Do NaN-boxing and tagged pointers have a future on 64bit platforms? - pointers

On common 64bit architectures like x86-64 and arm64, usually only 48 bits are used for memory addressing, while the other bits are copies of bit 47 (which is usually zero for user-space programs). Thus, the remaining 16 bits can be used to store additional data like type tags etc., as long as those bits are masked off before dereferencing. Alternatively, the 48 bits can fit into the NaN-representation of a 64-bit float number. Both techniques are often used by dynamic/interpreted languages.
I've read about Intel 5-level-paging which would extend the address range from 48 to 57 bits, thus significantly reducing the leftover bits and also rendering NaN-boxing impossible. The Linux Kernel has already added support for this paging scheme.
Given that 48 bits correspond to 262,144 GiB of memory we can assume that we won't need the 57 bit range anytime soon on consumer devices like PCs, laptops and phones, and thus one might assume that on those devices we will remain on the 48 bit mode for a long time to come, with the above mentioned techniques remaining viable, while the 57 bit mode will be only used for servers/supercomputers.
Am I correct to make those assumptions? Or are there indicators that even consumer-scale devices will use the 57 bit mode in the near future?

Even if memory-mapped persistent storage becomes widespread (NV-DIMM), it'll be a while before consumer PCs have more than 64TiB or 128TiB of storage + DRAM. Remember that high-half kernels want half the virtual address space for kernel use, and typically want to direct-map all physical memory to a bit contiguous range of virtual addresses. As well as making other mappings in kernel space, I think. e.g. see for what Linux does.
As you suspect, OSes wouldn't actually enable PML5 on computers that have far less than 256TiB of physical address space. There's no need for that much virtual address space and it has a performance cost (more expensive page-walks from another level of page tables). The page-walk hardware wouldn't always be able to keep the two actually-used top-level entries cached; invalidations of everything on CR3 changes can force flushing. (Page-walk hardware can in general cache upper levels of the radix tree to speed up TLB misses for nearby pages.)


Why Motorola 68k's 32-bit general-purpose registers are divided into data registers and address registers?

The 68k registers are divided into two groups of eight. Eight data registers (D0 to D7) and eight address registers (A0 to A7). What is the purpose of this separation, would not be better if united?
The short answer is, this separation comes from the architecture limitations and design decisions made at the time.
The long answer:
The M68K implements quite a lot of addressing modes (especially when compared with the RISC-based processors), with many of its instructions supporting most (if not all) of them. This gives a large variety of addressing modes combinations within every instruction.
This also adds a complexity in terms of opcode execution. Take the following example:
move.l $10(pc), -$20(a0,d0.l)
The instruction is just to copy a long-word from one location to another, simple enough. But in order to actually perform the operation, the processor needs to figure out the actual (raw) memory addresses to work with for both source and destination operands. This process, in which operands addressing modes are decoded (resolved), is called the effective address calculation.
For this example:
In order to calculate the source effective address - $10(pc),
the processor loads the value of PC (program) counter register
and adds $10 to it.
In order to calculate the destination effective address -
-$20(a0,d0.l), the processor loads the value of A0 register, adds the value of D0 register to it, then subtracts
This is quite a lot of calculations of a single opcode, isn't it?
But the M68K is quite fast in performing these calculations. In order to calculate effective addresses quickly, it implements a dedicated Address Unit (AU).
As a general rule, operations on data registers are handled by the ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) and operations involving address calculations are handled by the AU (Address Unit).
The AU is well optimized for 32-bit address operations: it performs 32-bit subtraction/addition within one bus cycle (4 CPU ticks), which ALU doesn't (it takes 2 bus cycles for 32-bit operations).
However, the AU is limited to just load and basic addition/subtraction operations (as dictated by the addressing modes), and it's not connected to the CCR (Conditional Codes Register), which is why operations on address registers never update flags.
That said, the AU should've been there to optimize calculation of complex addressing modes, but it just couldn't replace the ALU completely (after all, there were only about 68K transistors in the M68K), hence there are two registers set (data and address registers) each having their own dedicated unit.
So this is just based on a quick lookup, but using 16 registers is obviously easier to program. The problem could be that you would then have to make instructions for each of the 16 registers. Which would double the number of opcodes needed. Using half for each purpose is not ideal but gives access to more registers in general.

