbeck/Dropbox/Screen/Abgeschlossen.csv", 'a') as csvFile:
writer = csv.writer(csvFile)
writer.writerow([Zeit, FileName1])
print(FileName1, 'abgeschlossen')
It's working fine for 2 minutes and then it gives me the following error:
selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException: Message:
(no message behind it?!)
I am not sure whether the loop does anything at all or, in case it's working, what's wrong with it?
Thank you for your help!
I'm under the impression that the data you're looking for is here: .
In that case no need to parse html, you will need to parse the json.
See F12 -> network tab -> Type column = json

Difference between two files view in HTML using Java or any jar

I want to write a script which compare two files in java and see there difference in html page ( side by side ), can someone help me out how to write ( where to start). I am pulling my hair out for this....
I want to use this script in beanshell postprocessor so that I can compare the standard output files with result files easily
I don't think you should be asking people for writing code for you here, consider hiring a freelancer instead.
Alternatively you can use the following approach:
Add JSR223 Assertion as a child of the request which you would like to fail if files won't be equal
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def file1 = new File('/path/to/file1')
def file2 = new File('/path/to/file2')
def file1Lines = file1.readLines('UTF-8')
def file2Lines = file2.readLines('UTF-8')
if (file1Lines.size() != file2Lines.size()) {
AssertionResult.setFailureMessage('Files size is different, omitting line-by-line compare')
} else {
def differences = new StringBuilder()
file1Lines.eachWithIndex {
String file1Line, int number ->
String file2Line = file2Lines.get(number)
if (!file1Line.equals(file2Line)) {
differences.append('Difference # ').append(number).append('. Expected: ')
.append(file1Line).append('. Actual: ' + file2Line)
if (differences.toString().length() > 0) {
If there will be differences in files content you will see them listed one by one in the JSR223 Assertion
See Scripting JMeter Assertions in Groovy - A Tutorial for more details.

"Down arrow" moves cursor to end of line - how to turn it off

In IPython Notebook / Jupyter, arrow up/down keystrokes within a cell are handled by CodeMirror (as far as I can tell). I use these actions a lot (re-bound to control-p / control-n) to move between cells; but at the end of every cell, the cursor moves to end of line first before jumping to the next cell. This is counter-intuitive and, to me, rather distracting.
Is there any way to configure CodeMirror to make this move down to be just that - a move down?
The moving-to-next-cell behavior is defined by IPython wrapper code, which probably checks whether the cursor is at the end of the current cell, and overrides the default CodeMirror behavior in that case. You'll have to find that handler and somehow replace it with one that checks whether the cursor is on the last line. (I don't know much about IPython, only about CodeMirror, so I can't point you at the proper way to find and override the relevant code. They might have bound the Down key, or they might have overridden the goLineDown command.)
Knowing that I wasn't alone in wanting to skip the "going to end of line" behavior when going down from the last line of a code cell, I investigated that behavior and found out that:
it's CodeMirror that goes to the end of line when you type down in the last line of a code cell (file: codemirror.js ; "methods": findPosV and moveV)
and it's IPython that decides what to do with the "down" event after it has been handled by CodeMirror (file: cell.js ; class: Cell ; method: handle_codemirror_keyevent) ; looking at the code, I saw that IPython ignores the event when not at the last character of the last line.
This essentially confirms Marijin's answer.
The primary goal being to jump to the next cell, I think there's no need to prevent CodeMirror from going to the end of that line. The point is to force IPython to handle the event anyway.
My solution was to change the code from Cell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent to this:
Cell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent = function (editor, event) {
var shortcuts = this.keyboard_manager.edit_shortcuts;
var cur = editor.getCursor();
if((cur.line !== 0) && event.keyCode === 38){
// going up, but not from the first line
// don't do anything more with the event
event._ipkmIgnore = true;
var nLastLine = editor.lastLine();
if ((event.keyCode === 40) &&
((cur.line !== nLastLine))
) {
// going down, but not from the last line
// don't do anything more with the event
event._ipkmIgnore = true;
// if this is an edit_shortcuts shortcut, the global keyboard/shortcut
// manager will handle it
if (shortcuts.handles(event)) {
return true;
return false;
This code provides the desired behavior for the "down-arrow" key (almost: the cursor still goes to the end of the line, except that we don't see it, as we're already in another cell at that point), and also handles the "up-arrow" key similarly.
To modify the handle_codemirror_keyevent prototype, you have two possibilities:
You edit the cell.js file and change the code of the prototype to the code I gave above. The file is in <python>/Lib/site-packages/IPython/html/static/notebook/js or something similar depending on you distro
Much better, after the page is loaded, you change that prototype dynamically by doing this:
IPython.Cell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent = function (editor, event) {
<same code as above>
You can do that in your custom.js for example, or create an extension to do it (that's what I did).