Best way to shuffle 64-bit portions of two __m128i's

I have two __m128is, a and b, that I want to shuffle so that the upper 64 bits of a fall in the lower 64 bits of dst and the lower 64 bits of b fall in the upper 64 of dst. i.e.
dst[ 0:63] = a[64:127]
dst[64:127] = b[0:63]
Equivalent to:
__m128i dst = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(_mm_srli_si128i(a, 8), b);
__m128i dst = _mm_castpd_si128(mm_shuffle_pd(_mm_castsi128_pd(a),_mm_castsi128_pd(b),1));
Is there a better way to do this than the first method? The second one is just one instruction, but the switch to the floating point SIMD execution is more costly than the extra instruction from the first.
Latency isn't always the worst thing ever. If it's not part of a loop-carried dep-chain, then just use the single instruction.
Also, there might not be any! Agner Fog's microarch doc says he found no extra latency in some cases when using the "wrong" type of shuffle or boolean, on Sandybridge. Blends still have the extra latency. On Haswell, he says there are no extra delays at all for mixing types of shuffle. (pg 140, Data Bypass Delays.)
So go ahead and use shufps, unless you care a lot about your code being fast on Nehalem. (Previous designs (merom/conroe, and Penryn) didn't have extra bypass delays for using the wrong move or shuffle.)
For AMD, shufps runs in the ivec domain, same as integer shuffles, so it's fine to use it. Like Intel, FP blends run in the FP domain, and thus have no bypass delay for FP data.
If you include multiple asm versions depending on which instruction sets are supported, without going completely nuts about having the optimal version of everything for every CPU like x264 does, you might use wrong-type ops in your version for AVX CPUs, but use multiple instructions in your non-AVX version. Nehalem has large penalties (2 cycle bypass delays for each domain transition), while Sandybridge is 0 or 1 cycle. SnB is the first generation with AVX.
Pre-Nehalem (no SSE4.2) is so old that it's probably not worth tuning a version specifically for it, even though it doesn't have any penalties for "wrong type" shuffles. Nehalem is right on the cusp of being kinda slow, so software running on those systems will have the hardest time operating in real-time, or not feeling slow. Thus, being bad on Nehalem would add to a bad user experience since their system is already not the fastest.

Why are 32-bit registers divided into 4 parts?

I'm learning about registers. It looks like 32-bit registers are divided up so that they can be accessed as 8-bit registers. This looks very inefficient. Performance would be improved if they didn't do this. So why do they do it?
Also, it costs extra money to design them like this. Why not make the CPU cheaper by not doing it?
Because if you're only dealing with 8bit values, it'd be inefficient to have issue all the bitmasks to limit those 32/64bit register to just the 8bits you're working on.
So, x86 registers have
AH/AL = high/low 8bits of a 16bit register
AX = whole 16bit register
EAX = whole 32bit register
It's far more efficient, in terms of instruction size to have
mov ah, 0xXX (2 bytes)
rather than forcing
mov ax, 0x00XX (3 bytes)
mov eax, 0x000000XX (7 bytes)
As for "designing the cpu to make it cheaper" - it's for backwards compatibility. All modern x86 processors are actually internally a RISC design, with a major chunk of silicon dedicated to taking the x86 instructions coming in and converting them into the CPU's own internal micro-ops (which is basically a RISC instruction set).
The Intel 8080, which was the first "mainstream" microprocessor, had seven main 8-bit registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, and L). Because memory addresses were 16 bits, instructions that needed to use a non-constant memory operand would use a pair of registers (most commonly H and L, but sometimes B and C, or D and E) to form the address. Because the registers in the aforementioned pairs were often used together to represent 16-bit values, there were a few instructions which could operate upon the register pairs as 16-bit quantities. An instruction to add BC to HL would perform the addition by adding C to L, and then by adding B to H (plus a carry if needed). I'm not familiar enough with the 4004 or 8008 (the two predecessors of the 8080) to know if either of them did anything similar in its architecture.
When Intel produced the 8088, they included a full 16-bit arithmetic unit, but they wanted code which was written for the 8080 to be easily convertible to their new architecture. On the 8080, a lot of code had been written to "manually" form addresses out of the 8-bit parts, since doing so was often much faster than using the 16-bit instructions to do the math. For example, if one needed to access some specified table of 256 entries with an index stored in A, one could have done something like (Zilog notation show, but the 8080 had the same instructions):
ld hl,(baseOfTable) ; 16-bit address
ld c,a
ld b,#0
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl)
but if one could make certain the table was aligned on a 256-byte boundary, one could simplify the code considerably:
ld l,a
ld a,(tableBaseMSB) ; Just load the MSB--assume the LSB is zero
ld h,a
ld a,(hl)
With the 8088 instruction set, it wouldn't terribly often be useful for code written "from scratch" to access the upper and lower parts of registers separately, but there was a lot of code written for the 8080 which used such techniques, and Intel wanted to make it easy for people to convert such code for use on the 8088. Allowing registers to be built from 8-bit pieces was helpful in that regard.
Incidentally, there was another advantage to Intel's architecture: since it included four 16-bit only registers and four registers which could be used as either one 16-bit or two 8-bit parts, that made it possible for code to hold 12 values in registers if eight of them were 255 or less, or eleven values if six of them were 256 or less, etc. When using architectures with more registers, eking out an extra register here and there isn't quite so important, but on the 8088 it was often very helpful.
The ability to address portions of the registers has no effect on their performance when used as 32-bit registers. In that case, this capability just isn't used.
CPUs, regardless of their native bit size, need to manipulate 8-bit values very, very often. Strings of text, for example, are frequently manipulated as consecutive 8-bit values. International character sets are often manipulated as sets of consecutive 16-bit values. So being able to operate rapidly on 8-bit and 16-bit values is of tremendous importance.
If you're asking as a practical matter for x86 CPUs, it's too late. The very first PC CPUs didn't even have 32-bit registers, and compatibility has been retained all the way through.
Backwards compatibility. Processor manufacturers did not wanted to break compatibility with old software. This is the main reason why x86_64 processors still support 16bit software(virtual mode). If you look closely you'll see that majority of the features in x86 architecture are shaped by compatibility concerns. I'm no hating.

32 bit operation vs 64 bit operation on a 64bit machine/OS

Which operation i.e a 32 bit operation or a 64 bit operation (like masking a 32 bit flag or a 64 bit flag), would be cheaper on a 64 bit machine?
As you don;t specify an architecture, I can suggest only a general answer, as it depends on the operation and on the processor architecture in question. Once you have the data in a CPU register, then most operations will usually take the same amount of time regardless of whether the value was originally 32 or 64 bit.
However, there can be some differences on some architectures in how the data gets into a register. Here are some situations where a "native" value may be faster than a smaller value on some hardware:
Fetching data
Fetching a "native sized" value may be faster than fetching a smaller value. That is, the processor may need to fetch 64 bits regardless, and then mask/shift off 32 bits of it to "load" a 32-bit value. This masking/shifting is not required when working on a 64 bit value, so it can possibly be loaded faster. (This goes against the intuitive idea that something twice as big might take twice as long to load).
Alternatively, if the bus can handle half-width fetches, then 32 bits may be loaded in the same time as a 64 bit value.
To confuse matters more, the CPU caches can change results as well. Usually when you read one value from memory, a "line" of several memory locations are read into the cache, so that subsequent reads can be supplied from fast cache memory instead of requiring a full fetch from RAM. In which case using 32 bit values will work out faster if you are accessing many values in sequence, as twice as many of them will be cached, resulting in fewer cache misses.
the processor hardware is optimised for dealing with 64-bit values, so calculating values using 32 bits may cause it more trouble, and thus could slow things down. e.g. It might be able to process a double (64-bit) value "natively" but have to convert a float (32-bit) value into a double before it can process it, then convert the result back to a float afterwards.
Alternatively, there may be 32-bit and 64-bit paths through the CPU, or the CPU may be able to do any conversions required in a way that does not affect the overall execution time of the instruction, in which case they may be calculated at the same speed.
This may affect complex operations (floating point) but is unlikely to be a problem with simple ops (AND, OR, etc)
Generally speaking a 64 bit operation or a 32 bit operation would have the same cost. The 32-bit operation might end up taking an extra instruction depending on if the compiler needed to ensure that the upper 32-bits of a 64-bit register was cleared (or sign-extended), but that operation generally has little cost.
There might be some difference in instruction encoding that might make one take more space than the other, but that (and which way the advantage would lie) would depend on a number of factors.
It depends -- masking a flag will normally use an AND instruction, which will execute quickly (~1 cycle) once the data is in a register. Loading 64 bits of data from memory will generally be slower than loading 32 bits of data -- but if you're using more than 32 flags, you'll have to load more than 32 bits of data anyway, and handling the masking in one cycle will improve speed over doing it in two or three instructions. Whether any of this makes a difference to overall speed will generally depend on surrounding instructions -- for example, if the data is already in the cache anyway, you may not need to load it from memory.
In other words, it's difficult to make generalizations -- you just about have to look at a specific code sequence (not just one instruction, but a whole sequence) to say anything -- and the result for that sequence may not mean much about another sequence that initially looks almost identical.

Why 24 bits registers?

In my work I deal with different micro-controllers, micro-processors and DSP processors. Many of them have 24-bits registers and counters.
I know how to use them, this is not my question.
My question is why do they have 24-bits register! why not make it 32 bit?
and as I know, it is not a problem of size, because the registers are already 32bits, but have maximum of 0xFFFFFF.
Do this provide easier HW implementation? Faster calculations?
Or it is just "hmmm, lets put 24-bits registers to make the job of programmers more hard"?
My guess is that most DSP applications simply don't need 32-bits. Digital audio uses 24-bits fidelity the most. Implementing 32-bits would require more transistors thus would result in higher costs.
Why would 32 bits be easier for the programmer?
Also, you state that the registers have a maximum of 0xFFFFFF, which makes them 24-bits by definition, not 32-bits as you suggest.
There is no particular reason for 8/16/32/64 bits. There are 24 bit DSPs, 18 bit PICs, 36 bit PDP... Each bit costs time, money and power so having enough bits is good enough. No need to over do it. Just look at the original PCs with 20 adress lines, even though the memory pointers could be up to 32 bits.
Tagging onto Tomas' answer, some DSPs have a register mode where overflowing locks the value at the highest state. If the data is 24-bit and it rolls over to the 25th bit, it should lock there, not at the 32-bit rollover.
For audio you would typically want 16 bit output. Since you lose some precision during processing they pick a reasonable size that is somewhat bigger than 16 bit, which happens to be 24 bit.
The reason not to go to full 32 bits is that that would need substantially more hardware, especially for multiplication.