Regd: WebDriver on secure Certificate

I have been using WebDriver for past 6 months.
There are couple of issues am facing right now [Version 2.3.1]:
a) when i try to get the element for the override link on the security certificate [https] page in IE through webdriver findElement, its not able to find that element but the selenium RC works fine.
Then i got a fix for tht by using:
Note :
I tried using the below code to fetch the element on security certificate page , but it returns
the body element
WebElement activeElement() [WebElement with focus, or the body element if no element with focus can be detected.], why its not able to pick the element by using findelement ?
b) i connected the remote network through SSL for running the webdriver test, am not able to click the override link on secure certificate [https] page?
c) is it better approach implementing webdriver [currently am using this] directly instead of using any framework like jbehave ?
Please provide your suggestions
Jayaraj A
Thank you for workaround!
For Java, your solution will look just a bit different and it helped me:
//driver is initialised somewhere before, for example, as RemoteWebDriver
Yeah, I had similar problems. Webdriver doesn't seem to have complete information on
the Certificate error page for some reason.
I'm on Windows XP SP3, running IE 7 with Python/Webdriver
I'm using this hack to get around the certificate error page:
(Help, I still can't get freeeking Markdown to format a code block...)
import win32con
import win32gui
def certificate_continue():
Find the IE Window that has a Certificate Error and try to continue anyway.
We'll use the win32 modules to find the right window & child window,
then write some Javascript into the address bar and execute to continue.
def _enumWindowsCallback(hwnd, windows):
Cannibalized from Gigi Sayfan (WindowMover)
This appends window information as a 3-tuple to the list
passed into win32gui.EnumWindows()
class_name = win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd)
# apparently win32gui.GetWindowText() only works to get the text
# on a button or a label not really for edit windows.
text = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
windows.append((hwnd, class_name, text))
def _get_certificate_error_window():
all_windows[] gets filled up with a list of tuples, then loop through
it filtering on class and the window text (title bar text).
Assumes only one 'Certificate Error' window.
all_windows = []
win32gui.EnumWindows(_enumWindowsCallback, all_windows)
for win in all_windows:
class_name = win[1]
title_bar_text = win[2]
if class_name == 'IEFrame' and \
'Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked' in title_bar_text:
return win
def _get_edit_text(hwnd):
This function courtesy of Omar Raviv with huge help from Simon Brunning.
buf_size = win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0)
buf_size += 1 # don't forget that null character boys...
buffer = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(buf_size)
# odd, we're telling them how big the text is that they're giving
# back to us
win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_GETTEXT, buf_size, buffer)
# don't need the null character now for Python
return buffer[:buf_size]
def _get_address_bar(parent_handle):
There appears to be several 'Edit' windows within each browser window.
From Microsoft: If a child window has created child windows of its own,
EnumChildWindows enumerates those windows as well.
childwins = []
win32gui.EnumChildWindows(parent_handle, _enumWindowsCallback,
for win in childwins:
child_handle = win[0]
class_name = win[1]
if 'Edit' in class_name:
edit_text = _get_edit_text(child_handle)
if 'http://' in edit_text or 'https://' in edit_text:
return child_handle # then this must be it...
# begin certificate_continue
target_win = _get_certificate_error_window()
cert_err_handle = target_win[0]
except TypeError:
print "OK, no Certificate Error window available"
address_bar_handle = _get_address_bar(cert_err_handle)
# any better way to check the handle ?
if not win32gui.IsWindow( address_bar_handle):
print "Choked getting IE edit window"
# now, need to send this JavaScript text to the browser Address Bar
javascript_continue = 'javascript: var continue_element = document.getElementById("overridelink");;'
win32gui.SendMessage(address_bar_handle, win32con.WM_SETTEXT, 0,
# OK, and finally, send a carriage return to the address bar
# This last abomination, courtesy of Claudiu
# what-sendmessage-to-use-to-send-keys-directly-to-another-window
win32gui.SendMessage(address_bar_handle, win32con.WM_KEYDOWN,
win32con.VK_RETURN, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
status = certificate_continue()
